• 'Pimaji, 24th Septt!mber, 1970 (Asvina 2, 1892) SERIES III ~"<?~i~b OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU ~" ,\".- - n~ __ .>s_.~--."">~ .. ~--. Veluz. Xelopo-Curdo, Xelopo-Buzuruco, Zaranim, Zormem of GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN Satari Taluka in addition to the 27/38/29/39/8,/31/53 vil­ lages of Pernemv'Bardez/Bicholim/QuepemjCanacona/ponda AND DIU and Sanguem Taluka~, published in the General NotificaA:ion No. LS/CS/l/65 dated 21-9-1965, published in the Govern­ ment Gazette, III Series, Nos. 28 and 29 dated 7 .. 10-1965 Revenue Department and 14-10~1965 and Series nos 20' and ~1 dated 17-8-1967 and 24-8-1967 and LS/CS/40/2890 d"ted 10-7-1968 published Directorate of Land Survey in the Government Gazette Nos. 16 dated 18~7-1968 and 17 dated 25-7-1968 and No. LSj211 dated 13-1-1969 publlshed Schedule organized as per article 51 in the Government Gazette, III Series, No. 43 dated 23 M !-1969 of Decree no. 3602 dated 24-11-1917 and III Series, No. 44 dated 30-1-1969 and LS/CSj2076 dated 12-5-1969 published in the Government Gazette, ill Series. 'Name of the applicant - Malji Jairam Kambli, of Vareonda­ No. 15 dated 10-7-1969 and Series No. 29 darted 16-10-1969 ~Pernem. and LS/CSv'5020 dated 16-10-1969 published in't!1e"Govern­ Designation of the plot - Govt. plot known as «Dadachi ment Gazette, m Series, No. 31 dated 30-10-19~~~ . ,Vad» or «Dadacho Tembo» applied on emphyteusis bY Malji Kambli. Now therefor'e in pursuance of the prov~sioA~ ;pk~~a~a,s-::. tral Surv~ Rules Leg. Diploma No. 764 of 26-11 .. 1Jf34 read Situation of the plot _ Situated at Varconda of Pernem with the Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Tenancy Act. Taluka. 1964 and R1lle 5 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Agricultural Boundaries - W-est: Govt. land of Balgo Gopal Parab; Tenancy (Revenue Survey and Record of Rights) Rul~.s, 1967, South: Plot «Carac"a» of Satu Vith Parab and others; notice is hereby given to all land ownerS/usufructuaries/ East: Plot «Shemyache Adavan» of Vishnu Ganesh Desai assignees of Government «Comunidade» or Religious Institu­ and others; North: Plot «Vadda» of Rajendra Wasudeo tions lands with - concurrence of respective lessees/tenants Deshprabhu of Pedne. and bordering neighbours, that they should demarcate their Area: 4.2850 square metres. Annual ground rent. Rs. 3/-. holdings within 30 days from the second publication of this , notice in the Government Gazette by any of the ~~mowing Directorate of Land Survey, in Goa, 14th September, methods;- :1970. - The Director, V. N. Kulkarni. a) Walls. (2nd time) b) Permanent Fences. c) Bunds dressed with stones with at least 0.50 rots. Notice height. d) Regular stones with 50 ems. X 22 ems. X 22.CJns. (Notice No. LS/CS/ e) Clear and distinct marking on permanent marks if Whereas it has been decided to take up the Cadastral any existing along the boundary line. Survey work of Ambelim, Adsulim, Aquem, Assolna, Benau­ lim, Betalbatim, Calata, Cnmorlim, Cana. Carmona, Cavelos­ sim, Cavorirn, 'Chandor, Chlnch'iD'im, Colva, Cuncolim, Cur­ The par-ties above are further directed to be presenf at site at the time of survey and furnish the follo~1ng data torim, Davorlim, Deussua, l>1t:a!p<ue, lJ1'aILlapur, Uullt:Olll..I1, Gandaulim, Gonsua, Guirdolim, Loutulim, Macasana, Majorda, as required under the Cadastral Survey Rules. Margao, Mulem, Nagoa, Navelim, Nuvem, Orlim, Paroda, a) Name or names of the plots. Raia, Sarzora, Seraulim, Sernabatim, Sirlim, Talvorda, Te­ laulim, Utorda, Vanelim, Varca, Velim, Verna, Veroda of b) Nature and quality of the crops. Salcete Taluka and Arossim, Cansaulim, Chicalim, Chicolna, c) Name, reSidence, Parent's name and profession of Cortalim, Cuelim, Dabolim, Issorcim, Pale, PJanalto de Mor­ the larrdowner. mugao, Quelossim, lSancoale, Vadem, Vasco da Gama, Mormu~ gao, Velc;'.ao of Mormugao Taluka and Azossim, Ambari~, Barn­ d) Name, reSidence, profession,of the lessee, tenant and boUm, Banguenim, Batim, Calapor, Capao, Caraim, Caram­ exploiters. bolim, Chimbel, Chorao, Cidade de Goa (Panaji), Combarjua, CorUm, Cujira, Curca, Durgavadi, Ella (Old Goa), Gancim, e) Ground rent and any other encumbrance which be Gandaulim, GoaUm-Moula, Goa Velha, Goltim, Jua, Malar, fall the land. Mandur, Mercurim, Morombim-o-Grande, Morombim-o-Pe-. f) System of natural and artificial irrigation. queno, Murda, Naroa, Navelim, Neura-o-Grande, Neura-o­ -Pequeno, Panelim, Renovadi, Siridao, Talaulim de Santana, g) Aotual use of Urban plots. Taleigao of TIhas (Panaji) Taluka and Advoi, Ambedem, Ambeli, Ansolem, Anjunem, Assodem, Birondem, Bombedem, h) Nature of dispute and litigations over possession of Buimpal, Carambolim-Brama, Carambol1m-Buzuruco, Ca­ ownership of the plots. ranzol, Choraundem, Codal, Codvol, Codiem, Codqui, Com­ i) Documents on which enjoyment and ownership, rights pordem, Conquirem, Cotorem, Cudcem, Cumarconda, Cur­ are based their inscription ano description to the chirem, Dabem, Damocem, Davem, Derodem, Dongurli, Edo­ property register's office (Certidao ~a inservi.c;ao rem Go]auli Gonteli Govanem, Guleli, Gululem, Ivrem-Buzu­ -descric;ao No. conservatoria de reglsto P!edlal) ruc~, Ivrem:Curdo, 'Maloli, Malpona, Maulinguem, Melauli, and Revenue Certificate (certidao da matrlz pre­ uz Mauxi, Morlem, Nagargao, Nagvem, Naneli, Nanorem, Nan , dial). Ona, Onda, Pale, Padeli, Pendral, Pissurlem,_Podoce.m, Pono­ cem ponsuli Portem, Quelaudem, Querim, Ravona, Rlvem, Sa­ The parties whose holdings remain to be demarcated, after .-leli, ' sanvorc~m, -Sanvordem, Satorem, Satrem, Sigonem, Siran­ the expiry of the period, will be intimated to be presen~ at guli, Sirsodem, Siruli, Sonal, Sonus-Vonvoliem, Surla, Ustem, the site on the prescribed date to complete the demarcatlon, Vaguriem, Vainguinim, Valpoi-Massordem, Vantem, Velguem, • • BERlES. (IlNo. $Ii failing to do so it will be carried out by this Department State PWD/M.E.S.jRailway.s, upto 15.15 houns on 3rd Ootober- and the- cost of the boundary marks increased by 25% thereof 1970, for" the following work. will be recovered from them. Sr. Description Estimated Earnest Time limit All persons having any right, interest or claim over pro­ No. cost money perties in Salcete, Mormugao, nhas and Satari Talukas in Rs. Rs. the above mentioned villages, or are to act for persons so interested, are hereby called upon to appear personally or 1. Supply of G.I and 89,898/- 2,250/- 20 days from by authorized· agent before the survey party in charge of G.M. fittings the 15th Cadastral Survey in the area, to state the nature of their (Original quality) day after interest in the Land and particulars of their claim supported required for wa~ the dat~· by documentary evidence. ter supply sys­ of written tem. order to· DlrectQrate of Land Survey. in Goa, 18th _ September, commence mO.-The Director, V. N. Kulkarni. the sup­ ply. ... Tenders will be opened at 15.30 hours on the same day . Earnest money shown'" against work should be depo-· sited in the State Bank of India or any Scheduled Bank -in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt and enclosed it with the Food and Civil Supplies Department tender. Conditions and tender forms' can be had from this Office upto 4.30 p. m., on 1st October, 1970 on all working days on payment of Rs. 5/- (Non-refundable) per each item Public Works Deportment in cash. If required by post an amount of Rs. 2-50 Ps. wil!l be· charged extra. The tender of the contraotors who do not deposit earnest Tender Notice no. WDJll/ADM-s/7/70.71 ~oney in the prescribed manner will be summarily rejected. Right to reject any 'Or a1'1 the tenders without assigning­ The ,Executive Engineer, Works Division TII, PWD, Panaji any reason therefore is reserved. Goa, invit~s on behalf of the President of India, sealed Item Rate .. T~ders from approved and eligible contractors of Panaji, 14th September, U)70. -The· Executive Engineer,~ C.P :~;.!> .. :an.d those of appropriate list of Union Territories/ B. V. KhanoZkar. Works Oivi$ion V Tender notice no. HI;!27/70-71 The Executive ·Engineer, Works Division V, (H&I) of approved and eligible contractors of Goa, P. W. D. upto· P. W. D.,- iPanaji-Goa, .invites on behaJf of the President 3 p. m. on 30th 'September, ·1970 for the below mentioned_ of India sealed percentage/item rate tenders from works. Cost of Estimated Earnest Time limit Sr. No. Name ot the works tender amount in Rs. money in Rs. in days in Rs. Item rate tenders: 1. Lift irr1gation scheme at ISal-Bicholim ................... _. 1,05,854-20 2647/- 150 10/- 2_ Construction of open type bandhara of Bandhya Bandh at NetorIim-Sanguem ................................... _..... 40,159-95 1004/- 90 5/- Percentage rate t~nders: 3. Construc~ion of bandhara Mattu Vaigan 'banah at Bol- ~ condo - Taluka Quepem ............... _...................... 34,430-50 860/- 90 5/- 4. Remodelling of sluice gate of Magil Tolem of Shiroda ,Village, Ponda ....... _................................ _......... .. 26,737-40 670/- 75 5/- 5. Construction of open type bandhara at Khajre Thane, Valpoi ................ _............. _................................ 15,089-13 380/- 60 5/- 6. Construction/ of open type bandhara at Lopadre Thane Valpoi ................................................................. 14,647-53 366/- 60 5/- 7. Construction of open type bandhara at Khodgini Surla, Bicholim ............................................... _............ 11,048-12 276/- 60 5/- Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m., on the same day. The tender of the contractors who do not deposit earnest­ The 'earnest money sheuld be deposited in the State Bank money in the prescribed manner will be summarily rejected. of India, Panajl-Goa and receipted challan sent with the Right to. reject any or all the tenders is reserved without tender or in the form of deposit at call ef the scheduled Bank.
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