Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 1-23-1997 The Observer Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "The Observer" (1997). CWU Student Newspaper. 2045. https://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/2045 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Thursday, January 23, 1997 Observer Tip Line serverCentral Washington University Central Super Bowl L'fE rN ABE powerlifter \-\E~~ combines 963-1073 Party Preview Bugs, oN BUGS Observer@ strength and cwu.edu Pg.6 Bugs, discipline Bugs. See Pg. 9 AtAGlance Central celebrates Dr. King Additional position [of the crowd]," he said. parking by Michael Bellamy The rally began with a recording of available Asst. News editor "The Star Spangled Banner," followed by Carmen Lehman's rendition of The J-8 parking lot next to "He lit the fire; we maintain the "Lift Every Voice and Sing," known , the SUB has been ~econ­ flame." as the black national anthem. structed to provide more park­ Seventy members of Central' s There were speakers representing ing. One section has remained community chanted and marched on many different campus and commu­ "thirty-minute only" parking. Jan. 16 to honor the life work of Dr. nity groups including the Black Stu­ The other section is for Central Martin Luther King, Jr. People rep­ dent Union, Gay And Lesbian Alli­ parking permits only. There is resenting diverse ethnic groups came ance, Movimiento Estudientil no parking allowed in the lot together to celebrate King's life. ChiCano Azlan, and the Native Ameri­ from 4 a.m. - 6 a.m. If you have "His 'life informed us; nis dre'atn·s . can Council among others. any questions, call the parking sustain us yet," Vice President for Stu­ Dr. Sawraj Singh, president of the coordinator ar 963-2667. dent Affairs Sarah Shumate said. Kittitas Valley Coalition for Human The march began at 11 a.m. by the Rights, was the first to speak. He said First ever financial Bassetties residence halls and traveled humanity had to live together or de­ the campus, ending in a march around stroy each other. · aid open house the inside of the SUB and upstairs to All spoke on the impact King's The Financial Aid Office is the SUB ballroom. · Some marchers work had on their lives and what so­ hosting a community open joined en route, some carried signs, ciety must do to carry on his dream. house 6 - 9 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. and all joined their voices as one to "When I think about Martin Luther 28, in Barge 115. Counselors honor the civil rights leader. King, Jr., I think of a man who opened will be available to assist stu­ "I felt very inspired," Ron Wash­ the door for me; who opened the door dents and parents with the Free ington, a Central student who works for us all," BSU president Lisa Allen Application for Federal Stu­ for Student Affairs, said. said. dent Aid and will have infor­ Washington said he had never Shawn Reese, who spoke for the mation about scholarship been a part of a march or rally before Native American Council, encour­ searches. and was glad for the opportunity. aged the crowd to "truly be our broth­ Leonard Edmond, of Residential ers' and sisters' keepers," while Jess Services, said despite the weather and Navarro, of MEChA, urged all in at­ Angry Housewives short time to prepare and advertise the tendance to "unite forces to fight rac­ ,~\\ ' ;~'~k\t -~ event, the turnout was good. ism and discrimination." Heather Zeise/Observer Tower Theatre presents this "I had no idea, being the first year, GALA president Kirk Loe began Dr. Sawraj Singh, president of the Kittitas Valley Coalition musical comedy of a group of how it·would go," he said. · his speech by singing "We Shall for Human Rights, was one of the many speakers at the housewives who form a rock Edmond said he was pleased to see Overcome" and continued with a Martin Luther King, Jr. rally. · group to supplement their in­ the diversity in ethnic background of poem on equality. she incorporated history and current taught us nothing else, it's that one comes while taking out their the attendees. Shumate was the last to speak. A issues into her -speech . person can make a difference," she frustrations. There are brunch "I felt really good about .the com- veteran of the civil rights movement, "If the civil rights movement said. supper and dinner perfor­ mances. Tickets must be pur­ chased in advance. For infor­ Getting a jump mation call the Tower Theatre Box Office at 963-1774. on the job market Dance lessons by David Henderson found their calling in life, there is a list Staff reporter of things they can do to help them­ Free Friday night dance les­ selves decide and get prepared. There sons are now being offered by Many students don't prepare for a are career exploration classes offered the Office of Residential Ser­ job until after they have graduated. each quarter, one-on-one counseling, Several shots were fired at Cam­ been previous problems between vices to anyone interested . They expect to have a career just wait­ and assessment tests to help pinpoint pus Courts trailer park early Satur­ the two parties. The lessons are in the SUB ing for them after college, when actu­ their talents and needs. day morning in whatthe Ellensburg The 15-year-old male, a former Ballroom. All classes are from ally they need to create a place for Once students have decided on Police department is calling a gang EJlensburg resident, was arrested 8 - 9:30 p.m. The schedule is: themselves in the working world. their major, they can explore oppor­ related incident. after an off-duty EPD officer spot­ Jan. 31 - Ballroom Dancing "I think students themselves nave tunities by using the resources in the The shooting, located in the·vi­ ted the suspects car around 4 a.m. Feb. 7 - Hip Hop Dancing good qualifications, but I still thirlk career library. Career and job infor­ cinity of 11th and Maple near the in the Yakima River Canyon. Feb. 21 & 28 - Country they rieect'a lot of help," Maxine · mation, work-related experience, and Bassetties residence hall complex, Back-up was called and the alleged Line Dancing Herbert-Hill; assistant director of the other hands-on education can be left no one injured and the shooting gunman was arrested along with a Mar. 7 - Hip Hop Dancing Career Development Office, said. "I found in any field, .but it's important suspect is now in a Yakima juvenile 17-year-old Ellensburg girl. don't think they're quite as astute on to start looking early to begin to stand dete.ntion facility with bail. set at The Ellensburg girl was ques­ how to transfer those qualifications out to prospective employers. $500,000. tioned and released. Classic Film into an application and becoming a "I think the biggest problem most According to EPD Sergeant A third suspect, a 17-year-old Brian McElroy, around 2 a.m. a Yakima male, is still.at large. Series viable candidate in the work force." of the time is lack of preparation. Stu­ For students who went straight to dents wait and wait for graduation and verbal exchange erupted between Last winter~ Maybin was The next film in the classic college after high school and haven't they don't prepare themselves for a 38-year-old trailer park resident charged and convicted in connec­ series is "The Last Seduction." experienced a full time job, the tran­ job," Randy Williamson said. Terry Maybin and three juveniles tion with an assault when he en­ It will show at 7 p.m., Jan. 28 sition from academic life to working For students who are already in after which the alleged shooter, a tered a Campus Village apartment in McConnell Auditorium. full time will definitely be tough. So their majors and have a focused direc­ 15-year-old Yakima male, fired at brandishing a pistol. He then shot This film stars Bill Pullman when should students start preparing tion there are valuable resources in the - Maybin. 30-year-old Kenneth Parker, and Linda Fiorentino. for a job? Right away. Sgt. McElroy added there had wounding him in the thigh. For students who have not yet See FUTURE/Page 3 - Page 2 Thursday, January 23, 1997 Observer Arson, assault and alcohol Monday, Jan. I3, 7:00 p.m. tion-type medicine. Offic­ A 39-year-old woman from the ers arrested and booked one Wahle complex called officers in a man present in the room, custodial interference case. Police re­ and cited the other man sponded when the woman's ex-hus­ who was not present at the band violated a court order by failing time of the arrest via sum­ to return their child after a scheduled mons. visit. Police contacted the 43-year-old man in Western Washington and Wednesday, Jan. 15, charged him with custodial interfer­ 11:25 p.m. ence in the second degree. by Aimee Peterson A 19-year-old male playing basketball at News editor Wednesday, Jan. IS, I2:SS a.m.· Nicholson Pavilion was Officers were dispatched to the X- struck in the head. He was 22 ·parking lot north of Student Village taken to the Student Health to a possible vehicle prowl.
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