Drawings Every Hour

Drawings Every Hour

"* MORNING ". SUNDAY ¦' .' Mil ' i j NOVEMBER 24 TUESDAY EVENING t'W' HAym I* NOVEMBER 26 6 AM 6 30 7 AM 730 8 AM 830 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 1030 11 AM 11:30 wwar *ulttw" F'<*1 WusNp His 0ay of James Kennedy To [Rirfief v.rMi" Mt ** -fiJl Sportsman Majesty v.<rv«y morrow Hour ut F**wjr Hero M«.* u- my Wi*1d To M.*» Brow tryrrNt JHL "«ortw» Nm Mow Hoc** laity M««Jes ¦ChfiM I 8ov,' y V f#k) Wand»«'«r>t erspecfrras CBS W«ky Mornng U Jan*-, Whed 'i» jST I Ttalay Answc Wdi w Wt/anrs i»ttie tmw» Forttne fgu «*?«, lUrtan S»*ier Ions I rtitrwng If Amenta MaU Brtrw* Barry WlsonTfravljgdite M<w Three it* (he Hum] tag* Rascals Rascals Top Ten Fort* | l^tj' MoiiV! MOfr* Sesame Street [Hornftrort Street Thrs 0W ***** Yankee Frugal Mystery V'ltf OT House WprV-h¦<) Gourmet |Adar" Club Gotf Jvnmy SwagQart Voice 0» * Hour ol CBS Far* the SalvationOf*' |Y(« Sunday Morang Amenr* GyMois JEL j Deliverance1> Natwr Movw Homy SIM» tn >«n » Mr,,. Fan ¦» « '*>, IDesign Call to s<! maixr: n, U'tMr Glory |Ar Oeatues Great aid V-V4 At UntufteMe Job for a Women B A f FW* -trrmr wf A;ige< JHL Isadora | Classes Small |A [rMV«5 IfTt^frrvjf Www House on - Vi i, |Bo/^y EvenrnQ J Cam* Slreet Ftoad to "fepa I T*>, Mow 4 A ttemr"1 |Ar Improv |M./v* . CsirJfy State M.tfer ..acr'hrir. .** 'wr m»f '<¦. -.k^ ^ a .,r#. *appmeSS for her [Madhouse [CrrA^rT Nfews Style OayBrea* and Heafthweeh | |f WHS D3yBr»M> G u*Je |Mur*i<ng Your Money On the Newsmaker NFL P*ev**» Noval Vrw, Menu Sunday Col Vft World Ir-ntali i Du.b*: SportsCerter idyS H-1 DuV.h (Jn!r<MifShit> p Ktp««j Baseba FSPN s School Sport Sports'Wee*fy Sports SporsCenter SpeedWeek Repm> H«J0eri (4 . Sett Improvement Self Gude improvement Gude Ivmg Wt* Pttyscian Fam Interna; Me»? Card«loyy Faff Roo»^ tHaneies Practice Update P-actite I ooney K«Js Court T jnr, [H"rhw*J> Gn«f> ACKR |M' Ed [Etreekas Count Danger Inspector Ren A Vo«# Castle Duckiia Orjug Rugnts Samte W'rt f Mouse Gadget >t»mpy Shorts Mrr/» Bkjn Fkalberi ,-/. ^ tAT-WmQ V';**--, try V> . VH> Clash of the World To K Wfttwi & l*' Flint 0' Fimi & Son Champos |n |1 [l Manet A/w?y IS, Happy (0' 3! Mcr/f 1 nxjrrow stones stones Gr'ttth Happy [< Runaway Sdbck Km/ A Days Dayn |Cm Vagp v [n*77*Vm Onx* and |0n Stage lOwu Speed World Trueto" USA T^jck Power IWmners Cha» [Wns'or Cup ] Mrtorsports Ba?>cn» |%BA '/¦M FVtftontiary II I to#: Kcimrfy Fraqgif Ror> Par^the' Popeyv ., Hour |Prk Buqs Bcnrvy and Pais Movie Paper Dots HMert Tewage 'as' -* ".uo tace enormous pressure Mirier. Sr* Wate M<w Fear City * Sereny^ £ iMacGyw My Sistef My Siste* C^iiope Cartoon Express Vw r'ort sTpper, SarTi Sam I Buttons (J^am of .lanme Mwar ies R Srhuller .Vhat r. nf Today fcu7 |^«r*a(>> Mass tor leave It to Mow Train Wrynp A erdnw fwr>ds *.** I Faith Shut Ins Beaver cowboys to recover stoten byherhusnarxj 13 '« Patd P»J Point ot Sunday Paid Ci«r? Ho»rr«s V»ew Pr'xrac Steamppe AJley Paw3 FMjQram F^ogratu Program Mass A Boy Named Charlie Brwm V'jjv and The Motorcycle Mcm* A«hon Mr>i wv D'jmfon s Pf*/ Mothe W/ard ot Otcus fraggte Rock lOonakJ Duck Movie Marry Adventures ol Wlnme !he Sehastiar s E Gonse 0/ P-esents Pooh P-vty Gras v?r, Honeymoon Academy « H95 Mov*c Bonfire o* *» VanrtJe* Movw Lasl American Hero A .. -r Whtch Way "istrevj ".ft .j 'nar *he* Bndges Babar W^ard ot IMow Atoyw i Hans A team of deep sea mmers aorees Carolina tnan become;, a dar. >q rat- .v cn.v' 'eluctantty Adventures >. * '. I .o aid the Navy on a rescue mission of Tmtjn Galipoii V iw /outtrtij flcaitsti Mow American V ?r-QE a-f. -^-.arattene t World War T^j®r Mov>e Police Academy 4 Clttwn on Move Cherry ?000 V Gnthth 4[ Patrol S i*,Kpftw ; Movie Youoq Gum II t fsfevv B-'V K< ^r. Command g>anc of rxitiaws ye pt.'rs.ied 5y ar arQry rancher Decteon Vrr^ Heart Condfton B HwJons Suo* Move Boys Town $ .V foc> Granpa IV ,-t A Town s Revenge We A' Have iMwie Eddie and the Cnksers II Eddie Uvesl Dave S^W TV of Marvin Gan)em j 1 fryy Tales j M Pyy King Ntctolsan IVwe Cherry ?000 V Grrf^fr? A Vale Uorv .«/>- '.*.»¦ ;<a. / <? -y <. rooo' *** "* AFTERNOON SUNDAY 199t TV f - L'St'nq 'nc t ^prth. TX NOVEMBER 24 WEDNESDAY t. even'ng NOVEMBER 27 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 PM VAY B' low, ty> Wot-. Tennis 6 6 30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Sheridan Th.s Week With Davx; P*d Focus WWA> »8 W*"1? 0* Bnnkley P'oya" 'firv. Onoum MT; 'Or*- Anniversary "vi Aa". Aner*o Hal ECT Oean Smjtti NFL Live NFL Foothaii NFL Foottw!' Ft/fj* ST Money for Noting NBC Vw Show Who 5 the WBTW Sparky NFL Today NFL foottiati Cosby UnsoNed Mystenes N^jht Cot/* |Se»r*etc t>ja~v i.eac 3' Tor»ght woods CBS Spots Speoai TEL Boss' Show r,BS Ne«r, Wheel o' ja«e ar< * Ths Wee* With David s Jtoopvdy* Brooklyn Roya1 Famrfy *he atTna*- ir Hf>^, News Scene of the Women Tern - fortune WjlJVD Bnrwley Movie Head h a Lonefy Hunter .. Art A gooc narjred :> a* " 3ncqe Cnme enhances trie lives o* those around h.m WTVD ABC \»H-, Jeopardy4 W*e o' D*no«ur> Fmng Line McLaughin N C Week I Brown I V^. tOP* Annr/e^sar/ Cv' Aa's GfOup Tony Welcome to Collectors IWoodwnght iHometime Wson SWetme North Caro Fortxe Money Noting M, Studo Cooks i>na Pwopte WUNJ V*f»Mo*/ Bus Report Newton Land of me Paid Today 'JFL Foctba''. 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