AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ROLES OF FRERE AND CETSHWAYO IN BRITISH HEGEMONISTIC AMBITIONS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA WHICH LED TO THE DESTRUCTION AND FRAGMENTATION OF THE ZULU STATE BY THE ANGLO­ ZULU WAR OF 1879 By ANGELO NICOLAIDES Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of D. Phil in the subject HISTORY at the UNIVERSITY OF ZULULAND (Kwa-Dlangezwaj Promoter: Professor J. de Villiers February 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Page Dedaration ii Abstract iii Key words describing the topic of the thesis ix Preface x Maps xi Photographs xiv Glossary xvi Abbreviations used in the footnotes xvii Introductory quotation xviii Introduction Chapter 1 The Confederation Scheme of Lord Carnarvon 23 Chapter 2 Antagonists - Britain, the Zulu and the Boers 62 Chapter 3 Sir Bartle Frere and the invasion of Zululand 95 Chapter 4 Cetshwayo, the Zulu way of life and the path to war 207 Conclusion 248 Sources 250 • DECLARATION I declare that An assessment ofthe roles ofFrere and Cetshwayo in British hegemonistic ambitions in southern Africa which led to the destruction and fragmentation ofthe Zulu state by the Anglo- Zulu war of1879 is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references . • II UCAPHUNO Lombhalo (ithisisi) uchaza ngokungcwele ngezehlakalo ezaholela empini yama'Ngisi kanye no Zulu ngo 1879, kantl futhi ihlose ukuchaza, phakathi kokunye, ukuthi kungani lempi yabakhona. Nyako - ke uyongo yalolucwaningo ibhekiswe eqhazeni labathile okukhona ikakhulukazi u Lord Carnarvon, Theophilus Shepstone (unobhalaka Ndabazabantu wase Natal), u Sir Bartle Frere (uNkomisheni omkhulu) kanye no Cetshwayo ka Mpande (inkosi yakwaZulu). Lempi yango 1879 yaqubuka ikakhulukazi ngexa yezifiso zamaNgisi zokuziqoqela amazwe. U Frere wagunyazwa ngu Carnarvon ukusebenzisa umgomo woqoqano e Afrika engase Ningizimu. Vena ke wase egaya impi ngokwenza sengathi uMbuso ka Zulu ubu luhlupo ezweni elithethiwe (colony) lase Natal ebekufanele upheliswe phambi kokuthi loluqogano Iwenzeke. Ngako - ke u Frere wasebenzisa izehlakalo zemingcele, wase ehlombalaza isithunzi kanye nokubusa kuka Cetshwayo okunguyena omkhethe wamethula ngokuthi ungumphathi ophatha ngonya kanye nomcinelezeni. Ngokuphikisana nemiyalo esuka ku Sir Michael Hicks Beach enkantolo yabaphathi kanti futhi ewuhulumeni wamaNgisi, u Frere wathumela uganazithathe ku Cetshwayo obe ungekhe wamukeleke kuZulu uma ubheka indlela yokuphathwa kwakhe­ ubezolahlekelwa, okuyiyona ndlela yakhe yokuphila. Iningi lalezigameko zingazwakala kangconyana futhi kuhlaziyiwe ngokubheka esikathini sika khwini kanye nabagqugquzeli bokuphathwa kwamanye amazwe ngumbuso wama Ngisi okuyikona kuvelele esikhatini sikakhwini wokuthi amaNgisi ayevame ukuhumusha ngokungekona ezinye zezizinza eziyisisekelo sokucabanga nokwenza komu Afrika ikakhulukazi uZulu. Abakhakhwini abanjengo Frere,ngokusebenzisa awabo amagugu • ukubukeza,basebenzise izindlela lapha eNingizumu ye Afrika ezingahumushwa kuphela ngokuthi wuchuku, ngamanga futhi akungeni ndawo. U Frere ubenenhloso yokupheta futhi ethatela abantu pansi kanti ekhombisa ukuzidla kubaphathi bakhe kanyeno Zulu. Uzulu ubenowakhe umbono ocacile nyezinkinga zakhe kanye nalokho okungamagugu, amasiko, izinkolelo, ezepolitiki kanye nemigomo ngokomphakathi kanye nomnotho. III U Frere ubezimisele ukuqhuba ngokuthi ezakhe izinjongo eNingizimu ye Afrika futhi ezibona kunguyena ushampeni wobumbano lwamazwe. Phezu kwalokho uye wazikhohlisa ngokuthi abuke u Cetshwayo njengenkosi yezwe elisekelwe phezu kwemigomo yempi kanye wokusetshenziswa ngempoqo okuwukuphikisana nenkululeko ngempela. Kuyacaca ukuthi ubudlelwane phakathi kuka Cetshwayo wesizwe sakha kwakungeyona into elula bekuyinto ehlume ukusekela esikhatini sika Shaka futhi bamukelwe yiningi lesizwe ngaphandle kokungabaza. Noma u Zulu ebebonakala eyimpi kodwa 'lsizwe sona besingahleleli ukungena empini. Kungenxa yezimo ezadalwa ngu Frere ezabangela ukuthi UZulu agane esehlukana. Uma ufunda lombhalo (ithisisi) futhi ubheka amaphuzu ahluka hlukile kufanele njalo sikhumbule lemibuzo: Ingabe u Frere ubengumuntu oqothoyini ngezenzo zakhe noma ubehlose ukuzigqamisa yena ngokwakhe. kanti futhi uCetshwayo ubengumcindezeli ongumashiqela. IV ABSTRACT This thesis provides a detailed account of events leading up to the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879, and undertakes to explain inter-alia, why the war came about The focus of the study is thus on the roles of personalities including especially, Lord Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies), Theophilus Shepstone, (Natal's Secretary for Native Affairs), Sir Bartle Frere (the High Commissioner) and Cetshwayo kaMpande (King of Zu\uland). The war of 1879 arose out of predominantly British hegemonistic ambitions. Frere was entrusted by Carnarvon to implement a confederation policy in southern Africa. The latter consequently engineered a war on the pretext that the Zulu Kingdom was a menace to the Colony of Natal that had to be eliminated before confederation could be possible. Frere therefore exploited certain border incidents and maligned the character and rule of Cetshwayo whom he chose to label a tyrannical oppressor. Contrary to instructions from Sir Michael Hicks Beach at the Colonial Office and indeed the British Cabinet, Frere then sent an ultimatum to Cetshwayo that could not possibly have been accepted by the Zulus, given the nature of their polity - it would have lost its very way of life. Most of the issues can best be understood and analysed by looking at the Victorian Age and the promoters of British Imperialism. A salient feature of the Victorian Age was that Britons were by and large always likely to misinterpret some of the assumptions upon which African and indeed Zulu thought and actions were based. Victorians, such as Frere, by using their own set of values as the criteria for judgement, adopted postures in southern Africa which can only be interpreted as mischievous, false and irrelevant Frere was 'colonial' and patronizing and displayed an arrogance towards his superiors and the Zulus. Zulus had their own vivid perception of their problems, as well as their own sets of values, customs, beliefs , political and socio-economic structures. Frere was determined to manipulate events in southern Africa for his own ends and regarded himself as the champion of imperialism. He deluded himself further into regarding Cetshwayo as a monarch whose state was based on the institutions of militarism and forced labour- the very negation of liberty. It is evident that the relationship between Cetshwayo and his subjects was not a simple one but it was one which developed from Shakan times and which was clearly accepted by most subjects. V As militaristic as it appeared to be, the Zulu state was not planning to embark on a war. It was forced by circumstances created by Frere into one which culminated in its dismemberment In reading the thesis and considering the various factors we should constantly bear in mind the questions: Was Frere sincere in his actions or was he out for personal aggrandisement and to what extent was Cetshwayo an oppressive autocrat? • VI OPSOMMING Hierdie proefskrif verskaf 'n uivoerige ontleding van aspekete wat aanleiding gegee het tot die Anglo-Zoeloe 001109 van 1879 en ondemeem om te verduidelik, onder andere, hoekom die 001109 tot stand gekom het Die fokus van die studie is dus gerig op die rolle van persoonlikhede, veral Lord Carnarvon (Sekretaris van Staat vir Kolonies), Tehophilus Shpestone (Natalse Sekretaris vir Naturelle Sake), Sir Bartle Frere (Hoe Kommisaris) en Cetshwayo, seun van Koning Mpande van die Zoeloes. Die oorloq van 1879 het hoofsaaklik uit Britste hegemonistiese ambisies ontstaan. Frere is deur Carnarvon gestuur om 'n konfederasie-beleid in die Suidelike Afrika te implementeer. Laasgenoemde het bygevolg 'n oorloq aangestig op die voorwendsel dat die Zoeloe Koninkryk 'n bedreiger was vir die Kolonie van Natal wat ge-elimineer sou moes word alvorens konfederasie montlik kon wees. Frere he dus sekere grensgevalle uitgebuit en die karakter en regering van Koning Cetshwayo belaster wat hy verkies het om as 'n tiranieke onderdrukker te bestempel. Teenstrydig met opdragte van Sir Michael Hicks Beach en die Britse Kabinet, het Frere 'n ultimatum aan Cetshwayo en die Zoeloe Staat gestuur wat onmoontlik was om te aanvaar vanwee die aard van hulle regeringsvorrn - dit sou juis die hele Zoeloe monargie en Vvemietiq het Die ondel1iggende faktore kan die beste verstaan en ge-analiseer word deur te let op die Victoriaanse tyd en die bevorderaars van Britse Imperialisme. 'n Hooftrek van die Victoriaanse tyd was die Britse wanopvattings en vooroordele jeeris Zoeloe denke en optredes. Victoriane, 5005 Frere, het hulle eie kulturele waardestesel eensydig op die andersoortige Zoeloe tradisies toegepas en dit as geslepe, vals en irrelevant veroordeel. Frere se optrede teenoor die Zoeloes as patemalisties; dit is as arrogant vertolk deur , spesifiek die Zoeloe-Ieiers, maar ook die Zoeloe bevolking in die algemeen. Die Zoeloes het hulle eie duidelike persepsie van probleme gehad, sowel as hulle eie waardestelsel, gewoontes, gelowe, politieke en sosio-ekonomiese strukture. VII Frere was gedetermineerd om gebeurtenisse in Suidelike Afrika vir sy eie deeleindes te manipuleer en het homself beskou as die kampioen van imperialisme. Hye het Koning Cetshwayo beskou as 'n koning wie se staat gebaseer was op die instelling van militarisme en gedwonge arbeid wat vryheid ontken het. Dit is duidelik dat die verwantskap
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