special Christmas present by funding a Masonic Homes' deferred payment gift annuity naming him as the income bene­ ficiary. They fund the annuity with appreciated stock valued at $50,000 which they purchased years ago for $20,000. Under the terms they stipulate, annuity payments are not to begin until jeffrey is seventeen years of age. Under the college annuity option, when jeffrey becomes seventeen, the annuity will provide him in excess of $26,000 a year for four years. At the end of the four-year period, whatever is left in the annuity will be avail­ able for use by Masonic Homes. are ways that a gift to HO,mE~s can help fund your children's or To learn more about deferred grandchildren's college education? It's true! payment gift annuities, and other Let's take a look at how Brother Brown and his forms of tax wise charitable giving, wife, Elaine used one of these methods, the contact Fred D. Rissinger, Director of deferred payment gift annuity, to accomplish Development or john R. McFadden, this objective. Planned Giving Officer at the Masonic Homes. You can reach them by calling The Browns are the proud grandparents 800-599-6454 of jeffrey. In another month, just a few days after Christmas, jeffrey will celebrate his first birthday. In honor of this occasion they decided to present him with a {Please complete-----------------, and return this coupon) Dear Friends at Masonic Homes: 0 Please send me information about deferred payment gift annuities. THE GRAND LODGE F.&A.M. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID 0 Please send me information about making a will. OF PENNSYLVANIA at Elizabethtown, PA and 0 Please send me information about other gift planning opportunities. Masonic Homes Additional Mailing Offices 0 Please contact me about a personal visit or other assistance. One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022-21 99 0 I have already provided for the Masonic Homes in my will. Address Service Requested Name Address City State, Zip Phone MAIL THIS FORM TO: DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Fred D. Rissinger, Director of Development Masonic Homes One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 R.W. Grand Master Ernette The Grand Master's Message A _{ea£1eJ< ift r7Jttsi'nes8_, r5onmumity andJ~oFU;y years as R. W. Deputy Grand Master. [Following are excerpts from the message delivered by Brother ]ames L. Previously, he served the Grand Lodge as Emette following his installation as R. W. Grand Master, December 27./ R.W. Senior Grand Warden in 1994-95, and R.W. Junior Grand Warden in 1992-93. He Brethren: was a District Deputy Grand Master from 1987 through 199 I, and Worshipful Master It is a matter of great pride, tempered with humility, to have begun my Masonic My membership goal is realistic: It is NET of his Lodge in 1980. From 1982-86, he life humbly-as all brothers do in our Fraternity; to grow through the years with ZERO for 1998. served Grand Lodge in the appointed office the support of the brethren; and to be elected Grand Master of the largest, most Immediately we will launch a renewed of Senior Grand Deacon. He has served as prestigious, most progressive Grand Lodge in North America. I am truly grateful. effort for membership development ... the President of the Pennsylvania Masonic With the honor of office comes a level of responsibility. I realize the seriousness called "The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania's OVERTURE Program for Membership Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and of my obligation, and take the charges seriously. I accept the challenges, and I Development and Membership Retention Through Excellence in Leadership." ... Alcohol Abuse Among Children and on the promise my dedicated service. We'll refer to it "the short way" and simply call it our "OVERTURE" Program. Board of Directors of the National Masonic (Please see "OVERTURE" article on Page 6), Foundation for Children. It remains most important in our great fraternity, founded on the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, that we uphold our fervent trust in Him and With the help of our District Deputy Grand Masters, we have enlisted 58 energetic In York Rite Masonry, he is a member of proceed in our labors with faith and confidence. It is my vision that, with a professionally talented Masons (with significant experience in business and service Valley Royal Arch Chapter No . 289; common resolve, the more than 150,000 Masons in our 485 lodges across the to customers) to be District Chairmen for Membership Development. They will ]ames L. and Brenda Ernette Excelsior Mark Lodge No. 216; Oliver Commonwealth will demonstrate, personally and actively, the vitality of assist lodges with membership development and retention programs, and help Council No. 13, Royal and Select Masters; Freemasonry among the brethren in their lodges, throughout the fraternity, with implement the "Overture Program". I firmly believe that if these Brethren have The new Grand Master, 52, is a retired Pennsylvania and Kedron Commandery No. 18, Knights Jay Ernette, owner and their families, and in their communities. made things happen in their own businesses, they can make it happen for State Policeman, a successful businessman, an active Templar. He is a member of Constans President of Unity Printing, is Freemasonry. community leader, and a busy Mason. Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, Every Grand Master comes into office with programs unique unto his adrninis· Johnstown, and York Rite College, Golden an active, successful business­ Rather than ask a few to do a lot, I am asking a lot to do ONE THING: REPLACE tration. I am confident that you will find the programs on our Trestleboard He is the Owner and President of Unity Printing Co., Triangle No. 32, Pittsburgh. YOURSELE I mean that each of you be the recommender of at least one man in the Latrobe area. vital, exciting, and progressive. Some are new and some are Latrobe. He was a Pennsylvania State Police Trooper worthy man to join you in lodge. If you do that, we will surpass my He is a member of the Scottish Rite bodies in enhanced; but, all are aimed at continuing to build our Fraternity. from 1967 to 1984. He is a graduate of Hempfield goal of NET ZERO. Area Senior Hi gh School; Point Park College, the Valley of Pittsburgh, including The THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON® When you look at the 1998 Grand Master's Medallion, you'll Gourgas Lodge of Perfection, Pennsylvania VOL. XLIV, DECEMBER 1997, NO. 5 When you get home, you should have a new, Masonic calendar Pittsburgh; and the Pennsylvania State Police see the definition of my vision in four words: Publication No., USPS 426·140 in the mail. With it is a personal letter from the Grand Master Academy. Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Pittsburgh FAITH, FAMll.Y, FRATERNITY, COMMUNITY Special issue of 1997 of The Pennsylvania asking for your help- your active support And, with it is a Chapter of Rose Croix, and Pennsylvania He and his wife, Brenda (Smith), have a daughter, Consistory. He was coroneted a 33° Mason Freemason® atlhe Masonic Homes, I don't have to recount the many changes in the world as copy of a petition. Simply, I am asking each Pennsylvania Elizabethtown, Pennsyl vania. Lisa, the wife of Bro. G. Joseph Frederick, and a in Boston in 1996. we approach the new millennium. .. There are changes Mason to accept one personal assignment from your Grand granddaughter, Ashley Frederick. The Ernettes are that we have to make if we are to progress into the Third Master: Tell one worthy friend about Freemasonry, and when members of The Charter Oak United Methodist Bro. Ernette is a Shriner in Syria Temple, GRAND loDGE OFFICERS Millennium . ... changes that have to be made at the grass he asks, present him with the petition, then lead him along the Pittsburgh; a member of Caravan Eight, james L. Emelle, R. W. Grand Master Church, Greensburg. Robert L. Dluge, Jr., R. W. Deputy Grand Master roots level - by the backbone of this great Fraternity - by rewarding travels of Freemasonry. You'll both be glad you did. A.A.O.N.M.S.; and The Royal Order of Marvin A. Cunningham, Sr., R. W. Senior Grand Warden the Masons in their Blue Lodges. Bro. Ernette was elected Grand Master during the We will continue to award a purple Grand Master's Team jacket to Jesters, Pittsburgh Court No. 2. He is a William Slater II, R. W. Junior Grand Warden Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge in Marvin G. Speicher, R. W. Grand Tre11surer Nothing will take a higher priority for me than Membership member of the PIN Club, Pittsburgh, and a brother who is a first-line signer of a petition for a new Mason. This Philadelphia on December 3 after having served two Thomas W. jackson, R. W. Grand Secretilry Development and Retention. We are in a people business. We want to applies to all the first-time, first-line signers since the beginning of Past Grand L.A.M.A.S. Club in Latrobe. In 1987, l).e continue our good works as a fraternity - to make good men better and serve Master George Hohenshildt's term. was the Grand Tall Cedar of Westmoreland THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON COMMITIEE our fellow men and communities. The only way we can do that is with a stable Forest No. 77, and is a member of Islam Blai ne F. Fabian, Chairman and Editor Brenda and I will host a Pennsylvania Freemasons' trip to Hawaii in February, 1999. and progressive membership. Grotto, M.O.V.P.E.R, Pittsburgh. Lu ther ).
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