IN. J. Tactics THE WEATHER OVER Zone Case In Colonia THE WEEK-END In Sewaren WDODHRIIX'iE. N ,1.. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1047 i By wire from l;. S. Wttthcr VOL. XXXIX- No. 34 PRICK FIVr. CKNTS Bureau, Washington) Mnl^r^rt HH Kfroml Olnun Matter Stir Fight Tluir*.ln> Is Settled at the Post Office, Wooiihrlilffo, N. .7, <Mi SIffcI. Wii lilK', N J Todir ,,, , Cloudy and cool this afttr- IrespaKH (Jiarge is; noon with utront noHh to north - Board OKs Compromise wind*. Hlgheit Conference In the low «0'i. Clearing and But Minftrily Group I P Putting Their Sunday School Lessons into Practice cooler tonight with lowwt near 1 Promised Monday «0 dMtrrm. Mav Put Up Battle Tomorrow i riii iirivupup* f | coi.ONIA Wilh resentment : running hliih over the manner In F»lr with eonitderablr nun- ! WOODBRIDOE—After weeka of lor I riiscuMion. pro and con, the Board A huh thr Blntr HiRhway Depart- . Hiii.Jnl, nklrh Rhlnr and rather cool with high- j nf Adjustment la.it night voted incut is allegedly appropriating , est temnrrttur* near (I. ', unanimously to recommend to the liuul (tii its new parkway regard- Saturday and Sunday 'Township Committee that the less of ownership. The INDEPEN- I,,,n 11 <> w urc you try- Outlook IK for partly cloudy Royal Petroleum Corporation, Be- OFNT-I.KADER today was insured weather becoming warmer on i 11,( Inch rnst of livinn? warcn. DP permitted to erect four llur, ;i i nnffiTiire will br hold In Sunday. Chance of frost In thr additional tank.1* and the Town- riminii Monday umonK tup Irvcl Vjnlerior of New .renwy Saturday ship acrrpt H riocrl which would ,-. .li. .illici.il-. m an efTnrt to insure pvo- morning. rfratr a "buHr; park" in Sewaren laurels iIM-11 111 o( thr full rights nf Ihr to prevent further encroachment 1 l.i-y not l,o iniipci tv-m\ lifrs of industry into thc residential buy as much as Aii'iihoi cliarHc of trcspassuv. Masquerade Breakfnnt section f used to, and I 'v;i'; undo in A letter to Spencer study the ads Millrr. Jr.. Rtnto Hlghwty Com- Planned by Fellowship Althouith thc majority appeared in the pnper to miv-i-'ni-r by Mrs. Alveda Suit who , In be in favor nf thr Board's dfcl-' dud less rxprn- inime: thiil "R Kreat amount nf WOODBRIDOE -- PUnn for a ; slnn a spokesman for the minority 1 masquerade ball on Novrmber I indicated he would have a dfiiefra- :;ivf plnces to il.iiii.iKo Ifi Ihr land and to the VlTIT madc hy llle Tllnlly Y(nmc Jnn shop. We've ire-' •niil -hrubhcrv" on her IIIOD t P'^senl fit the next meeting erty ltd boon committed Mr. Epic's Fellowship Rt Its meetinii of the Township Committee. Octo- (ouiid oat that had boon committed. Mis Sun(tRy The ,flBjr ,wlJ1 be held bn fi. to urge a veto. ' by ciitltiB more Suit, whose letter WOK dated Sep- nt thr parish house and tickets Llls, nlKlu.. ww(on W(H ^gllpd si)»nhctti, mac- '• irmhei 'M, wrote to Commissioner may br purchased from James fol 8 (Vr|,M.k j,,,, md no, (ironi, mid po- : Miller: begin t' - tip mil II this mn'in, I hirer nnt SWcy, OLdwllte Avenue or Joan unt>l ,(WI> lmm |ater CnMit4, Uilofii wo don't Mt C Churc1 c h Street. use us much i iin official notification by any \ . !.^._l" . _._.>. ..jcrwifmaii of thr board^pologiied ollicnil nf thr State of New Jersey Arrangements were also mane i „, ,,,0 ^WRITII ,iPiogftuon for infill, the high- tnr a rorpwHtr communion break-; M^y sfmm lt .was necessftrJ r.,t item on our ;i.s In wliRt Innd you Intend to I like nor have I even hRd thefust, at the parish house October 5. clral m, m.lttr;s m tne fat» i its compara- I Mill" iim:trsy of notification that you A talk on "NursesTraining" was -jUl> pioprr|y ,fortn e cil more fish were coming Into the property. clvcn by Miss PhilllsBtnrfett. Free-: wm ,lm trnm ow ^^ ln ^ tore. We a IT • IV After von had trespassed on the i m'ul „ ., , _ ... Bt tho B*UH easterly direction inrluding hlfjh I as before, but property. I was Informed by a M,. I more Hospital. Baltimore. .MlM, and low ttiUpi .land ajj the end of mi; as much for it. Whi-tfhrnd, who purported to be n •FM-rir KlrffT.- 1+2 roft -widr on W mine down, I'm representative (if your department, were in charge of south side of 'Frrry Btrm."-"MrT my present prac- These voiinRsters of the Kirst I'resbvlerian Church Sunday School urc shown with n heifer they purchased from the New Jersey Heifer that you wished to put « mad Chase continued, "At tho last Project and which will lie sent to devastated Europe in the verv ne;ir future. Holding the animal Is William Srhuler, Kingston farmer, through." RKTl'RNH TO COLLEGE meetinR there was n question re- who takes care of the cows shipped from all over the country until they arc sent tn needy families in Europe. Money for the project was This complaint is similar tn WOODBRIDOE — Stephen Rardmt: the noitherly side of Ferry raised entirely by the children during the summer months. others which have been made on Unuvary, Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. j Street. The deed lias been changed the same subject Commissioner Stephen J Unnvary. 74 Coley j so that It now reads that if any one Miller, who is attending a confer- Street, has returned Ui Cornell block'out of three possible blocks) I don't, buy 2 Main St. Sums Presbyterian Youngsters Donate'jVotc Machine Use ence of hiRhway officials -in New University. Mr. Ungvary is enter- 100 feet deep is changed to indus- less Hum 1 used York this week, could not be reach- inn his junior year in the School trial zone the property will revert ed. An aide, however, promised that of Civil Engineering. During the to the Vulcan Detinnlng Company, in. but I try to j the matter had been called to his not the Royal Petroleum " keep my cx- Announce Changes j Heifer to Aid Europe's Hungry 'Election' Feature summer vacation he was employed attention and that the parley Mon- in the Township Engineering DP- \ P r n s r s down. Sees Permanency day would attempt to iron out the partmont. i Tlic chairman further stated MY husband lsjPuhlix Drug Flans OYHV Local Children Save /'//touched by the generosity of yours. To Be Highlight In Bigdifficulties. This newspaper advised that he did not believe that with nnn' "and we' H o III C ; ('JirifttfllHeilV Pennies in Ordet U) "The children take care of the 1 Commissioner Miller's representa- GAS STATION ENTERED , the deed ns it now reads that any- cow every day on the pasture, her 'Boys and Girls' Weflk tive of the bitter feeltnc which had WOODBRIDQE —Twenty dol-jone could upset the "intention of like fish, so that To Expand Quarters | Allieviate Suffering • milk is excellent and our whole been engendered by the continued lars in change and several pack-1 the Township to create a park helps us out a Slated October 8-15 j family is full of (tratitu'de for the offensive tactics of the department apes of cigarettes were stolen out: as a bufler against the encroach- lot: We Hlwa-ys- in movinR road machinery into Two mi»jori WOODBWBOfi--- "fiwi-ereirt-frtft-.—An»a—HwvoUwwar-30-i•- W-QQDBR1DGE -..5tudcn]1i.oi; 0l the, Suno^aasJJUUon, Ambujlment of. industry^'. i havc plenty of construction projects by two Main Rbidetli fiiith. hope and charity, j Zabreh near Hlucia, Silasia." | WoodbridRe Hish'School a"""pWate"owner's'property while Avenue"find Campbell Street, iastj HowHrd"TuTreftbhV"aXXo"i'rfPr*5nft 4 (rrsh - CBUght Street business firms arc now un- ihcse three; but the Rreatest nf \ a chance to apply the theory of negotiations either were pending niRht. The thieves entered the; secretary of the board, Informed lish. There are derway according to an announce- thesthose is charity." i / e c citizenship they have learned in (Continued on Paqe 8) i building by bteakins a window.; the delegation that the "deed af- Lucfc ' fords you all the protection we (inly three in ment made today. , ; TnThee younRsyounRstericrss ooff ththee FirsFirstt | » Spouse Separute- their various courses on October : family, so Thc joint statement was made by , Presbyterian Church Sunday ] So How Lucky Is Luck i 8 to 15 when Boys' and Girls' Week can possible put. into it and it I still try to spokesmen for Chrlstenscn's De-i School have learned their lessons i will br sponsored by thc Wood- would be foolhardy for anyone to ! Trucks to Collect on Saturday •atting down our partment Store and Publix Drug-! well and proved they have the bridne Lions Club. buy land on the north side of WOODBRIDGE — SpuiReon Ferry Street to try to have it re- n by the use of store. The latter has started con-' true Christian spirit. For on Sun-! Luck, 23, 113 Pulton Street, has ; Voting machines, used in regular zoned for Industrial purposes in dishes as spa-struction on a new store on the day they purchased a heifer from j to Rive his wife, Susie, $50 to Ret : Township elections, have been se- For Local Polish Relief Gifts lot next to Its present establish- the New Jersey State Pair Project j the- face of thc deed." l only hope back to her home town of Cin- cured for thc event and in pre- C.
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