SHOW TIME RadioClassics (SiriusXM Ch. 148) gregbellmedia.com June 7th - June 13th, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9pm 12mid Inner Sanctum 9/27/48 Basil Rathbone Birthday This Is Your FBI 5/4/51 The Whisperer 9/2/51 Michael Shayne 1950s Screen Director's Gerald Mohr Birthday 9pm 12mid Prev The Molle Mystery Theatre Sherlock Holmes 3/26/45 This Is Your FBI 6/22/51 The Chase 4/19/53 Peter Chambers 5/11/54 Bachelor Mother 3/8/51 Philip Marlowe 9/26/48 Prev Night Night from March 28th, 1947 Sherlock Holmes 9/3/45 Broadway's My Beat 11/26/49 Night Beat 11/3/50 Dragnet Big Kid 11/10/53 BobCummingsLucille Ball The Whistler 3/20/49 Dimension X 7/1/50 Tales Of Fatima 5/21/49 Tales Of Texas Rangers Police Headquarters 1932 Dragnet Big Key 10/26/54 Suspense 11/16/44 Philip Marlowe 9/8/50 Dimension X 6/17/51 Jack Benny Prgm 4/9/44 From July 15th, 1950 Suspense 9/23/42 The Whistler 2/19/50 11pm 2am Mary Lansing B-Day Judy Garland Birthday Gunsmoke Big Con 5/16/53 Campbell Playhouse Yours Truly, Johnny It's Higgins, Sir 8/07/51 Jack Benny Prgm 12/6/42 11pm 2am Prev The Whistler 9/4/49 "Babes In Arm's 11/9/41 Gunsmoke Army Trial 6/25/55 Jack Benny In June Moon Dollar Marathon Dec 1955 Dennis Day Show 6/23/48 Fibber McGee 11/25/47 Prev Night Night The Whistler 5/14/50 Mail Call 1/15/44 Richard Diamond 11/12/49 From March 24th, 1940 The Cronin Matter Phil Harris & Alice Faye Two From Damon Runyon The Whistler 7/9/50 in Suspense 11/21/46 The Man Called X 12/2/50 Our Mis Brooks 12/3/50 Bob Bailey Birthday! From Nov. 12th, 1950 "Maybe A Queen" 10/2/49 Mr. & Mrs. North 1953 Suspense J Benny 6/2/52 Couple Next Door 2/17/58 Let George Do It 10/18/46 Vic & Sade 1940s "Lemon Drop Kid" 9/26/50 1am 4am Fort Laramie 2/5/56 Bob Hope Show 3/7/49 Frank Race 5/15/49 Bob Bailey Birthday Hopalong Cassidy 6/23/51 Dean Martin Birthday This Is Your FBI 5/4/51 1am 4am Gunsmoke 4/27/58 Fibber McGee/Molly 9/29/42 Frank Race 7/24/49 4 1/2 Hour Episodes of Hopalong Cassidy 5/12/51 Martin & Lewis 11/28/49 This Is Your FBI 6/22/51 Sam Spade 4/6/51 Nero Wolfe 3/2/51 Chandu, The Magician Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar Sherlock Holmes 5/30/48 Bob Hope Show 3/29/49 Broadway's My Beat 11/26/49 I Was A Communist/FBI Have Gun, Will Travel From 2/10/49 11/25/56, 5/11/58 Philo Vance 6/6/50 The Whistler 7/9/47 Tales Of Texas Rangers From April 30th, 1952 From May 3rd, 1959 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 12/16/56 & 11/11/56 Suspense 9/20/55 From July 15th, 1950 3am 6am Gerald Mohr Birthday Ernest Chappell Birthday Michael Shayne 1950s Voyage Of The Scarlet Burns & Allen 12/29/42 Inner Sanctum 9/27/48 Bob Hope Show 3/7/49 3am 6am Philip Marlowe 9/26/48 Quiet Please 3/6/49 Peter Chambers 5/11/54 Queen From 12/10/47 Abbott & Costello 2/26/46 The Molle Mystery Theatre Fibber McGee/Molly 9/29/42 The Whistler 3/20/49 Quiet Please 3/27/49 Dragnet Big Kid 11/10/53 The Third Man 5/16/52 Mysterious Traveler 8/10/48 from March 28th, 1947 Nero Wolfe 3/2/51 Philip Marlowe 9/8/50 Quiet Please 10/17/48 Dragnet Big Key 10/26/54 X-Minus One 4/8/50 Murder At Midnight 5/5/47 Dimension X 7/1/50 Have Gun, Will Travel The Whistler 2/19/50 Strange Dr. Weird 5/8/45 X-Minus One 9/1/55 Dimension X 6/17/51 From May 3rd, 1959 5am 8am It's Higgins, Sir 8/07/51 The Whisperer 9/2/51 Family Theatre 10/30/47 Fort Laramie 2/5/56 Jack Benny Prgm 12/6/42 When Radio Was Campbell Playhouse 5am 8am Dennis Day Show 6/23/48 The Chase 4/19/53 "Advice To The Lovelorn" Gunsmoke 4/27/58 Fibber McGee 11/25/47 Harris & Faye Show 3/22/53 Jack Benny In June Moon Phil Harris & Alice Faye Night Beat 11/3/50 Fibber McGee/Molly 6/22/43 Sam Spade 4/6/51 Two From Damon Runyon Baby Snooks Show 1/4/40 From March 24th, 1940 From Nov. 12th, 1950 Police Headquarters 1932 Sherlock Holmes 8/27/2006 I Was A Communist/FBI "Maybe A Queen" 10/2/49 Harry Nile 12/14/2014 Our Mis Brooks 12/3/50 Vic & Sade 1940s Sam Spade 11/9/47 From April 30th, 1952 "Lemon Drop Kid" 9/26/50 Suspense 8/3/42 Couple Next Door 2/17/58 7am 10am Screen Director's X-Minus One 9/11/56 Dean Martin Birthday Basil Rathbone Birthday Gunsmoke Big Con 5/16/53 Judy Garland Birthday Michael Shayne 1950s 7am 10am Bachelor Mother 3/8/51 Barrie Craig 8/9/53 Martin & Lewis 11/28/49 Sherlock Holmes 3/26/45 Gunsmoke Army Trial 6/25/55 "Babes In Arm's 11/9/41 Peter Chambers 5/11/54 BobCummingsLucille Ball Tales Of Texas Rangers Bob Hope Show 3/29/49 Sherlock Holmes 9/3/45 Richard Diamond 11/12/49 Mail Call 1/15/44 Dragnet Big Kid 11/10/53 Suspense 11/16/44 From Nov. 12th, 1950 The Whistler 7/9/47 Tales Of Fatima 5/21/49 The Man Called X 12/2/50 in Suspense 11/21/46 Dragnet Big Key 10/26/54 Suspense 9/23/42 Frontier Fighters 1935 Suspense 9/20/55 Jack Benny Prgm 4/9/44 Suspense J Benny 6/2/52 9am 12 When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was Hal Stone (Jughead) Bday Mary Lansing B-Day 9am 12 Noon Duffy's Tavern 5/25/49 Father Knows...7/6/50 Pt 2 Mr. & Mrs. North 8/9/44 The Weird Circle 11/28/43 This Is Your FBI 1/6/50 Archie Andrews 9/11/48 The Whistler 9/4/49 Noon Father Knows...7/6/50 Pt 1 X Minus One 8/25/55 Superman 3/1/48 Pt 9 Bill Stern Sports 11/23/45 Johnny Dollar 5/2/56 Pt 3 Archie Andrews 11/27/48 The Whistler 5/14/50 The Green Hornet 6/13/43 Night Beat 9/4/52 Harry Nile 12/14/2014 The Green Hornet 6/13/43 Night Beat 9/4/52 Archie Andrews 5/17/46 The Whistler 7/9/50 The Whisperer 8/12/51 The Falcon 7/25/51 Suspense 8/3/42 The Whisperer 8/12/51 The Falcon 7/25/51 Grand Marquee 2/27/47 Mr. & Mrs. North 1953 11am 2pm Bob Bailey Birthday Campbell Playhouse Yours Truly, Johnny Hal Stone (Jughead) Bday This Is Your FBI 5/4/51 Ernest Chappell Birthday X-Minus One 9/11/56 11am 2pm 4 1/2 Hour Episodes of Jack Benny In June Moon Dollar Marathon Dec 1955 Archie Andrews 9/11/48 This Is Your FBI 6/22/51 Quiet Please 3/6/49 Barrie Craig 8/9/53 Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar From March 24th, 1940 The Cronin Matter Archie Andrews 11/27/48 Broadway's My Beat 11/26/49 Quiet Please 3/27/49 Tales Of Texas Rangers 11/25/56, 5/11/58 Our Mis Brooks 12/3/50 Bob Bailey Birthday! Archie Andrews 5/17/46 Tales Of Texas Rangers Quiet Please 10/17/48 From Nov. 12th, 1950 12/16/56 & 11/11/56 Couple Next Door 2/17/58 Let George Do It 10/18/46 Grand Marquee 2/27/47 From July 15th, 1950 Strange Dr. Weird 5/8/45 Frontier Fighters 1935 1pm 4pm Family Theatre 10/30/47 Burns & Allen 12/29/42 Jack Benny Prgm 12/6/42 Mary Lansing B-Day Frank Race 5/15/49 Fort Laramie 2/5/56 Basil Rathbone Birthday 1pm 4pm "Advice To The Lovelorn" Abbott & Costello 2/26/46 Fibber McGee 11/25/47 The Whistler 9/4/49 Frank Race 7/24/49 Gunsmoke 4/27/58 Sherlock Holmes 3/26/45 Fibber McGee/Molly 6/22/43 Mysterious Traveler 8/10/48 Two From Damon Runyon The Whistler 5/14/50 Chandu, The Magician Sam Spade 4/6/51 Sherlock Holmes 9/3/45 Sherlock Holmes 8/27/2006 Murder At Midnight 5/5/47 "Maybe A Queen" 10/2/49 The Whistler 7/9/50 From 2/10/49 I Was A Communist/FBI Tales Of Fatima 5/21/49 Sam Spade 11/9/47 "Lemon Drop Kid" 9/26/50 Mr. & Mrs. North 1953 Mystery Is My Hobby 1945 From April 30th, 1952 Jack Benny Prgm 4/9/44 3pm 6pm Voyage Of The Scarlet Hopalong Cassidy 6/23/51 Screen Director's Bob Hope Show 3/7/49 Escape - Leinengen VS The Whisperer 9/2/51 When Radio Was 3pm 6pm Queen From 12/10/47 Hopalong Cassidy 5/12/51 Bachelor Mother 3/8/51 Fibber McGee/Molly 9/29/42 The Ants Aug.
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