ECOSYSTEMS IMPROVED FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES (ECOFISH) PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT ECOFISH COMPLETION REPORT 1 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development by Tetra Tech, through USAID Contract No: AID-492-C-12-00008. This report was prepared by: Tetra Tech 159 Bank Street, Suite 300 Burlington, Vermont 05401 USA Telephone: (802) 658-3890 Fax: (802) 495-0282 E-Mail: [email protected] Tetra Tech Contacts: Nygiel Armada, Chief of Party Gina Green, Project Manager 159 Bank Street, Suite 300 P.O. Box 1397 Burlington, VT 05402 Tel: (802) 495-0282 Email: [email protected] COVER PHOTO: © Joel Policarpio. PHOTOGRAPHY CREDIT: Unless otherwise noted, all photos are property of the ECOFISH project. ECOSYSTEMS IMPROVED FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES (ECOFISH) PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT JULY 2017 The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government ECOFISH COMPLETION REPORT 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... III EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. VIII 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 1 1.2 PROJECT DESIGN AND OBJECTIVES .................................................................................. 2 1.3 KEY FOCUS AREAS AND INTERVENTIONS ..................................................................... 6 1.4 TIMELINE OF ECOFISH ACTIVITIES .................................................................................... 8 2.0 PROJECT RESULTS ............................................................................................................................ 10 2.1 DELIVERABLE 1: POLICY STUDIES ON EAFM, MPA, AND CLIMATE CHANGE .................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 DELIVERABLE 2: TOOLKITS, SOURCEBOOKS, AND CASE STUDIES ON EAFM, MPA, AND CLIMATE CHANGE .................................................................... 15 2.3 DELIVERABLE 3: A NATIONAL DATABASE ON EAFM ESTABLISHED USING THE ANNUAL MONITORING DATA IN THE EIGHT MKBAS ................... 18 2.4 DELIVERABLE 4: STATE OF THE MARINE RESOURCES REPORT (SMRR) ......................................................................................................................................... 19 2.5 DELIVERABLE 5: NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND MUNICIPAL EAFM TRAININGS CONDUCTED ................................................................................................. 21 2.6 DELIVERABLE 6: PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS SUPPORTING ECOFISH OBJECTIVES ESTABLISHED ............................................................................... 24 2.7 DELIVERABLE 7: BIO-PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, AND ECONOMIC BASELINE ASSESSMENTS OF THE EIGHT MKBAS ........................................................ 28 2.8 DELIVERABLE 8: SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON SELECT MKBA-SPECIFIC FISH SPECIES ............................................................................................................................. 35 2.9 DELIVERABLE 9: MPA NETWORK ANALYSES IN THE EIGHT MKBAS .................. 40 2.10 DELIVERABLE 10: FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PLANS OF SELECT INTER-LGU ALLIANCES IN THE EIGHT MKBAS ........................................................... 44 2.11 DELIVERABLE 11: REGISTRY OF USERS OF MUNICIPAL FISHING WATERS ESTABLISHED IN SELECT MUNICIPAL LGUS IN THE EIGHT MKBAS ......................................................................................................................................... 51 ECOFISH COMPLETION REPORT i 2.12 DELIVERABLE 12: REVENUE GENERATION SYSTEM FOR FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ESTABLISHED AND EFFECTIVELY IMPLEMENTED IN SELECT LGUS ............................................................................................................................ 54 2.13 DELIVERABLE 13: SUSTAINABLE FINANCING PROGRAMS FOR EAFM IMPLEMENTED IN SELECT LGUS IN THE EIGHT MKBAS .............................. 57 2.14 DELIVERABLE 14: ADVANCED TRAININGS IN SPECIALIZED FISHERIES MANAGEMENT (SFM) INTERVENTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION/REPLICATION IN CORE GROUPS .............................................. 62 3.0 PROJECT PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................. 68 3.1 HIGHLIGHTING KEY THEMATIC RESULTS .................................................................... 71 4.0 IMPACTS, SUSTAINABILITY, AND LESSONS LEARNED ....................................................... 77 4.1 PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS ...................................................................................... 78 4.2 SCIENTIFIC STUDIES .............................................................................................................. 78 4.3 ESTABLISHMENT OF MPAS AND NETWORKS OF MPAS ......................................... 78 4.4 INTER-LGU FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PLANNING ................................................... 79 4.5 MARINE SPATIAL PLANNING ............................................................................................. 79 4.6 RIGHT-SIZING OF FISHING EFFORT ................................................................................ 80 4.7 ADVANCED TRAININGS IN SPECIALIZED FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ................ 81 4.8 ECONOMIC INCENTIVES FOR SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES ......................................... 82 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................. 83 APPENDIX A. EAFM BENCHMARKING FOR LGUS IN THE ECOFISH MKBAS ......................................................................................................................................... 84 APPENDIX B. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .......................................................................... 96 APPENDIX C. PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS ..................................................................... 101 APPENDIX D. ECOFISH FINAL MONITORING REPORT OF KEY PROJECT RESULTS A AND B ................................................................................................................ 103 ECOFISH COMPLETION REPORT ii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 700DALOY Smart Communications to Mainstream the Dedicated Alert Line for Ocean Biodiversity AIM Asian Institute of Management AMPA Adopt-a-Marine Protected Area BFAR Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BISU Bohol Island State University BoatR National System of Municipal Fishing Boat Registration CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis CCA Climate Change Adaptation CFLC Community Fish Landing Center CFRM Coastal and Fisheries Resources Management CIG Calamianes Island Group CMC Command Memorandum Circular CNFIDP Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry Development Plan CPUE Catch per Unit Effort CRM Coastal Resource Management CRMP Coastal Resource Management Project CTI Coral Triangle Initiative DALOY Dedicated Alert Line for Ocean Biodiversity DB Danajon Bank DDL USAID’s Development Data Library DEC USAID’s Development Experience Clearinghouse DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources DILG Department of Interior and Local Government DOST Department of Science and Technology ECOFISH COMPLETION REPORT iii DPSIR Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response DSWD Department of Social Work and Development DTI Department of Trade and Industry EAFM Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management ECAN Environmentally Critical Areas Network ECOFISH Ecosystems Improved for Sustainable Fisheries EO Executive Order EwE Ecopath with Ecosim FACTS Foreign Assistance Coordination and Tracking System FAO Fisheries Administrative Order FARMC Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council FCRM Fisheries and Coastal Resource Management FGD Focus Group Discussion FISH Fisheries Improved for Sustainable Harvest FishR National System of Municipal Fisherfolk Registration FLE Fishery Law Enforcement FLEMIS Fishery Law Enforcement Management Information System FLEQRT Fishery Law Enforcement Quick Response Team FOO Fisheries Office Order GCM Growth Control and Maintenance GIS Geographic Information System Ha Hectare HIPADA Hinatuan Passage Development Alliance ICTO Information and Communication Technology Office IEC Information Education and Communication IFRM Integrated Fisheries Resource Management IFRMP Integrated Fisheries Resource Management Plan IMC Information Management Center IRR Implementing Rules and Regulations LB-SPR Murdoch University’s Length-Based Spawning Potential Ratio ECOFISH COMPLETION REPORT iv LG Lingayen Gulf LGU Local Government Unit LME Large Marine Ecosystem LMP League of Municipalities of the Philippines LOP Life of Project MARINA Department of Transportation and Communications Maritime Industry Authority MBI Market-Based Instrument M-EAFM Mainstreaming Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management MEAT Management Effectiveness Assessment Tool MERF Marine Environment Resources Foundation MKBA Marine Key Biodiversity Area MMSU Mariano Marcos State University MPA Marine Protected Area MSN Marine Protected Area Support Network MSP Marine Spatial Planning MSU Mindanao State University N National NAMRIA National Mapping and Resource Information
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