Costessey Fete | Singing & Performing | Teach Meet | Science Festival | Archery | Victory Maths July 2014 | Summer Celebrating Our Students New wallscape celebrates our students success 'Big Time!' “Achievement is outstanding because every student matters” (Ofsted 2013) July 2014 Victory Flag: Spring GD\DJOREDOGD\DQGDPDWKVFKDOOHQJH either on 14th August for Year 12 and 13 Welcome to DFWLYLW\$W\RXUUHTXHVWZHKDYHDOVR RURQVW$XJXVWIRU<HDU:HZLVKDOO included a ‘settling in’ evening early next VWXGHQWVWKHYHU\EHVWRIOXFNIRUEULJKW DFDGHPLF\HDUIRURXUQHZVWXGHQWV:H engaging futures and urge them all to stay the Summer have enjoyed working closely with local in touch with a view to returning to share primary and junior schools to ensure WKHLUH[SHULHQFHV edition of every child is well supported and has 7KDQN\RXDOODVHYHUIRU\RXUVXSSRUW WKHFKDQFHWRH[FHO and enthusiasm for all that we do – enjoy a the Victory As this academic year comes to an end, JUHDWEUHDNZLWK\RXUIDPLO\WKLVVXPPHU ZHEHJLQWRZHOFRPHRXUQHZPHPEHUV :HORRNIRUZDUGWRZHOFRPLQJEDFNDOO Flag. RIVWD̆2XUH[FHOOHQWQHZFXUULFXOXP VWXGHQWVRQWK6HSWHPEHUDWDP leader, Mr Colwill, and second in You will note from the cover (if you haven’t department, Mr James, have joined us yet seen it in situ), that our wonderful Naomi Palmer together with Miss Bradshaw, Miss Hazel wallscape is now proudly in place on Principal - Ormiston Victory Academy and Miss Shannon, in mathematics; we WKHJURXQGÀRRURIWKHPDLQEXLOGLQJ have appointed a further specialist to ,WPDNHVDJUHDWIRFDOSRLQWEXWLWLVPRUH 0LVV<RXQJPDQ¶V,&7WHDP0U6HJXVW than a picture, it is part of our pledge to support the implementation of the new to ensure that Victory students feel coding and programming curriculum and YDOXHG±WKH\FDQVHHWKDWWKHLUIHHGEDFN in English we welcome Miss Chaddock, LQÀXHQFHVWKHGLUHFWLRQZHWDNHDVD 0LVV-RQHV0LVV3DUQHOODQG0U6RXWHU OHDUQLQJFRPPXQLW\,QWKHDXWXPQWHUP Our wonderful new curriculum leader we invited all students to nominate either for English, Ms Arya, starts at Victory in themselves or an individual who deserved 6HSWHPEHUZLWKQHZUHDGLQJSURJUDPPHV DSODFHLQ2UPLVRQ9LFWRU\KLVWRU\7KH for Key Stage 3 students and two new aim is to inspire current students (and VSHFLDOLVWVLQ$/HYHO(QJOLVK:LWK0V visitors) with images of individuals who Arya’s input, we have also taken the KDYHPDGHDJUHDWFRQWULEXWLRQ GHFLVLRQWRPRYHRXUOLEUDU\WRWKHFXUUHQW )HDWXUHGLQRXU¿UVWZDOOVFDSHDUHWKH Sixth Form common room to give our following current students and alumni: VHQLRUVWXGHQWVDKLJKTXDOLW\VLOHQWVWXG\ Rachel Hondura (current Head Girl and space and our younger students a more DFFODLPHGSXEOLFVSHDNHUDQGFKDULW\ ¿WWLQJSODFHWRHQMR\UHDGLQJDQGKDYHD worker); Sam Steel-Jessop (Year 7 ZLGHUVHOHFWLRQRIH[FHOOHQWOLWHUDWXUH student nominated for his relentless With summer comes the joy of great positive demeanour, work for Student outdoor activities including our Council and great academic achievement); developing programme of water-skiing, 0LWFKHO7D\ORU(current Deputy Head VDLOLQJDQGRXU8($6SRUWV'D\EXW %R\DQGOHDGHURI9LFWRU\$PEDVVDGRUV we also commemorate the end of Year scheme); Hannah Beavis (ex-Victory DQG<HDU)RUWKHPDMRULW\RI student, currently studying Biology with <HDUVWXGHQWVWKHIDUHZHOOLVEULHIDV Psychology at Keele University); Elliot PDQ\UHWXUQWRXVWREHJLQ<HDULQ Hunter (current President of Victory Sixth 6HSWHPEHU)RU<HDUWKHMRXUQH\WR Form and mathematics, performing arts university, further training and work is and science champion); Megan Artherton EHJLQQLQJ:HDUHLQFUHGLEO\SURXGRIWKH (current Sixth Form student, winner of relentless hard work our students have the NODA award); 5REHUW$UJHU(current SXWLQWRJHWWLQJWKHEHVWSRVVLEOHUHVXOWV 6L[WK)RUPVWXGHQWIRUVHUYLFHVWR,&7 DQGWKHOLEUDU\ Chloe Dunning (current student nominated for her dedication to community volunteer work); (ERQKL Andrews (current student nominated for IN YOUR NEW ISSUE supporting the Academy and community ZLWKKHUYROXQWHHULQJZRUN Welcome from the Principal P3 Student Leadership3 We are very proud and look forward to Costessey Fete P4 Victory Sports Day 2014 P20 SODQQLQJWKHQH[WLQVWDOODWLRQWRUHÀHFW Green Flag Award P5 85RXQGHUV7HDP P21 the success of even more of our young )RRG(GXFDWLRQ7UXVW*HQHURVLW\ P6 UEA Athletics P21 SHRSOH 7ULSOH6FLHQFH)HVWLYDO3 Snow Skiing P22 We are thrilled to welcome the majority of 6LQJLQJ 3HUIRUPLQJ7RJHWKHUP10-11 :DWHU6NL&OXE P23 our new Year 7 students from 7th July for Mathematics Article P12 Queen's Hill Sports Day P24 DQH[WHQGHGLQGXFWLRQ7KHSURJUDPPH includes activities such as a wildlife Up, Up & AwayP14 We Are Sailing P24 day with Banham Zoo, a CSI science School Analyst Competition 2014 P16 $UFKHU\7DVWHU'D\ P26 Childcare Fundraising 3 )RRWEDOO)HVWLYDO P27 Follow us @VictoryAcad 7KH9LFWRU\)ODJLVSULQWHGRQUHF\FOHGSDSHU www.ormiston.org 'HVLJQE\ZZZIXVLRQDOFRXN ZZZRUPLVWRQYLFWRU\DFDGHP\FRXN| Follow us @ VictoryAcad 3 July 2014 Victory Flag: Summer Costessey Fete Green Flag Award On 21st May 2014, Ormiston Victory Academy achieved the Green Flag status by Eco Schoolss for the second time. This was DQDZDUGWRUHÀHFWWKHHQWLUH Academy's work throughout the last two years in which every student has played a part. On bank holiday Monday, 26th May, myself and Mrs Curson On the day our assessor visited, she was VictoryVictory Academy has taken part and planned various events to SDUWLFXODUO\LPSUHVVHGZLWKKRZHPEHGGHGRXUZRUNKDV achieve this status; this includes the Fit For Your Future / Climate took ten of our newly appointed Student Ambassadors to help EHFRPHPRVWRIRXUDFWLRQSODQKDVFRPHIURPZRUNRXWVLGH 5XQ$SSOH'D\DQG(DUWK+RXU:HKDYHDOVRLQWURGXFHGDQHZ at the Costessey Parish Fete. RIWKH(FR&RXQFLO recycling centre near the student entrance where students are 7KHDVVHVVRUHQMR\HGWKHWRXURIWKH$FDGHP\HVSHFLDOO\YLHZLQJ DEOHWRUHF\FOHDQ\WKLQJIURPSDSHUWRSHQV:HDOVRSUHVHQWHG the wildlife garden and our new orchard! On the day she also our form litter picking rota, where one form goes out every week All of our students were keen to support their local community 2XUQHZ$PEDVVDGRUVGH¿QLWHO\HDUQHGWKHLUVWULSHVDQG got to see one of the Performing Arts exams, which had a nature WRSLFNXSDVPXFKOLWWHUDVSRVVLEOHLQWKHDWWHPSWWREHWKHEHVW DQGIXOO\WKUHZWKHPVHOYHVLQWRDQ\WDVNWKDWWKH\ZHUHJLYHQ DOWKRXJKWKH\ZRUNHGKDUGWKH\DOOHQMR\HGWKHPVHOYHVWRR7KH WKHPH:HDOVRJRWWRVKRZKHURQHRIWKHPDLQSURMHFWVRYHUWKH IRUPDWWKHHQGRI\HDU7KHDVVHVVRUZDVVRSOHDVHGWRVHHKRZ 'HVSLWHWKHKRWZHDWKHUWKH\DOOZRUNHGLQFUHGLEO\KDUGVHWWLQJ Victory spirit was clearly evident throughout the event, even when ODVWWZR\HDUVWKH&RPHQLXV3URMHFW VWXGHQWOHGWKH(FR&RXQFLOKDVEHFRPHHVSHFLDOO\ZLWKDODUJH RXWFKDLUVWLUHOHVVO\VHUYLQJWHDDQGFR̆HHLQDVZHOWHULQJNLWFKHQ arms got tired from hours of waving cars past and pouring tea! 7KLVZDVDWZR\HDULQWHUQDWLRQDOVFKRROSURMHFWOLQNLQJXVWR QXPEHURIVWXGHQWVSRVWLQJWKHLULGHDVLQWKHVXJJHVWLRQER[ DQGGLUHFWLQJWUḊFLQDQGRXWRIWKHFDUSDUNV UHJXODUO\ 7KHIHWHZDVEULOOLDQWO\ZHOORUJDQLVHGE\WKHSDULVKFRXQFLO VFKRROVLQ)UDQFH*HUPDQ\,WDO\DQG6SDLQ7KHSURMHFWZDV It was also fantastic to see so many of our other students helping DQGDOOWKHYROXQWHHUVDQGZDVUHDOO\ZHOODWWHQGHG2XUVWXGHQWV OHGE\0UV%XUQVDQG0UV*DUGLQHUZLWKWKHKHOSRISUHYLRXV In the future, the Eco-Council plans on concentrating on out on various stalls and with competitions for other organisations ZHUHDQDEVROXWHFUHGLWWRERWKWKHPVHOYHVDQGWKH$FDGHP\DQG Year 10 - 13 students researching how eco-friendly we are 7UDQVSRUWDQG:DWHUVHFWLRQVRIWKHDVVHVVPHQWRXUDVVHVVRU WKDWWKH\DUHLQYROYHGZLWKLQWKHZLGHUFRPPXQLW\ we would like to thank them for so generously giving up their time LQWKHZRUNSODFH gave us a range of contacts to support in creating even more links WRSOD\VXFKDJUHDWSDUWLQWKHLUORFDOFRPPXQLW\%\'U$OOHQ EHWZHHQWKH$FDGHP\DQGORFDOEXVLQHVVHV:HORRNIRUZDUGWR À\LQJRXU*UHHQ)ODJIRUHYHUE\-DPLH7KRPSVRQ<U Victory Term Dates 2014-2015 Norfolk Prepared Week Being caught in an emergency can be scary. 7XHVGD\QG6HSWHPEHU Monday 5th January Monday 13th April :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ 6XPPHUWHUPEHJLQVIRUDOOVWXGHQWV :KHWKHULWVVHYHUHZHDWKHUÀRRGLQJRUDSRZHU (Closed to students) (Closed to students) Monday 4th May cut it’s good to know what to do to help yourself :HGQHVGD\UG6HSWHPEHU 7XHVGD\WK-DQXDU\ May Day Bank Holiday (Academy closed) and those around you. :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ 6SULQJWHUPEHJLQVIRUDOOVWXGHQWV Friday 22nd May (Closed to students) Every Year the Norfolk Resilience Forum runs Norfolk Prepared Week to demonstrate the kinds )ULGD\WK)HEUXDU\ $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSPIRUKDOIWHUPEUHDN RIVLPSOHPHDVXUHVZHFDQDOOWDNHWRPDNHVXUHZH¶UHUHDG\IRUHPHUJHQFLHV7KLV\HDU¶VWKHPHLVWR 7KXUVGD\WK6HSWHPEHU $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSPIRUKDOIWHUPEUHDN Monday 1st June µ%H3UHSDUHGDQG6WD\6DIH¶ $XWXPQWHUPEHJLQVIRUDOOVWXGHQWV 0RQGD\UG)HEUXDU\ Return to Academy 1RUIRON3UHSDUHG:HHNNLFNVR̆DWWKH)RUXPLQ1RUZLFKRQWKHWK6HSWHPEHUDPWRSPZLWKD )ULGD\WK2FWREHU Return to Academy ZKROHUDQJHRILQWHUHVWLQJHYHQWVGHPRQVWUDWLRQVDFWLYLWLHVDQGFRPSHWLWLRQVZLWKVRPHFRROSUL]HV'XULQJ Monday 22nd July $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSPIRUKDOIWHUPEUHDN WKHGD\\RX¶OOEHDEOHWRSLFNXSWRSWLSVRQHYHU\WKLQJIURP¿UHVDIHW\WR)LUVW$LGRQOLQHVDIHW\ÀRRG Friday 27th March :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ Spring Term 2015 SURWHFWLRQDQGPRUH7KH\¶OODOVREHVRPHOLYHGHPRQVWUDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJFDUFXWWLQJIURP 0RQGD\UG1RYHPEHU $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSPIRU(DVWHUEUHDN (Closed to students) WKH(PHUJHQF\6HUYLFHVDQGWKHODXQFKRIRXU$SS Autumn Term 2014 Return to Academy Summer Term 2015 7XHVGD\UG-XO\ $QGRIFRXUVH\RX¶OOEHDEOHWRPHHWVRPHRQHZKR¶VDOZD\VUHDG\IRUDQHPHUJHQF\«5HDG\(GG\WKH )ULGD\WK'HFHPEHU :KROH$FDGHP\6WD̆7UDLQLQJ'D\ (PHUJHQF\7HGG\)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQ1RUIRON3UHSDUHG:HHNSOHDVHYLVLWWKH1RUIRON5HVLOLHQFH)RUXP $FDGHP\FORVHVDWSPIRU&KULVWPDVEUHDN
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