'11, 1942 --=:::::::" • -. ~ Seahawks T Cooler 'l'aelde Grea' Lakll/i IOWA-8eattered UumdentonDI Today at I. and cooler today See Stor7 on Pale • THE DAILY IOWAN and tomorrow. Iowa , City'l Morning Newspaper I fIVE CENTS Tal A'.OO~TID ,a188 IOWA CITY', IOWA SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942 '1111 AIBOCIA1'ID ....1 VOLUME XLll NUMBER 284 e e an 5 I In. * * * * * * * * * * *** e*** e 'rlor 111 had Uldton. y, &lid Ilwhlle, Have Qualitalive Tesl A,gainsll eke s Car Fuel Naval, 'Marine Units (arry Oul --leac hes • s, Germany'~ ~~~~.. Besf Ships Delivery Southwest ~nd Pacific Offensive in Monlh i rniles By WALTER CLAV EN uld be LONDON (AP)-The demonstratiorl allied air mast· ----­ PEARL H ARBOR (AP)-American ma~ine ~ and naval forces, Jarters Dieppe oj' ery over a chosen zone of operations was fo llowed yesterday by AMERICAN GENERALS IN LONDON DISCUSS IACTIONI with Major Jom s Ro v It, th pr sid nt' . n, participating, oberla, alli ed victory in a qualitative test of Germany's newest and best atr'uck at Japane e forces on Makin island in the northel'n end of opera_ figllting planes against tlle Flyi ng Fortresses of th e United States Move to Ease th Oilb rt islands early thi ' week, Admiral 11. l r W. imitz, Ilrmy a ir forces. Pacific naval commander, said yest rday. 1;tl<\'11 B\\!\'l'n \)1 ill bi.g, four-motored B ~17s were over the North sea Admiral Nimitz said that. the marin s, Rupport d by naval wh n 20 to 25 f Germany's prized Focke-WuU 1908 tackled them. forc ,"mad a successful landing" on the i land Aug. 17 in an places TJI tile 20 action·filled milllltes that followed six of the at­ Fuel Shortages exp dition aimed ut destroying Japane. e eaplanl' in. tallations. ~ h ll\~_ \a~"I!Ys \'11!~ dl!st\'\»)'l!u \)]: (\amaged. Th aUa k wa th ond off nsiv tag d by Am rican for s Not one of Ule Fqrtresses was lost although two engin es of one against the .Japane e si nce Aug. 7, when th AlIIeri('ons launchpd were destl'oyt'd and a shell from one of the Focke.Wul£s' canTlOnS an attack on the olomon i Land . heavy On Easl (oast exploded in the cockpit, killing the co-pilot and injuring the 'pilot. The purpose of the attack wa "accomplished in its entirety," ! ti rst "The Furtr s was hit in mnny other places," the U.S. army f( d 10- and Ih attacking fore has b Jl withdrawn," th communiqllo air headclllarters commnnique added, "but no other casualties were WASHINGTON (AP) - The ln, so said. suffered. government moved yesterday to ~ sec .. Ai least. 0 J8pane~ lVer [irin, 'Clle Nortll sea Coray, objective undisclosed, was the fourth by shifl Rome of the burden ot the ! the Fort I'psses in .five days east·s petroleum shortage to other Willkie to Represent killed and radio illstullalions force the United Statps army started urea by forbidding local shipment and stores IV re d . troy d, while , side bombing operations in the Euro· Nazi Reinforcements of Qutomobile fuel by railroad two st'oplan • '\1'1''' Ul'stroYN\ on tank cnl' In 20 midwestern states. Roosevelt in Europe lsect- pean tJleater. th water. l city The action is designed to release ,lI~ortreq!j crews, familiarizing Approach Stalingrad 5,000 to 7,000 tank cars for haul­ Purpose of Journey The Commando-type raid also themselves wHh the European ing 100,000 more barrels of fuel resulted in losses inflicted on the :oUld To Straighten Picture loke- theater, previously executed pre­ Soviet Army Repels oil a doy til the east. Cision attacks on German railway enemy by heavy bombing attacks, mer- yards at Rouen on Monday, on the Constant Nazi Attacks The order, by Petroleum Cordi­ Of Production in U.S. th communique said. : and nator Ickes, wilt take etrect Mon­ big flying field at Abbeville on South of Kletskaya Transport unk Wednesday in cOncert with the day in Texas, Louisiana, Missis- WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ eppe sippi, Alabama, Oklahoma, Ar- dent Roosevelt Indicated yesterdny United Stat s naval ships sank ho, combined operations against Di­ MOSCOW, Saturday (AP)-The eppe and on railway yards at nazi bid for Stalingl'ad teached u kansas, Tenn ' see, K ntucky, Mis- that Wendell L. WiJlkie's mission on small enemy transport and one was souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illi- gunboat. Amlens ThursdaY. critical stage early today with re­ nois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wls- on his rorlhcoming trip to the n ar tion. (Prior to Admiral Nimitz's an­ )ten The North sea battle found the inforced German troops trying to consin, Minnesota, and North and east would be to sell the neulral Fort!' sses unescorted tOI' the (irst erect across the Don nouncement, the Tokyo radio had Jten South Dakota. countrie;) to the magnllude of the lime. 40 Volga city I I'eported that 200 Am rlcan troops the Dl!PU~y. C:(j~~dlnator Ralph ~; United States' wnr effort and the !nse driven into Russian positions Davies said It remall1s to be seen advantages to Ulem of a united ellected a landing on Makin but by Lhe bombing accuracy of the whether gasoUn raUoning will be " . sald they wel'e repulsed.) Fortresses at the great heights northeast of Kotelnikovski below - the Don. n «'ssary In these stat 5 , which : nations VICtory. He WIll have t.he Makin is the northern-most. at where they operate. will have to depend on trucks, title of special representative of The midnight communique said the Gilbert Island group, being lo­ ExpreSSions ot doubt were heard the red army had repelled con­ pipelines and barges for distri-lthe president. that bombing could be uccurate stant German attacks southeast of bution. Discussing Willkie's trip at. his cated approximately 1,100 miles (rom more than 20,000 feet as Kletskaya on the Don bend, but At the same time, o[licials made press conlerence Mr. Roosevelt northeast ot the Solomon islands. claim d by the confident Ameri­ acknowledged that nazi tanks had Tbese American ,enerals In the British Isles, pictured as theY col\ferred' In London, certuillly are 110t It is almost in a dir ct line be­ cans. The Fortress performances in it. clear that east.ern motori.sts said that In some' countries of the breached Russian positions south­ Just passlnr the time ot day. More ,probably they are layln, plans tor the second European trollt, pos­ could exp ct no easlIlg of gasolllle tween the Solomons and Hawaii. the first foul' flights more than rationing. near east, enemy propaganda had west of Stalingrad in Kotelnik­ sibly the allied ruld on DlepPe. Shown, left to rlrht, seated, are Maj. Cen. Carl Spaatz, commander Admiral NImitz's omunlQue answered this. ovski aren. of army air forces in Euro}Je ; Lieut. Gen. Dwl,ht Eisenhower, co~der of all U.S. army forces In the The present. essential require- given a distorted picture of condi­ By bringing Hitier's air force "Northeast of Kotelnikovski re­ indicated the raid aurht tbe European Ihealer, . and Maj. Gen. Waller Frank, commandlnr ,air service command; standlll&', Brir. Gen. ments of all types of petroleum in lions hpl'e, particularly where the Japs so completely by surprise Into a full-scale fight the raid had peated heavy attacks by tanks and Ira Eaker, Chief of Ihe bOmber command, and Brir. Gen Frank Hunter, cbiet of the fithter command, the east total 1,400,000 barrels, labor situution was ·concerned. that tbey added to Ihelr OWll accomplished 'what RAF sweeps mechan ized intan try were re­ and Brig. Gen Robert Candee, ch'lel of the rround air ' uPPort command. officials reported, includ ing some over occupied territory had rarely pelled," the communique said. "In Wil\kie, the republican presi­ losses by bomblnr thelr own alr­ ----------------------~)--------------------------------------------~--- nllowance for necessary storage, craft with bombel1l trom nearby succeeded in doing In recent another sector the enemy sent 100 and these requIrements will mount dential nomin e in 1940. is to months. tanks into the attack. Only a few Fierce NCival and Air leave shortly on an itlnerary which base. to 1,600,000 barrels daily during The text 01 the communique, But lit the same time qualified succeeded in breaking through. Seven flyers Killed U.S. Marines Kill 670 the first three months of 1943. will includ Egypt, Arabia, Pale­ Scrimmage Progrelse. stine, Syria, Turkey, Iraw and No.7, issued by Admiral Nimitz: aeronautical experts discouraged Russian observers admit, how­ Against this, current supplles "A force of marines of the any belief that a single such bat­ ever, that it is going to be hard to In' Sea off PortugCjlI are movinll at the rale of some Iran, as well as Russia. As Bombers Collide Japanese in Solomons In addi Uon to represenlinll the United States Pacific fleet made a tle could compel the Luitwalfe to hold the Germans, especially if the 1,000,000 or more barrels daily an d !Successful landing on Japanese withdraw nny substantial strength nazis realize a superiority of num­ LISBON (AP)--;:-fierce nav'al the 100,000 barrels added by the president, he will report to the statesmen ol those countries as held Ma.kln Island on Aug. 17. The !rom the Russian iront. bers and equipment as they have Bomber Bursts Into and air battle was reported ragk)~ Yank losses Slight; 2ddilional tonk curs will be aug­ the leader of the minority party in purpose of the expedition was to The same sources emphasized now for two months.
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