TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ University of Iowa ponders effect of AAUP sanction By MASON CLARKE fessors in response to the ber and UI Clinical Pro- the wishes of UI facul- trative position might AAUP report’s overall [email protected] process the state Board of fessor Lois ty. These findings led to not want to come to a characterization of the Regents followed in hir- Cox said. the sanction. sanctioned institution.” search process.” Following the place- ing UI President Bruce Accord- Some UI officials said One regent official Lehman said the UI ment of the University Harreld. AAUP cannot ing to the they worry this action will said the sanction was presidential hiring pro- of Iowa on a national target the regents, so the group’s have a negative effect on unnecessary. cess involved “ample” sanctions list, UI offi- sanction was set against report, the the university. “The board ran a fair shared governance. In cials say they are not the university. regents “We will suffer some search for president at the presidential search, taking the announce- “This is something acted un- reputational harm,” the University of Io- a 21-person committee, ment lightly. that the university does der politi- Harreld Cox said. “Sometimes, wa,” regent Senior Com- with seven UI faculty, The sanction came not take lightly and the cal corrup- UI president a candidate for say a munications Director narrowed the candidates from the American Asso- AAUP does not take tion and deanship or a faculty Josh Lehman said. “The ciation of University Pro- lightly,” association mem- “blatantly disregarded” position or an adminis- board disagrees with the SEE SANCTION , 2 Lake Macbride beach may ban alcohol A state agency considers turning beaches at Lake Macbride and Pleasant Creek State Park dry. Area residents spend the afternoon enjoying Lake Macbride on Monday. (The Daily Iowan/Margaret Kispert) By ZACH WEIGEL cohol on the beach at Lake Macbride particular locations are presenting le- ber of arrests and citations at these [email protected] State Park, near Solon, a popular sum- gitimate safety risks to the public and beaches and increase the safety and mer destination in eastern Iowa. department personnel.” enjoyment of park users in these ar- Beach-fans hoping to kick back and Natural Resources public-informa- The statement cites a troubling eas,” the notice said. relax with a cold one in hand at Lake tion officer Kevin Baskins said the no- number of recorded assaults, public Although evidence points to the le- Macbride soon will no longer be able to tice imposes “a targeted approach lim- intoxication, littering, disorderly con- gitimacy of an alcohol ban, the ban will do so. iting the ban to only the beaches where duct, possession under the legal age, not be placed until next year. The Iowa Department of Natural Re- there was a problem.” and interference with official acts as “The commission’s recent action is sources Commission approved a Notice According to the report, “Department common offenses. only the start, so for all intents and of Intended Action after a 6-0 vote on citation records and incident reporters “Banning alcohol from these beach- June 9 to move forward in banning al- indicate alcohol consumption at these es will reduce considerably the num- SEE MACBRIDE , 2 Senate shoots down competing gun measures Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst follow their party’s line on four firearm amendments. By BRENT GRIFFITHS most entirely united over necessary 60 votes. The they play at home. [email protected] the four votes, making senior Iowa senator’s States would also be the supermajority neces- amendment would have penalized and rewarded Just days removed sary for passage mathe- provided $125 million based on how much infor- from a 15-hour filibuster matically impossible. for the federal national mation they provide to the staged by Senate Dem- “The other side says that background-check sys- background-check system ocrats to excoriate the no progress is being made tem for the next five fis- in Grassley’s proposal. lack of gun control in on gun crimes,” Grassley cal years, but the addi- But the reason few America, the Senate vot- said in a statement after tional dollars come with Democrats backed the ed down four gun-related the votes. “We could have strings attached. measure is over con- amendments on Monday. made important improve- It also would have cerns about the abili- Iowa Republican Sens. ments through my amend- called for a national ty for Americans to get Chuck Grassley and Joni ment, which would have study on gun violence, their rights to buy fire- Ernst joined the GOP in improved and enhanced the although the bill’s word- arms restored. Former killing two Democratic background-check system.” ing focuses almost exclu- Lt. Gov. Patty Judge proposals while failing to The first of four mea- sively on mental illness- hammered on this issue. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. (right), walks toward the Senate on Capitol Hill Mon- muster enough support sures to come up for a es, mental-health care, “Voting against these day. (Associated Press/Alex Brandon) for two additional propos- vote, Grassley’s propos- and how mass shooters measures is one thing, ther by introducing an for people with severe als put forth by their par- al, like the other three, are treated at school and but Chuck Grassley amendment that would ty. Both parties stayed al- failed to garner the what kind of video games decided to go even fur- actually make it easier SEE GUNS , 2 WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW 84 66 • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY CLASSIFIED 7 • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW DAILY BREAK 5 Mostly mostly sunny at first, breezy, • WATCH UITV AT 9 P.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US OPINIONS 4 then a 80% chance of rain/T-storms. SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. SPORTS 8 2 NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016 CORN WEATHER The Daily Iowan Volume 150 Issue 6 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Lily Abromeit CORRECTIONS Metro Editor 335-6063 Call: 335-6030 Kendrew Panyanouvong Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accura- Opinions Editor 335-5863 cy and fairness in the reporting of news. Marcus Brown If a report is wrong or misleading, a Sports Editor 335-5848 request for a correction or a clarification Blake Dowson may be made. Copy Chief 335-6063 Beau Elliot PUBLISHING INFO Photo Editor 335-5852 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Jordan Gale lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Design Editor 335-6030 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Taylor Laufersweiler 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Politics Editor 335-5855 days, legal and university holidays, and Mitch McAndrew university vacations. Periodicals postage 80 Hours Editor paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Girindra Selleck Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. TV News Director 335-6063 Cole Johnson SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor 335-5829 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Tony Phan Email: [email protected] Business Manager 335-5786 Subscription rates: Debra Plath Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Juli Krause 335-5784 for summer session, $50 for full year. Production Manager 335-5789 Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Heidi Owen Corn is loaded into a semi trailer in Brooklyn, Iowa, on Monday. According to iowacorn.org, corn has been Iowa's leading crop for over 150 years. (The Daily Iowan/Brooklynn Kascel) for two semesters, $20 for summer Advertising Manager 335-5193 session, $100 all year. Renee Manders Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, Advertising Sales 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Iowa 52242-2004 MACBRIDE CONTINUED FROM FRONT purposes, a final rule real- ly wouldn’t be in effect un- FOLLOW US ON TWITTER til next year’s recreational season,” Baskins said. He noted that the notice @THEDAILYIOWAN effectively allows Natural Resources to start the rule-making process. “There is a dispropor- tionate number of in- cidents and arrests at our beaches compared to other [Natural Re- sources]-managed state parks across Iowa,” said Lake Macbride park man- ager Ron Puettmann. Natural Resources data suggest that from 2010-15, there have been People lie on the beach at Lake Macbride on Monday. Estimated visitation numbers are near 500,000 people on average 221 incidents involving every summer. (The Daily Iowan/Margaret Kispert) alcohol at the Lake Mac- bride’s beach. No other work or to camp over- a ban on alcohol could ment staff will able to state park in Iowa has night with friends, and mean to a friendlier and focus less on the beach recorded more than 100. the early closing time safer environment. and more on the park as Last year, the Lake adversely affects them. “I think it would make a whole. Macbride State Park im- Estimated visita- the beach more enjoyable “We hope that an alco- plemented a 6 p.m. cur- tion numbers are near because it wouldn’t get hol ban will create a saf- few for the beach area. 500,000 people on aver- out of control,” Watson er and more enjoyable However, Natural Re- age every summer, in ad- said. “It would be a more atmosphere for our cus- sources stated, “The ear- dition to 20,000 campers.
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