M BAND IM. mm OF THE IMPIAH EMPIEl - 1 FOR THE PEOPLE FOK EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY : I ii:i;/,ir, I' 'I'll; 10/, i'i!<.[ III/, j !• 1 r / 'M' / I 1 1 II I' v A HAND-LIST OF / GENERA AND SPECIES ''^ OF BIRDS OF THE Indian Empire BY E. C. STUART Baker, o.b.e., m.b.o.u., f.z.s , c.f.a.o.u- Reprinted from the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society together with a Foreword and Addenda and Corrigenda prepared by the Author. BOMBAY Printed by order of the Committee of the Bombay Natural History Society. Price Six Rupees. SOLD BY London : Dulau & Co.> Ltd., 34-26, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square. Bombay : Bombay Natural History Society, 6, Apollo Street. Bombay : Thacker & Co., Ltd. Calcutta : Thacker Spink & Co., Ltd. Printed at the Times Press, Bombay, and published by R. A. Spence for the Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay. FOREWORD. Before issuing this little catalogue in book form the Editors ot the Bombay Natural Historj'- Journal have, at the request of some subscribers, asked me to correct it and again bring it up to date. This would mean re- writing the whole catalogue and taking some five years or more in so doing and the object with which I com- menced the catalogue would be defeated. My idea in bringing it out was not to provide a complete or nearly complete, catalogue of the birds of India worked out to the full extent of my own ability. All I hoped to do was to supply workers, both in the field and the museum, with a very rough catalogue shewing what advance had already been made in dis- coveries, nomenclature, etc., since Blanford's time. The Avifauna, of which one volume has appeared whilst a second is nearly ready, will take some years more to complete, for it means that every bird's name has to be worked out again, de novo, to see whether it is correct and a vast amount of literature has to be examined and consulted to see what new facts, if any, have been recorded concerning it. It is hoped, however, that the catalogue will to some extent fill the gap until the last volume of the new edition of the Avifauna appears and in the meanwhile I would most cordially invite criticism of all kinds and especially in reference to distribution. I shall also be most grateful if m}- attention is drawn to publications which I have, or appear to have, overlooked. As the first volume of the Avifauna is already out I have added to the catalogue a few pages of Corrigenda and Addenda which include all new forms des- cribed therein and corrects names wLere necessary. Other than on these points I have only given a list of the few corrections which it appears really necessary to draw attention to. The catalogue, I regret to say, is very full of imperfections, due in great measure to Author and Printer being so far apart, but obvious misprints and mistakes in punctuation I have passed over without comment, they will be as obvious to the reader as to the writer and do not affect the subject-matter whilst correction would only add to the cost of publication. Upper Norwood, E. 0. STUART BAKER. 29«A May 1923. /c^. ^ i>tc. ^f^ HAND-LIST OF THE ^^ BIRDS OF INDIA." ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. 3. For C. c. umbrinus read 3, C. c. ruficollis. Corvus ruficollis Lesson, Traile d'Orn.,}j. 329, (Ibol) {Africa.) 15. ^or C. m. collaris read 15. C. m. soemmeringii. Corvus scemtneringii Fisher, Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscow, i, />. 3, (1811) {3I0SC01V.) 19. For U. erythrorhyncha erythrorhyncha read I p. Urocissa melanocephala melanocephala. The Chi- nese L'ed-billed Magpie. Coracias melanecophalus Lath., Lid. Orn., i, p. 170, (1790) {China.) China and Yunnan. One specimen, S. Shan States. 20 & 21 are subspecies of U. melanocephala read accord- ingly. 26. For Dendrocitta vagabunda read 26. Dendrocitta rufa rufa. The Indian Tree-Pie. Corvus rufus Ljath., Ind. Orn., p. 161, (1790) {Malabar Coast). Southern India, Orissa, and North- West India, Kashmir, 26a. Add Dendrocitta rufa vagabunda. The Bengal Tree-Pie. Coracias vagabunda Lath., Ltd. Orn., p. 171, (1790) {India). N. India from Garhwal to Assam and Bengal. 26b. Add Dendrocitta rufa sclateri. The Chin Hills Tree-pie. Stuart Baker, Avifauna B. I., i, p. 50, (1922) {Mt. Victoria). Chin and Kachin Hills. 26c. Add Dendrocitta rufa kinneari. The Burmese Tree-Pie. Stuart Baker, lac. cit. p. 5\., {Taumjoo.) Burma, Yunnan, Shan States and Siam. 26(1. Add Dendrocitta rufa saturatior. The Tennasserim Tree-pie. D. vagabunda saturatior Ticehur&t, Bull. B. 0. C, XLII ' p. 66, (1922) {Amherst). Peninsular, Burma and Siam. 32. l^or Dendrocitta sinensis himalayensis read Dendrocitta formosae himalayensis. 33. For Dendrocilta sinensis assimilis read Dendrocitta formosae assimilis. 96. For Suthora verrauxi craddocki read Suthora gularis craddocki. Turdoididae 7). 12 for Family read Family Timaliida;. 123. For Qarrulax albogularis. The White-throated Laugh- ing Thrush read Qarrulax albogularis albogularis. The Eastern 1 1 'h ite -i h rGated L augh i ng- Th r u sh . lanthociucla albogularis Gould, P. Z. »S'., \.8'.^^'), p. lf^7, (Nepal.) Nepal, Sikkini, N. Cachar. 123a. Add Qarrulax albogularis whistleri. The Western White-throated Laiigliing- Thrush. Stuart Baker, Ball., B. O. C, XLII, p. 2d, {Id-Jl) {Si.'ula). Himalayas, Ha/.ara to Garhwal. 139a. /idd Trochalopterum melanostigma ramsayi. llie Karenni Red-headed Laughing-Thrush. Stuart Baker, Avifauna B. 1., t, p. 168, (1822). i6oa. ^fZfZ Trochalopterum lineatum ziaratensis. The Baluch- istan Streaked Laiujking Thntah. lanthocincla liueatum ziaratensis Ticehw'sl, Bull,, B, O. C , XLI, p. 56 (1920) (Ziarat). Baluchistan and ? 166. This goes out. 1 camwt distinguish between B. 1, lanceo- latus, B. I. yunnanensis and B. 1. bonvoloti. 166. For Babax lanceolatus victorias read Babax koslowi victorias. 181. For Turdoides griseus somervillei read Turdoides somervillei. " 193. The trivial na^ne should be Mount Abu ^Scimitar Habbkr.'' 220a. Add Pyctorhis sinensis saturatior. The Bhutan YeUow- eijed Babbler. Ticehurst, Bull, B. O. C, XLIII, p. 57, (1922) {Bhutan Dooars). 328a. Add Peliorneum ruficeps jonesi. The Western Spotted Babbler. Stuart Baker, Bull, B. O. C, XLI, p. 9, (1920) (Kalka). 232-336. The generic natne should be Peliorneum. 2SO. For Malacocincla abbotti read Malacocincia sepiaria abbotti. 256 el seq. for Phasocephala read Poioicephala. 270a, Add Stachyris chryssea chrysops. Tlie Malay Golden- headed Babbler. Richmond, Pro. Bid. ISoc, XV, p. lo7, (1902) (Trang.) Peninsular Burma and Siam and Malay Peninsular. 273. The trivial name should be " Humes Red-headed Babbler" 278. For Mixornis rubricapilla connectens read M, r. pileata. The Malay Yellow-breasted Babbler. Prinia pileata Blyth, J. A. S. B„ XI, p. 204,(1842) {Malatj). 282. Oinit intermedius..g'enestieri. 288—292. Generic name should be Fulvetta. David and Oust., (1877.) 291. For Lioparus vinipectus sordidior read Fulvetta ruficapilla sordidior. 292. For Lioparus vinipectus manipurensis read Fulvetta manipurensis. 300a. Add Leioptila melanoleuca radcliffei. Radcliffe's 8ibia. Stuart Baker, Avifauna B. I., i,p. 300, (1922) {Karenni). 334a. Add Liothrix lutea yunnanensis. The Yunnan Red- billed Liothrix. Rothschild, Nov. Zool, XXVIII, p. 36, (1921) (Shewle-Salvin divide). Yunnan and East Kachin Hills. 345'A Add /Ggithina tiphia humei. The Centrallndian lora. Stuart Baker, Arifauna B. I., p. 342, (1922) (Eaipur). South Central India. 354- For Chloropsis zostercps read Chloropsis viridis zosterops. 365. For Criniger pallidus grandis read Criniger tephrogenys grandis 368. etseq.foriiysipites read Microscelis. 37''^' Add Cerasophila thompsoni Bingham\s While-headed Bulbul. Binghmn, A. M. N. H., (7) V, p. 358, (1900) {S. Shan States). S. Shau States, N. W, Siam aud Central East Burma. 377. Fur Hemixus maclellandi hoiti read Hemixus maclellandi bin^hami. 387a. Add Molpastes leucogenys humii, iMolpastes humii Gates, Avifauna B. 1., i, p. -1\, {Jabalpar) (1889) {y. W. Frontier). 391a. Add Otocompsa emeria peguensis. The Burmese Ked- irhiskered Bulbul. aiuarl Baker, Avifauna B. I., i, p. 390, (19J2). Burma, Siam, Shau States, Audamansis and Nicobars. 396. Delete Spizixus canifrons ingrami. This is the same as S. c. canifrons, juv. 404. For Rubigula webberi read Rubigula squamata webberi. 405. For Pycnonotus aiialis read P. goiavier analis. 413. For Pycnonotus blanfordi read P. plumosus blanfordi. 414. For Pycnonotus plumosus read P. plumosus plumosus. 414a, Add Pycnonotus plumosus robinsoni. liobinson's Olive Bulbul. Pycnonotus robisoni Ogilvie-Grant, Fuse. Malay., p. 85, (1905) Patani). ( Patani, Malay Pen. S. Siam, S. & E. Central Burma, Annam. 415. For Pycnonotus simplex read Pycnonotus erythropthalmus erythropthalmus. Ixos erythropthalmus Hume, S. F. VI, p. 314, (1878) {Pakchan). 417. For Pycnonotus xanthorrhous read Pycnonotus aurigastor xanthorrhous. 43S. Delete Sitta europea griseoventris. This^ S. e. naga- ensis. 432. For Sitta neumayer obscura read Sitta neumayer tephronota. Sitta tephronota Sharpe, A. M. N. H., (4), x, p. 450, (1872) (lerghana). 447' For Dicrurus coerulescens read Dicrurus coerulescens coerulescens. 448. For Dicrurus leucopygialis read Dicrurus coerulescens leucopygialis. 465a. Add Certhia hyraalayana teeniura. The Turkestan Tree-Creeper. Certhia tseniura SeveHz., Turk. Jevetn., p. 138, (1873) {1 urhestan) Turkestan, Afganistan, Baluchistan, Gilgit, Kashmir. 465b. Add Certhia himalayana intermedia. The Chin Hills Tree-Creeper. Kinnedr, Bull., B. 0. C, XLI, p. 139, (1921) {Mt. Victoria). Chin Hills. 47i». Add Certliia discolor fuliginosa. The Karenni Tree- Creeper. Stuart Baker B. /., i, Acifauna p. 488, (1922) {Mekosy 1,000 ft. ) Shan States to Karenni. 470- Tielete Troglodytes t. niagrathi. This=T. t. neglecta. 482. For Elachura punctata read Elachura formosa. Troglodytes formosus Walden, Ibis, 1874, p. 91, [Bar- jeeling). 484 etseq. For genus Urocichia read Spelasornis (Sharpe, 1881). 488a. Add Spelgeornis longicaudatus chocolatinus. Godwin- Austin^s Wren.
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