CHAPTER 5 CONSULTATION WITH OTHERS CHAPTER 5 Consultation With Others CHAPTER 5: CONSULTATION WITH OTHERS AGENCIES, COMPANIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS CONSULTED ASARCO Incorporated Avista (formerly Washington Water Power) Bonner County Chamber of Commerce Bonneville Power Administration Cabinet Resource Group Clark Fork - Lake Pend Oreille Coalition Communities for a Great Northwest Flathead Electric Cooperative, Inc. Great Bear Foundation Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Kootenai Flyfishers Kootenai Wildlands Alliance Libby Area Chamber of Commerce Libby Placer Mining Company Libby Tomorrow Lincoln County Commissioners Montana Department of Commerce Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences Montana Department of Revenue Montana Department of Highways Montana Outfitter and Guides Association Montana Rail Link Montana Wilderness Association Noranda Minerals Corp. Northwest Mining Association Protect Park Resources Rock Creek Alliance Sanders County Commissioners Sanders County Weed District Sierra Club St. John's Lutheran Hospital, Inc. State Historic Preservation Office Sterling Mining Company U.S. Bureau of Mines and Geology U.S. Borax & Chemical Company U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 5-1 CHAPTER 5 Consultation With Others AGENCIES, COMPANIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS CONSULTED (Cont.) U.S. Mining Safety and Health Administration Western Montana Building and Construction Trades Council Wharf Resource AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBES Coeur d’Alene Tribe Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation Kalispel Tribe Kootenai Tribe of Idaho COOPERATING AGENCIES U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 5-2 CHAPTER 6 PREPARERS AND CONTRIBUTORS CHAPTER 6 Preparers and Contributors CHAPTER 6: PREPARERS AND CONTRIBUTORS The following people were involved in the research, writing, and internal review of the final EIS: Name Project Responsibility Education MONTANA DEPARTENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Kathleen Johnson Project Coordinator B.S., Landscape Architecture, Cornell University M.S., Land Rehabilitation, Montana State University Wayne Jepson Hydrology A.B., Earth Sc iences, Dartmouth College; M.S., Geology, University of Montana Tom Reid Water Quality/ B.S., Wildlife Biology, University of Montana; MPDES permit M.S., Aquatic Biology, University of Idaho; M.S., Applied Statistics, University of Idaho Peter Werner Geotechnical Engineering B.S., Ci vil Engin eering, M ontana State University; B.S., Geology, Stanf ord Unive rsity; M.S., Mining Engineering, Columbia University Patrick Plantenberg Vegetation, Soils, Reclamation B.S., Agri cultura l Science, Montana State Universi ty; M.S., Range Science/Reclamation, Montana State University Mark Kelley Socioeconomics B.S., Wildland Recreation Management, U niversity of Idaho; Land Use M.S. , Resource Conservation, University of Montana Noise Ph.D. , Integral Studies, California Institute of Integral Studies (in progress) Nancy Johnson Scenic Resources B.S., Education, University of Nebraska; M.S. , Education, University of Nebraska; M.L. A., University of Illinois Robert Barry Socioeconomics B.A., Social Science, University of Colorado; M.S. , Resource Policy/Management, Utah State University Sandi Olsen Review B.A., Biology, Mount Holyoke College Vicki Walsh Air Quality B.S., Environmental Engineering, Montana Tech Laura Kuzel Geochemistry B.A., Geology, Augustana College M.S. , Geology, University of Montana Joe Gurrieri Hydrogeology B.A., Geography, Central Connecticut State University M.S. , Geology, University of Connecticut U.S. FOREST SERVICE John McKay Project Coordinator (1999-2001) B.A., Geology, University of Montana Geology Paul Kaiser Project Coordinator (1998-1999) B.S., Forestry, Hum boldt State College; M.A., Business Management, California State University Steve Wegner Hydrology/Wetlands B.S., Watershed Management, University of Wisconsin 6-1 CHAPTER 6 Preparers and Contributors Name Project Responsibility Education U.S. FOREST SERVICE (Cont'd) Richard Stearns Geology B.A., Geology, Central Washington University Doug McClelland Geotechnical Engineering/ B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of California; Review M.S., M echanical Engi neering, Californ ia State Universi ty; M.S., Geotechnical Engineering, University of California Susan Ague GIS Maps/Administrative Record Lou Kuennen Soils B.S., Forestry, University of Idaho; M.S., Forestry, University of Idaho Margaret Lincoln Scenic Resourc es B.A., Asian Stu dies, Mills College; B.L.A., Landscape Architecture, University of Washington Tom Grabinski Transportation B.S., Civil Engineering, South Dakota State University Dan Leavell Vegetation B.S., Fore stry, Oregon State University; M.S., Community Ecology, Oregon State University Wayne Johnson Wildlife B.S., Wildlife Habitat Management, University of Montana Sandra Jacobson Wildlife B.A., Zoology, Humboldt StateUniversity M.S., Natural Resources/Wildlife, Humboldt State University Bruce Haflich Recreation/Wilderness B.S., Wildlife Biology, Colorado State University Mike Burnside Review B.A., Geology, University of Montana; M.S., Economic Geology, University of Montana Becky Timmons Cultural Resou rces B.A., Ant hropology, Wichita State University; M.S., Anthropology, University of Montana John Carlson Aquatics/Fis heries B.S., Fisheries, Oregon State University M.S., Fisheries, University of Idaho Richard Marshall Socioeconomics B.S. , Business Administration, Michigan Technological University M.A. , Economics, Wayne State University Ph.D. , Miner al Economics, Univer sity of Arizona TETRA TECH EM INC. Dan Buffalo Hydrology B.S., Biology, Tulane University; M.S. , Water Resources Management, University of Wisconsin Dave Donohue Hydrology B.A., Geology, University of Montana M.S. , Ear th Sciences/Hydrology, Montana State University Ed Surbrugg Wetlands B.S., Range Ecology, Colorado State University; M.S. , Land Rehabilitation, Montana State University; Ph.D. , Soil Science, North Carolina State University Alane M. Dallas Word Processing 6-2 CHAPTER 6 Preparers and Contributors Name Project Responsibility Education TETRA TECH EM INC. (Cont’d) Jim Dushin Visual Simulations A.AS. , For estry, P aul Smiths College B.S., Wildlife Biology, University of Montana Ed Madej ESRI- ArcView B.S., Biology and Oceanography, Pennsylvania State University Chris Rogers Visual Simulations A.A. S., Liberal Arts, Harper College Gary Sturm, P.E. Water Treatment B.S., Engineering Physics, University of Kansas M.S. , Civil Engineering, University of Idaho Alica Stickney Editing B.A., English, Bryn Mawr College M.S. , Geology, University of Montana Alice Stanley Project Coordinator B.S., Geology, University of Colora do M.S. , Geology, Montana State University WINDWARD ENVIRONMENTAL Tad Deshler Aquatics/Fisheries B.S., 1984, Aquatic Biology, U.C. Santa Barbara M.S. , 1986, Animal Science, U. C. Davis U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY1 Steve Potts Review/Project Liaison B.S., Chemistry, U niversity of Montana M.S. , Civil and Environmental Engineer ing, University of Colorado U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Robert Nebel (Omaha) Review B.S., Biology, University of Nebraska; M.S. , Biology, Univer sity of Nebraska Doug McDonald (Helena) Review B.S., Education, Mayville State College Rodney Schwarz, P.E. Review/404(b)(1) B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Nebraska; (Omaha) M.S. , Public Administration, University of Nebraska IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY2 June Bergquist Review B.S., Biology, Moorhead State University 1 Other technical staff in EPA’s Denver, Seattle, and Spokane offices also provided supplemental technical reviews submitted by Steve Potts, the staff member on the interdisciplinary team. 2 Other technic al staff members wit hin Idaho’s Divi sion of Environ mental Quality Coeur d’Alene office also assisted and provided supplemental technical reviews submitted by June Bergquist, the staff member on the interdisciplinary team. 6-3 CHAPTER 6 Preparers and Contributors Name Project Responsibility Education MONTANA FISH WILDLIFE AND PARKS Pat Saffel Review/Wildlife B.S., Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, South Dakota State University M.S. , Fisher y Resources, University of Idaho Bruce Sterling Review/Wildlife B.S., Wildlife Biology, University of Montana M.S. , Wildlife Management, New Mexico State University U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Kevin Shelley Review/Wildlife B.S., Wildlife Biology, University of Montana; M.S. , Zoology & Physiology, University of Wyoming DRAFT AND SUPPLEMENTAL EISs The following people were involved in the research and development of the draft and/or supplemental EISs but were not involved in preparation of the final EIS: MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Sandy Spon Aquatics B.S., Biology, Evergreen State College M.S., Environmental Science, University of North Texas Rebecca Miller Geochemistry B.A., Geology, University of Texas, El Paso; M.S., Geology, University of Texas, El Paso Patrick Driscoll Air Quality B.S., Environmental Engineering, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology U.S. FOREST SERVICE Roger White Geotechnical Engineering/ B.S., Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Review David Wischer Timber B.S., Forest Management, Humbolt State University Connie Reid Cultural Resou rces B.S., Anthropology, Centra l Washing ton Univ ersity; B.A., Bi ology, Cent ral Washi ngton Un iversity; M.S., Environmental Science, Washington State University Ray TeSoro Review B.S., Geology, Montana
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