RL'cipi's lint/ smart Campus parking frustrates students dieting tips By Jesara Cocks to put tlie parking system online )uly 2. that because many students change P. 17 Chronicle Staff was made before his time at the One look at tlie huge linrs com- address during the summer, the UOIT gets school, but said," The primary rea- ing from tlie parking office this year parking siaffdecided not to mail out son for online parking, I believe, tells a much different story. tlie stickers. hot Lark of spaces. Price hikes. Long was to ensure that people could Despite the notification, parking "It was totally an oversight Wells to provide heat lineups at the parking office. The purchase a pass when it was avail- stickers were not mailed out to stu- that the communication was issues have been apparent for able at tlicir convenience." dents and students were not told of not updated on MyCampus," she many years. Ilashid said the online purchas- this change. said. This year parking staff changed' ing was intended to reduce wait Rashiddid not know why passes "We apologize for any incon- their game plan so lliat students times for students and staff. were not mailed to students as was venience this has caused." were able to purchase a parking Students were notified via tlicir originally planned but said that it Meaghan Sutherland, a first-year pass online as of June 1. The plan MyCampus about (lie ability to may have been to ensure tliat stu- Criminal Justice student, stood in Bye-bye was to alleviate congestion and reserve and pay for their parking dents actually got the pass, and to line on three different occasions. long wait times come tlie start of the pass online. In that information make sure they were not lost in tlie school year. package students were "informed mail. Polonsky Nadecm Rasllid, Durliani's new that replacement stickers would be Deborah Kinkaid, director of See Parking page 6 parking manager, said the decision mailed to their home address after campus services, agreed and said By Derek Giberson Chronicle Staff Lady Lords battle back It's tlie end of a dynasty. (;;iry 1'olonsky will retire at (tie for Nemish s 250th win end of lllis school year, after a long By Matthew Collison and productive history at (lie helm Chronicle Staff runs and added another in (lie bot- of Durham College and, more tom of tlie second. The Lords came recently, tlie University of Ontario back to tie witli two in the top of tlie Institute of Technology. Lords' coach Jim Nemish third but gave back (lie two-run 1'olonsky made (lie announce- readied yet another milestone on advantage to the home team an ment in April, at the end of last Sept. 20 when his girls fastball team inning later. year's school year. twice came from behind to down After a quick pep talk. from the "I had promised my wife for the Seneca Sting 12-7 in their first coacli, the Lords came to bat ;ind many years tliat 1 would not main- regular season road game. scored four runs before recording tain tills pace when I hit 65," Tlie victory was Nemish's 250th their first out. Polonsky said in a recent interview. career win, bringing his record to "I just told them to calm down, A search lias been underway 250-57. Just as impressive is the get focused and just drive the ball," since tlie announcement to replace streak (liat the win kept intact. The Nemish said. Polonsky. Instead of looking for one lady Lords have now won an Sliortstop Kristy Kelly, wlio liad person to fill the role, school offi- incredible -15 straight games against a rougli time in tlie (Icid early on, cials have decided - appropriately, teams in their own conference. led the Lords' hit parade with a in Polonsky's view - to find separate It was a hard-fought game for the home run and a triple for four Kills. presidents for both DC and U01T. Lords; a game in which tlieir usual- Sliccna Viner also liad a good giline ''This lias been a privileged way ly steaily defence went missing for at the plate, going two for four with to earn 11 living," lie said of the pres- the first lialf before players found two Kills. ident's post, which, by (lie lime he their stride in the later innings, Pitching was tho biggest ques- retires in 2006, lie will have lield at Tlie girls were off to a good start tion murk coming into tlie gaiiiu. Photo provided by Alhlelic Department DC for 1« years and IJ01T since its In (lie top of (lie llrst witli two quick MILESTONE MAN: Already a 15-time OCAA champi- inception live years ago. runs, hut Seneca battled hack In (lie See Nemish page 36 on, Jim Nemish lead his crew to another win Sept. bottom of tlie inning with three 20 at Seneca. It was career win #250. See Polonsky page 6 2 THE CHRONICLE SEPTEMBER 27, 2005 CAMPUS NEWS Students had a blast on Treasure Island friends know ib.il "hope is failing." Pub "I thought 1 might grt into llie bur," said Slelanie Wright, a first- yi'.ir student at UOIT, in response transformed to why she came to pub tliat night. Clearly, she was wrong. l'n liaps part of the problem was into island the fact llial only one I1oor of (lie Sludent Centre was used, whereas at Last Blast last year both floors oasis were used. Altliougli it would be great to By Lisa Power ensure tliat every student could Chronicle Staff gel into pub, llie SA says it must consider what Is going to make the niglit most successful. There were nets, bones and llsli "IVe thought it was going to he a decorating (lie room. The stage big event," said Matthew Fuwcett, was liosi lo ;i treasure chest, and ;> VI'ofKOlTfortlieSA. fire pit was built in front of Eddie's "Every time it's almost like a Eater)'. The bar was more of an trial riin." oasis than usual, decorated to fi( For future events, (lie SA will (lie theme ofllic night. F.ye patches evaluate (lie success of previous were handed oiil at (lie front door. events and determine the hcsl Yes, F..P. Taylor's was truly inetliod to use for as many stu- transformed for First Blast's dents as possible to enjoy tliem- Treasure Island party on Sept. 7. .selve.s. Tickets sold out within a few The fate of First Blast 2006, in days and (lie campus pnl) was regards to using one or two floors, soon niled with about 500 students FIRST BLAST: Students (left to right ) Alicia Thompson, Stefanie Wright and Ryan lies in (lie hands of next year's ready for tlie first parly of (lie year. Roy waited eagerly in line outside to party it up at First Blast Treasure Island. Student Association. A selling A huge success, First Blast 20().'i Many students without tickets were not let in. point for tliosc wlio did make it was a record-breaking night and inside Treasure Island Pub was the students definitely seemed to be Association. 1 lowever, not all stu- They expected a bit of a wait, and got my dancin' slices on,'' said opportunity to not only drink, but enjoying themselves, according lo dents left li. P. Taylor's happy. were in good spirits while (lie niglil Hyaii Hoy, a DC sludeiit from llie also to enjoy (lie food being sold at loanne Gwi/d, vice-president of Some wlio failed to get tickets was still early. Whitby campus. I lowcvcr, as time Eddie's Hatcry, which included Communications for llie Student waited in line for over two hours. Tin here to spiink llie plants. I . passed slowly by, Hoy let Ills wings and fries. Pub goers 'yuk' it up at Har- de-Har By Matthew Collison bre.ik- with a .solid ,11 ..'id Chronicle performance paced, often raunchy, humour Staff___________ last year's annual )usl For l.aiiglis used great facial expressions. He Festival in Montreal. He wasn't talked about Ills desire lo break into Dirty jokes and one-liners were afraid of bringing his own short- llie garage of llie family in all tlie on lap al Yuk Yuk's annual visil to H. comings into Ills act, revealing lie Canadian Tire commercials to steal P. Taylor's on Sept. 11. About 150 was born two months premature all their stuff. 1 Ie also talked about students enjoyed a lineup of come- and doctors had so much trouble liow out-dated and unrealistic dians dial included liost Steve discerning his sex that his parents beamy pageants have become. 1 Ie Dillon, opening act Matt Billon and originally named liini Tracy. lie said lie would rattier see a Miss headliner Wade McHlwain.' included a story of him and Ills Teen-Pregnancy Pageant and nom- Dillon, a native uf Kingston, broil icr taking turns shooting each inated nearby Pickering as (lie best Ontario, got llie crowd in tlie mood oilier in (lie backside with a pellet place to find contestants. with some self- deprecating gun given to tlicm by tlieir uncle. "It was a great crowd and we liad humour about tlie fad tliat his pale Tlie evening's headliner, Wade a great time," Mclilwain said alter skin tans red, and followed up witli McHlwain, was voted funniest new (lie show. T just hope they all liad as some masturbation jokes, before comedian at tlie 2000 Canadian much fun as we did." introducing the first act, Matt Billon.
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