Q.- .J LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY American Library Association ' I Official Program Thirty-second Annual Meeting ~ MACKINAC IsLAND, MicHIGAN June 30-]uly 6, 191,0 OFFICERS 1909-10 P1'esiden.t MEETINGS N. D. C. HoiJGES, Public library, Cincinnati Official Headquarters will be at the G•·and Hotel. Gen­ First Vice-President eral sessions will be ·held in the Casino. Meetings of ] . I. WvER, ]R., New York State library affiliated associations and section s will be held in the three glass-enclosed rooms, east end of the hotel, ground Second Vice-President floor; in the childrens' dining room and ordinary. Notices ALICE S. TYLER, Iowa library commission of these meetings will be posted at Headquarters. Executive Board The president, two vice-presidents and six other member~ TIME OF MEETINGS as follows: F or term expiriug 1910 Unless otherwise noted in the printed program, all meetings are appointed for the following hours: HERBERT P uTNAM, Library of Congress Forenoon sessions ..... ........ •............ ...... 9: 30 P uRD B. WRIGHT, Public library, Los Angeles, Cal. - Afternoon sessions .............. .............. ... 2: 30 For term expiri-ng T9II Evening sessions .............. • ........... ~ .. ... 8: 15 Members are requested to be seated promptly in order c. vV. ANDREWS, The John Crerar library that the meetings may begin without delay. MRS. H. L.• EDIENDORF, Public library, Buffalo For term expiring T912 REGISTRATION W. C. LANE, Harvard university library Everyone in attendance at even one session, and HENRY E. LEGI.ER, Chicago public library whether a member of t he a ssociation or not, Is requested to register at Headquarters. Secretor)' CHAI.MERS HAULEv , 1 Washington street, Chicago MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Treasttrer Members in arrears for due.s and library workers wish­ CARL B. RoDEN, Chicago public library ing to join the association will find the secretary or his representative at Headquarters. Trustees of the Eudowmeut Fund W. T. PORTER, Cincinnati, Ohio. (Term expires 1910.) W. W. APPLETON, New York City. ( Term expires 19II.) W. C. KmBALI., Newark, N. ]. ( Term expires 1912.) 2 PROGRAM T hursday, June 30 9:30 a. m. Executive board. 2:30 p. m. Council. 8:15 p. m. American librar y institute. First session. Friday, July 1, Michigan Day 9:30 a. m. National association of state l ibraries. F irst EXHIBITS session. Address of welcome-Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, Michigan Special attention is called to the exhibition of late state library. Response and president's address- John E. King, Min· technical books arranged by E. H . McClelland, technical nesota state library. librarian, Carnegie library of Pittsburgh; Edward D. Report of secretary and treasurer-Asa C. Tilton, Wis· Tweedell, reference librarian, the John Crerar library, consin historical library. and Edward F. Stevens, librarian, Pratt institute free Committee reports. library; also to the exhibit of books and manuscripts Library efficiency under new conditions-Herbert Olin Brigham, Rhode Island state library. showing the ravages of insects and microbes, which exhi­ bition is loaned by W. R. Reinick of the Philadelphia 9 :30 a. m . Bibliographical societ y of America. F irst free library. session. There are a number of commercial exhibitions in the President's address-The present situation as to the '''annex" at the Grand Hotel. While they have no offi· origin of printing-Azariah S. Root. The library of Jean Chapelain and its catalog-Prof. cia! connection with the association, their recognized Colbert Searles, Leland Stanford, jr, university. value and interest should attract the attention of The literature of the fur trade- Lawrence J. Burpee, librarians. Carnegie library, Ottawa. Reports of committees. PERSONAL CONFERENCE 9: 30 a. m. Special libraries association. First session. Library bulletins, publicity and methods of keeping a special clientage informed concerning current litera· To further personal conference and to increase its .ture of interest: profit, members are invited t o leave at Headquarters the Opening discussion-George W . Lee, librarian, Stone names of persons they wish to meet and of subjects in and Webster, Boston. which they have special interest. Members of the recep­ General discussion with special refer ence to the needs and methods of particular libraries. Among tion committee will be pleased to see that such meet· those who will take part in the discussion are the ings will be brought about, if possible. following: W. F . Stevens, librarian, Carnegie library, Home· stead, Pa. Guy E. Marion, librarian, A. D. Little, Inc., Boston. Robert H. Whitten. librarian, Public service com· mission, New York city. D. N. Handy, librarian, Insurance libr ary associa· tion of Boston. In connection with the above session there will be an exhibit of bulletins, methods and devices used by special libraries relating to the subject under dis­ cusl!ion. 5 9 : 30 a. m. League of library commissions. First session. Biog1·aphy Bus iness meeting, reports of committeee, etc. Thompson. Shelley-Mrs H. L. Elmendorf, Buffalo public library (5 minutes). 2:00 p. m. Drive around the island. Stanley. Autobiography-l\Tary E. Ahern, Public Libra· Five o'clock tea. ries ( 5 minutes). 8:15 p. m. First general session. Travel Loti. Egypt - Theresa Hitchle r, Brooklyn public President's address- An anathema upon finger·posts­ library (5 minutes). N. D. C. Hodges, Public library of Cincinnati. Address-Nina K. Preston, president, Michigan library Shackleton. T he heart of the Antarctic-Reuben Gold association. Thwaites, Wisconsin historical society (5 minutes). Michiga n history and legends-Mrs Henry Hulst Grand Rapids, Mich. ' F iction The story of Michigan-H. R. Pattingill, Lansing. Mich. Bacon. Margarita's soul-Agnes Van Valkenburgh, Michig·an songs. Milwaukee public library (5 minutes). De Morgan. It never can happen again. ----- An affair of dishonor. Saturday, July 2 The chairman (5 minutes). 9:30 a. m. Second general session. Practical book reviewing and manuscript reading from Technical book exhibition-Elwood H. McClelland, Car· the inside- Wallace Rice, Chicago. negie library, Pittsburgh. Secretary's report. Reports of tl'easurer and committees. Treasurer. Th~ library and the school-Dr. Charles Hubbard Judd. Trustees of e ndowment fund. director, School of education, U niversity of Chicago. Publishi ng board. (Representing the National Education Association.) Finance. Administration. Book symposium--Conducted by James I. Wyer, jr, New Bookbinding. York state library. Coordination. Recent interpr etations of American life. Coordination of college librarieR. Librar y training. Library work with ihe blind. l'ort Van Dyke. Spirit of America. Croly. Promise of American life-Carl B Roden 2:30 p. m. Professional training section. Chicago public library (10 minutes) . · ' T he essentials of a good library school-Edith Tobitt, Brooks.. As others see us-Mrs J. S. Harron, A. L. A. Omaha public library. Bookllst (5 minutes) . Discussion-William F. Yust, Louisville free public Pirtiou library; Purd B. Wright , Los Angeles public library. White. A certain rich man-Ethel F. McCollough, Superior (Wis.) public library (5 minutes). The app1·entice class: Churchill. A modern chronicle-Elva L. Bascom, (a) In the large library-Jessie Welles. Carnegie A. L. A. Booklist (5 minutes). library, Pittsburgh. Immigration and assimilation of foreign peoples: Discussion - Frank P. Hill, Brooklyn public Connor. The foreigner. library; Arthur E. Bostwick, St Louis public Coolidge. Chinese immigration. library; George F. Bowerman, Public library, District of Columbia. Faust. German element in the United States. Holt. Life stories of undistinguished Americans. (b) In the small library-:.VIaude Van Buren, Mankato Steiner. The immigrant tide. (Minn.) public library; Grace Delphine Rose, Zangwill. The melting pot. Davenport public library. Arthur E. Bostwick, St. Louis public library (20 Discussion-Arthur L . Bailey, Wilmington insti· minutes). tute free library. 6 7 2:30 p. m. Public doc ument s round table. 8: 15 p. m. Children's librari ans' section. First session. Address- August Donath, superintendent of documents. Symposium of books about children. Washington, D. C. E. K. S. Key. Century of the child-1\Irs Henry L. Discussion-Congressional printing investigation com­ Elmendorf. mission's questions. B. B. Lindsey & H. O'Higgins. The beast- A. E. Bostwick. John Spargo. Tbe bitter cry of the children-Linda A. Eastman_ 2:30 p. m. A mer ican association of l aw l ibraries. F irst Jane Addams. The spirit of youth and the city session. [ streets-Henry E. Legler. Address of welcome. K. L. L. Bosher. Mary Cary- Lutie E. Stearns. Response-John E. King. t R. R. Reeder. How two hundred children live and Address by the president. learn-Caroline Webster. J. A. Riis. T he peril and preservation of the home­ Report of the secretary-treasurer. Esther Straus. Report of Committee on securing Latin-American laws American academy of political and social science. Pub- - 0. J . Field, Department of justice, chairman. lic recreation facilities-Hannah Lawrence. Report of the Committee on binding-G. E. Wire, Wor­ H. G. Parsons. Children's gardens-Elva L. Bascom. cester county (Mass.) law library, chairman. G. S. Lee. The child and the book-May Massee. Report of Committee on bibliography of the statute laws of the several states-A. J. Small, Iowa state Intermediate work. law library, chairman. A general discussion led by Mary Douglas. Report of Committee on list of law libraries and law librarians - George N. Cheney, Court of appeals 8:15 p. m. Col lege and ref erence section. F irst session. library, Syracuse, N. Y., chairman. Relation of the college library to the public-Dr W. K. Report of managing editor-Gilson G. Glasler, State Jewett, librarian, University of Nebraska. library of Wisconsin. Relation of the state university library to the other Report of business manager-HaT-old L. Butler, Ameri­ libraries of the state-P. L. Windsor, librarian, Uni­ can law library, New York city. versity of Illinois. Relation of the college library to the public in a college town-W.
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