AIIB SPECIAL FUND NO. BGD P000153 - SF GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH ROADS AND HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT MINISTRY OF ROAD TRANSPORT AND BRIDGES Sylhet-Tamabil Road Up gradation Project Draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment October 2019 CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS AIIB SPECIAL FUND NO. BGD P000153 - SF (as of September 2019) Currency Unit=BDT BDT1.00=$0.01184 $1.00=BDT84.45 ABBREVIATIONS AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics BCR Building Construction Rules BECA Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act BECR Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Rules BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board CSC Construction Supervision Consultant DCs Deputy Commissioners DGWT Deep Ground Water Table DoE Department of Environment EA Environmental Assessment ECC Environmental Clearance Certificate EHSG Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESF Environmental and Social Framework ESP Environmental and Social Policy ESS Environmental and Social Standard FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FD Forest Department GOB Government of Bangladesh GHG Greenhouse Gas IEE Initial Environmental Examination IECs Important Environment Components IPPF Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework LGED Local Government Engineering Department LGRD &C Local Government Rural Development and Cooperative MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOC Ministry of Communications MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forest NCS National Conservation Strategy NEC National Environmental Council NEP National Environmental Policy NEMAP National Environmental Management Action Plan NGO Non-Governmental Organization PAP Project Affected Persons PDP Pr oject Displaced Persons PPE Personal Protection Equipment PMU Project Management Unit s Sylhet-Tamabil Road Upgradation Project PIU Project Implementation Unit RAP Resettlement Action Plan RHD Roads and Highways Department RoW Right of Way SDG Sustainable Development Goals SGWT Shallow Ground Water Table TA Technical Assistance WEIGHTS AND MEASURES dB(A) – A-weighted decibel ha – hectare km – kilometer km2 – square kilometer KWA – kilowatt ampere Leq – equivalent continuous noise level µg – microgram m – meter MW (megawatt) – megawatt PM 2.5 or 10 – Particulate Matter of 2.5 micron or 10-micron size NOTES (i) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. (ii) ―BDT refers to Bangladeshi Taka This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of AIIB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. PREFACE The premises of this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report are the Consultant services presentation of an analysis of data and conclusions, together with its appendices. While Consultants have been deputed to assist the RHD / Executing Agency (EA) for the preparation of the ESIA. The key elements of the ESIA Report focus on: Assessment of Compliance Guidelines of Environment Safeguards according to AIIB and GoB policy. DISCLAIMER This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report of Sylhet-Tamabil Road Up-gradation Project under RHD has been prepared under the guidance of Team Leader of ESIA Report September 2019 ii Sylhet-Tamabil Road Upgradation Project consultant. All the data used to prepare this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report have been collected from the Project Development Plan (PDP). Some of the information has also been collected from the RHD personnel over telephone. Moreover, some information has been collected by the respective experts of consultant through intensive field visit which have been used in writing this report. If any information or data or any other things coincide with other project documents that are beyond our knowledge and fully coincidental, we express apology for that. ESIA Report September 2019 iii Sylhet-Tamabil Road Upgradation Project Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................. ix I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 13 A. Background ....................................................................................................................... 13 B. Project Scope .................................................................................................................... 13 C. Purpose of the Report ........................................................................................................ 14 D. Categorization ................................................................................................................... 14 E. Scope of this report............................................................................................................ 14 F. Approach and Methodology ................................................................................................ 15 G. Structure of This Report ..................................................................................................... 15 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK .................................................. 17 A. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 17 B. Environmental Legislation Framework ................................................................................. 17 a. Overview of the project Approval Process...................................................................... 17 b. Environmental Approval Framework .............................................................................. 17 C. National Relevant Policies and Strategies ........................................................................... 18 a. National Environmental Policy....................................................................................... 18 b. Environmental Conservation Act (ECA), 1995 ................................................................ 19 c. Environment Conservation Rules, 1997 (Amended in 2002)............................................ 19 d. National Water Policy, 1999.......................................................................................... 20 e. Other National Legal Instruments .................................................................................. 21 D. Applicable International Agreements ................................................................................... 23 E. Legislation relating to Health and Safety during Construction ................................................ 25 F. Environmental Categorization and Standards ...................................................................... 26 a. Environmental Category: GOB ...................................................................................... 26 b. Environmental Category: AIIB ....................................................................................... 26 G. Institutional Arrangements/Framework ................................................................................ 27 H. Institutional Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................ 30 a. RHD ............................................................................................................................ 30 b. RHD (Environment and Social Circle) ............................................................................ 30 c. PIU (Environmental Focal Persons at Project Head Quarter and Site level)...................... 31 d. Project Implementation Consultant (Environment Safeguards Team) ............................... 32 e. Contractor (Environment Safeguards Team) .................................................................. 32 f. AIIB............................................................................................................................. 33 I. Capacity Building ............................................................................................................... 33 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................... 35 A. The Study Area ................................................................................................................. 35 B. The Project Cost ................................................................................................................ 35 a. Road, Bridge, Culvert Components ............................................................................... 36 b. Implementation Schedule ............................................................................................. 46 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................... 47 A. Baseline Environment ........................................................................................................ 47 B. Physical Characteristics ....................................................................................................
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