990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black loop benefit bust or private foundation) 202 Depumwt of ma T~wy inIemd Rwe~~. sew " The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements A Forlhe2002calendar year,ortaxyear period beginning JUL 1 2002 ai B Check It C Name of organization D Employer Identification number sppli~l& P I .0 use IRS M,na,a Istlelild.t or --lehango .,MALVERN PREPARATORY SCHOOL L3-l .S7L070 Na" =Chsng type Number and street (or P 0 box d mail is not delivered to street address) RoaMsurte E Telephone number ~;;av s~asc41B S . WARREN AVENUE ( 484 ) 595-1123 Final Imwc- OroWm Vans City ortown,state orcountry .andZIP+4 F oawnbprteeia¢ O cash [K] A. .I -MALVERN , PA 19355-2707 0 Section 501(e)(3) organizations an049a7(a)(1) nonexemptcharitable trusts H end I era not applicable to section 527 organizations must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) H(a) is this a group return for affiliates? Yes No H(6) It 'Yes .' enter number of affiliates 10, J Organ lzalinnlypeurockmn"l " U501(c)(3 )q rnsanno) U4947(a)(7)orU52 H(c) Are all affiliates included) N/A Yes No " III No,- attach a list ) N Check here LJ d the organization's gross receipts era normally not more than E25,000 The HBO) Is this a separate return filed by an or- organization need not file Z return with the IRS, but if the organization received d Forth 990 Package in the mail, it should tile d return without financial data Some states require a complete return 110- M Check 11, L-J it the organization is not required to attach Sch B (Form 990.990-EZ .or990-PF) Part 1 Revenue rc enses ana unan es in NOT Assess or tuna balances 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received a Direct public support to 1 , 291 , 517 .., b Indirect public support lb c Government contributions (pranis) is d Total (add lines 7a through 1c) (cash E 1 , 2 91, 517 . nancash $ ) 1 a 1,291,517 . 2 Program service revenue including government tees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) 2 10 , 318 r 682 . 3 Membership dues an0assessments 3 49 r 350 . d Interest on sarongs and temporary cash investments o 674 . 5 Dividends and interest tram securities 5 69 , 537 . 6 a Gross rents 6a ,-d ~ h Less rental expenses 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) 6c m 7 Other investment income (describe " 7 c) E 8 a Gross amount from sale of assets other A Securities B Other w in than inventory 1 , 516 , 229 . Ba Z cc 6 Less cast orother basis andsales expenses 2 , 127 , 405 . Bb c Gain or (loss) (attach schedule) <611 , 176 . >8c d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B)) STMT 1 ' BE~ <611 , 176 .> 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) a Gross revenue (not including $ 0 - of contributions reported an line 1a) 9a 235 , 017 . 0 Less duectexpensesother than fund raising expenses 9h 238 621 . c Net income or (loss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) SEE STATEMENT 4 9e <3 , 604 . > 10 a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances file 212 , 569 . h Less cast of goods sold 106 180 , 883 . c Gross Drofd or (loss) from sales o1 inventory (attach sche0ule subtract line 10b from lin¢ t STMT 2 tOc 31 , 686 . 11 Other revenue (from Part VII, line 103) 11 ~ 312,212 . RECEIVED 13 Program services (}torn line 44, Column (B)) 7 ' Q"' +9,897,606 . to c 13 Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) p NQ u 1 Q Z0~J~(A 2,167,541 . a 15 Fundraising (from line 44, column (D)) 843,938 . w 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) OGDEN, U 17 Total ex penses add lines 16 and 44 column A 12,909,085 . 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 77 from line 12) <1,450,207 . > N m w 19 Net assets or fund haleness at beginning of year (tram line 73, column (A)) 19,524,128 . a 20 Other changes in net assets or tuna balances (attach explanation) SEE STATEMENT 3 612,485 . 18,686,406 . LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, sea the separate Instructions Form 990 (2002) 1 23-1352658 and are required for section 501(c)(3) Page 2 ~is but optional for others am C) Management (A) Total and general (D) Fundraising 22 Grants and allocations (attach schedule) Mh : 1195550 . ,.,s 1,195 .550 .1 1,195,550 . ?.=DEMENT 6 , 23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) 25 Compensation o1 officers, directors, etc 26 Other salaries and wages 27 Pension plan contributions 28 Other employee benefits 29 Payroll taxes 30 Professional fundransing fees 31 Accounting fees 32 Legalities 33 Supplies 3 , 784 . 34 Telephone 35 Postage and shipping 16 , 525 . 36 Occupancy 37 Equipment rental and maintenance 38 Printing and publications 66 , 743 . 39 Travel 50 , 403 . 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 41 Interest 15,048 . 42 Depreciation, deplellon,etc (attach schedule) 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize) a h t a e SEE STATEMENT 5 . 44 8~°w`~~meo°e'~"o~"oto~~oeitau~ rio~airynisiBol m)h 1315 1441 12,909,085 . 9,897,606 . 2,167,541 .1 843,'. Joint Costs Check " LJ A you are following SOP 98.2 Are any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services ? No- El Yes M No It Yes; enter (I) the aggregate amount of these faint casts $ , (II) the amount allocated to Program services $ What is the organization's primary exempt purposes 11111. Service All orymxWOmmust OecrIOetheir qempt OuTosa¢hiwavnbln6 dear sndcandaemanner State thsnumGeroldienisswaC pub4mLOntbsue0,atc Dlxws pC111NlRCIII7 Mat 1101101 RIppSURD10 (i0C4011$01(C)p) and (4) OrPflli"tiON NO 4a17(/Xl) nOnuImpl UYltabls nib must also nt/I Me amount of gwis and Nloo4ona to Ohm a COLLEGE PREPARATORY EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 6 - 12 . RELATED ATHLETIC AND OTHER EXTRA- b c d and allocations Form 990 (2002) 2 Form 990(2002) MALVERN PREPARATORY SCHOOL 23-1352658 Page 9 Part IV Balance Sheets Note Where required, attached schedules end amounts within the description column (A) (8) should beforend-ol-yearamounts only Beginning ofyear End of year 45 Cash -non-interesF6eanng 427 093 . 45 680 023 . 46 Savings and temporary cash investments 1 , 599 , 849 . 46 1 317 149 . a7 a Accounts receivable 47a 262 224 . b less allowance tordoubtful accounts a7h 75 , 000 . 289 022 . q7c 187 224 . 4B a Pledges receivable 4BaA 1 334 731 . h Less allowance for doubtful accounts OBb 1 723 , 683 . 48s 1 334,731 . 49 Grants receivable 49 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees 50 N 51 a Other notes and loans receivable 51a h Less allowance for doubtful accounts 51b 51c 52 Inventories lorsale aruse 68 , 083 . 52 46 , 222 . 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 231 279 . 53 211 , 797 . 54 Investments -secunues STMT 7 STMT 8 " ~ Cost D FMV 5 , 519 , 910 . 54 5 , 475 , 453 . 55 a Investments - land, buildings and equipment basis 55a b Less accumulated depreciation 55b SSc 56 investments-other SEE STATEMENT 9 301 618 . 56 161 355 . 51 a Land,bmldinps,andequipment basis 57a 29 520 001 . 1 b Hess accumulated depreciation STMT 10 sib 9 , 502 , 777 .. 19 777 455 . s7c ~ 20 017 224 . se Other assets (describe " SEE STATEMENT 11 1 258, 839 . 58 94,863 . 30,196 .831 .1591 29 .526 .091 . 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 61 Grants payable 62 Deferred revenue N d 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees a 64 a Tax-exempt bond liabilities STMT 12 h Mortgages and other notes payable STMT 1 3 65 Other liabilities (descnbe " OTHER LIABILITIES 1bV,L1C .1 651 1.q0, /34 . Organ lzalions that follow SFAS 117, cheek here 10' U and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74 d 67 Unresincted 6 , 816 , 565 . 67 15 874 678 . m 68 Temporarily restricted 1 , 190 , 284 . 6e 1 , 207 , 382 . m 69 Permanently restricted 1 , 517 , 279 . 69 1 , 604 r 346 . Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here " 0 and complete lines 70 through 74 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 70 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund 71 a 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 72 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72, column (A) must equal line 19, column (B) must equal line 21) 9 .524,128 . 7.1 18 .686 .406 . Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the pnmary or sole source of information about a particular organization How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully descnbes, in Pal III, the organization's programs and accomplishments xzwz, of az m 3 MALVERN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Part IY-A Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited apses per Auattea Financial Statements with Revenue per with Expenses per Return a Total revenue, pains, and other support a total expenses and losses per - peraudited financial statements lio.
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