Spring 2012 Vol 2 | No 2 Engineering Ontario’s Infrastructure Investing in the future of our province 12 Engineering Day OSPE celebrates engineering innovations in energy 8 Advocating on Energy OSPE report calls for changes to Ontario’s energy policies 19 With Canada’s largest workforce of power linemen, Power projects 35 years of experience and extensive bonding capacity, Valard has the power to match any need people power electrical project. We offer complete engineering, procurement and construction services, plus competitive project financing. www.valard.com Transmission | Distribution | Substations | Renewables | Telecomm PUBLISHER Daniel J. Young, M.Eng., P.Eng. EDITOR Andrea Ritter Contents CONTRIBUTORS Maegan Baird Laura Bowman UP FRONT 18 Liz Greenland 2 Viewpoint Kristian Kennedy Greetings from your President and Mariana Kutin Morais Chair; Message from the Acting CEO Kris Light Kirk Perris 4 Newsbytes Adam Walker News and notes on OSPE and the engineering community DESIGN & PRODUCTION 8 Bailey Design Associates 8 Engineering Day Professionals, kids get “energized” ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY at OSPE’s first Engineering Day, Humera Jabir celebrating engineering innovations 12 Barry Roden in the energy sector ADVERTISING INQUIRIES 20 Seizing Innovation Opportunities Marla Currie 10 Purple Power at the CN Tower in Ontario 416-223-9961, ext. 234 Students light famed structure purple Minister of State for Science and 1-886-763-1654, ext. 234 in honour of National Engineering Technology headlines OSPE Policy [email protected] Month Series discussion on innovation OSPE IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY COVER ENGINEERING INTELLIGENCE 12 Engineering Ontario’s Infrastructure 22 Insurance Fraud: Avoid Being a Victim Investing in the future of our province Top tips for protecting yourself 14 Fast Facts on the road Ontario dominates the national 24 Secondary Liability Insurance: infrastructure landscape OSPE Has You Covered 15 Ontario’s Big 10 Find answers to your questions on this The top 10 infrastructure projects valuable, complimentary coverage taking place in Ontario now for OSPE members 16 Taking Action 26 Ask the Expert: Lien Law for Engineers OSPE’s recent actions on infrastructure A primer on Ontario’s Construction Lien Act 17 Provincial Budget 2012 OSPE buoyed by continued support PROFESIONAL EDGE for infrastructure 28 Teaching Culture, Embracing Diversity ADVOCACY IN ACTION OSPE course provides valuable lessons on workplace culture, collaboration 18 OSPE Gains Support for Bill 15 Policy makers and guests gather 4950 Yonge Street, Suite 502 30 The Engineer Speaks with Confidence Toronto, ON M2N 6K1 at OSPE’s fourth MPP Reception New OSPE seminar delivers winning communication strategies [email protected] 19 Wind and the Electrical Grid www.ospe.on.ca New OSPE report calls on the 32 Coming Up Postage paid: Province to mitigate the rise Check out upcoming OSPE Publications mail 40606018 in electricity rates, greenhouse Professional Development offerings gas emissions in your area TheVoice Spring 2012 1 VIEWPOINT Message from Your Chair As engineers, many of us have shared a similar experience. With support from MPPs from all parties in Ontario, When people we meet outside of our professional circle we are now working to formalize that mandate in legisla- learn we are engineers, they often respond with: So you tion. As you will see on Page 20, Bill 15: An Act Respecting build roads and bridges? As we all know, this responsibility the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers is scheduled lies only with professional engineers who are qualified in to receive Second Reading in mid-May. We thank Mr. Civil Engineering, with relevant expertise in this field. Monte Kwinter, MPP York Centre, who introduced this This frequent misconception shows us that our Private Members Bill and continues to champion Bill 15 profession is not well known. At the same time, it reveals in the Legislature. to us that elements of infrastructure are among the most By the time Bill 15 is presented for debate, my term recognizable contributions that professional engineers as your President and Chair will have come to an end. make to communities. This is one of the reasons why this It has been a great pleasure to meet so many of you at edition of The Voice is dedicated to infrastructure. engineering community events, conferences, competitions and celebrations across the province. And it has been an Reinvigorating public infrastructure is honour and privilege to represent you to decision makers, one of Ontario’s greatest policy challenges, including government, industry leaders and the public. especially in the face of a deficit. My sincere thanks to OSPE members, volunteers, staff and fellow Board members for their commitment and As you will see in the issue, OSPE has been working support over the course of a very eventful and productive closely with the Construction and Design Alliance of year. In the coming year, I will continue to serve on the Ontario and the Ministry of Infrastructure, actively OSPE Board as Past Chair. Together, we will continue to demonstrating that engineers are ready to help meet make strides on behalf of all engineers in Ontario. this challenge. We applaud the Ministry for its ongoing commitment to implementing its 10-year infrastruc- ture plan, which will create engineering jobs, boost our economy and improve the quality of life for residents. We also recognize that we, as engineers, must continue to work with the government to ensure the expertise of Alourdes Sully, ing., M.Eng. Mgmt., P.Eng. engineers is considered, not only during the implementa- President and Chair tion stage, but also at the policy table. It is also OSPE’s job to make the public aware of the contributions engineers are making to infrastructure at every level. As the advo- cate for Ontario’s engineers, this awareness-building is a substantial part of our mandate. 2 TheVoice Spring 2012 Message from the Acting CEO As I prepare this message, OSPE is on the cusp of cel- ment formalized the relationship between OSPE and ebrating the first anniversary of the re-launch of The Voice PEO, ensuring that the two organizations would work magazine. Since we transitioned The Voice from a newslet- side by side, in a complementary fashion. ter to a quarterly magazine, we have continued to receive With this Agreement now at risk, many have asked very positive feedback from members and stakeholders. us what is to become of OSPE. One member wrote: “I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the contributions and I concluded that Our answer is very clear: We are proceeding, OSPE was doing the right thing and on the right track.” full force, with our mandate. We are still the Indeed, no opinion matters to us more than that of our advocacy and member services body for members. We are grateful for the many years of support Ontario’s engineers. we have enjoyed from the engineering community and look forward to seeing that support grow in the future. We will continue to provide the programs, products We encourage you to look at The Voice as your magazine and services engineers have come to value, including — the magazine for and about Ontario engineers. We awareness building, networking, savings programs, career welcome your feedback and your story ideas. Please keep development and learning opportunities. your letters and comments coming. Engineers, the public and government decision makers As you will see throughout this issue of The Voice, need clarity about our profession, and they need to see there is a great deal of activity at OSPE right now. We that we can conduct ourselves with professionalism. We are moving ahead on advocacy, including infrastructure, have always strived to work cooperatively with PEO, energy and Bill 15. We are introducing new professional and we will continue to do so. But we are our own orga- development offerings aimed at enhancing non-technical nization. We have a strong mandate, and we will continue skills, such as public speaking. We are continuing to pro- to fulfill it. tect engineers through offerings like our complimentary At OSPE, everything we do centres on delivering Secondary Liability coverage. And we are bringing engi- personal and professional advantages to engineers. OSPE neers together through numerous OSPE events, including is your organization. With your support, we will continue our very successful Policy Series and our first Engineering to represent the interests of engineers and engineering to Day, held in March this year. governments, industry and the public. So, what is next for OSPE? As many of you are aware, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) held a referendum of its members in November 2011, asking them to terminate the PEO/ OSPE Agreement. For more than a decade, this Agree- Daniel J. Young, M.Eng., P.Eng. Acting Chief Executive Officer TheVoice Spring 2012 3 UP FRONT NEWSBYTES OSPE Chair hOnOurED OSPE VICE CHAIR TAKES TO THE by EnginEErS CanaDa, PEO PODium aT PEO yOrk ChaPTEr agm OSPE is pleased to congratulate About 120 people gathered for the PEO York Chapter our Chair, Alourdes Sully, P.Eng., agm and Licensing Ceremony. Several members who became a Fellow of Engineers of OSPE’s board of Directors were on hand for the Canada this year. This well-deserved celebration, including OSPE Vice Chair Nadine Miller, honour was bestowed on Alourdes who took to the podium to bring greetings on behalf in recognition of her long-standing of OSPE and to congratulate all new licensees. record of service to the profession in OSPE actively seeks a number of capacities. Engineers opportunities like Canada created the Engineers these to engage Canada Fellowship in 2007 to honour with PEO Chapter individuals who have given noteworthy service to the profes- members and to sion. With this honour, engineers have the privilege of using welcome new P.Engs the “FEC” designation following their signature.
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