, Today's Weather Daily Today's weather will be cloudy nd cool with some likelihood of ~ain sh~wers, according to the National Weather Service In LeWIS- ton. The high today will be around 50 degrees Fahrehelt, and the low near J7. 'Ver reen Washington State University Vol.84 No. 122 Wednesday, May 24, 1978 }eftu,s It is as common a site as Bryan Tower-studying for books and pens, begins the vigil during closed week. The finals. This student, equipped with the traditional can of new Science Ubrary's concourse is a good spot to book it pop, bare feet, comfortable couches, high lighter and the as this woman foun,d out. Assembly denies fundinq to gays by Brent Siewert assemblymember Colleen Johnson, "We do need to educate persons on discrimina- printing of 300 more issues of the "Soul The assembly gave tentative approval Evergreen Slaff Writer Express" newsletter and $1,000 for equip- tion and hurting other people. But I feel to the budgets of General Overhead (Aetl- pmg and funding the "Coubabes," a group vi ties Cen te r : $ 33,979; Reerea tion : In a preliminary vote of 10 to 8, the funding and freedom of expression go together in this instance. By not funding of black cheerleaders. The request for a $4,217); Executive (SI2,247); Legislative ASWSU Assembly last night voted not to motion by assembly members from Tay- ($683); Election Board ($4,318); Political fund the Gay Awareness Committee as GAC, we (the assembly) are reducing its members' freedom of expression," she lor to add $1,492 to the BAC budget was Union ($8,789); International Relations deliberations on the 1978-79 ASWSU bud- not considered. ($1,070) and Mesa Directiva ($3,839), get began. said. In three hours of debate, the assembly "I don't think we should be funding a considered 11 of the 37 budgets submitted lifestyle that many persons on this cam- by the Finance Committee. All budgets pus are against," assemblymember Neil Questionnaire to define will be subject to final approval by the Rasmussen said. assembly later this week. Before the vote, assemblymember Although GAC will remain a recognized Larry Clark said, "I admit my consti- ASWSU committee, the assembly vote tuency is totaly bigoted and prejudiced 'students' service needs' marks the second time in two years tfie (regarding funding GAC), but I represent The Student Affairs Task Force, the students indicate an area of need is not group has not been funded, my constituents and I wish other as- body appointed by President Terrell to being met, the SATF will make recom- The assembly also refused to consider semblymembers would vote their consti- replace the position of vice president of mendations to Dean Arthur McCartan, an additional funding request from Black tuency. " student affairs, is sending a questionnaire Greenfield said. Awareness Committee Chairman Michael A motion from assemblymember Dan to students to determine if student ser- Questions concerning the studen t '., Taylor. BAC received approval for $3,515. Pierce to fund GAC for $300also failed, vices meet student needs. background, satisfaction and expecta- Last year Black Awareness received After the vote, GAC Chairman Leonard The questionnaire is being sent random- tions of WSU and student services are $2,030, Wolf said a point raised by assembly- ly to one out of ten students, Tom Green- included in the Questionnaire, The assembly was considering a Fin- member Tom Hartman that gay persons field, author of the survey said. He said he If a student cannot finish the questron- ance Committee motion to fund GAC for are not forced to display their minority talked to the heads of each of the units of naire before the end of the term, Green- $595 when assemblymember Mike Ber- status is not valid. Asking gay persons to student services, like the CUB and the field said, they can mail it to the school nard proposed a zero dollar figure for the "hide" their true feelings is like asking a Health Center, and asked them what they during the summer. committee. black person to be "as white as possible," needed to know from the students, He said he hopes the results of the Heated debate followed the motion, in- Wolf said, From the statements by the unit heads, questionnaire will be completed this sum- cluding several lapses of parliamentary "Now we call views like that racist," Greenfield compiled the questionnaire, mer, so they can be put to use in the fall. procedure, as frustrated assemblymemb- Wolf said, The results of the questionnaire will be "I just hope they use it," Mark Ufkes, ers tried to address their colleagues Although BAC received preliminary ap- used to "make recommendations for unit ch ai rman of the SAT F, sa id about immediately after they spoke. proval for its budget, Taylor asked the heads to follow," Greenfield said. If the students receiving questionnaires, "Morals are not an issue here," said assembly for an additional $492 for the High rents blamed on several factors.- - Garbage, electrical, property taxes up Editors note: This is the second part of a series on Pullman's property tax is the second highest in the garbage collection firm in Pullman, said no such Pullman rental prices. This article will explore rea- county. The average collection rate of taxes in the statement had ever been made, "I sure didn't make sons why rents are high in Pullman. county is about $18 for every $1,000 worth of assessed it," Felsted stated. value. In Pullman, the assessed rate is almost $25,50 He said the increase to the individual customer was by Scott Waller for every $1,000of assessed value, not 63 percent, however. According to Felsted, collec- Evergreen Staff Writer The Pullman assessment ranks second only in the tion rates were increased from 75 cents to 85 cents for county to Uniontown which as an assessment of over a garbage can and from $2 to $2,20 per cubic yard of pullman's rental prices are among the highest in $27 per $1,000of assessed value. refuse for dumpsters. h immediate area, and area landlords blame the Koubourlis said one reason thePullman rental rates He said this is not a 63 percent increase, but a 20 ~o~ditions under which they must operate for the high are so high is because students won't vote. "Students percent increase to the customer. He explained (hat don't get involved in voting. They have to make it the 63 percent figure came from the increase in price rents.Demetrius Koubourhs,, one area Ian dlord, salid t,h at their point to get involved in city government," charged by the county Iandfi ll site for dumping there. his rates went up this year because garbage collection Koubourlis said, Otherwise, he said. taxes will contin- "When I had the landfill, 1 charged $10 for a truck to charges went up 63 percent last year. Koubourhs said ue to rise and so will rents. dump there. Now the county landfill is ch arg mg $76 that not only have the garbage rates gone up, but Koubourlis also attributes high rents in Pullman to dollars for a truck. electrical rates and property taxes have gone up as a garbage collection rate increase, "The city just "When I had the landfill, I had one employee. The arbitrarily decided to increase garbage collection county seems to feel it cannot operate in the black w~~:' pay over $20,000 in taxes ~~e~y y,ear. I have to charges 63 percent. 1 asked the garbage people about unless it has five employees," make that come out of the rents, he said. , ' it. They said pass it on to my tenants, ". County Commissioner Jim Henning said the county According to the Whitman County assessor s office, Bill Felsted, owner of Pullman disposal, the sole continued on page 2 ...Lenaioras discuss rents Employment figures continued from page 1 (the ra~e incr~ase) just primari- kept the state and feds out," Iy aconcmtcs, he said. Henning said. increase in county is just trying to do a job they "We've lost all of our local A drop of 1 percent in the were forced into taking when control," Henning said of EPA "enormous contracts in the aero- On the issue of taxation, Hen- Whitman County unemployment Felsted's landfill failed to meet regulations which have caused space and shipping construction ning said that Pullman land is figures between January and En vironmental Protection the county to install equipment industries" of the state. which has increased the costs at valued at higher prices than February is due to increased hir- He said the drop in unernploy, Agency guidelines. "When we other Whitman County property started this out we had no guide- the landfill. ing by area businesses, Daryl ment in the Seattle-Everett area which accounted partially for Campbell, Employment Security lines. We've got to get this thing "We'd be a lot better if we took reflects the acquisition of these their high assessment. Department manager here, said (the landfill) close to paying. It's care of our own problem and contracts. Unemployment yesterday. dropped 3 percent from March of Campbell said there is tradi- last year, from 8.4 percent to 5.4 "A 2-3 bedroom house in Pull- tionally a Iot of hiring in the percent in the Seattle-Everett ar- man is worth as much as a third spring in Whitman County ea, Campbell said. more than it is in Colfax," he because of a pick up in general The months of June, July and said.
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