)L. XXVII. CRANBURY, MIDDLESEX COUNTY, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 14, NO. 17 wro. T. u. COLLEGE FARM FIRE CRANBURY DEFEATED BY :^^^^>:<!^^c^:^o^w:x^^^H^ COST $30,000. PRINCETON. ~Will the women high in the social Crossed electric wires set fire to the Slimmer circles of England and America tolerate The Cranbury • Baseball Club was horse barn at the College Farm of tbe the cigaret evil among their own sex ? defeated by the Pribceton team of Mid-Summer Clearance Sale" New ^Jersey Experiment Station at Mercer County League fame Saturday There ia but one answer to the question SWEEPING CLEARANCE OF ALL SPRING. AND SUMMER New Brunswick Tuesday morning, and afternoon at. Princeton. The score and that is an emphatic negative. Ella, Hosiery SUITS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS AT that- building, with the" cow barn was 4 to 2', Princeton winning four " WHeeler Wilcox^writing on the subject, STRAIGHT DISCOUNT OF 25 PER CENT. adjoining it, and a brooder, were com- •says: runs in the first inning while Cranbury can. be stylish; cool and good. pletely destroyed, entailing a loss of "Those who have Jooked with sent two men across the plate in the $30,000 _ • • • Certainly, if bought from the ONE-FOURTH OFF 'concern upon the growth of the cigaret seventh as the result of a wild heave The fire was discovered by" Prof. J. Yard stock of .dainty offerings. $8 50 Suits now $6.33 $"10.00 Suits now $7,50 Jiabit among women are wondering by W. Foley. Both Applegate and Yolney Lewis?, of the Experiment. Something here for the $12 00 Suits now $9.00 $15.00 Suits now ¥11.25 what effect the stand taken by Queer Scott, pitched excellent ball, which Station, as he was entering the grounds. youngest .and the oldest in the $18.00 Suits now $13 50 $20 00 Suits now $15.00 Mary of England, now in the public coupled with the fielding of W. Foley He saw the flames-playing around the • $22.50 Suits now $16 88 $25.00 Suits now $18.75 eye, will- have upon American society and a"tbree base hit by Bishop, featured family and those between. top of the buildiDg Just where'the women who affect cigaret smoking the-game.. Moore received an injury In Stout, Regular and Young'.Men's Sizes. wires enter. ' because itTis ' so English, you kDow.' " to bis hand. The score: All Yard Ouality REMEMBER—We are offering these Suits at 25. Per cent, He instantly gave the alarm, and She calls attention to the fact that CRANBURY At 2 pairs for 25c.—Infants, from our price?; originally as low as spot cash' buying and "ONE the farm hands and students wbo are ' 'Queen Mary has given notice that no socks,,white and tan. •PRICE" markiog could make them working on the farm during the R H. o. A. E woman who smokes cigarets may come summer rushed to the buildiDg. Tbe Comfort, 2b. 0 2 0 0 At 25c.—Socks of silk lisle, NOTHING RESERVED' NOTHING ESCAPES sear her, which means that no cigarets blaze had gotten inside, where quan- Dunn, ss. 0 0 1 i white, black, tan, pink, blue FIRST COME - BEST SELECTION will be allowed at any party the Queen tities, of hay and grain were stored, McClure, lb. b 8 1 l and some with fancy tops. attends. She relates an interesting and it was evident that it would be a Applegate, p. 0 1 3 l incident showing the Queen's' pro- hopeless task to try to save tbe Bishop, 3b. 0 1 0 0 nounced antipathy to the habit, vouch- Children's Sizes building. Barlow, c. 0 9 1 0 ' ed for -by a London writer: 2 pairs for 25c.—Sizes 5 to 7, Moore, If. 1 0 1. 0 " Some few years ago- Her Majesty Meanwhile the students and farm Wicoff, cf. 0 2 0 0 in .white, tan, black. (7J to showed her dislike for the cigaret habit hands were busy turning tbe horses Carll, rf. 1 1 0 0 9i—) 15c Clotbiers Hatters Haberdrshers. being indulged in by ladies, which was loose and getting" them from the burning building, - and saving what At 25e.—Ribbed lisle, white, not without its humorous aspect. Totals 5 ,24 black, tan, champagne, pink,—I When Princess of Wales, she was thethey could. Of tbe~st6ckTTEere was guest of a well-known American a hay, wagon fi'led with sacks of feed PRINCETON Jjlue, red?—~'"_ "' hostess, who, after dinner, sought, and in the building. This was pulled out ...jB.- H. or A. E. of course obtained the' rojal assent to with part of its contents ablaze. The. Stryker;"c. 1 2 1 For Women students saved nearly- all-of "thTTTeed. some of the women present smoking Connors, rf. 0 0 0 At 25c—Sheer cotton, plain. COOL AND COMFORTABLE cigarets, tbe present Queen's dislike to JErom- the "horse barn the flames R. Foley, 2b. 1 • 3 1 At 35c.—Gauze lisle, plain. this practice .not being--- generally leaped to the cow barn, but a few feet W. Foley, 3b. 0 0 2 away, and that, too, was soon a roaring At 50c.—Gauze and silk lisle, known. During the consumption of GuinD, 3b. 1 1 0 plain or with, lace boot. furnace. The animals were all saved, Sullivan, lb. 0 QUALITY. the cigarets the Queen remained stand- 1 2 BlacktbJ = ing and of course every other woman including a big and not gentle-tempered O'Kane, If. 0 1 1 bull, who required mighty delicate Pullen, If. 5Ilks in tan and black—50c. The highest priced thoroughly tested yarn is ia the room had to do likewise. Tbe the only kind that goes to make up the underwear • hostess, however, had the shrewdness handling. He was led out with hooks Youns attached to we sell. to guess why her royal guest did not Every garment we handle is welljmade through- sit down and in a few minutes managed intoji_fieli oth buildings were afire when the out and guaranteed to be so. to convey her wish to tbe women=wfiif] Totals, 4 27 12 6 We have -Porosknit, B. V. D., Otis Balbriggan, were smoking that^thoy^sEould throw firemen got on the job,, and it was a Two base hit—Guinn. Three base terrific task which faced them. Though White Lisle, Black and Grey Balbriggan for men at away theii^cigarets, which they did. hit—Bishop. Struck out—Scott, 7; 50 cents. -ss^RfiT Queen then sat ddwu and Herit was impossible to do anything to Applegate, 7. Double play—K. Foley. Majesty has never since had reason to save these building?, which were of (unassisted). Bases t>n balls—Scott, Other grades ot 25c, 35c, 75c. and §1.00. express her dislike of women smoking frame and packed with inflammable 3; Applegate, 4. Umpire, Leggett. Boys Athletic style, Porosknit and Balbriggan in her presence." stuff, there were other buildings nesrby at 25c a garment. B. V. D. at 50c. It is well known that the leading which had to be rescued. These were Commissioner of Education of Ladies Underwear 10c. to §1.50. ladies of our own land, the wife and the pavilion, less than 20 feet from the New Jersey. HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Hosiery for men, women and children. daughter of the President, are opposed horse barn, the farmhouse, 100 feet Governor Wilson has through his I to the practice. At the time of the away, and the main residence, now private secretary, Joseph P. Tumulty, occupied by Mrs. E. B. Voorhees, debut of Helen Taft, tbe newspapers announced the appointment of Calvin The Greatest 12 S. Broad Street, TRENTON, 8. d. stated that she had decided to cut from widow of the late director of the farm. N. Kendall, superintendent of schools i '• her calling list all girls who smoked While Mrs. Voorhees' house was of Indianapolis, Ind., as commissioner Volume of Business •H- cigarets. the most remote oil the buildings from of education of New Jersey. This is for any May in our history is the With such leadership, the rank and the fire, it was in the most danger the new $10,000 a year position, and proud record of the month just file of women who desire social stand- because tbe wind blew the flame? the powers are vast. The commissioner closed.- If you know how many of ing, will be forced to range themselves directly towards it. Several times has entire charge of the educational the best and biggest stores in the • on the right side of the question. sparks set fire to the roof, but the fire matters of the public schools of tbe country had gone behind, you would was quickly quenched, the firemen,state, with the advice and co-operation better realize what this means. Want Sunday Trains. PEPPLER'S WEEKLY CP keeping streams of water on it and theof the newly named state board of More and more people are coming In an attempt to break through tbe farm people spreading wet blankets education, consisting of eight members, to our counters from every direc- rule of the New York and Long over tbe shingles. Virtually the commissioner of educa- tion, because of the variety and- FARM WAGONS. Branch railroad that no trains stop at The farm buildiDgs are but a short tion is a czar in school matters, and as - character of goods we offer, the Asbury Park^on Sundays, a rule which distance from the New Brunswick New Jersey has for years controlled NOW is the time and HERE is the place to buy that new Farm prices at which we sell them, and Wagon you will'need to move your immense Potato Crop.
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