10 Arts & Life Editor Joe Wolfe Arts & Life MGMT reinvents itself on new album COMMENTARY BY preview. and also to promote the album DERVELA O’BRIEN Fans familiar with MGMT’s as a unified whole. Although the Staff Writer 2007 debut album “Oracular band has recently filmed a mu- Spectacular,” which featured hit sic video for its new song “Flash People typically test drive a singles like “Electric Feel” and Delirium,” which is also fea- car they are interested in pur- “Kids,” will be pleasantly sur- tured on the band’s Web site, it chasing prior to actually spend- prised upon hearing the band’s considers this a strategic move ing any money on a new vehi- most recent work. Vanwyngar- in order to give fans a taste of cle. With the economy the way den admits in a recent inter- its new style of music. it is today, wouldn’t it be ideal to view with Spin Magazine that “Congratulations” opens receive a free sample of music “it’s definitely going to shock strongly with “It’s Working,” a before buying a new CD? The people;” however, the band also song that introduces listeners to Columbia Records experimental claims that the album allowed the album’s motif as well as the band MGMT had this notion in it to stay true to itself. While band’s modern spin on surf rock. mind when it came time to pro- its debut album consisted of The opening tune combines moting its forthcoming album catchy electronic, psychedelic soothing vocals and catchy “Congratulations.” Though April jams, the nine songs that make retro guitar solos, yet is unique 13 marks the official release date up “Congratulations” share a in that it lacks a recurring hook of the band’s sophomore album, unified sound that differs from or refrain. Following the opener, anxious fans do not have to wait its previous album. the album fluidly transitions until then to listen to the record Upon listening to “Congratu- into “Song For Dean Treacy,” a for themselves. lations,” listeners are instantly song that embodies similar psy- MGMT’s newest album leaked made aware of a collective mo- chedelic, synth-friendly sounds on the Internet to the general tif that remains prevalent with- that were favored on the band’s COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS public on March 19. The duo in the album’s entirety. The band first album. In the band’s ode to MGMT SHOWN at the 2010 Grammy awards for its nominations for band members, Andrew Van- admits that “there’s a surfing the titled singer/songwriter of “Best New Artist” and “Best Pop Performance By A Duo or Group.” wyngarden and Ben Goldwas- thread throughout the record” the British band Television Per- quite slow and harmonious, oth- many large venues and events, ser, explain on their Web site that was inspired by the album’s sonalities, the musicians heav- er songs such as “Brian Eno” are including “Bonnaroo.” Continu- that they “wanted to offer it as recording, which took place ily rely on synthesized instru- much more upbeat and full of ing its up-and-coming reputa- a free download but that didn’t in various studios in Malibu, mentals, which provoke a vibe life. The record gracefully closes tion, the band will be partaking make sense to anyone but us.” Brooklyn and upstate New York. similar to a haunted Halloween with the titled track “Congratu- in a worldwide tour to promote As an alternative, they decided Thus, the contemporary MGMT tune. lations,” a much more melodic its latest effort. to make the record available on- sounds fairly reminiscent of art- The band also decided to ex- and sing-along song quality that The band will also be among line for free streaming on their ists reigning from the 1960s, like periment a bit more with its fans associate with MGMT. the various artists partaking in own Web site as an attempt to The Beach Boys. work by including the twelve- MGMT has gained much rec- the annual Bamboozle festival encourage the pre-sale of “Con- Unlike its previous work, minute song “Siberian Breaks” ognition over the past few years in New Jersey next month. In gratulations.” The modern day which had many fan favorites, on the album. Vanwyngarden and was even nominated for order to preview “Congratula- allure of sharing free music to the band has said that its new offers that the song is “like eight the 2010 Grammy Award for tions” for yourself or for those the masses via the Internet of- album will not have any singles different songs strung together Best New Artist. Not only has it interested in pre-ordering the fered the band a sense of con- released. Such an effort is be- into one” with many unique been featured on the cover page album, be sure to check out fidence as displayed in its deci- ing made primarily to prevent sounds collectively linked. While of music magazines like “Spin its official Web site www.who- sion to reveal its music for early favoritism over selected songs many of the album’s songs are Magazine,” it has also played at ismgmt.com. ‘Parenthood’ brings substance to reality COMMENTARY BY And it’s worth it. and the Braverman family has REBECCA SCHMAELING Although “Parenthood” is a tad already used some of television’s Staff Writer idealistic—the entire family gets oldest dramatic family situations. together for dinner in almost ev- One of the pairs of parents in the ery episode—it also brings into show, for instance, caught their Merriam-Webster describes view important issues that real teenage daughter lying about the word parenthood as “the families are dealing with. One having a boyfriend. In another state of being a parent.” How- of the families on the show, for familiar situation, a wife suspects ever, the idea of parenthood en- example, finds out that their her husband of flirting with their compasses so much more than son has Asperger’s Syndrome daughter’s swim coach. These that. It is this idea – that par- and must deal with the prob- tried and true clichés, however, enthood is a collection of ideas, lems that arise with this issue. are dispersed through a plot that messages, experiences and ul- Another main character discov- is surprisingly refreshing coming timately family – that the new ers that he has a son he never from a network that seems to be NBC show, “Parenthood,” tries knew about. It is situations like holding on for dear life to a few to convey. Inspired by the 1989 these that differentiate “Parent- hit shows. movie by the same name, “Par- hood” from family sitcoms such In a media world, where one enthood” follows the members as “Full House,” in which there awful reality show after the next of the Braverman family as they COURTESY OF MCT CAMPUS is rarely an issue that cannot be is becoming the most popular experience the ups and downs “PARENTHOOD” LOOKS to build upon the success of its 1989 pre- solved within the episode. The things on TV, it is getting harder of life and all of the joys as well decessor and establish itself as one of the top television series in 2010. show instead rests somewhere and harder to find a show with as disappointments that it can Nelson, who plays the grand- in a rather large cast of 13 main in the middle of the spectrum any type of values. “Parenthood” bring. father, to Savannah Paige Rae, characters. With so many fami- – lighthearted, but with its fair is a breath of fresh air to view- The cast is a diverse one, in who plays a five-year-old on the lies to keep track of, the show’s dose of drama. ers looking for a TV show with star quality as well as in age, show. The show follows Camille plot can seem a bit intimidating Of course every show about a substance, characters they will ranging from well-known actress and Zeek Braverman and their to follow at first, but is surpris- family needs its cliché plot lines, fall in love with, one that we will Lauren Graham to lesser-known four children, as well as their ingly easy to keep up with after and “Parenthood” is no excuse. hopefully be watching for years Erika Christensen to Craig T. four children’s families, resulting watching one or two episodes. Only four episodes into the series to come. Campus Comment If you could change one thing about The University, what would it be? “Higher admission standards so “Expel Damien McDonald im- “The gym.” “Make us closer to the water! I miss “To have all beds as bunk beds so Damien wouldn’t get in.” mediately.” the beach on days like today.” there’s more room for activities.” Meghan O’Connell, Freshman, Emerson, NJ Guy Moore Matthew Suda Aileen McGonigle Sharon Furey Stephanie Dearden, Freshman, Washington Crossing Senior, Wanaque, NJ Senior, West Chester Freshman, New Hyde Park, NY Junior, Sayville, NY Emily Lyons, Freshman, Long Island, NY.
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