'he SH^otre ame Volume 84, No. 5 April 13,1945 Notre Dame, Indiana V-72 To Confinue Through Summer Semester San Carlo Opera Wednesday "Bengal" Tickets On Sale Next Week Pictured here are the members of the newly created Executive Council of the Student Council. Standing around Student Council President Frank Linehan are Joe Brady, junior member; John Pow­ er, vice-president; Presi­ dent Linehan, Bob Mul- cahy. sophomore member; John Allen, secretary and treasurer; Robert Brown, senior member. —Photo by GuUlo I Home of Famous Names in Quality Clothing \ ^T GILBERT' OUTSTANDING IN COLLEGIATE POPULARITY FOR SPRING! Society Brand Stiits - - $56 Otheis $55 and $75 Sport Coats by Eagle - $25 others $15 to $40 Style Art Doeskin Suits $50 Others $55 to $75 These names are outstanding in Gilbert's full line of nationally famous clothing—famous for quality that means years of wearing pleasure. Clothes that bespeak fine and distinctive taste, look better, last longer, and give you added confidence in your appearance. It's Taxi Free On Saturdays in Soudi Bend see the N. D. GILBERT'S Representative — to Gilbert's 813 • 817 S. Michigan Street SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN! 3 THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1103. Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25. 1918. VOL. 84 APRIL 13. 1945 NO. 5 "Rigoletto'' To Be Presented Wednesday BY JOHN DEFANT Mrs. K. Burton Presents "Rigoletto," Verdi's opera of the trag­ mines as a boy to earn enough money to Collection to Library ic hunchback jester and his gay and start his musical education. He had sung unprincipled master, will be presented widely in European opera houses before A recent pi-esentation of note to the by the San Carlo Opera Company in the he came to this country, but never had University archives was made by Mrs. Navy Drill Hall at eight o'clock, Wednes­ been heard in grand opera outside New Katherine Burton in her gift of a col­ day, April 18. York City until he was engaged by For­ lection of letters and photographs sent tune Gallo, director of the San Carlo. by Brother Joseph Dutton to the late New York-born Grace Panvini, pretty Walter George Smith of Philadelphia, coloratura soprano of the San Carlo, will Mario Palermo, also New York-born, Laetare Medalist and noted Catholic sing the role of Gilda, Rigoletto's daugh­ plays the gay and unprincipled Duke of layman. ter. Aside from grand opera engage­ Mantua. His tenor voice was heard in ments, she has been featured in the stage the opera houses of Italy for two-and-a- The correspondence was carried on shows of the Radio City Music Hall, and half years before he returned to New while Brother Dutton was a companion was a star of "Evening with Romberg," York during Germany's invasion of Po­ of "The Leper Priest," Father Damien, directed by the operetta composer Rom­ land. Mr. Gallo presented him with his at Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands and berg. Miss Panvini's brilliant high notes San Carlo company about a year after extends from 1886 to 1928. Mrs. Burton easily reach the four Fs above high C. his return. presented the letters in the name of Miss Helen Grace Smith, sister of Walter The tragic role of Rigoletto, who un­ Nicholas Rescigno, the conductor of George. wittingly causes the death of his daugh­ the San Carlo's orchestra, although only The archives at Notre Dame have one ter, is sung by Mostyn Thomas. Born in 27 years old, has been acclaimed by some of the finest collections of Brother Dut­ the poverty of a Welsh mining village, of the nation's leading critics. A noted ton letters because Brother Dutton was Mr. Thomas went to work in the coal (Continued on Page 20) sent in 1886 to the leper-infested Molo­ kai through the instrumentality of Father Daniel Hudson, C.S.C., then ed­ itor of The Ave Maria. Letter writing between Father Hudson and Brother Dutton was very extensive. Part of the famed Father Damien's sci'ipt is catalogued in the archives in the University library. STUDENT ADMISSION TO OPERA Civilian students will be admitted on presentation of their Dining Hall Book at the door. Uniform will admit students of the Naval Training Pro­ gram. Civilian students not possessing a Dining Hall Book please see Mr. John Donnelly at the Athletic Offices in Breen-Phillips Hall before April 18. Students are to be in their places in their reserved section before 8 o'clock. The opera will start at 8:00 sharp! Only students who are properly dressed will be admitted. These regulations will be strictly observed. The Cast of the San Carlo Opera in a Scene From "Rigoletto" ^he S^fotre Qiame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Morituriis College Parade FOUNDED 1867 ..ByE. F. Gillespie itiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II t limit 111(11 lit mill mil tiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiit V-E DAY The alumni association of Ohio State University is plan­ ning a special edition of their magazine when the war in Europe ends. Milton CanifF, author of "Terry and the Pirates" and an Ohio State alumnus, vnl\ draw the cover for this issue. The publication will feature sketches and pic­ tures of all of the more than 400 Buckeyes who have died in this war. On the campus the observance of the day Avill be a thanksgiving service and a rededication of effoi't to end the war in the Pacific. RECENT HEADLINES Purdue Hall Collapses Amid Universal Grief. Lafayette Scoops State With New Horsecars. • iiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimmmmiiiimimimmiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiivitmmmmmmiiimimmmi Educated Hens Lay Colored Easter Eggs. No, the Boilei-makers haven't gone crazy; it was just the April fool's day issue of the Exponent.. THE STAFF THE "IT SHOULDN'T HAPPEN TO A DOG DEPT." This little ode is dedicated to all the girls whom a fellow ROBERT HIORDAN. Editor-in-Chief always fixes up his best friend with. // that face in the glass EDITORIAL STAFF Really looks like me, GENE DIAMOND Navy Associate Editor God grant that I may Have personality. GEORGE DESPOT Managing Editor —The Plainsman JAMES REGAN Sports Editor -•— JAMES F. MCCARTHY Feature Editor HERE AND THERE AL EUENZLI Advertising Manager Discharged veterans comprise 21 percent of the current RALPH HAYMAN Circulation Manager male enrollment at Indiana University. The veterans average BOB O'TOOLE Promotion scholastically seven per cent higher than their non-serVice classmates. For the first time in its history the University Choral Art COLU M NISTS society of Boston University will broadcast coast-to-coast over CBS under the sponsorship of the Columbia Church of POWER-WALTERS The Green Banner the Air. The broadcasts commence April 15 and continue E. F. GILLESPIE The College Parade every Sunday for six weeks. ART WAGNER Swabbie's Log Bellowing barkers, Avhirling wheels, hula girls, fortune tellers, dancing, and a water show will all highlight the annual Penny Carnival Arcade to be held at Purdue tomor­ FRANK GUIDO Photography row night. REV. CHARLES M. CAREY, CS.C. Faculty Adviser -•- OVERHEARD IN THE CAF SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS /'??i done with all dames, They cheat and they lie. FRANK GRIMALDI JOHN FEENEY JOHN MILES They prey on us males Till the day that toe die. JACK FREESE J. J. TENGE OCTAVE EMOND They tease tis, torment 2is, GERARD HEKKER DAN DANISZEWICZ ROBERT J. SHAW And drive us to sin— JOHN DEFANT TOM RYAN Say! Did you see That Blonde That jzist came in? Member of Catholic School Press Association, Associated HERE AND THERE Collegiate Press, Distributor of Collegiate Digest. Represented for national advertising by Notional Advertising Service, Inc., University of Kansas students are hoping for the return 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—^Boston—^Los- of" a Dandelion Day such as that held in 1941 when 3,400 Angeles—San Francisco. THE SCHOLASTIC is published students together with faculty members swarmed over the weekly during the school year, except during vacations and campus and dug 15 tons of dandelion weeds. After the eradi­ examination periods at the University of Notre Dame. Address all manuscript to the Editor, Administration Building, Notre cation of the "yellow menace" in 1941 an impromptu carnival Dame, Indiana. (Continued on page twenty) teach these men religion, honesty, jus­ Scholastic" Editor Offers Solution To tice, faith, hope, charity — the very things for which we fight today? Not in Problem of Security Without MUitarism the army, for in the army men are taught militarism; they are taught to By ROBERT RIORDAN follow the "pragmatic ideologies" of the army. What is the alternative? Without be­ In last week's SCHOLASTIC this prob­ training instead of trying to build up a coming either completely pacifist, nor lem of compulsory training in peace­ force to combat the German Wehrmacht. losing faith in the probability of success time was discussed from the point of What would a year of compulsory mil­ of the peace settlement, we might still view of man-power's part in the four itary training give the American peo­ maintain a reasonable national guard major factors of modern warfare, man­ ple? If we want to maintain peace by or standing anny. Not the gigantic or­ power, production, technology, and food. preparing for war we must also mobilize ganization we have today, but one of It was pointed out that a trained man­ our industry to provide equipment for minimum size needed to protect and de­ power did not alone make a prepared men in training, and already trained— fend the United States.
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