.OPERATII\IG ENGU\iEERS LOCAL 3 STATIONARY ENGINEERS ..lOCAL .39 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ls~ue Warning on Possible Over.~pay 9n SoQ Security Tax Great Waste aters of i By P . E. VANDEWARI{ · Assist£tnt Local ·Union Manager :: If. ~7 o u have more than ~ n e em- 1 North st ·Rivers .ay p!o:yer and earn _Co more than $3000 I in a year, you might overpay your ~ocial security tax, because each employer must deduct the tax from th_e . first $3000 which he pays you. I Go To Ari Southwest If y ou ·pay social security t axes !I Indicating _that at least some of. man's b oldness, imagination, and plans are being direct~d to .. on more than .$3000 per year, ask :1•ard ·constructiVe human welfare, as well as to the destructivenss of a world arms race, is the follow .. t he Collector of Internal Revenue mg ~eclanu>. ti 01;. ~ur ea u release. This account. r e v~als fascinating plans for bringing some of the (where you file your income tax) . enormous qum1Litles of waste water now pounng mto the sea from north coastal rivers. south a r>d for the necessary form on which to l\TEW ATTORNEY GENERAL? I sou th eastw ar~ to the vast arid regions. Here this White Gold ca n open up millions 'of acres ;1£ claim your refund. P op u 1 a r, cap a b 1 e Edmund G. land to the httle people who long for such life of sunshi ne, health, an cl indenendence. Bio· la nri KEEP YOUR RECEIPTS Brown, San Francisco's district at- I and power companies, h owever, are fighting to control all western l'esources. • b - " ~ The employer is required to de-l torncy,. has announ?ed 1.1e will be I The first objective of the Bureau [be used, and such costs will be . duct the worker's tax from 1 · a camhdate for Cahforma's Attor- · . · . areas of deficiency. If these corn~ 11s G W 'tl d l.- t , of Reclamatwn's Umted Western compared w1th the benefits wh1ch parisons are favorable, it is ~ x .. wages and pay it to the Federal ney ,en era1 · 1 1 a goo 1a vvr a · - ~ I , · · · . , would accrue as a result of "h - " Government. He must give each torney background and g·ood rel a- m estigatwn IS t~ determme what new \Vater made available in ~h: pected t hat detailed investigations worker receipts for the amounts tions with the city's AFL, he ha-s surplus water, ~f any, may be and plans will follow. deducted. It is to your interest t o ·gained quick endorseme-nt from available for exDort from the I nvestigation will be made of the keep these receipts. T hey are proof many labor groui:,s and _is expected Northwest-to v.iater-deficient areas [ [])l''[iili@ll m eans by which the plan could of the amou!1t of wage credits you to be state laboi s choice for the throughou· th t ' Wa t A , tJ:::.:::::I ha ve accumulated to your credit job. ~ e en.lre ~s · u- compensate for any disadva ntage for social secu~· it y benefits. * * * thority for this statement came .to .existina; ox . tut ure power .Pro- YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY fromS. P. IvicCasland, ~ngine er in ductiori whit;i1 .might result. from AOCOUNT Pres' ldlal on ev hs l; · ~ char-ge of the m\,estigation. - Me- the .expor t of water ot-hel'Wise util- It is to your interest to check 0 fVl( I .,. · H ~ [\,.} Casland. ·said the iiwesfigation is izable for power. E xploration will up on your social securit y account M s ( t H d now estimating the water which be made of the possibility of usin.>< t o m ake sure that you have been ore a·1 e v, ~ ee c may be available in the Columbia steam power for such means. given the proper amount of wage "' 1 River and other streams of the BIG NEEDS IN SOUTH credits. You would be wise to do TO ALL HOISTING UNIONS: I Nor._thwest, includ_ ing' those of McCasland said that municipal, this .as often as once a year. In . Greetings: I nord1e1·n Callforma, after a supply industrial and agricultural use for any event, you should check your The progress of the individual for all possible future demands of water in large ~reas, particularly· accounts within four · years after worker, thr oughout the years, to the Northwest has beeri reserver:l. in the southwestern United St ates, the wages are paid, as some error s improve his lot was slow. As the I In short, l{e said, the s1:udy con- is growing a 't a rate which wili in · ca nnot be corrected after that workers began to organize the stitutes a preliminary reconnais- the near future exceed t he supply. length of time. value of their combined efforts was sance to ascertain the justification As local surface supplies are fully Chec}<ing it is a very simple soon recognized. Thr ough organi- for a more detailed investigation exploited a ~1d ground water re- matter. Write to the Social Secur- zation the hours of labor were re- in connection with the diversion serves exhausted, expansion or ity Administration, Candlei· Bldg., duced, wages were increased, con- and multiple exchange of surplus even· m aintenance of the accom - Baltimore 2, Md., and ask for a clition of em ployment were im- and waste waters from the North- plished development will depend statement of your account. Be sure proved, Workmen's Compensation west to areas with a deficient sup- u pon an imported ·water supply. to use your social security number Laws were p'assed, and mahy other ply. The problem is to work out a lo-n g - w hen · requesting this information. benefits were gained. The reconnaissance was initiated range pla n for progr essively sa tis- A special blank form to be used This same force, acting .through_ because of the badly unbalanced fying these needs as they a..d se, for this purpose c an be obtained the medium of your local union, distribution of supply and demand from the best possible source.g ot' from any social secur: ity office or 1 copperating with th e various throughout the West. McCasland water supply. you can use a p enny post-card. groups sponsoring accident preven- points out, for example, that the F easibility of exchanges which * * * -. tion programs in your community, entire supply afforded by the Colo- might permit greater upstream can gain many more and greater rado R~ ver is estimated a t less than I utilization of the water resources ;~ttl!i'i~ ;IIAI ()MI benefits. five per cent of the water which of the Colorado and other r ivers IL u~ ~llll ru~u DU now flows to t he ocean in north is an important phase of the study. E k IE .J1 ""'R The National Safety Council, the coastal streams. · . I An ·example is a possible multip' le rii"CU'il m;owarl'&llS Better Traffic Committee, y 0 u r employers and their associations The reconnaissance, initiated last exchange of water wher eby im- All members ar e strongly urged are all working to prevent the suf- year through a special Project ported v.~ater would replace or ex- to tune in to the AFL's crack news- Planning Office established in Salt TillS ' VAY? Tha.t it can be done, pand present uses in southern fering and. loss of life caused by L a k e c ity, is to be completed in water can be carried great dis- California, thereby releasing some caster, Frank Edwards, who is accidents. 1952. In keeping with Congres- tances; has been proven by .engi- of the Colorado River water now · :l:!eard nightly on 1nost Mutual net­ May I · urge upon you oo join swn· a 1 po1' 1cy governing investi"'a- neers building the Colorado rive!' used in that area a nd making 't.i ~vo r k stations on. tlie coast at 10.:15: these gtoups in this humanitarian t1' 0ns o f 1and and water resources"' aquellucts· .and t;he huge Central , available for possible use in ot her If you listen to any cormnentators service to you'r m embership, your a 11 s t at es. a ff ect ed b y the study. w. ill' Valley ·canals. Shown above is the ·' c o1 tW.a do ,..,hiver Basin states. at all, listen _to Frank Edwa.rds for fellowmunity.-workers and your com - b e mvit· ~d· to review the 'Bureau's "heart b~at" off the .c. V. project, Assisting the Project Pla a fair, honest . viewpoint on the nning reconnaissance r eport on the Unit- I world's largest \V".tte r pumn near Office in Salt Lake City with the news.· He speaks for. e1ght l1.1illion With Iqndest regards, I am ed Western Investigation and make f.r:cwy, which lifts water b;ought st udy ar"e the regional offices of' AFL members. He is heard Mon- Fraternally yours, comments .?n . it, which comments, from the Sacra.mento ri; er over Ithe Bureau ~n B?ise, . Idaho; :~.ac - 4ay thru Friday at 10_:15 on IiFRC WM. E. MALONEY together w_1th th_ose of other ·Fed- ,20o feet so it cam flow by gravity ramen to, Cal!forma; Boulder Crty, San · Jl'rancisco, KHJ Los Angeles, GENERAL PRESIDENT eral agenc1es, Will be transmitted down · the dry west side -of the Nevada; and Salt Lake City, Ut ah.
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