THE BALLINCOLLIG PARISHIONER Sunday 17-November-201. Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time As we come towards the end of the Church’s Year we are reminded of the end of all me. Before it comes there will be me of trial: for the believer who endures in faith St. Mary & St. John Christ Our Light the end will not bring condemnaon but healing and life. Sta%on Road Innishmore Bishop Fintan Gavin PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Priest .ishop Fintan Gavin was appointed .ishop of Cork and Ross on 8 God our Father holds the future in his hands; let us April 0113 by Pope Francis. 5is episcopal ordinaon took place in turn to him in confidence for our present needs. the Cathedral of St Mary and St Anne on 31th une 0113. Reader Fintan Gavin was born in Dublin on 1 anuary 1388 and educated Let us ask God, in his mercy, to connue to guide at Scoil Mhuire, C.S, .oys Naonal School, the Church along her pilgrim path. and Ardscoil R:s, C.S, in Marino. 5e studied Lord, Hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. for the priesthood at 5oly Cross College, Clonli%e, and University College Dublin. For those who plan and shape the social landscape of our country; may they have the wisdom to During his priestly formaon, Gavin trained pursue authenc human values. at SIPTU Liberty 5all, Dublin, at the Lord, Hear us, Northlands addicon treatment-counselling Lord, graciously hear us. centre and at Saint Patrick's 5ospital, Mental 5ealth Services, esus tells us that our endurance will win us our ames Street, Dublin. lives; may he grant the gi! of perseverance to all. Lord, Hear us, Following ordinaon in 1331 and graduaon, while working as a Lord, graciously hear us. priest in the Diocese of Dublin, Gavin was a schoolteacher in .ray, County Wicklow. May we, in our parish, our workplaces, our Gavin earned a licenate and a doctorate in canon law at the neighbourhoods and our homes, encourage rather Ponfical Gregorian University and is ?uent in Italian and than hinder the expression of faith. Spanish. Lord, Hear us, Lord, graciously hear us. .ishop Fintan is priorising meengs and ge@ng to know the For all faithful departed, especially those who people of the diocese. 5e is conducng a pastoral visit to su%ered during their life because of their faith and .allincollig this weekend the 1Ath, 18th B 1Cth November. their integrity. May their courage be rewarded and .ishop Fenton will visit primary schools on Friday 1Ath, meet may they intercede for us from heaven. with Parishioners at 0pm on Saturday 18th in the community Lord, Hear us, hall, will celebrate the 8pm vigil Mass in St. Mary B St, ohn and Lord, graciously hear us. conclude with the 11am B 10D31 pm Masses on Sunday 1Cth in Today is World Day of Remembrance for Road Christ Eur Light. Tra*c Vicms, we remember those who have died Fr. George O'Mahony and those who have been in,ured. We now pray for connued support for their loved ones, families Reflec!on for Parents and carers. Today's Gospel makes it clear that we should persevere in Lord, Hear us, our faith and be faithful disciples. We are most responsible Lord, graciously hear us. for evangelising our own children. There is an expression, Priest FFaith is caught, not taught.F 5ow do our children see us live Confident in your promise, Lord, that whatever we out our faithG 5ow do we witness the greatness of God's love ask in prayer we shall receive, we o%er you these and our personal response to that loveG Share with your chil- and the unspoken prayers of our hearts. Through dren what it means for you to walk with esus. Christ our Lord. Amen. The Lord comes to rule the peoples with fairness. /isit Our 0ebsite1 222 ballincolligparish ie or Faceboo4 222 faceboo4 com67allincolligParish Sunday 17-November-201. THE 7ALLINCOLLI9 PARISHIONER REA8IN9S FOR THE 0EE: D IN SYMPATHY D Thirty Third 0ee4 In Ordinary Time PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FAMILY AN8 1C Sunday Mal. 3D13-01. Ps. 3C. 0 Thess. 3DC-10. Lk. 01DA-13. Lect lD 33I FRIEN8S OF THE RECENTLY 8ECEASE8 1 18 Monday Mac. 1D11-Med. Ps. 118. Lk. 18D3A-I3. Lect llD I0A Patrick ackson, Dubliin. Denis ELRiordan, .allinora. 13 Tuesday 0 Mac. 8D18-31. Ps. 3. Lk. 13D1-11. Lect llD I0C Noranne E'Regan, England. 01 Wednesday 0 Mac. CD1, 01-31. Ps. 18.1k. 13D11-08. Lect llD I03 01 Thursday Jech. 0D1I-1C. Ps. Lk. 1DI8-AA. Mt. 10DI8-A1. Lect llD 10C1 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE 00 Friday 1 Mac. ID38-3C, A0-A3. Ps. 1 Chr. 03. Lk. 13DIA-I8. Lect llD I3A SOULS OF THE FOLLO0IN9 0HOSE 03 Saturday 1 Mac. 8D1-13. Ps.3. Lk. 01D0C-I1. Lect llD I3C ANNI/ERSARY OCCURS OR OTHER0ISE Next Sunday’s Readings 0I-November-0113 REMEM7ERE81 0 Sam. AD1-3. Ps. 101. Col. 1D10-01. Lk. 03D3A-I3. Lect lD 338 Dec. memLs .allincollig Soccer Club. 7APTISMS Dan Oidney, Muskerry Estate. 0E 0ELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITY ALL Ann 5ogan, Leesdale. THOSE 0HO 0ERE 7APTISE8 RECENTLY 1 Donagh McCarthy, Castle Avenue. ack Tadhg ELFlynn, Eld Muarter. Donal ELSullivan, Union 5all. Darragh Liam ELShea, Castlepark. Tom B Nora Ryan, West Village. SNim: Oenny Murphy, Greenfields. Gerald Lenihan, .allyvolane. Daith: Oenny Murphy, Greenfields. Secretary Miriam Horgan Darragh ohn CoPer, Aherla. Eric PhilpoP, .eech Park. Samuel Edmund Walsh ELConnor, Leecourt. - 0ed from 1 pm. - am 2 pm& 3 pm- ohn Morrissey, Doneraile. Danny Forde, Castlepark. THE SUNDAY READ,NGS .rendan ELSullivan, Glendower Court. First ReadingD Mal. 3D13-01 Liam 5ayes, Dunmanway. The Day of the Lord is the day when Christ Lily ELRiordan, .eech Park. returns in glory. For us who believe, it will be Michael Twohig, Inniscarra View. a day of ,usce and vindicaon; we are not .rendan 5ennigan, Dublin. afraid. B his late parents B brother, Inniscarra Second ReadingD 0 Thess 3DC-10 View. Even though this life does not last forever, Sylvester CoPer, Poulavone. that does not mean we avoid doing our duty. Timothy ELCallaghan, Inchigaggin. We work as we should, doing the will of God. Carmel Ryan, Westcourt/CappoRuin. Sat 10130 am 12 Noon- Phone No (021) A87120C, O=ce GospelD Luke 01DA-13 Philip .ogue, .allincollig/.allyhooly. Parish O=ce, The Presbytery, 7allincollig openis Mon It is clear from this passage in Luke's Gospel that when the world ends, some terrifying CRO0LEY events will occur. The clear message, FUNERAL DIRECTORS however, is that we should not face these Bthar Saclay Ballincollig Co. Cork events with apprehension, but rather with Tel: 021-4874777 Mobile: 087-275,254 Email: crowleyfuneralsHgmail.com trust-trust that God wants us to have www.crowleyfuneraldirectors.ie everlasng life with him. Instead of being Complete .uneral Arrangements afraid, we are called to find strength and 24 /our Service 0mbalming Service courage in God's love and persevere in our Member 1.A...2. 3olden Charter .uneral faith. Pre-Planning Available Sunday 17-November-201. THE 7ALLINCOLLI9 PARISHIONER From Mus/erry to the Front Bulle!n Board En 03 September 0113 members of the Muskerry Local Coeliac Hosts 5istory Society and some friends travelled to .elgium and Low gluten hosts are available that are suitable for Coeliac. France on a tour of the baPlefields and monuments of the Please inform the priest prior to Mass if possible if you First World War that was led by military historian Gerry reRuire it. White. For all involved this would be a ,ourney of remembrance. Among the many famous sites associated Autumn Dues with the war were the Menin Gate, the Thiepval Memorial, The priests of the Parish would like to thank you for the site of the icon painng, TThe Last General Absoluon of returning the Autumn Dues Envelopes. Sour connued the Munsters' at the Rue du .ois, and CompiUgne in France support is much appreciated. where the armisce that ended the war was signed. A Bap!sm Prepara!on number of people also made a pilgrimage to a grave of a The next .apsm preparaon will take place on Saturday relave who died in the war. En Monday, 18 November, November 31th at 10.11 noon in the Library Room, Gerry White will give a presentaon on the tour that will Community 5all, Staon Road. The presentaon lasts for include photographs and informaon on many of the WWI approximately forty minutes. The following Ruesons are sites that were visited. The lecture will be held in .allincollig addressed, what is .apsmG What are the symbols used in Rugby Club, beginning at 8.11 pm the Sacrament of .apsmG 5ow can the family become Scoil Mhuire . Scoil Eoin involved in the ceremonyG Parents might book the bapsm a few weeks in advance to give ample me to take part in Primary Schools, .allincollig the preparaon. Epen Night in both schools on Wednesday, November 01th 0113 from 8.11 - C.31pm. Marriage Support Envelope Collec!on Scoil Eoin 101 I8C1301 (.oysL School) The annual Marriage Support collecon will be taken up at receponHscoileoin.com all Masses this weekend 18th B 1Cth November. Please Scoil Mhuire 101 I8C1813 (GirlsL School) place your donaon in the envelope provided. scoilmhuireballincolligHgmail.com Family Mass The next Family Mass for parents with children in second MoEart’s ReFuiem and Holst’s Hymn of $esus . class preparing for their first 5oly Communion will take place Will take place on Sunday December 1st at 8D11pm in St Au- on today Sunday 1C th November at 11.11am in Church of gusne's Church, Washington Street, Cork City.
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