a:> City Manager's Office City of Eugene 777 Pearl Street, Room 105 Eugene, Oregon 97401-2793 (541 ) 682-5010 MEMORANDUM (541) 682-5414 FAX www.eugene-or.gov Date: June 12, 2012 To: Mayor Piercy and City Council From: Kim Young, 682-5232 Subject: Additional Testimony - June 11 , 2012 The attached testimony was submitted at the June 11, 2012, City Council public hearing. Please let me know if you have any questions. M:\ADMJN\Additiona!TestimonyMemoj une 11 20 12.doc EUGENE OCCUPIER THE NEWSLETTER OF OCCUPY EUGENE Vo.lume 1, Number 4 June 2012 Esta edicion tambiin trae artfculos en espafiol. Vea adentro y compartalo. Tambien estti disponible en el internet. Vera www.occupyeugenemedia.org/newsletter/ OccuPIERS ·DEFEND HoMEOWNERS, DENOUNCE MERS BY N iCOLE MEDEMA Oregon Attorney General John Kroger these fees through MERS and thus, they is currently arguing in the 9th U.S. say, cost Lane County millions of dollars Circuit Court of Appeals that mort­ and broke the law. gage lenders have been breaking state This loss comes at a time of far­ law by utilizing the agent Mortgage reaching budget cuts in Oregon. On the Electronic Registration System, Inc. to evening ofThursday, May 17th, FAC bypass paperwork and county fees. If and other Occupy participants took their he wins this case on behalf of Oregon discovery to the Lane County Budget homemvners, the rate of foreclosures Committee meeting on the new budget would most likely fall meanwhile proposal for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. heighten the ability for homeowners to There, they argued that the county ought contest their cases in court. to seek retroactive payment from lenders Since its inception, the Occupy for unrecorded transactions. Eugene Foreclosure Actions Commit­ Those payments, they explained, could tee has been dedicated to supporting be used to cushion the public service cuts and defending homeowners in Lane in the new budget proposal. That pro­ County. Their research has demon­ posal includes extensive cuts to the police PHOTO BY NICOLE M EDEMA strated that Lane County lost millions budget including a significant decrease On May 26, FAC erected a memorial site in front of the downtown Wells Fargo to honor Norman of dollars to the use ofMERS. Every in jail beds and a 71 percent decrease in Rousseau, a California resident who took his life time a loan shifts hands, Oregon law patrolling deputies, significant cuts to on May 13 . Two days later Wells Fargo took his requires that it be registered in county Health and Human Services, less District home. The site was dedicated to one of many record, for a modest fee. Banks avoided Attorney office employees representing 30 victims of the criminal foreclosu re crisis See Homeowners, p. 3 EUGENE THROUGH THE LENS OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Bv AusoN GuZMAN Eugene, nationally recognized as a bike city, a community ics, in partnership with Centro LatinoAmericano, a local social near nature and a place where we val ue sustainabil ity, would not justice organization, recently finished an in-depth look at environ­ nonnally attract attention around environmental human rights and mental health in West Eugene. Our research proved that lower­ justice issues, which is why for one day, Beyond Toxics invited income neighborhoods in West Eugene are bearing the brunt of city and agency offtcials, students, and community leaders on a exposure to toxic air- reason for us to take action. Our goal is bus tour to West Eugene to see how families live through the lens to mesh environmental justice into public health policies and land of environmental justice. use planning (such as the Envision Eugene process now taking One key component of environmental justice is the idea that place in our community). all people, regardless of where you live and how much money for example, did you know that people living in West Eugene and influence you command, have the right to participate in the are "fence line neighborhoods" to 99% of all toxic industrial air decisions that affect their environment and health. Beyond Tox- emissions in Eugene? Did you know that some schools in West See Environmental Justice, p. 3 elcome to the fourth issue of Occupy Eugene's newsletter. We hope you enjoy our W articles and find a place to join us in our efforts to bring about our vision. You may find our complete vision statement at http:j joccupyeugenemedia.orgjvision-state­ ment/. As a way to identify how you might get involved please see our calendar of events insert or contact a committee \VW\V.occupycugencmedia.org ONGOING OccuPY EuGENE EvENTS Occupy Eugene ff'e are a nonviolent, non­ Occupying the Heart and Mind Silent Interfaith Meditation/Prayer Fridays at OEV (7th Ave. partisan, social-political move­ and Polk St.} II :45 a.m. to I p.m. and Saturdays at OEV 2:30 to 3:30p.m. ment for accountability and re­ General Assemblies Tuesdays 7 p.m. at OEV and Fridays 6 p.m. at the Wayne Morse Free sponsibility in government. We Speech Plaza (8th Ave. and Oak St.) stand in solidarity with Occupy Communi_cations Series for the month of June, Wednesdays 6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. with a Movements around the globe and all people who will no longer sit social hour to follow at OEV, 7th Ave. and Polk St. back and watch corporate and Free Medical Tent Sundays noon to 4 p.m. at Park Blocks (Park and Oak Streets). Medical Ser­ special interests nm their govern­ vices also available at OEV Tuesdays 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. ment, and spoil the living Earth. Kesey Square Revival Fridays, starting around 12:30 p.m. For we, the people, are the Housing/Foreclosure Actions Committee Thursdays at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Growers Market, 454 government. It is .time to tum away from a culture of war and Willamette St. domination, and create a living Foreclosure Assistance for Homeowners Wednesdays at 5 p.m. at Growers Market, 454 Willa­ economy which operates in har­ mette St. mony with our living planet. We must begin by opening our OCCUPY EUGENE AND ALLIES EVENTS hearts to those the present sys­ Occupy Interfaith meeting "Homeless in Eugene" Sunday June I 0 at 2:30p.m. A growing tem would discard and push into number of churches are taking on important community discussions with Occupy. Everyone the shadows, because we believe invited. Location to be announced. Call Ruth Duemler at 541-484-6145. that, in our United States, its we the people who are sovereign-not Occupy Eugene Gathering, Saturday June 16 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the old Federal Building, 7th global corporations. Ave. and Pearl St. Children's activities, performances, and workshops. Potlucks at I p.m. and 6 We have come together to cre­ p.m. ate a community that expresses Public Dialogue on Local Food Economics, Saturday June 23 from 2-5pm at EWEB (500 E 4th our common needs. to organize, Ave) network, and participate in solu­ tions and to remind one another Occupyffea Party Evening Community Conversations Dates, Time and location TBD that, as a society, we have unfin­ Protest in Solidarity with Students in Quebec Monday June II 7:00p.m. Park Blocks SW ished business in our pursuit of comer of 8th & Oak social and economic justice. ("The people of Montreal, Quebec have joined students on strike in daily demonstrations number­ Note: This excerpt has been ing in the hundreds of thousands. The strikes have been underway for more than I 00 days, and approved by the OE General As­ sembly. For the complete Occupy seem to be expanding to other parts of Canada, along with showings of student power in Chicago, Eugene Vision Statement click on Chile, and elsewhere." (Occupy Portland) "INFO ·• on our website. Flags Occupy tlie Fed Thursday June 14 Old Fed Courtyard E. & 7th & Pearl Occupy Eugene V (OEV) Main (Flag Day) Bring all flags- any type, any size- to the Old Fed Wednesday night. They will be Site: 1274 W. 7th (7th and Polk flown all day in support of worldwide diversity and solidarity streets) Statewide Protest Keep Nestle Out of the Gorge Coalition Tuesday June 26 Cascade Locks, Mailing Address: P. 0 . Box 744, Portland Eugene OR 97440 General Inquiry: 541-525-0130 Butte to Butte 4.5 Mile Mayor's Fitness Walk Wednesday July 4 8:20a.m. Website: www.occupyeugeneme­ (Join Occupiers carrying a coffin representing the "Death of the American Dream" for some light­ dia.org hearted outreach and fun.) Newsletter: www.occupyeugen­ For a more current list of all Occupy Eugene events please see our calendar at www.occupyeu­ emedia.org/newsletter/ genemedia.org/calendar/ Current and Archived Newslet­ ters : http://occupyeugenemedia. For a list of Occupy Portland events please see their calendar at org/newsletter/ http.:f/occupyportlandcalendar.org/ Newsletter Staff ALLARE WELCOME AT OE PUBLIC GATHERING VICKIE NELSON BY MARY BROADDHURST CHESTER MAY Occupy activists, organizers, and support­ tions on a variety of relevant topics, including R ALPH BITTER ers will gather on June 16 at the Federal Build­ Communications I 01 for Activists and Medi­ JERRY BRULE ing at 7th and Pearl starting at II a.m. cine with What's On Hand. C~THERJN£ SISKROI\" NICOLE MEDEMA There will be two pot lucks, one at I p.m. Want to perform? Want to help out with LARRI" LEVERO.Y£ and one at 6 p.m. Activities for children will logistics or any other part of this event? If so, J£SSIC4 LAMBRIGHT include a magic show at I p.m.
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