, .... ,Washington 'Evergreen VOl. LI. WASHINGTON STATE COllEGE, PULlMAN, WASHINGTON, January 31, 1945 No. 16 'illS" WITER' II1l'rK READY Trip,Successful 'Wise And Otherw. ise' NI'I'UTI'LUB "l L "n11, IJ.&E For Many Skiers Add d T L b WI " Siudents Hail CD Arriyal of New CHAS. N. LUM UTUEN UIl~-mER pr UIT(1, th:,,=.:,~~~'n:,v;:,~"[~~ By: ~ rary 'EL10R01'1'0' rrn, ,rfJl LBl'1I1&1. day, spendil'lg a, full day skiing, Known to few but seldom to all LL College Hill Bus It weather permits, the week of IDr. Bohler and Dick Anderson con- is the use of the ever growing li- TO AO' HERE February 5 will be the beginning of week. tacted students about rides, and brary of popular sood reading in y_W Sophomore Counc iI With the advent last week of a hoped for traditional WSC Win- The idea of WSC Winter Week the skiing party consisted of three WSC's Evergreen office. This has T S Aff . the new crimson and grey bus, is to be traditional. car loads. The tow wall set up; been a pet of Joe Ashlock, jour- 0 Foremost Shakespearean ter Week, sponsored by ASCW. ponsor a Ir students have said farewell to the The purpose of the forming of skiing conditions were reported i nalism professor, for sometime and Februa ry 2 Actor Will Bring Pro- The week will begin with a gen- such a function is to use the snow fair; no casualties. only recently he received a new aged, black College hill bus. eral rally in Rogers Stadium to be which has been plying Pullman gram To Con 'and winter weather to its best en- Skiers included Bob Ebright, addition-a complimentary copy Night club atmosphere will ra- held on the Sunday evening of hills since 1922. The new bus with Tuesday, Winter Week. During the week, Jovment. Kermit Pearson, Ed Holden, StU-I' of David L. Kirk's "Wise and Oth-) diate from the Women's Gymna- its college colors is a streamlined On the committee in charge of ar.t Reynolds, Amy Langlow, T~m- erwise." I sium Friday night, February 2 skating, skiing, and sliding will be creation manufactured at Lewis- '. Americas foremost Shakespear- Winter Week arrangements are Thompson, Barb, Mer~dlth, If yOUwould like an hour or two where the WSC Coed's HEI Moroc- emphasized. Every evening there rme I ton, Idaho, where 27 riders can' 'l!an actor, Charles N. Lum, will Sidella Clinger, chairman; Marge Fran Ebe, ~a~ lJahey, Sld cnnaer, of light, delightful reading you co" will simulate sophisticated will be an informal dance in the sit facing the driver in contrast bring his unique program "Great Can, Jackie Horan, Bob Ebright, Beverly Keidil, Jane Ness, Andy should not miss this opportunity, ,SpaniSh America, ' to the sidewise seating arrange- golf club house, "The Cave". Stuart Reynolds, Lee M. Ander- Anderso,n., . 1 Duri~g .~he last seVf;;aI year~, SPO-j At, 10: 15 the doors of El Moroc- ment in effect for the past 23 Choosing of a Snow King will be son, Billie Bowers, Kermit Pear- A notice Will be. put I~ the Book k~ne ~ home-,spun humont, Da- co will be opened to gaiety-loving years. I son, Jackie Albi, Eve Allert and St?re ~efore the next trip, for any vid ~lrk, h~~ llghtened the days by night-clubbers. Floor show, cokes, one of the main attractions of the The College Hill Bus Line was I Janice Loschen. , skIers mterested. o,ffe~mg a Jm~le, ~ rhyme, ~. p~e- and dancing will fill the evening started under Tom Aarmg, oper- tic lme or two rn his column Wise until the midnight closing hour ated for many years by George and Otherw~se" run ~ailY in The I Women students attending t~~ Spinning and purchased two years Spokane Dally Chromcle. p'lay in Bryan Hall are urged to ago by Robert Jeffrey, This charming little volume go directly to the gym as soon as etched in the magic words of the play is over if they would not verse, proves the best of enjoy- miss any of the evening's festivi- ment. No one could fail to receive ties. Orchesis Mem'bers' I pleasure from this treasure cJ;1estI Gail Gunn and Betty Griffith be he teenster or oldster, serious and their sophomor~ committee Make Recital Plan's or frivolous. minded, skePti~ or fel- in charge of the YWCA-sponsoreci , low humorist. All can Sit down affair report that Variety and -; Orchesls, modern dance honor- al_ld ,get a moment of relaxation prise ~re to characterize the ~~:._ ~ry, will start holding night mee~- I flipping through the 63 pages of I formances scheduled as floor mgs on Tuesday, February 6 ~n I geptle philosophy, puns" simple, show numbers. A campaign for the Women's .Gymnasium ~o begm verse and generally refreshmg hu- new campus talent has yielded I work on their reCital which Will mor. good results, and new faces with be given this spring. i Her.ein are pres~nted to yOUalso sparkling new repertoires will ap- The meeti~g will begi~ at 7: 151 selectIOns of poetlc humor for ev- Dear along with a few old favor- and last lUlhl 9 o'clock, ElectlOn I ery situation, chosen from some lites, . of officers will also take place, 1200 prm't ed by M'1, K'lr k f 01,'tl 1e I Engaged for his initial' appear- Saturday mOl'mng,'. Febluary 3, I Moments of the Classics" to the Chronicle. ance at EI Morocco Friday night the club will meet at 10 o'clock to 6WSChcahmpu~llTuesday, tFebrUary , ., f h ,wen e WI appear a a convo- the m~ster o,f ceren:onies will re- hav~ tthhelrttPIlCtpulh'estakleEn or t~ e cation fourth period in E. A. Bry- mam mcogmto untll his debut mOVle a 1e YSlCa duca IOn 1 11 ,(omptons Honor t 'k' an 1a . (Continued on page 4) Depar tmen lS rna mg. In this program Mr. Lum por- I Mid-Year Graduates trays famous characters from I various classics beautifully and Honoring mid-year candidates correctly costumed and made up for January gl'aduation, Dr. and 'GLEE PLAYS THE GAME' in full view of the audience. He Mrs, Wilson Compton entertained has won widespread fame both with a dinner at their home on with his Shakespearean imperson- Sunday, January 21. The honored ations and as an educator, The seniors were: Isabella N, Corfield, PRESENTED NEXT WEEKEND number of personal comments speech; Helen }I ,')rt, home econo- j ., about Mr, Lum testify that he mics; Mary Watson Hill (Mrs,), On stage, everyone." "Catch Wyndham _ Cora Nelsoli, Doris has traveled extensively and per- home economics; Marilynn Seitz those cues," "Curtain," "Glee Mae Francis; Amy (Mrs, Marcus formed before many important Johnson (Mrs_), English-JOtfrnal- Plays the Game'" is on its way, Hedinger) _ Dorothy Freeman, personalities, In the words of Lady ism; Margaret Jolly, home econo- Dress rehearsals, a few last Beverly Prescott: Natalie (Mrs, Halifax, wife of the British am- mics; Tom Kitayama, agriculture- minute instructions" and the Wilbur Wyndham) _ Janet' Mur- bassador, he is "a great Amelican 1\1embers of the ASSCW Winter Week committee are: Seated from left to rig'ht-Jackie Horan, horticulture; Shirley Lamb, secre- speech department's proouction is dock, Bethadell Cash; Tabitha- contribution to an English tradi- tion." SidelJa Clinger, Eve Allert, Janice Loschen. Stuart Reynolds, Jackie Albi, Billie Bowers; standing-BOb t~H;al training; Enid Lambert, ready for presentation to the WSC Adriene Hoode; Miss May Jeffer- Ebright, Marge Carr, Lee Anderson, Kermit Pearson. I (Continued on Page 4) foreign language; Ruth Naimy, audience this Friday and Satur- son-Victoria Sandberg, Holly Fix; foreign language; Kenneth Olsen. day night, February 2 and 3, at Amelia Pike-ose William Hoss- B k W k S I Botany; Robert Stauffer, psychol- Bryan Hall at the traditional cur- ner; Vivian McCag'g-Nadine Bar- 00 ee a YO h SI t B • L'll' W" k' b t tain time, 8:15 p.m. tIe, Wanda Lee 'Fleck; Bernice Dr Hazel Cus ing a e oXlng ::~ert ID~~~ympI:~lec l, 0 any; An almost complete double cast Hardin - Barbara Dauterman, fet For Monday · POINT SISTEM T tTl consisting mainly of freshmen Jean Latimer; Marcia Addington J Now With College , oUBrneaHmeelndHeOreII s.!~nshfsil:Imw~endEo~i~~Y'~NeteSh'w~e~s~~rwIioenEc::Oel,dhi7e~u'I'~'~;~~~~t~h~h=tt~t:::ts :~i~~e ~~~~;~ M~~le~~ge~~S~~a,~~~erIJac~~~~~~ I Book Week Drive ';'m be held less but proud Wyndham famlly Parks; Mrs. BenJamm Clark-Jo from February 5 through Febru- Dr, Hazel Cashing, child spe- LIST REVISED I ,.. to get their, eligible daughter, Capps, Marley Austin. ary 10, announces Maryella Pear- cialist who for the past several March 23 and 24 are being set I room 207. from 7:l!i until 8:15 Glee, married to a man with The play is directed by M. L, son, publicity chairman of the years has been working largely aside for the running off here of Wednesday evening, January 31. money, Glee's part is played by Daggy, speech department head, Freshman YWCA group. with the Spokan~ public schools, Comm ittee Members And Washington's first state-wide high The film is open to everyone in- Nancy Putney on Friday night, and technical direction is super-' Each living group will have a will now divide her time equally Radl'o Work To Be Po'lnt- school boxing tournament, Athle- terested and will show what the ~d by Patt Simons on Saturday vised by Raymond R.
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