Product Overview Stable Businesses Performance Products Domain Polyester Film Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥85.7 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥100.0 billion No. 1 global share for PET film for liquid crystal displays (LCDs) We hold the largest share of the global market for PET film for use as a material in flat panel displays (FPDs)� To respond to expanding demand in the PRC, we established a new production facility in that country and brought it fully on line at the end of July 2013� We will accelerate global development with superior quality polyester film� Optical PVOH Film and Others Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥91.9 billion* Net sales target for fiscal 2015 3Three ¥130.0 billion* Increasing sales of polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) film, Growth Models indispensable for the expanding FPD market Optical PVOH film, OPL Film, is a material for polarizing film that is We have introduced the Growth Driver indispensable for displaying images on LCDs� Demand for this film has continued to expand in the LCD panel market� We will proceed Businesses that categorize businesses with rapid development efforts, such as achieving thinner according to the stability of their profit dimensions and uniformity, to respond to market needs� structures� For each category, we are * Consolidated net sales of the Nippon Synthetic Chemical Industry Co�, Ltd� preparing and advancing optimal man- High-performance Films agement and business strategies� Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥75.7 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥80.0 billion Suggesting a variety of applications including food packaging In our business of high-performance films for food packaging, we provide the market with a stable supply of multilayer co-extruded film, heat-shrinkable film, silicon oxide (SiOx) vacuum coated high gas barrier film, wrap film for professional use, PET bottles, and other products� Food Ingredients Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥12.9 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥20.0 billion Offering a range of products based on natural materials We will strengthen our capabilities in fermentation, oleochemical and extraction technologies, while expanding our business founda- tions through partnerships� We have launched a compounding in- gredients business in the PRC that takes full advantage of our distinct emulsifiers� (These pages show representative businesses and products�) 22 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation Stable Businesses Industrial Materials Domain Specialty Chemicals Coke Net sales in fiscal 2012 Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥73.0 billion ¥170.0 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥110.0 billion ¥175.0 billion Maximizing Group synergies and expanding our business scale World-leading coke production capacity We seek to maximize synergies from specialty chemicals compa- Coke is an essential material for blast furnace steel mills� Coke that nies within the Group, develop new products to launch into growth is suitable for different uses is produced by blending several kinds markets, and expand overseas� We will expand the business with a of coal, which is then charged into a coke oven and carbonized (cok- focus on environment-friendly waterborne emulsions, solvent coat- ing) at high temperature� We produce coke with one of the largest ing materials for automobiles and motorcycles, hard coats for LCDs, coke ovens in the world at Sakaide� This coke is used by steel mills and adhesives for smartphones and tablet computers� throughout Japan as well as overseas� Engineering Plastics High-performance Graphite Net sales in fiscal 2012 Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥63.0 billion ¥14.1 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥80.0 billion ¥15.0 billion Accelerating expansion in Asia as the world’s top manufacturer Take advantage of superior quality to expand sales As the world’s top manufacturer of engineering plastics for cutting, Our needle coke is used as a primary material for high grade elec- we will further strengthen our production systems in Japan and the trodes used in electric steel furnaces� In response to rising de- PRC as an initiative for development in Asia, in addition to mand, we established a production and sales joint venture in South production sites in Europe and North America� Korea with POSCO CHEMTECH Co�, Ltd�, in November 2012� Health Care Domain Performance Polymers Net sales in fiscal 2012 Pharmaceuticals ¥40.2 billion Net sales in fiscal 2012 Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥419.1 billion ¥50.0 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥500.0 billion Accelerating global operations to expand the business In the performance polymers business, we offer thermoplastic Aiming for sustainable growth with priority and new elastomers, adhesive polymers, cross-linked polymers, vinyl chlo- products toward fiscal 2015 ride compounds, and other products for a wide range of applica- We aim to increase product value substantially through nurturing tions in diverse markets, such as automobiles, medical care, the development of priority products including Remicade and new construction materials, and food packaging materials� We have al- pharmaceuticals such as Simponi and Tenelia (life cycle manage- ready established production and sales bases in North America, ment, etc�)� We will also expand the list of new products that re- South America*, Europe, and Asia, and will expand our business spond to unmet medical needs and have received global approvals� bases further in a variety of regions around the world to accelerate global development� Diagnostics and Support * Production and sales are scheduled to begin in 2014� for New Pharmaceutical Development Methyl Methacrylate and Net sales in fiscal 2012 Polymethyl Methacrylate ¥76.4 billion Net sales in fiscal 2012 Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥250.4 billion ¥90.0 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 Building a solid foundation in Japan ¥300.0 billion and promoting global operations MMA chain business, No. 1 in the global market, With regard to clinical testing and clinical trials, we will further further increasing its share strengthen our foundation in Japan through measures such as in- Methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer is material for acrylic resin, creasing the number of test items, establishing a new sales sys- which is the most transparent of all resins� There is steady demand tem, and providing new solutions� With regard to the businesses of for MMA monomer for applications in a wide range of fields, in- diagnostics and support for new pharmaceutical development, cluding optical applications and use as industrial materials� By tak- which have been globalized, we will promote global operations ing advantage of our production technologies with overwhelming such as accelerating global sales of PATHFAST (an in-vitro diagnos- cost competitiveness, we will proceed with a plan to build a new tic device) and establishing a system for conducting contract re- plant in the Middle East, where the prices of materials are low� At search under the international joint clinical trial system� the same time, we will ensure a stable supply to the global market with our global production system� Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation 23 Growth Driver Businesses Performance Products Domain White LED Lighting Lithium-ion Battery Materials and Materials Net sales in fiscal 2012 Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥13.9 billion ¥10.7 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥50.0 billion ¥50.0 billion The sole supplier providing all Market leader in GaN substrates, phosphors, and sealants four core materials To provide gallium nitride (GaN) substrates with outstanding quality We are the only supplier in the world that provides all four core ma- at low cost, we are working toward mass producing the products terials (cathode material, anode material, electrolyte, and separator) by leveraging the vapor- and liquid-phase methods� We have of lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) for electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid elec- already begun distributing samples, and plan to begin full-fledged tric vehicles (HEVs), and others� The Group will continue to provide mass production in the second half of 2013� We are building a full optimal solutions for customers’ increasingly sophisticated needs phosphor lineup targeting the lighting market and are cultivating based on its comprehensive technologies, which range from mate- the KAITEKI lighting business globally through the Verbatim rial development to safety evaluation, and its global supply network� marketing channel� Organic Carbon Fiber Photo-semiconductors and Composite Materials Net sales target for fiscal 2015 Net sales in fiscal 2012 ¥3.0 billion ¥35.5 billion Net sales target for fiscal 2015 ¥65.0 billion Aiming for mass production using wet coating process The best way to inexpensively mass produce organic light- emitting Establishing value chains with competitive superiority diode (OLED) lighting panels with large areas and uniform light- through M&As and business alliances emitting surfaces with as few defects as possible is to manufac- We operate businesses for polyacrylonitrile (PAN)- and pitch-based ture them using a wet coating process� We have therefore been carbon fibers, which differ from each other in terms of materials aiming to establish mass production technology through joint de- and product features� The PAN-based carbon fibers we offer a velopment efforts with Pioneer Corporation� In June 2013, we es- range from carbon fiber tows to intermediate materials and tablished a sales
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