VIRGINIA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY BULLETIN NUMBER 47 January-March, 1966 EXOTIC REPTILES by E . R . GOETZ, VHS Hampton , Virginia A -• ~ ’■ f ■ • . • • * On Saturday, June 6, 1964, about to ship me whatever I wished to or­ fifty VHS members and their guests der. It was better than.I expected? met in the National Zoo's : Reptile Several letters and many months House to hear a talk on the "Rep­ • later, all of the details concern­ tiles of Taiwan" by Captain Robert ing the size and quality of speci­ E. Kuntz, USN, who had served with mens, packing, shipping route, pay­ a U.S. Naval Medical Research team ment, customs declaration, etc.had in Taipei, Taiwan (Formosa). been worked out. On July 2,1965, On completing his slide lecture. my order was readied to leave the Captain Kuntz provided a number of island. The large aluminum box, copies of reprints of his article nicely packed with twenty-two Tai­ on the "Snakes of Taiwan" publish­ wan snakes and four turtles, took ed in the Quarterly Journal of the off from Taipei for Hampton, Va., Taiwan Museum, Vol.XVI, Nos.l & 2, via Tokyo, Seattle, Chicago, and June, 1963, to the VHS . Secretary Washington, D.C. for adult VHS members who were un­ able to be present at the meeting. On the afternoon of July 5, I re- - ceived a phone call from the D.C. One of these reprints, so richly It was the National Airport asking illustrated with color photographs me to come and pick up a shipment was presented to me during the '64 of snakes addressed to. me. They VHS Statewide Meeting at Camp Mon­ said a very strong odor was emana­ ocan, Nellysford, Virginia. ting from the box and that none of , I became fascinated by the many the airlines would carry it to its varieties of snakes, their color destination -- Hampton, Virginia. and sizes, and the important place As I drove to Washington-' (about they hold in the economy of Asian 190 miles) I tried to guess just countries. I decided to try get­ how many of the snakes had died. It ting some of them, if I could. was even hot for that time of year and I knew one of the shippers a- The Minister of our church had long the 10,000 miles could have just returned from a trip to the left the box out in the sun? Far East. A phone call got me the name and address of a church'work­ I went directly to the Northwest er on Taiwan. I made a list of a Orient hanger and saw my box sit­ few highly desired species and I ting by itself way out,in the mid- asked this man if he could get my - die.of that great space. Knowing request to someone who could help. that the snakes were in bags, I proceeded to open the box. Hanger A couple of months passed before personnel stood at a distrustful I finally received a reply from a distance and watched with something Taiwanese man who stated that he less than enthusiasm. As I opened had collected for Dr.Robert Kuntz. bag after bag I was relieved to find He said he was familiar with the the snakes alive and healthy. It island's snakes and would be able was in the ’last-bag that I found. (continued on page two) 2 VHS BULLETIN No.47 " v y.; Jarruary-March, 1966 EXOTIC REPTILES (continued....) the dead one that was responsible TAIWAN HABU (Trimeresurus muc- for the odor. rosguamatus). Twice the size of a Only one snake had failed to sur> BAMBOO VIPER (Trimeresurus stejn- i-vive the trip. The other species egeri) placed in the same cage. were as follows: The next morning the HABU was dead; TAIWAN BEAUTY SNAKE (Elaphe fang punctures Were clearly visable taeniurus) eight, ranging in size near the tail. This lesson was from 4-§- to 6 feet. This beautiful learned the hard wayi snake is called the meat or dish snake in Taiwan because it is used SOFT SHELL TURTLES (Amyda sinensis) in the snake soup which is common These were the four turTTes -- al- in the Far East. All were gentle. most forgot to mention theml They were juveniles but just as mean as TAIWAN GREEN SNAKE (Opheodrys they could bei major). These three are j u s t like the Eastern Smooth Green Snake (0. Exotic reptiles can present.a big vernalis)only much larger. Their challenge.' It is balanced by the appetite for earthworms is wayoutC pleasure of having something dif­ 1 % r f r «\ ferent. The time and trouble, the DELICATE DESIGN SNAKE (Ptyas many letters, the trip to D.C.,and korros). These medium-sized snakes the expense (the air express charge were very attractive, but a little was $46.35) was certainly worth it« nervous. This species grows much I am presently corresponding with larger on the Asian mainland where individuals in Thailand, West- and it is known as INDIAN RAT SNAKE'. East Africa, the Philippines, and Dr. Kuntz' man on Taiwan. I hope BANDED RED SNAKE (Dinodon to import some more snakes,lizards, rufozonatum). These three snakes and turtles later this year. If are harmless but resemble the poi­ any readers would like to write me sonous krait except that they have I will answer jail inquiries as soon red bands instead of the white or as possible. Let's hear from you'. gray of the krait. These snakes ** - . •*' . preferred smaller snakes to other (Mr.)Richard E.Goetz food they were offered. March 22, . 1813 Andrews Blvd. 1966 Hampton, Va. 23363 TAIWAN COBRA (Naja naja). This one refused all food and died. "Ed" Goetz is to be congratulated ONE-HUNDRED PACER (Agkistrodon on his successes in obtaining, and acutus). This medium-sized snake caring for several exotic reptile in the same genus as the copper­ species. For the benefit of non­ head is the most deadly reptile on adult (student) members of VHS, it the island of Taiwan. He attract­ should be noted that it is no easy ed a great deal of attention while feat to come off with such a taski on exhibit at Jim Martin's Serpen- tar.ium at Ocean View Park, Norfolk. FJTobey ~ 3 - VHS BULLETIN -No. 47 January-March 1966 JOINT MEETING OF EASTERN SEA- •< BOARD HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETIES •: j a ,l or yj £ :.v' On Saturday, January 8, 1966;over Roger Conant's message to the four one-hundred twenty-five people at­ societies: tended a joint.meeting of eastern I deeply-regret that I cannot be :* seaboard herpetological societies . with you today at your joint meet­ It was held at the new offices I: of ing which must stand as some sort the Division of Reptiles and Arnphi- of landmark. Only a few decades biansl U.S.National Museum, Smith- ago such a meeting would have been - sonian Institution, Washington,D.C. impossible, and even the American Society of Ichthyologists and Her­ •The presidents of the four area petologists (ASIH), drawing from herpetological societies addressed its nationwide membership, could the assemblage at an afternoon ses­ not muster so many delegates as sion in the auditorium of the • new you probably have assembled » in Museum of History ahd Technology. Washington today, * • • jiiqsN They'are: G.Leonard Knapp, Phila­ Your interest and yoursenthusiasm delphia Herpetological Society; A. represent a phenomenon that ,:is a P. Loeffler, N.Y. Herpetological boon to professional herpetologists Society; Richard A. Hahn, Mary­ -- at least to those of us who are land Herpetological Society; and, associated with zoological gardens Dr. James L. Chamberlain, Virginia and-.public museums where amateur Herpetological Society.UC'--'There naturalists eagerly seek., infor­ was an "open house" in the .Reptile mation about the wild life around Division offices; located in a new them. It is you, by your field­ wing of the museum. It afforded an work, who supply the detailed in­ opportunity to talk-to the.-Curator,-. formation necessary to answer in Dr. Doris M. Cochran, and Associate depth the many questions that are Curator, Dr. James A. Peters .y” hurled at us. Through your seve­ ral journals you keep us apprised Interesting semi-technical talks of progress in the herpetology of were-presented at the afternoon your respective areas, and we .: session. JAmong.those who spoke ■ thank you for it were: Commander John F. Kurfess, There are two points of importan­ USN; Thomas/Lewis, National Ins­ ce, however, that I would like to titutes of Health; Herbert Harris, mention. iThe first of these is Baltimore,Md.; and Professor Rich­ the necessity for depositing uni­ ard Highton, University of Mary-- que or critical material in a per­ land. Franklin Tobey, Secretary, manent museum collection where it VHS, introduced the- speakers. Dr. will be available for the work of Jim Peters expressed his delight the specialist. .It is not suffi­ at the turn-out, There were some cient merely to preserve a speci­ indications that this could well men and place it on the shelf of become an annual event; alternat­ your own curio cabinet. Make sure ing with the National Zoological it has a permanent home. I know Park as a meeting site. A message of several private collections from Roger Conant, author of the that were lost to science because "Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphi- the owners went off to war, mar­ \ bians" was read by the chairman: ried spouses who were not sympa- TV/. X - ' - ■ . •; .... ■' r . >; - p, rv : (continued next page) 3 .-I -» D5J ' - 4 - VHS BULLETIN No. 47 January-March 1966 Message from Roger Conant, continued: thetic toward snakes and "other habitats to pieces, and behaves critters," or who were forced to like an idiot in the field.
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