■ wm'fV¥- THB vt^BATnmi .'•■;!; 't';V tj,^. ' , rj :■-e ■T>,--‘if.-. ■■ -y. '* ■'’ 't . '' .. NET PRESS riTN . roreoaot by D. S. WeeittMr Bwomi; (n r :? ' D A n X OIBOULAXION ^ Hertlord. ‘lor ItkO Montti of October* 1880. f- H IWr and oolter timight; Friday 5 , 5 3 2 Conn. State Library— Comp. fair witii dowdy rWog temperature. Memben <ff Hie Audit Boreaii . ,o f CSrctilatloiu * -VI PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHB^'b R, CONN., ^tli^illt-N O VEM BEK 6, 1830. (FOTOTBEN PAGES) (dasdlled Adverttalnc'on Psse 18.) iVOL. XLV., NO. 82. WORLD FACING MAP SHOWS AT GLANCE HOW BLECpGN W IM WARMENACES, RED ^C LAR ES .t Have Captured 217 Seats Accordiu^i to Late Returns; Rn8sia!i Delegate at Arms New House •of Democrats Still Leading in Kentucky and WiD Take Cut Parley Assails France Representatives and Other Nations Which (By Associated Press.) Six er More Seats There, h Is Indicated — National • V In ’ OaljiS Danocratk Conunittee Announces It WiU Refuse to Demand Security. States D- PX. Doubt R. •»D. Alabama .. lO •• ** ** Accept Unofficial Returns As Final in States Where Arizona ... 0 1 .. • • « e • a Geneva, Nov. 6.— (AP)—AttacK- Arkapsaus .. 0 7 •• • • e a • • Ing the League of Nations disarma­ California .10 1 .. • » • • ^ • die Vote Is Close— Several State Upsets. ment commission today, Maxim Lit- Colorado . 3 1 ..* • • • • • • vinoff, Russian delegate, declared Connecticut 3 2 .. • • .. 8 (By Associated Press) t;i regarded the election as am Indica- that the world was now faced vd<Ji Delaware .. l a ■ • • ■ • e* e • • With the victory of Representative i tion that the "people evidently did g^ave menaces of war. Florida ....' 0 4 .. Selvig in the Ninth Minnesota Dla- |not like the way things awe being The Soviet spokesman especially G eorgia . 0 12 .. • • trict, the Republicans have captur- * , assailed France and those who de­ 917 Mniiqft qeftta on the basis of *’^“ ce of power wotild reet Idaho .... .^ 2 64,217 House scats, on the oasis or Shipstead if the Democrats mand security before disarmament HUnois ----- 15 12 .. • • 1 7 late returns, or one less,,than a ma- ihave 48 Senators and the Repub»i: as dangerous enemies of peace. Indiana .... 4 '' 9- .. • • .. 6 'jorlty. V ' ‘ cams 47. In that event he could “It is no wonder," Litvinoff as­ Iowa ..........10 1 ‘ .. .. 1 Only one more seat is needed by give the Democrats a majority by 1,1 serted, “that among the countries the Republicams to obtadn 218 seats siding with them. Kansas .... 7 1 .. which were loudest in their demands or a biure m ajority. A second Min­ 'There would be a tie vote If he .K entucky . 2 3 .. 6 • * f • favored the Republicams amd Viet for ‘security’ guarantees, were nesota seat, that in the Tenth Dis­ Louisiana .. 0 8 .. trict, is still imdecided between a President Curtis would be able to some in which the chiefs of the Madne ....... 4 Republican -and a- Farmer-Labor. ' throw the balance to his party. He military staffs were,' as is now ’The Democrats are leauiing in the is adlowed to vote only in the caiae M aryland .. 0 6 .. • .. 2 common knowledge, at the same six undaiclded districts in Kentucky, o f a tie. Massa’setts 12 4 .. • • • • • • .I v time devising and carrying out amd the defeat of Representative Michigan ..13 Langley in a Republicam strong­ RULINGS ON RESULTS ' plams for the. provocation of war crats won both governor .and'Benatorships or other import­ A SUMMARY OF ALL RACES—This map shows how M innesota . 7 .. 1 2 • • • • hold In that state a^peaurs likely on Washington, Nov. 6.— (AP)—-The with their neighbors.” ■ ant state offices. States ift-white are those in which Re­ the basis of late returns. Democrats and Republicans fared in Tuesday’s elections, M ississippi . 0 8 .. a ■ • • • • Democratic Nationad committee.-^T The Russian delegate declared publicans won all or most ot jifee offices to be filled. Shaded ' Senator Robslou warn tradling the noimced today it would not amcept all races— for Senate, governor and congress— being consid­ Missouri ... 4 12 .. • • .. 6 'himself hopeless,of success for the Stateiare those in whildi Up&Qcrats iuade gains over their Democrat, M. M. Logan, for the as finad the im official returns from ered. Some states held senatorial elections, .some held Mbntama ... 1 1 .. • • • • • • Kentucky Senatbriad seat,v while Soviet’s former proposals for abso- pr^ent status, €fll rates Cbm^dered, though not triumphing any closely contested elections to li;te disarmament,'and later for pro­ gubernatorial elections, some held both and all held congres­ Nebraska .. 2 4 .. .. 2 Senator Schall, ftepuhllcan, was the House. ' . „. completely. Maine. hSd itB election in September. cutting down the first lead estab­ portionate disarmament. He de- sional elections. States in black are those in which Demo­ N evada — 1 .. .. • « • • • • The com m ittee sadd it would .n ot I manded, however, that the commis­ lished by Dinar Hoidade, the Min­ concede the defeat, of the Demoersj^ N . H’pshire 2 sion. substitute the word disarma- nesota Democrat. ic candidate in the Eighth Dlstlifife I ment for the terms “limitation and N . Jersey . 9 3 .. • « ..^ 1 Although t.-the Republicans ap- in Indiama or in the Tenth District {reduction of armaments.” N ; M exico . 0 •'a .. 'I parehUy ;haye:-retained'<ratr<d of in Illinois. REPUBLICAN CUTS •• the House the Democratic Nationad Out of Order LEADERS C O lH im NOW Y ork .'20 23 .. • • • • • • . Representative Vestad, Republi­ Although ruled out of order by coxnmittee amnounced today it would MINE BLAST KILLS N. Carolina 0 10 .. • • .. 2 can, wau3 reported to have won over Chairman Loudon who forbade the refuse to ameept the unoffociad re­ Claude C. Badl, Democrat, by nine DEMOCRATS LEAD N. Dadcota . 3 • • • ^ turns am finad in the close dis'.ricts trsmslation of Litvinoff’s speech, the ON IDE ELECTION votes in the Eighth Indiama District, Russian delegate has prepared Ohio .......... 13 9 ,. • .. e in Illinois, Indiana' amd Pennsyi- while Representative Chlndblom, vanlai. The committee ham aissumea copies of his pronoimcement which Oklahoma . 1 7 .. e • .. 2 Republicam, Illinois, had a close con­ SEVENTY-SIX MEN the attitude of awadting the final were distributed to the press after O r e g o n ----- 2 2 .. 1 test with John E. Hesse, in ^e he had read it to the commission in Late Returns From Minneso­ outcome on the bamls of the official Third District. 3 J u n t E nglish. What Democrats, Republi­ Pen’ylvamia 33 .. 90 A study is to be maule at other House Lineup A disturbance arose in the haU WEARY YEGGS R. Island .. 2 1 .. close contests amd the conunittee j when the chairman forbade the All Suffocated Undergroim^ ta Indicate That SchaR S. C arolina. 0 7 .. With the gadn in Minnesota the plams to waiit on the official count * translation. Most of the occupants cans, Wets and Drys Have House lineup for the new Congress • CALL OFFICER S. Dadcota . 3 • • • • • • • before conceding any seat. I of the press section stampeded for is: May Be Elected Senator. Tennessee . 2 8 .. • • « • • i the exit where copies of Litvinoff’s to Say About the Results* Bodies Recovered — 18 K Republicans 217. CHARLEY BRYAN LEADS I remarks were being distributed and Try^to: Blow U p S a fe but^^ 17 . w • t • e ! Pmoqrats 210.; % 4', ;v ’Tizias ...... 3, I^ cpl^ .Neh^,^ IJoy^e.—^AP.)--r the chairman sternly called for [ijtah, ...... 2 • e * • • Doubts^ 7,7 The liauxie ’ at Biyani,' Irag' potm t In Meg Injured-Si 'f i t P ^ Ney. 6—(AP) — The Faurmer-Dabor 1. ! order. Hours at“It-^.:^^r€ritaTest^ V erm ont ... 2 • • « a • a • •' • the political atifadis df Nehraiska amd , The AmericEin delegates remained Washington, Nov. 6.—(AP) — It tvqulfeS’218 seats for a ma­ fM ^dtti^ixigde^ of Elnsr Holdale, the Nation’s Democracy, shone wi silent throughout tody’s opening From diametrically opposed view-1 Virginia ... 1 9 .. e • .. jority in the House of 485 members. Ohip Acddeat. Deipocrat, for United States Senator some of its old lustre today in the meeting of the preparatory commis­ points Republican and Demowatlc Peterborough, England, Nov. Waishington 4 1 In view of the close races in Ken­ spokesm^ sized up the election to­ 6 — (A P )—'The trouble with the froni MlnifleBota, dropped to only 2,- tucky and Minnesota for the appairent^ victory • o f Chamles W, sion. British safecracker is that he is W . V irginia 4 2 Bryam in the governorship race. Other Discussion day while its final results still were 143ivotes over Thomas D. Schall, Senate, the possibilities ame that one Millfield, O., Nov. 6.—(AP) — Wisconsin .10 1 Returns from 1,915 of the 2,040 I Lord GecU of Great Britain, clouded in doubt. too easily discouraged. Republican, in tabulations at 11 a. paxty wiU outnumber the other by The Democrats termed the drive Number Six mine of the Sunday The cpnstable here was amaz­ m.’-today. Wyoming .. 1 one. vote. Should the Democrats precincts of the state give Bryan, a I Count von Bemstorff of Germany, ed this morning to receive a tel­ 1 Naotake Sato of Japcui, Litvinoff that took them to the verge, at Creek coal* company gave up the Because practically every precinct capture both undetermined seats, former governor amd the Democrat­ least, of control in both Senate and ephone call from the Palace mo­ ic vlce-presidentiad nominee in 1924, { £md Chairman Loudon occupied the last of its dead shortly after 7:30 Totads ..216 210 1 8 1 46 they would have 48. seats, the Re­ House, of clean'cut victory on the tion picture theater from a man (Continued On Page 2.) a seven thousand lead over Gover- j Mssion with a discussion of the Ehia morning when the 76th and last publicans 47 and Farmer-Labor one.
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