January, 2012 Volume 24 Number 8 ConfederateConfederate GazetteGazette st Lee-Jackson on January 21 Major The Major Robert M. White The dress for the event is Robert M. White Camp #1250 will hold its 24th either period, formal wear, Camp #1250 Sons of Confederate Annual Lee-Jackson Dinner cocktail, or “Sunday best” Veterans on Saturday night, January attire. Temple, Texas 21, 2012. For more information and The event will be held at the reservations contact Steve www.scvtemple.com Cultural Activities Center Wooley at 254-986-2264 or John Larson, Jr. rd located at , 3011 North 3 via email at wool44@ em- Camp Commander Street, in Temple. The fes- barqmail.com. 9645 FM 438 tivities will begin with a so- Troy, TX 76579 This annual event honors cial hour at 6:00 PM fol- Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. John C. Perry lowed by a dinner at 7:00 “Stonewall” Jackson who Newsletter Editor PM. The cost of the meal will both have January birthdays. P.O. Box 794 be $18 per person. The Camp has held a special Salado, TX 76571 The featured speaker for the January dinner, since the © 2012, Major Robert M. rd Special guest, H.K. Edgerto, event will be 3 Texas Divi- speaking at 2011 Lee- camp was founded in 1988. White Camp #1250 sion Commander David Jackson Dinner. Until 1998 the event honored Moore, just Lee, but Jackson was Inside this issue: Division Sues State of Texas Profile on: 2 On December 8th the Texas sought from the State of ans. Currently, the SCV has Division of the Sons of Con- Texas, through the Depart- specialty automobile license John Pegram federate Veterans sued the ment Motor Vehicles (DMV) plates available to vehicle State of Texas for the Board, approval of a special- drivers in 9 other states. Mrs. John 2 State’s decision to reject the ty license plate, both to The Division had hoped to Pegram SCV application for specialty raise awareness of their have a specialty plate in license plates, claiming a endeavors and to raise addi- advance of the Civil War Camp Calendar of 3 violation of the 1st and 14th tional money to fund their Sesquicentennial.” Events Amendments to the U.S. Con- activities. The official public comments stitution. This action is in regards to were heavily in favor of the War Dead Num- 4 In a Press Release Texas the recent denial by the of SCV’s application, but at a bers Revised Division Commander Granvel the specialty license applica- DMV hearing, by an 8-0 vote Block stated, “Like many tion presented to the De- and without any discussion, other non-profit organiza- partment of Motor Vehicles the DMV voted to reject the Camp Loses Reun- 4 tions in Texas, the Texas SCV Board by the Texas Division SCV’s application. ion Vote for 2013 Sons of Confederate Veter- Page 2 Confederate Gazette CCONFEDERATEONFEDERATE PPROFILEROFILE Prince John t was the event of the so- John Pegram was born in Pe- ry. He served under Robert S. cial season in war torn tersburg, Virginia on January Garnett, in July of 1861, in the Richmond. The handsome 24, 1832. He was born into a Confederacy’s effort to try to I young Confederate General, well to do and distinguished hold on to the western part of called the “most eligible bache- Virginia family. In 1850, he Virginia. Eleven counties in lor in the Confederacy,” and entered the Military Academy western Virginia seceded from one of Richmond’s social elite, at West Point. Robert E. Lee Virginia in June of 1861, and called by Major Henry Kyd was superintendent of West Garnett was attempting to Douglas, “the most beautiful Point while Pegram was there. secure control of the territory woman I ever saw in any land,” He became friendly with the for the South. Unfortunately were being married. As Feder- Lee family, and was a grooms- for the Confederacy, Garnett John al forces closed in on Rich- man in one of Lee’s son’s wed- underestimated the Federal’s mond in early 1865, it was a ding. Pegram graduated in willingness to attack Confeder- Pegram th wonderful diversion from the 1854, 10 in his class. ate positions on Rich Mountain. ragging war. The splendid St. He was immediately assigned He left Pegram, now a lieuten- Paul’s Episcopal Church was to frontier service, as 2nd lieu- ant colonel, and only 1,300 men filled to the brim with the Con- tenant of dragoons. He served on Rich Mountain. Garnett felt federacy’s social elite, includ- on the frontier until 1858, when the Federals would not attack Pegram graduated ing President Jefferson Davis he secured a two year leave of up the mountain, but, attack th and his wife. Sadly, only three 10 in his West absence. During his period they did. Grossly outnumbered, weeks later to the day, the star away from the army, he toured when the attack came, Pegram crossed lovers were no more. Point class Europe. He returned to active and his command were forced The same church was filled duty in 1860, but it was short to fall back. They were over with mourners, the gallant lived. He resigned from the run by the Federals in Beverly, Confederate warrior had been U.S. Army on May 10, 1861, sid- where Pegram surrendered struck down. The joy of the ing with his native Virginia, with with about half of his command. wedding was replaced with the a desire to serve the Confeder- The defeat helped secured grief of a church crowded with acy. West Virginia for the Union. a young widow and saddened Richmond citizens, now jolted He entered the Confederate (Continued on page 3) back to the realities of war. Army as a captain in the caval- Mrs. John Pegram She was considered by many Hetty was staunchly pro-South arrested?" The Colonel looked as one of the most beautiful and although she was living in at her and replied: “No, she is women in the Confederacy. Union occupied Baltimore it beautiful enough to do as she Hetty Cary was born in Balti- didn’t stop her from waving a pleases.” more in 1836. She was related Confederate flag. An officer of The New Orleans Crescent to two of Virginia's "first fami- a Union regiment allegedly described Hetty as, (you) “will lies," the Randolphs and the pointed Hetty out to his Colo- probably never see again, so Jeffersons. nel, asking, "Shall I have her (Continued on page 3) Page 3 Volume 24 Number 8 Prince John Mrs. John Pegram (Continued from page 2) infantry brigade, made up of (Continued Pegram had been injured on Virginia regiments, in Early’s from page 2) Rich Mountain, when he was Division. He performed well as beautiful a thrown from his horse. He a brigade commander, serving woman!” . was able to continue on active through the Wilderness Cam- It is worth a duty, but by the time he paign. At the Wilderness fight king's ran- reached Beverly, he was con- on the second day, his brigade som, a lifetime of trouble, to fined to bed. repelled persistent Federal look at one such woman." assaults, but Pegram was Pegram was confined to a wounded in the leg. He was She eventually found her way Federal prisoner of war camp forced to recuperate, and saw to Richmond and made history Hetty helped until January of 1862. After no action from May 1864 to by helping to produce the first being paroled, Pegram was produce first August, 1864. In September of three Confederate battle flags, promoted to colonel and as- 1864, Pegram was given com- based on the Beauregard de- signed to General Braxton Confederate mand of Early’s Division, but sign. Bragg’s staff, as chief of engi- was never formally promoted battle flags neers, in Mississippi. He was She was courted by so many to major general. transferred to Tennessee, Confederate generals that it where he served as chief of Pegram did have one vain led her cousin to say, “Hetty staff for General Kirby Smith. weakness. Like his younger likes them that way; gilt-edged He participated in Smith’s brother, Willie, Pegram was with stars!” When John Pe- invasion of Tennessee. In very nearsighted, but unlike his gram won her hand, rivals November of 1862, he was brother he refused to wear called him the “prize winner.” promoted to brigadier general thick glasses. One brigade Hetty and John’s wedding was and given command of a caval- surgeon proclaimed Pegram the social event of the year, ry brigade, serving under Na- unfit for command without the but their marriage was short than Bedford Forrest. He saw benefit of spectacles. lived when Pegram was killed action at both the battles of The dashing Pegram, called, at the Battle of Hatcher’s Run Murfreesboro and Chickamau- “the most eligible bachelor in on February 6, 1965. Three ga. the South,” was never less weeks to the day Hetty was Pegram was then transferred engaged to be married. In attending her husband’s funer- to the Army of Northern Vir- 1862, he had proposed to a al. ginia, where his younger and socialite, Hetty Carey, original- Post war Hetty returned to lower ranked, but better known ly of Baltimore. Henry Kyd Baltimore. In 1879 she remar- brother, Willie Pegram, was Douglas described Miss Carey ried, and she passed away in serving. The elder Pegram as, “one of the handsomest 1892. was given command of an (Continued on page 4) Camp Schedule Next Meeting: January 21, 2012 ton Patch Café, Temple Mall, January 21st Annual Lee-Jackson Dinner, 7:00 PM.
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