!C a I e d r March 5-March 78, 7985 2 ----------------------------------~~~he~C~a~~~n~d~a~~~M~a~rc~h~5~·~'~98~5 ~Calendar MAGAZINE ABOUT TOWN :2409 No. Main San Antonio, TX 78212 (512) 735-7173 Gay Alliance honors The Calendar Is published every other Tuesday by The Calendar 2•09 N. Main, San Antonio, TX. Mailing Addreu P.O. lox leaders 15070 San Antonio, TX. 71212. The con· PUBLISHER: Michael Stevens tenst of The Calendar are copywrlted 1915 and may not be reproduced without the wriHen permlulon of the for service ART DIRECTOR: Dennis Sumner publisher. SAN ANTONIO - The san Antonio Goy The Calendar Is distributed free on alter· Alliance (SAGA) held Its 4th annual Com­ PHOTOGRAPHIC DIRECTOR: nate Mondays In San Antonio, Austin and munity Service Awards Banquet Sunday, Reuben N}aa Corpus Chrlstl. Feb. 17, at MeTod's Restaurant. The evening SUISCRIPnON RATES: began with cosh bar In the beautifully CIRCULATION: Syd Moore 26 Issues Firat Clau Mall· $2... 00 restored downtown restaurant In Charles 26 luues Third Clau Mall· $12.00 Court at 205 N. Preso. Following o delicious CONTRIBUTORS: Subscriptions to The Calendar are strictly dinner of cornish game hen, SAGA choir Tom Dolan confidential and names and addreues Roy Taylor Introduced the Individuals Jim Eggellng will not be released or sold to any other receiving letters of commendation for their organization. work in the goy community during 1984. Jim Halloran The evening's guest speaker, Phil .Johnson, Toby Johnson The Calendar purchases unsolicited narrated o slide and music Presentation on Hank O'Hare manuscripts, art work and photographs. the development of goy consciousness In Steve Warren Unsolicited work must be submiHed with America. Founder of the Circle of Friends, Rosemary Zuel a stamped, self-addressed envelope. the oldest goy organization in Texas and Allow at least six weeks for return pro· the Dallas Goy Archives, Phil's Presentation cessln.;;;g;...------------t focused on the changes in homosexual at­ ADVERTISING: Publication of the name or photograph titudes following WWII and the develop­ Dennis Sumner, 735-7173 of any preson or organization In articles ment of goy pride. Jay Smith, 650·0654 or advertisements In The Calendar Is not A special presentation was . mode to \ PouleHo Leigh, reigning Miss Goy Texas and Michael Stevens. 735-7173 to be construed as any Indication of the Papa Bear sexual orientation of such person or tireless fundroiser for community causes. organization. Paulette received o signed, hand-tinted community Including screening programs, NATIONAL ADVERTISING: photo by Reuben Njoo In o gloss art deco SAFE WEEK, and AIDS awareness activities; _Joe Disabato designer frame from On Main as o token of Tony Zule, former SAGA board member and MEMBER: New York, NY the community's pride In her success as one AHRC choir during 1984; and Dorothy ALAMO BUSINESS COUNCIL of Goy SA's foremost entertainers. (212) 242-6863 Gomez, owner of Club Heads or Tolls, foun­ GAY FIESTA COMMISSION The evening concluded with the Presen­ ding member of the Goy Fiesta Commission SAN ANTONIO GAY ALLIANCE tation of Community Service Awards to: Leo and coordinator of the entertainment at Harper for El Jardin Lounge the oldest con­ Goy Fiesta 1984. tinuously operated goy bar In san Antonio, Letters were presented to: David White, THIS IS$UE'S COVER By Steve Porker accepted for Goy Pride editor of the Integrity Newsletter; Michael Week Committee, now on independent White attorney, for service to GALDEF; Steve and permanent organization. Teepe fOunder of the Trinity Goy Student Goy and Lesbian Legal Defense & Educa­ Support Group; Irene Eppeneuer, for coor­ GAY PRESS ASSOCIATION ~· ~ tion Fund (GALOEF) was formed this year In dination of Goy Fiesta; Alamo Business response to the killing of Carlos Villareal by Council formed In 1984 to provide o support 0 san Antonio Policeman. network for goy business and professional Rob Parks for Integrity/SA, the goy persons; Rockln 'R' Riders for providing the GRACE: Episcopal group, and Jock Sherrell for the ground crew and coordination of the arena Your guide to social skills JonsPeople, the bowling teague that has events at the first Texas Goy Rodeo; River Ci­ by Rust grown to 30 teams and played host to ty Uvlng Church o lnclependent Chrlsflon I several regional tournaments. I church formed In 1984: the Fiesta Commls- · lndMduals receiving awards Included: slon also formed In 1984 by a group of goy Dear Groce: Hilda Charles of Lambda AA for her efforts In business and organizational leaders to 1broke up with my lover almost two years During this period, the afflicted person helping hundreds of goy alcoholics; Rudy make Goy Fiesta on annual notional goy ago. We were together for almost three usually Is not OPEtfl for another relationship. Gonzalez o sponsor of the first Fondongo, holiday event; Lambda AA a Alcoholics years. Even though I knew It was o good And this fact In Itself is o port of the healing former board member of SAGA, AHRC, and -Anonymous group providing support to Ideo for us to stop being together, I never process. It provides o personal . space host for Summer and Smoke; Rob Parks one members of the goy community suffering really stopped loving him and I think I used wherein psychic wounds con heal and o of the founders of Integrity/SA and the Trini­ with alcohol and drug related problems; that as on excuse to keep myself from fall­ private time when o,generol reassessment ty Council; Papa Bear owner of the Papa and the Trinity Council formed in 1948 by Ing In love again. of Interpersonal problems con toke place. Bear's and founding member of the Fiesta the Christian congregations serving Goy SA After we broke up, I went out with lots of Consequently, the only advice 1con offer Commission; Dono DICostro former SAGA to provide outreach through advertising men, and many of them let me know that to you Is to walt. I'm sure that's not what you board member, o founder of River City Uv­ and special events. they wonted to hove more than just o wont toheor, but I'm afraid that's the way It ing Church, and organizer of the 1984 casual relationship. At the time, I didn't feet Is. If you really love this man, give hlme the Leadership Retreat; Albert Douglas M.D. for 1 was ready to hove another real "love" time and freedom to find himself and to service In providing health core to the goy relationship with anybody. recreate his emotional life. He is In o state of Integrity This has changed. Now, I feel I om ready emotional bankruptcy. As you were. It to hove another lover, and, In fact, I om In would be o dangerous mistake for him to love. The problem Is that I om In love with o jump Into another relationship and, ap­ Business Council Appointments man who ju~t recently broken up with o parently he knows that. man that he still loves. To me, It seem he's There ore two pitfalls. releases 1984 going through the some changes that I For you, the pitfall is the temptation to Announced went through. pressure him into o relationship when he is finance review 1 con do good for him. I love him, and I not ready for it. If you do, you will destroy Integrity has announced to new board really understand what he's going through. any chance of any future relationship with Alamo Business Council has released Its appointments. 1984 financial statement. But 1know how to handle the situation. What him. Integrity, which does not include lost The 9-month-old organization has o paid con I do? . For him, the pitfall Is buying the ideo that names in their bulletin, listed the new -D.S. he will not recover from this period of membership of about 25. members as Georgia W. and David C. Ac­ reosssessment. Revenue during 1984 was S1,767.77, with cording to the organization's newsletter, Phil He will. S400 from dues, 5402.77 from Goy Fiesta S. has been appointed hospitality coor­ Dear D.S. Love Groce proceeds and $965 from the holiday dinotor. Thank you for your letter. It touches on o business dinner. About 66 persons paid to Integrity will host the Right Rev. Wolter problems that many of us hove hod to deal Dennis, Suffragan Bishop of New York, at St. attend the dinner. with In our lives: that of emotional bankrupt­ If you have a problem you want to David's Episcopal Church, 1300 Wiltshire, at cy. discuss, please write to Rust. Address Expenses during the year Included 546.82 7:30 p.m . .March 14 for the celebration of It is unfortunate but true that o serlouE questions concerning gay social for printing; S270.82 for Goy Fiesta; S173.70 the Ho1v Eucharist for Lenten Weekday. love relationship, once over, con toke o advertising; S903.50 holiday business din­ On March 21 Integrity will meet with the huge emotional toll. For this reason It's not skills to Grace c/o The Calendar, ner; and 55 for on Assumed Nome Cer­ Trinity University Goy support Group at 7:30 uncommon for one who has recently P.O. Box 15070, San Antonio, Texas, tificate. The total of expenses was S1,399.89. p.m. The location has yet to be announced. broken up with o lover to need o buffer time 78212. Cosh on deposit as of Dec. 31 1984 was For information on Integrity events, coil to mend emotionally. $367.93.
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