Man Spricht Deutsch lei On Parle Franqais Stillgestanden. THE sim TRIPES Je cherche des bibelots. Stillgestunden. Juh shayrsh day beeb-LOW. Stand still. DaMy Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theater of Operations I am looking Tor knick-knacks. Vol. 1—No. 141 1 Fr. New York—PARIS — London 1 Fr. Friday, Dec. 15, 1944 Hodges Men Move to Outflank Roer; Siam Hit as Japs Gird for Air Siege Admit Cities Face RocketShipsAidedlnvasion 83rd Div. Launches Blows on Scale Drive Along River WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.—Rocket ships, one of the most secret of Of Reich naval weapons, played a large part in the shattering of German de- From Monschau fenses along European beaches. NEW YORK, Dec. 14 (ANS) This was disclosed today in a Navy report on the use of rockets in Men of the 83rd Div. in the —As the increasingly powerful the Atlantic and Pacific. It followed the announcement that pro- duction of rockets will be increased nearly 300 percent immediately. First Army yesterday stabbed American aerial attacks on The November output of rockets was 262 percent above June figures, 3,000 yards to the Gerzenich Japan's industrial centers a WPB spokesman said, describing this as "the example of examples" suburb of Duren, ROer River passed the sixth straight day, of ever-changing demands. industrial stronghold, as the Tokyo radio admitted today Large landing ships designed originally to carry tanks to enemy First Army's southern wing, that Nippon's cities were be- beaches were converted secretly last winter into rocket-firing craft, the Navy disclosed. Moving ahead of first waves of landing craft, swinging east of the Roer in ing prepared to face prospects they worked with battleships, cruisers and destroyers in the bombard- the Monschau Forest, where of aerial damage comparable ment which preceded landings. the river curves into Bel- to that of Germany. The Office of War Information reported recently that the Navy gium, hammered the south Even as the Tokyo broadcaster soon will be spending $100,000,000 monthly on rocket ammunition. Each rocket craft carries hundreds of missiles fired electrically. flank of the German lines on the promised the Japanese people that Cologne plain. The rockets speed toward beaches in overlapping salvos and "elim- "the nation would take up the Except for two pockets stubbornly fight" with all dogged courage," a inate virtually all secondary fortifications, including mines, wire, machine-gun nests, shallow pillboxes, and will temporarily stun men holding out at Pier and Marie- sizable formation of superfortres- weiler, north of Dufen, Hodges' men in larger fortifications,"* the Navy said. ses based in India was hammering gripped the Roer's western bank at targets in Thailand (Siam), from the industrial city's suburb keystone of Japan's land-supply five miles northward to Schophoven, lines from Malaya to China and whose defenses caved in yesterday. the homeland. Nazis Hit Camouflage Peak Meanwhile, 21st Bomber Com- Mass South of River mand headquarters on saipan said For weeks, Hodges had forces yesterday's B29, raid on Nagoya, on With 'Manure Pile' Pillbox south of the town of Monschau Honshu Island, was the heaviest below the Roer. The river begins ever hurled against the Jap main- \ By Earl Mazo in Belgium and flows eastward The Stars and Stripes waves land. Stars and Stripes Stall Writer into Germany past Monschau. It again in the Philippines, signi- Many Fires Started turns north, widening as it runs fying the virtual occupation Reconnaissance photos showed WITH THE 90th DIV. IN GERMANY, Dec. 14.—The Ger- past Duren, Jiilich and Linnich, of Leyte insured this week 40 direct hits on Mitsubishi air- mans reached the acme in camouflage on dozens of pillboxes where both First and Ninth Army when American troops captur- craft assembly plants besides evid- in and around the Siegfried Line industrial city of Dillingen. forces hold its west bank. Then ed Ormoc, the Japs' last sup- ence that at least 35 fires had Huge strongpoints, with between three and four stories it curves to the west to join the ply outlet for their forces been started in the area. Hama- River Maas in Holland. trapped on the island. matsu, on Honshu, less than for the comfort of the soldiers who manned them, were set The forces at Monschau waited 50 miles from Tokyo, also was up to look like newsstands, tobacco as the northern elements of the bombed by a small force of B29s. shops, barns, houses and pillboxes. First Army attacked toward the LupeVelez, 30, Meanwhile in the southwest One of those knocked out by men of river in the Duren sector. When Pacific, as Gen. MacArthur's ELAS Resumes the 358th was camouflaged as a the northern forces smashed up ground forces began mopping-up manure pile. to the Roer, the forces in the south Is Found Dead operations on Leyte, Lt. Gen. S/Sgt. Sam Carvalli, of St. Louis, attacked Wednesday. George C. Kenny, Allied air chief Athens Battle had been fighting with his infantry They launched two assaults. company without mishap since D- Stars and Stripes U.S. Bureau in that area, announced that Japan One moved northeast of Monschau is losing planes at the rate of ATHENS, Dec. 14 (UP).—EL AS plus-two. On the second day of the on the west bank and took the LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14.—The Dillingen crossing of the Saar he coroner's office here revealed that about 33-1 in aerial combat over forces resumed the shelling of cen- (Continued on Page 8) the Philippine area. tral Athens this afternoon, break- disappeared and the other doughs Lupe Velez, the Mexican motion- of D bemoaned the fact that "Lucky picture actress, was found dead Gen. Kenny called the 49th ing a lull during which reports cir- Sam got it." Three days later he early today in her Beverly Hills Fighter Group in that area "one culated that peace negotiations were of the hottest air units in history." about to end an eleven-day battle. and his machine-gun platoon turn- home. Coroner Prank Nance quoted ed up unscratched. In that time police as saying the actress had A Pearl Harbor dispatch today (Meanwhile, in Washington, Sen- apparently taken1- an overdose of announced that Adm. Chester ator Harley Kilgore (D-W.Va.) they had been hemmed in and cut sleeping powders. Nimitz, American naval com- lashed at the Churchill government off by six German tanks and had The 30-year-old "Mexican Spit- mander in the Pacific had con- policy, according to the Associated lived on captured German jam and pickles. They returned to their fire" was well known for her tem- cluded conferences with Army and Press. He said that EAM represents pestuousness on and off the screen. Navy commanders in Alaska, indi- a coalition, not the Communists. lines with three prisoners. It was revealed that she had cating that the Japs may soon The British people are not fooled Maj. William T. Wallace, of broken off her latest romance—with expect attacks also from the North by Churchill's charges and his anti- Landsdown, Pa., Second Bn., 358th, French actor Harold Ramond—five Pacific. EAM policy, Kilgore said.) (Continued on Page 8) days ago. The United Press reported a note, addressed to her secretary, found beside her body, said, in part, Fort Driant—the 'Gateway to Hell' "You alone know the facts and the reason why I'm taking my own life. Forgive me and don't think By Allan Morrison Before the first unsuccessful attack was mounted badly of me. I love you, mammy, Stars and Stripes Stafl Writer on Sept. 27, little was known of the fort's inner de- so take care of mother. And so WITH THE FIFTH INFANTRY. DIVISION IN- fenses beyond meager data obtained from aerial- goodbye and try to forgive me." SIDE FORT DRIANT, Southwest of Metz, Dec. 14. photos and some reconnaissance. These revealed —At 1545 hours on Thursday the curtain was rung that Driant was surrounded by a double-aproned dawn on the battle drama of this fantastic fortress barbed-wire fence in which were interlaced other S&S Sunday Edition built deep into high ground southwest of Metz, but wire obstacles. Behind this was a moated ditch To Start This Week the 73-day siege Will go down in the campaign re- and then an incline strewn with more barbed wire, cords as a grim, weird, bloody business. leading to the fort itself. Commanding several important approaches to Metz Following the first attack, air and artillery directed Starting tomorrow, The Stars on Driant in an attempt to soften it up for the and Stripes will publish an and overlooking the west bank of the Moselle from an 1,800-foot height, it was once considered the "key infantry. Fighter-bombers dropped 1,000 and 500- eight-page Sunday edition in ad- pounders and artillery hurled in stuff ranging from dition to the regular weekday to Metz." Doughboys who had to storm its yellowed Seventh Army's drive across the battlements cursed it as a "gateway to hell." 105s to 240-hows. The effect of all this was imper- Vosges has virtually sealed off the issues. The Stars and Stripes ceptible. PWs have since stated that the first bom- circulation men are hereby no- When siege operations began, infantry units as- Germans in the Rhineland and bardments merely made them "curious." except for pockets in the Colmar tified to toe on the alert to signed to shaking the defenders from their rocky The thicknesses of Driant's walls and roof defied and southern Vosges sectors has H- '■ collect and distribute the Sun- roost were dug in in the mud of the wooded country the efforts of U.S.
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