Resettlement Planning Document Resettlement Plan Grant Number: 0093 June 2010 Nepal: Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Project Pathari Dainiya-Sikati Road Sub-Project, Morang (From chaniage 0+000 to 30+900) Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Government of Nepal Ministry of Local Development Department of Local Infrastructure Development & Agricultural Roads District Development Committee/District Project Office Morang, District Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program (RRRSDP) Section - 5 SHORT RESETTLEMENT PLAN Pathari Dainiya - Sikati Road subproject (From Chaniage 0+000 to 30+900) June, 2010 Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program 2010 Contents ABBREVIATION ..i GLOSSARY OF TERMS ........................................................................................................ii EXEC)TIVE S)MMARY ....................................................................................................... iii 1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................1 2. SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT ..........................................2 3. SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION OF THE AFFECTED HOUSEHOLDS. ...............4 4. POLICY FRAMEWORK, OBJECTIVES AND ENTITLEMENTS FOR THE PROJECT 8 4.1 Applicable Legal and Policy Framewor. .......................................................................8 4.2 Ob0ectives ....................................................................................................................9 4.1 Entitlement Matri23Policy ............................................................................................ 12 5. GENDER IMPACT AND MITIGATING MEASURES .................................................. 14 6. INFORMATION DISSEMINATION, CONSULTATION, PARTICIPATION, DISCLOSURE AND APPROVAL OF RP ................................................................... 15 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISMS ................................................................... 17 7.1 Grievances Received and Mitigations Measures ........................................................ 17 8. COMPENSATION AND INCOME RESTORATION .................................................... 18 8.1 Valuing and Determining Compensation ..................................................................... 18 8.2 Income Restoration and Rehabilitation ....................................................................... 18 8.1 Livelihood Enhancement S.ills Training 6LEST7 and Awareness Raising Trainings for APs ............................................................................................................................ 19 8.4 Voluntary Land Donation Process .............................................................................. 20 9. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT ...........................................................................21 9.1 Institutional Arrangement of the Pro0ect ...................................................................... 21 10. RESETTLEMENT BUDGET AND FINANCING ......................................................... 22 10.1 Costs of Compensation for Assets .............................................................................. 22 10.2 Cost of Rehabilitation Support .................................................................................... 24 10.1 Travel Allowances ...................................................................................................... 25 10.4 Total Cost Estimate for RP ......................................................................................... 25 11. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ............................................................................... 26 12. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...........................................................................27 12.1 Monitoring at District Level ......................................................................................... 27 12.2 Verification by PC) ....................................................................................................27 Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program 2010 12.1 E2ternal3Third Party Monitoring .................................................................................. 27 13. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................... 30 11.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 30 List of Tables Table - 1: Summary of Impacts by loss Table - 2: Demographic Status of APs Table - 1: Socio-economic Analysis of APs Households 6Pre and Post Pro0ect7 Table - 4: Entitlement Matri23Policy Table - 5: Livelihood Enhancement S.ills Training for Affected Persons Table - 6: Details of the land price of the affected plots 6in NRs.7 Table - 7: Approved cost for Houses3Structure by CDC Table - 8: Labour Requirements for Cutting Trees Table - 9: Labour Requirements for Transportation of Trees Table - 10: Approved Cost for Trees by CDC Table - 11: Summaries of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Cost Table - 12: RP Implementation Schedule Table - 11: Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators List of Box Bo2 - 1: Steps for Grievance Resolution under the pro0ect List of Appendix Appendi2 - 1: List APs and Sumary of Lossess Appendi2 - 2: List of APs lossing Land with Cost Estimate Appendi2 - 1: List of APs lossing Structures with Cost Estimate and Photographs Appendi2 - 4: List of APs lossing Trees with Cost Estimate Appendi2 - 5: Poverty Analysis Sheet of APs Appendi2 - 6: Land Donation Consent Form Appendi2 - 7: Letters from Third Party NGO Appendi2 - 8: List of Participants of Public Consultation Meeting along the Alignment and Meeting Matri2 Appendi2 - 9: Community Consultation Meeting Matri2 Appendi2 - 10: Synopices of RP in Nepali Appendi2 - 11: Summary of Resettlement Framewor. in Nepali Appendi2 - 12: Cadestral Survey Report and Maps Appendi2 - 11: Cost Estimate for Electricity Supply Pole List of Figure\Maps: Figure - 1: Ethnicity of Affected HHs Figure - 2: Age Group of Affected Population Figure - 1: Strip Map: Cadastral Map Prepared by District Land Survey Office indicating Road Alignment Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program 2010 ABBREVIATION ADB Asian Development Ban. AP6s7 Affected Person6s73People CDC Compensation Determination Committee CDO Chief District Officer CISC Central Implementation Support Consultant DADO District Agriculture Development Office DDC District Development Committee DIST District Implementation Support Team DoLIDAR Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agriculture Roads DPCC District Pro0ect Coordination Committee DPO District Pro0ect Office DTMP District Transportation Master Plan DTO District Technical Office EA E2ecutive Agency FGD Focus Group Discussion FY Fiscal Year GoN Government of Nepal GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRSC Grievance Redress Sub Committee Ha Hectare HHs Households IA Implementing Agency IPDF Indigenous People Development Framewor. IPDP Indigenous People Development Plan IR Involuntary Resettlement LEST Livelihood Enhancement S.ills and Training MoFSC Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation MoLD Ministry of Local Development Mo) Memorandum of )nderstanding NGO Non Government OrganiAation NRs Nepalese Rupees PAF Pro0ect Affected Families PAP Pro0ect Affected Person PC Pro0ect Coordinator PC) Pro0ect Coordination )nit RF Resettlement Framewor. RoB Right of Bay RP Resettlement Plan RRRSDP Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program RS Resettlement Specialist SAP Social Action Plan SDS Social Development Specialist SM Social MobiliAer SPAF Severely Pro0ect Affected Family sqm Square meter VDC Village Development Committee Short Resettlement Plan: Pathari Dainiya-Sikati Road sub-project, Morang i Rural Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Sector Development Program 2010 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Affected Person All persons who as of the cut-off-date stand to lose for the pro0ect all or part of their land 6AP7 or other assets, irrespective of legal or ownership title. Cut-off Date The date of census survey to count the APs and their affected land and assets. Land Donation Land ownersD willingness to provide part of his3her land for the pro0ect in e2pectation of pro0ect benefits. It must be voluntary or unforced and confirmed in written agreement witnessed by third party. LegaliAable Those who do not have formal legal rights to land when APs are recorded, but could claim rights to such land under the law of Nepal. Non-titled Those who have no recogniAable rights or claims to the land that they are occupying. However illegal inhabitants as per law of Nepal will be e2cluded from non-titled. Poverty Line The level of income below which an individual or a household is considered poor. NepalDs national
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