cr~nd Exhibition of Fancy Coods at " '1 ~ Semmelhaack's Bazaar, 83 St. Lawrenoe Street, and Branch 2108 Notre Dame Street. EXHIBITION CUIDE ~f September, 1892. ~tE'---- !!' 1:1 II========================~==========~I~; ~'" CI> '" MOITREAL SAFE DEPOSIT -~~.. CO., ~~ Royal Insurance Building, MONTREAL. -<"lCl>a a~ SIR DONALD A. SMITH. <fo VICE-PRESIDENT : SIR JOSEPH HICKSON. !!' .... td"i Managing Director: J. A. L. STRATHY, Esq. at Your Valuables are not safe ill your house.-Place g~ them beyond the reach of fire and thieves. ~ ~ ....Safes from $10 per annum upwards. ~g, , -'" ... in lj. 'It. lj. fIls ),tints ~ nf 1l(ale$. THE MEDICAL HALL (ESTABLISHED A.D. 1S8a.) DEPARTMEIT TO:B [OLOHIAL PHILLIPS SQUARE. Chemicals, Perfumery, Patent Medicines and ToUet Requisites, etc., in great variety. AOOURATELYDII~PE~Ne~D·.1I TEl .14281 M582 LA I~HTA6HE, (LABKE &[~I (!l.IlMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE) =EANKERS= BRANCHES: _ (183 St. James Street, Tem­ MONTREAL OFFICE, l pie Building. NEW YORK OFFICE, - 15 Broad Street. BURLINGTON, VT., - 106 Church Street. RUTLA!<D, VT., 51 Broadway. PLATTSBURG, N.Y., 4 Clinton Street, / AGENTs: COUNSELMAN & DAY, Chicago. \-... .J Private /'direct wire to all the above" offices. Receive deposits subject to cheque at sight. Interest allowed on dally balances. Execute orders for the purchase of Stocks and Bonds for Investment or on mar­ gin. Special accommodation offered to work­ men on Saturdays, in order to enable them to save their earnings. l"'J 0 lVT REA L THE MONTREAL THE OPENING OF THE UNION Assurance Society, ST. CLAIR TUNNEL POCKET GUIDE A. D. 1714. COMPLETES 'fHE LINK BETWEEN THE • • GOES MONTHLY • • Head Office: 81 Cornhill, London, E.C. INTO T::a:::E :a:::O::Nr:ES Capital Subscribed, £ 450,000 OF THE BEST FAMILIES, . Paid-up, £180,000 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Accumula~ed Funds, £2.373,418 AND ITS AFFILIATED LINES, VIZ: And our best business men have it Annual Income, £543,899 The Chicago &. Crand Trunk, FOR A POCKET COMPANION. Detroit, Crand Haven &. Milwaukee, Cincinnati. Saginaw &. Mac·kinaw, IT WILL PAY YOU Toledo, Saginaw &. Muskegon, RISKS on almost every description of Insurable ~ '1'0 ADYERTI~E IN THE GUIDE. ./ Michigan Air Line, etc. Property acce.pted at current rates of Premium. No .better and no cheaper mode of Advertising in TAKE A POLICY IN THE the City of Montreal. A FACT THAT SHOULD BE UNION KNOWN that the publishers of the GUIDE are no novices in ABSOLUTE SECURITY the field of legitimate advertising. For·· the past thirty-five years their practicalfamiliarity with printers' PROMPT SETTLEMENTS ink and its use enables them to make its judicious and inexpensive application one· of the leading The Best is the Cheapest. WHEN GOING TO avenues to wealth for the business man. CHICACO AND THE WESTERN STATES WE ARE ADVERTISING AGENTS, DO NOT FAIL TO INSPEOTTEITS and as our success depends on the true fulfillment INSURE IN THE UNION. MARVEL OF ENGINEERING SKILL. of every contract we make, we· assure our patrons Through tickets issued to all principal points in that their advertisements will be duly handled so as to Canada and the United States. bring about the best results. Fire Insurance Since the Yea.r 1714. Pullman and Wagner Palace cars on all express We make Advertising Contracts on the basis of trltins. drculation. Tourist fares with endless varieties of routes during We print and circulate what we contract for, and Canadian Branch Office Union Assurance Society, the summer season. Periodical and commutation vouch for such by sworn testimony. tickets with other special inducements offered to 55 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER ST., suburban residents. Many flattering testimon.ials have been received as Apply to any of the company's agents at Bonaven­ to the efficacy of the GUIDE as an advertising me­ MONTREAL. ture station and 143 St. James street, for full in­ dium, copies of which will be submitted by our formation. Agents. T. L. MORRISEY, SCARLETT & CO., Resident Manager. N. J. POWER, L. J. SEARGEANT, 93 Temple Building. PubUshePs, &c. Telephone 1943· Gen'l. Pass. Agent. Gen'l. Manager. JUN 3 - 191~ 3 ,,-__T_O_S~_T_R_A_N_G_E_R_S_!_~ We claim to have THE LARGEST, THE VERY BEST AND CHEAPEST FURNITURE and PIANOS in the Dom­ inion. Special attention will be' paid to Strangers. Furniture and Pianos packed FREE in good condition and shipped to any part of Canada. AN EXTRA 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT will be allowed to all those who will produce the POCRET GUIDE or lllention it. F. LAPOINTE, 1541 to 1551 St. Catherine East, - ll'IONTREAL. N. B.-Our Furniture and Pianos suit all purses; from the Richest to the Poorest. CONTENTS. ~ G. T. R. Time Tables ................................. 7, 9 i~fi~~~~~~~~~'·. '::.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.::::: :.~.:::: :.:.~.~.:.:.~.: :.:.~ ~.~~ ~i Consulates ... '. " ...............•................ ,. .. 51 Exhibition Programme.... ...... .. .. • . .. 57-'72 Stages and Bus ~ines ... : ....•.............•.......• , ... 47 Trains from outslde Stations for Montreal. .......... 13, 15 Post Office-Qlnsing and Arrival .............. 17,19, 21,23 European and Fore.ign Mails ........................... 25 Postage Rates ...................................25, 29, 31 Money Order Exchange ............................... 29 Letter Carriers' Delivery .............................. 33 Street Letter Collections. ............................. 33 Street Oar Time Table ............................... 33, 35 Cab Tarifi' ...... ..;................ ................. 37 Places of Interest ...................................... ,39 Distance Table ........................................ 41 Fire Alarm, ...................................... 43,45,46 Ambulance Calls .............. .. ...................... 29 Lacrosse Fixtures ...................................... 49 1892 SEPTEMBER. 1892 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT ...... ...... ...... ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...... Montreal, Sept. 8th, 1892. Certified that we have printed ten thousand copies of the MONTREAL POCKET GUIDE for the present month of September for Scarlett & Company, the publishers. JOHN LOVELL & SON. Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada In the year 18~2, in th-e Dept. of Agriculture by Scarlett III Co. 5 FINE III Banjos, III II: III III III Guitars, iii !i!!,114 I!!! ilil Mandolins, 1111 Uli 1111 1111 1111 1111 Violins, etc. 1111 n I"i ,~- \ Best Russian Gut Strings. Methods for all Instruments. I ) SHEET MUSIC. --...-"'~ MUSIC BOOKS. PIANOS TO RENT. PIANOS TUNED and REPAIRED. 6E~RGE J. SHEPPARD, 2274 and 2276 S1. Gat~8rino Stroot MONTREAL. ESTABLISHED 1845. ~ IF YOU WANT . "' '~SEEDS~" GARDEN and FARM IMPLEMENTS, FERTILIZERS, FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES, FALL and SPRING BULBS, CALL AT WM. EVANS' Seed Warehouse, COr. McGill and Foundling Streets. French and English Catalogues Free. "lONGUEUll FERRY.) OPPOSITION BOAT Between Montreal (Jacques Cartier Square) and Longueuil. THE PEOPLE'S LINE, Str. "AR(""2 C" CAPT. WM. PAUL. Extra Boats will run during Longueuil Exhibition, Sept. 13th and 14th, and Montreal Exhibition, Sept. 15th to 23rd. "-- FARE ONLY 5 CENTS. / . Tickets at reduced rates to be had on board. QUICK TRANSIT BY THIS BOAT. RAILROAD AND SLEEPING CAR TICKEXS Via all lines from this city. Windsor Hotel Ticket Office. Depot prices SEPTEMBER RAILWAY GUIDE. Grand Trunk Depot. Trains leave as follows:- ,WEST-':"Ohicago, Detroit, Toronto and intermediate stations, ~.30 a.m., 8.00 p.m., 10.15 p.m. Brockville (mixed), 12.30 p.m. Oornwall, 5.00 p.m. Ottawa, Hawkesbury and Malone, via Oanada Atlantic, 9.00 a.m., 4.45 p.m. EAST-Portland, Quebec and St. Flavie, 7.55 a.m. For Portland, 8.45 p.m. For Quebec, St. John aud Halffax, 11.15 p.m. For Island Poud, 3.55 p.m. For St. Hyacintbe, 5.20 p.m. Mixed for Quebec and Island Pond, 6.45 a.m. ' SOUTH-New York, Troy and Albany by D. & H. R. R., via Rouse's Point 7.15 a.m., exrept Sunday, 7.20 p.m. daily. Rouse's Point, 5 a.m., Albany4.30 p.m. For St. Johns .by C.V.R.R., 7.30 a.m., 8.30 a.u{:, 4.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m., 8.35 p.m. daily. Hemmingford, Howick, Ormstown, Huntingdon, Fort Oovington, Valleyfield and Beanharnois, 3.45 p.m. Mixed for Hemmingford, Huntingdon, and Massena Springs, 6.45 a.m. St. Hilaire, 7.50 a.m., 3.55, 5.20, 8.40, 11.10 p.m. Saturday, 1.40 p.m. , Local for Ohambly & St. Cesaire, 5.20 p.m. daily ex­ cept Saturday and Sunday. Saturday only 2.00 p.m. 4.40 local for St Albans, Rutland & intermediate stations. Local train for Ohambly, RicheIieu, Marieville, Farn­ ~ ham, Granby and Waterloo, 4.40 p.m. For White Mountains, Montpelier, Bethlehem, Profile House, Fabyans" Mt. Washington, Portland and Old Orchard Beach, 8.30 a.m. FOR NEW YORK. 8.30 a.m,· IFast tra,in, via Rutland, Troy and Except Sunday. Al~any, arriving New York 9.20 p.m. 8.30 a.m. IExpress, via White River June. & Except Sunday. Springfield, arriving New York 10.00 P.ID. 7.30 p.m. IFast night train, via Troy and Daily. Albany, arriving New York 6.45 a.m. 8.35 p.m. Night Express, via Springfield and Daily. New Haven. arriving New York I 11.30 Il'.m. ..".. IF YOU WANT TO BUY"",,"" WATCHES, CLOCKS tt JEWELLERY, VISIT THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ALFRED EAVES, 1679 Notre Dame Street, the Fre~~:rChurch. THE LARGEST JEWELLERY HOUSE IN THE CITY. The Stock comprises all the latest styles in 1:5:,::: i>: rD 1'-1 ..... ....(]) .0 (]) ttl 0 I:: M ~ ct> ~ i Q. !P r£ .!tl =I:: Q 0 1'-1 0 ....0 ~ ~ Q.- 0 ......... ~ CI.2 ...... r£ !P ~ (]) - !P ~ Q. ,J:I ct> ....0 Q. = Q t:: !P g rD And many other Novelties too numerous to mention. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Watchmakers' Supplies of all kinds. A Large Workshop in connection, and all Jewellery and Watch repairs, and Jewellery made to order at shortest notice. \.... P. O. BOX 567. T};]LEPHONE 169~ . .-/' NOTICE.-Only Maker in Canada of the Celebrated Solderless and Jointless Plain Gold Ring.
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