Appendix 1: Policy context BILATERAL MIGRATORY BIRD AGREEMENTS The Regional Catchment Strategy supports, integrates and The Australian Government has fostered international gives regional context to a suite of Victorian and Australian cooperation through bilateral migratory bird agreements Government legislation, policies and strategies. with Japan (JAMBA), China (CAMBA) and the Republic of Korea (ROKAMBA). Each of these agreements provides for International obligations the protection and conservation of migratory birds and their important habitats. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was Australian Government agreed by 193 countries at the United Nations Sustainable legislation, policies and plans Development Summit in 2015. The 2030 Agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 associated NATIONAL LANDCARE PROGRAM targets. They deliver a global framework for sustainable development to 2030. The National Landcare Program is a key part of the Australian Government’s commitment to natural resource Environmental, social and economic development are management. More than $1 billion is being invested in indivisible under the framework. The goals aim to reduce targeted national priorities from 2017 to 2023. A range poverty and inequality, promote prosperity and well-being of measures will support natural resource management, for all, protect the environment and address climate change, sustainable agriculture and protect Australia’s biodiversity. and encourage good governance, peace and security. The Regional Land Partnerships Program is delivering natural The aim of these goals is reflected in the Wimmera Regional resource management at a regional scale. Catchment Strategy and the work of regional partners and communities. They place added emphasis on the need to ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND work together for the benefit of the Wimmera’s community BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION ACT 1999 and environment, now and into the future. Collective The EPBC Act provides a legal framework to protect and local actions contribute to a broader global sustainable manage nationally and internationally important flora, development movement. fauna, ecological communities, Ramsar sites and heritage Figure 1 shows the Sustainable Development Goals and how places. The Act focuses on the protection of matters of they contribute to and are supported, reinforced by and national environmental significance, with the states and integrated with the Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy. territories having responsibility for matters of state and local significance. RAMSAR CONVENTION ON WETLANDS The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance’s (Ramsar Convention) broad aims are to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve those that remain through wise use and management. 1 Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendix 1 Figure 1: Sustainable Development Goals and the Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 17 1 NO 2 INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS POVERTY TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS WATER FOR THE NO GOALS HUNGER Reflects 16 3 community PEACE & GOOD values and JUSTICE Results in shared HEALTH AUSTRALIAN AND STATE benefits interests GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION AND 15 4 STRATEGY LIFE ON QUALITY LAND EDUCATION CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT Wimmer Regional 5 AUTHORITY PLANS AND Catchment Strategy 14 STRATEGIES LIFE BELOW GENDER SUPPORT, EQUALITY WATER CONTRIBUTES TO REINFORCE AND COMMUNITY LAND INTEGRATE A framework for 6 TRADITIONAL OWNER COUNTRY integrated catchment 13 CLEAN WATER & PLANS AND STRATEGIES CLIMATE SANITATION management ACTION Driven 12 7 LOCAL GOVERNMENT PLANS AND through Values RESPONSIBLE RENEWABLE STRATEGIES Aboriginal CONSUMPTION ENERGY collaboration and cultural and 11 8 partnerships traditional SUSTAINABLE GOOD JOBS INDUSTRY AND knowledge CITIES & 9 & ECONOMIC COMMUNITIES 10 GROWTH NON-GOVERNMENT INNOVATION & BIODIVERSITY REDUCED INFRASTRUCTURE ORGANISATIONAL PLANS AND INEQUALITIES STRATEGIES AUSTRALIA’S STRATEGY FOR NATURE NATIONAL AGREEMENT ON CLOSING 2019-2030 THE GAP Australia’s Strategy for Nature aims to guide the development The objective of the National Agreement on Closing of new and innovative approaches to biodiversity the Gap is to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander conservation. It focuses on overarching goals that support people and governments to work together to overcome healthy and functioning biological systems by promoting a the entrenched inequality experienced by Aboriginal and stronger connection between people and nature, improving Torres Strait Islander people and achieve life outcomes equal the way people care for nature, and building and sharing to all Australians. The Australian Government, states and knowledge. It is a shared roadmap to better understand, care territory governments, local government and the Coalition for and sustainably manage nature to 2030. of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations are jointly accountable for ensuring the outcomes of closing the THREATENED SPECIES STRATEGY gap are achieved through implementation. 2021-2031 NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR VOLUNTEER The Threatened Species Strategy delivers a framework for action to protect and recover threatened plants and INVOLVEMENT animals across Australia. It sets a clear vision to drive These standards have been developed by Volunteering practical on-ground action, identifies key action areas that Australia and the state and territory peak bodies for are fundamental to the recovery of threatened species volunteering. This framework provides good practice and ecological communities, and establishes principles for guidance and benchmarks to help organisations attract, identifying priority threatened species and places to focus manage and retain volunteers, and to help manage risk effort. The strategy will be underpinned by consecutive and safety in work with volunteers . Volunteering Victoria is 5-year action plans, with the first planned for release in the Victoria’s peak body for volunteering, focusing on advocacy, second half of 2021. sector development and the promotion of volunteering. NATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR RAMSAR Victorian Government legislation, WETLANDS policies and plans. These Guidelines aim to facilitate improved management of Ramsar sites and maintenance of ecological character, in line CATCHMENT AND LAND PROTECTION with Australia's commitments under the Ramsar Convention ACT 1994 and responsibilities under the EPBC Act. The guidelines provide a framework for Ramsar Convention implementation The CaLP Act is the legislation that promotes and enables in Australia and provide jurisdictions and other interested integrated catchment management across Victoria parties with guidance on the management of Ramsar sites. including establishment of catchment management regions, catchment management authorities and the requirement for NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR Regional Catchment Strategies. ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 1992 OUR CATCHMENTS OUR COMMUNITIES Supporting the CaLP Act, the Our Catchments Our This strategy facilitates a coordinated and co-operative Communities strategy confirms the Victorian Government’s approach to ecologically sustainable development and commitment to managing catchments to benefit the provides broad strategic directions and framework for environment, community and economy with a focus on governments to direct policy and decision-making. ensuring catchment management partners work together. NATIONAL SOIL STRATEGY WATER ACT 1989 The National Soil Strategy sets out how Australia will value, The Water Act provides the legal framework for managing manage and improve its soil for the next 20 years. The Victoria’s water resources. The main purposes of the Act strategy highlights three overarching goals to prioritise are to promote the equitable and efficient use of water soil health, empower soil innovation and stewards and resources, ensure water resources are conserved and properly strengthen soil knowledge and capability. Actions to address managed for the benefit of all Victorians, and increase these goals will ensure that soil continues to contribute to community involvement in conserving and managing water agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability, and resources. economic growth. 3 Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy 2021-2027 | Appendix 1 WATER FOR VICTORIA PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 Supporting the Water Act, Water for Victoria sets the long- This Act establishes the legal framework for planning the term direction for managing Victoria’s water resources and a use, development and protection of land in Victoria. The plan for responding to the impact of climate change and a Act sets the broad objectives for planning and the main growing population. rules and principles for how the Victorian planning system works. The Act is ‘enabling’ legislation, meaning it does not VICTORIAN WATERWAY MANAGEMENT precisely define the scope of planning, how it should be STRATEGY done or the detailed rules that should apply to land use and development. These and other more detailed matters The Victorian Waterway Management Strategy provides the are dealt with by ‘subordinate’ instruments under the Act detailed policy for managing Victoria’s waterways. including the Victoria Planning Provisions which are the VICTORIAN RURAL DRAINAGE standard provisions for all of Victoria’s planning schemes. STRATEGY FLORA AND FAUNA GUARANTEE ACT 1988 The Victorian Rural Drainage Strategy supports landholders The Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 is the key
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