• DIRECTORY.] DEVONSHIRE. • WEAR GIFFARD • 663 • a cost of about £r,o6o, and in Feb. 1891 a flagstaff and the late John Melhuish esq. Messrs. Payne, Critchett and weathercock were placed on the tower by the rector and the Bowden, are the chief landowners. Higher Pitt belongs to churchwarden, Mr. Robert l\Iorgan: there are 130 sittings. Mr. Henry Gale; North Winbow and Headon to Mr. A. The register dates from the year 156o. The living is a Ayre, and Hatswell to Mr. William Trebble. The soil is rectory, average tithe rent-charge [311, net yearly V.ilue light; subsoil, partly clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats [,263, including 35 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift and grass. The acreage is 3.319; rateable value, £3,531 ;. of the trustees of Mrs. Lloyd-Worth, and held since 1890 by the population in 1891 was 355· the Rev. Clement Govett M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. Sexton, John Snell. There are charities of over £4o yearly value. Worth House, pleasantly situated, is the property of George Thomas esq. PosT 0FFICE.-William Cleeve, sub-postmaster. Letters The Worth estate which had been the property and residence through Tiverton, dispatched at 6.5 p.m.; delivered at of the elder branch of the Worth family since the first half 7· 10 a.m. Tiverton is the nearest money order & tele- of the 12th century, was sold in the years 1877 and 1888. graph office George Thomas esq. who is lord of the manor, Thomas Parochial School (mixed & infants), built in 1836, for 6o Carew Daniel esq. J. P. of Easterlands, the trustees of children ; average attendance, 38 ; l\Irs. Isabel Clee, mist. Daniel Thomas Carew D.L., J.P. Chave William, farmer, Standerton & Heard Samuel, farmer, Marsh Easterlands Church Pitt Henson John, farmer, Dry hill Goodland Henry, Great Beauchamp CleeveMaryAnn(Mrs.),farmr.Spilliford Hill James, farmer, Ennerleigh Govett Rev. Clement M. A. Rectory Cleeve William, shopkeeper, Post office Kerslake John, dairyman, Cowlings Thomas George, Worth house . Curtis John, jun. farmer, Hatherland l\Iiddleton Richard,farmer, Hatherland COMMERCIAL. mill & Oland farm I Mogford James, farmer, Pilemore Arscott Thomas, carpenter FordRobrt.dairyman,Beauchamp dairy I Morgan Robert, farmer,CotleighBarton • Ayre Arthur, farmer, Winbow Gale John, farmer, Courtenay Norman John, farmer, Moorhayes Burrows Wm. dairyman, Swinesbridge Haskings Frank, miller (water) & far- Trebble Wm.frmr.&landownr.Hatswell Butt John,frmr. & landownr. LowerPitt mer, Washfield mills TuckerRichard,farmer,Higher Pitt frm W ASHFORD PYNE is a small p&rish and scattered The soil is loam and clay, and the subsoil is clay. 'the village, 9 miles north-west from Crediton station and 7 chief crops are grass, wheat and oats. The acreage is north-west from Morchard Road station on the North r,qo; rateable value, £743; the population in 1891 was Devon branch of the London and South Western railway, qr. in the Northern division of the county, hundred of Withe- HIGHER and LowEn BLACK DoG are hamlets, xi miles ridge, Crediton petty sessional division, union and county west and 4 south from Witheridge court district, rural deanery of West Tiverton and arch- Sexton Geor(J'e Willis · deaconry and diocese of Exeter. The church of St. Peter is ' "' · . an edifice of stone in the Decorated style, rebuilt in r883 at PosT OFFICE, Black. Dog.-W.Ilham Bradford,. re~e~ver. a cost of about £ 1 , 200, and consists of chancel, nave, south Letters through Morchard BL<Jhop R.~.0. w~ICh 1s the porch and a western tower, with tiled steeple, containing 3 nearest .money order & telegraph office, arrive a~ 5·55 bells, dated respectively 17s7, 1620 and 1731 : the chancel a.m.; d1spatche~ at 7.25 p.m. Postal orders are ISSued was rebuilt in 1887 : there are 75 sittings. The register of here, but, not pa!d . baptisms and burials dates from the year 1742 ; marriages, Washford I yne lS mclud~d m th~ Woolfard1sworthy, :Wa~h- 1746. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge ford Pyne & Kennerle1gh Umted School Board d1str1ct, [,75, net yearly value £us, including 156 acres of glebe, formed May 3, 1876 with residence, in the gift of C. Comyns Tucker esq. and Board School (mixed), erected in 1878, at Black Dog, for 95 held since 1892 by the Rev. William Henry Mitchell M.A. of children; 1werage attendance, 66; for the parishes of Trinity College, Oxford. C. Comyns Tucker esq. of Mor- Kennerleigh, Thelbridge, Washford Pyne & Woolsery; chard Bishop, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. William Henry Rogers, master; Mrs. Jane Rogers, mist Mitchell Rev. William Henry 1\I.A. Burrows Charles, dairyman Radford Wm. dairyman, Town close Rectory Cbapple Frederick, tailor Searle William, blacksmith Chapple Wm. assist.overseer,Black Dog Selley Geo. farmer, Washford Barton COMMERCIAL. Cobley Wm. Black Dog P.H. & farmer Southcott Henry, miller (water), Pens• Bradford Wm. wheelwright ,Black Dog Dayment Henry, blacksmith, Black Dog ford mill Bragg Jn. frmr. Wonham & Town close Hillacre Henry, farmer, Gate house Sturgess Samuel, shopkeeper Burnett William, dairyman, Pyne Lee Frederick, farmer, Henciford WEAR GIFFARD is a parish on the river Torridge, wooded and fish are abundant in the river Torridge. Wear 4 miles south from Bideford station on the Torrington Hall, belonging to the Fortescue family, is an interesting · branch of the London and .South Western railway, 3 north- structure of the 15th century, consisting of a central block west from Torrington, in the Northern division of the with wings, occupied for some time as a farmhouse, but county, Sbebbear hundred, Torrington petty sessional divi- restored in 1832 by the late Hon. George Fortescue: the sion, union and county court district, rural deanery of embattled gatehouse remains, and the dining hall, a noble Hartland, archdeaconry of Barn staple and diocese of Exeter. apartment, 19ft. by 33 ft. has fine carved oak panelling and The church of the Holy Trinity is an edifice of stone in the a beautifully carved oak roof: other portions of the mansion Decorat€d style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, retain similar work and some ancient portraits and tapes­ south porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, try : it is now occupied by John Henderson esq. This place containing 6 bells, five of which were cast in 1765 by Thomas takes its name from the Giffard family, who held the manor Bilbie, of Cullompton: the chancel has a fine roof of Perpen- during several centuries: in the reign of Henry VI. it dicular date : in the north wall of the nave, within two re- passed by marriage to Martin, son of ~ir John Fortescue, cessed arches, are two recumbent effigtes of a cross-legged Lord High Chancellor, from whom it has descended to its knight and a lady; the former, placed on a wide altar-tomb, present owner, Earl Fortescue J.P., D.L. Earl Fortescue, is in a suit of mail, with cowl, covered by a cyclas, or long- who is lord of the manor, the Hon. Mark George Kerr Rolle skirted tunic, and carries a shield and sword; the figure of and William Turner esq. of Rarton, Bideford, are the chief the lady wears a coronet, and is attired in wimple and flowing landowners. The soil is good loam ; subsoil, clay. The robes, covered by a mantle, and at the sides are mutilated chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 1,587 figures of angels holding up drapery; these effigies may acres; rateable value, £t,8s6; the population m 189I was represent Sir Waiter Giffard,lord of this place in 1243, and 395· his wife: there are also memorials to the :Fortescues, and a Parish Clerk, John Clark. modern brass: the church was thoroughly restored and re- PosT 0FFICE.-John Gomer, sub-postmaster. Letters seated and a new tenor bell hung in 1869: there are 300 received from Bideford at 9.10 a. m. ; dispatched a.t 4·55 sittings. The register dates from the year 1583. The p.m. 'fbe neuest money order & telegraph office is at living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge .lr32, net Torrington. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid yearly value _l129, including 5~ acres of glebe, with resi- dence, in the gift of Earl Fortescue, and held since 1891 by WALL LETTER Box, Rectory wall, cleared at 5· 15 p.m the Rev. Stephen Wade M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford. National (Endowed) School (mixed), erected in 186o & Here are Wesleyan chapels. John Lovering's charity, having an endowment of [,22, invested in Consols, left amounting to [,1o 1os. yearly, is distributed in money. by John Lovering in 1671 ; it will hold So children ; There are lime-kilns on the quay. The country is finely average attendance, 62; David Rees, master Balsdon Mrs. Wear Barton Henderson John, Wear hall COMMERCIAL. Balsdon Richard P. Wear Barton Hill Mrs. Road cliffe BalsdonEmma(Mrs.),frmr. WearBarton Cooper John Groves, The Hill Lloyd Mrs Braddon William, hind to Messrs. Wm. Fernie Thomas Morris Misfiles, The Cottage Turner & Son, Oxhill farm • Fry Thomas, Mill house Wade Rev. Stephen M.A. Rectory Bright Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper .
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