Appendix 1 How to order the program Iistings and the floppy disks The complete listings of alI the computer programs in Chapter 12, together with the associated floppy disks, may be ordered from the Publishers: Chapman and HalI Ltd 11 New Fetter Lane London EC4P 4EE At.t Instructions 1. Study Section 12.1, before you place an order for any or alI of the items below. 2. If you need only the printout of the program listings (with Commen­ tary and User Instructions), order Item (a) below. 3. If you need only the floppy disk to generate the printout of program listings yourself, order Item (b1) or (b2) below. Items (b1) and (b2) are floppy disks containing alI the programs stored as 'source files'-see explanation in Section 12.1(d). 4. If you need only the floppy disk to run the programs, order Item (cI) and (c2) below. Items (el) and (c2) are floppy disks containing alI the programs stored in machi ne code as 'executable files'-see explanation in Section 12.1(d). ITEM (a): Wong, H. H. A. (in collaboration with Kong, F. K. and Evans, R. H.), Complete listings of the computer programs (with Commentary and User Instructions) in 'Kong and Evans: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 3rd Edition, 1987', Van Nostrand Reinhold, Wokingham, 1987. ITEM (b1): Floppy Disk 1: Source files of the computer programs in 'Kong and Evans: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 3rd Edition, 1987', for RM. Nimbus and IBM Compatibles with 3.5 inch disk drive. Appendix 1 How to order program listing and disks 493 ITEM (b2): Floppy Disk Ia and Ib: Source-files of the computer programs in 'Kong and Evans: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 3rd Edition, 1987', for lBM-PC/XT, IBM-PC/AT or IBM Compatibles with 5.25 inch disk drive. ITEM (el): Floppy Disk II: Executable files of the computer programs in 'Kong and Evans: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 3rd Edition, '1987', for RM Nimbus and IBM Compatibles with 3.5 inch disk drive. ITEM (c2): Floppy Disks Ha and IIb: Executable files of the computer programs in 'Kong and Evans: Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 3rd Edition, 1987', for IBM-PC/XT, IBM-PC/AT or IBM Compatibles with 5.25 inch disk drive. Al.2 System requirements The system requirements necessary to run the Authors' computer programs are summarized as follows. Personal computers: RM Nimbus, IBM-PC/XT, IBM-PC/AT and IBM Compatibles (e.g. Amstrad-PC) Memory 512 K bytes are more than adequate Operating system MS-DOS Disk drive Single disk drive is adequate Monitor Monochrome is adequate Printer Optional Appendix 2 Design tables and charts TableA2-1 Areas of groups of reinforcement bars (mm2) Bar Number of bars size (mm) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 50 101 151 201 251 302 352 402 452 503 10 79 157 236 314 393 471 550 628 707 785 12 113 226 339 452 565 679 792 905 1017 1131 16 201 402 603 804 1005 1206 1407 1608 1809 2011 20 314 628 942 1257 1571 1885 2199 2513 2827 3142 25 491 982 1473 1963 2454 2945 3436 3927 4418 4909 32 804 1608 2412 3216 4021 4825 5629 6433 7237 8042 40 1256 2513 3769 5026 6283 7539 8796 10050 11310 12570 TableA2-2 Reinforcement-bar areas (mm2) per metre width for various bar spacings Bar Bar spacing (mm) size (mm) 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 8 671 503 402 335 287 252 223 201 183 168 10 1047 785 628 523 449 393 349 314 286 262 12 1508 1131 905 754 646 566 503 452 411 377 16 2681 2011 1608 1340 1149 1005 894 804 731 670 20 4189 3142 2513 2094 1795 1571 1396 1257 1142 1047 25 6545 4909 3927 3272 2805 2454 2182 1963 1785 1636 32 8042 6434 5362 4596 4021 3574 3217 2925 2681 40 10050 8378 7181 6283 5585 5027 4570 4189 Appendix 2 Design tables and charts 495 Bar fy= 250 N/mm 2 Jy =460 N/mm2 siz. 0 r n h r n h 8 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 100 110 12 100 110 30 100 140 16 100 150 100 180 20 20 100 180 110 220 25 130 230 180 350 J2 160 290 40 230 450 40 200 360 280 560 Fig. A2-1 Minimum bend and hook allowances (mm)-BS 4466 496 Appendix 2 Design tab les and charts Shape Method of Oimensions Total length code measurement tobe given in of bar bar schedule 20 1-- A----I straight A h--1 32 c A+h ~{: A--I A h"'" r----.h 33 c "") A+2h vf7 A5 A 34 n'),.!:Q==== A+n 'V'~ A---I A 35 I I A+ 2n n~LA=S'n A 37 I~r AL- ~B~ A+B +C 38 !Jr r~r~ AL-.J { I--B =:rT B - r - 20 A+B+C { if CIt ~45' 41 A+B +C -r-20 { if O( > 45 o o = bar size h} n ond r: see Fig. A2 -1 Fig. A2-2(a) Bending dimensions-BS 4466 Appendix 2 Design tables and charts 497 Shape Method of Oi mensions to Total length code measurement be given in of bar bar schedule ..j A ,""", J\1 F- A-i {A+2S+C+E 43 r r r:' r O ~ ~ ( if O( S 45°) -lCI- C 51 A+S-1. r -0 ~I~- standard) A~ 2 S........l 60 2(A+B)+20 0 E] lAs] J { Â+ C 62 \~>-B ~~ 1- C--I'v~ f -. (ifa< S 45°) ,-=A:='"1..i A 81 ~: ~8 2A+3S +220 t €::f? A 83 A+2B+C+D '* ~ ~ - 2r - 40 Isometric~ ~ Isometric. view O view o = bar size h, n and r: see Fig A2-1 Fig. A2-2(b) Bending dimensions-BS 4466 0-5 1·0 1-5 2-0 2·5 3-0 3'5 13 I III III II III IT I 1 I -r IT 4-0 % 12 x/d = 0-3 ......... _~ - fcu 40 2-0 % -"'C r -b-<tl~" ;'~ x T 1-5 % ~ ~ 1. t-.~AS.!..::., d fy 460 x/d = 0-4 ------ L 11 1-0% ""'- d'/d 0-15 x/d = 0-5 ---- .... CI) ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ • As· J II 9 ~ h ....1 0·5% I --~ NE- ~ ~ 8 .~ ...... O E 1- ......... 7 Z ~ N- 6 ~ "'C ~ ~ ~ 5 """- ~ /' 4 , 3 / 2 / 1 / ~II I I J I I I I I ~ 1 I I I I I I I I I I Il lL O 0-5% 1-0% 1-5 % 2-0% 2-5% 3-0% 3'5% p (= As / bd) Fig. A2-3 Beam design chart-ultimate Urnit state (BS 8110) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~~ -1 :: rn.:r'''' I~ '~~r ',I ' .. ,I ' , , , I ' , , , I ' .. ,I ' , , , I ' , , , I ' , , , I ',' ,, 40 r "'>oo"J: "'!-.... ,'1 "2'1 ,,"" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1r oAro 1 -;-35 ~N>K I II L .~. j E 30 E ~25 fcu 40 -.&:. .o 20 fy 460 "Z- d/h 0·85 15 10 ~ 1 Jt -)-,--) -- -1-)- -1- -jl----II--t -)-t --J- --ii K~~ 5 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 M/bh2 (N/mm 2 ) Fig. A2-4 Column design chart-BS 8110 Index Note: Bold numbers indicate main references Actual resistance moments 154 deftection calculation (BS 8110) Aggregate interlock 202 175,182 Aggregates 21 deftection control 168,172 characteristics 22, 27 design chart (BS 8110) 98, 498 coarse 21,23 design details (BS 8110) 142 fine 21,23 design and detailing example 147, grading 23,51 432 lightweight 21 effective span 103 sizes 21,23 effective width 127,148 strength 24 elastic theory 157, 335, 382 unit weight 24 fire resistance 146 Anchorage bond length 145,222 ftanged beam 127,234,360 Anchorage bond stress 221 ftexural strength 86,89,98,105, Anchorage of links 143, 221, 236 111,124 Anchorage of tendons 335 generalftexuraltheory 86 K' (= Mul/cu bd2) 105,110,123 Balanced beam section 91,96, 106 lever-arm factor zid 89, 103, 111, Balanced failure 124 beams 91,96,106 moment redistribution 120,133 columns 252, 280 preliminary analysis and sizing 402 Balanced steel ratio 91, 97, 106 rectangular stress block 96, 104, 119 Bar bending dimensions (BS 4466) shear strength 198,209,362 496,497 simplified stress block (BS 8110) 96, Bar bending schedule 452 104,119 Bar mark 82,214 slenderness limit 144 Bar size 73, 82, 494 span/depth ratio 169,200,402 Beams .85,156 stress blocks 87, 94, 96 axialthrust 103 torsion 224, 234, 368 bar spacing 144,174 ultimate moment of resistance 87, computer-aided design (BS 8110) 105,120 475,477 Beams, prestressed (see Prestressed computer application 475, 477 beams) concrete cover 39,146 Bending and axialload continuous beams 133,409,410 beams 103 crack control 173,326 columns 248, 265 crack width calculation (BS 8110) Bending moment tab les (BS 8110) 187,188 continuous beams 410 deep beams 218 continuous slabs 411 502 Index Bending moment envelope 139,434 interaction diagram 254,266,272 Bending schedule 452 magnification factor 288 Bends and hooks 222, 495 minimum eccentricity (BS 8110) Bent-up bars 206,213 265 Biaxial bending 267, 271 preliminary analysis and sizing 402 design method (BS 8110) 267,269, short 68,76 285 slender 273,278 interaction surface 272, 273 Compacting factor 47 Biaxial stress state 40, 42 Compatibility torsion 224 Bond coefficient 221 Compression reinforcement 86,105, Bond length 222, 223 143 Bond stress 221,223 Computer application Bonded (unbonded) post-tensioned beams 475,477 beam 355 columns 475,481 Braced columns 264 mix design 473 Braced frame analysis 412 prestressed concrete 488 Buckling of deep beams 220 program listings 456,492 shear 479,489 Cantilever 146, 169 slabs 486 effective span 103 slender columns 483 Cantilever method 420 torsion 480 Cement, properties 18 Concordant tendon profile 388 types 19,32 Concrete unit weight 21 characteristic strength 12, 13 Characteristic breaking load 334 cover to reinforcement (durability) Characteristic loads 13 39 Characteristic strength 12 cover to reinforcement (fire) 78, Circular columns 287 146,328 CIRIA deep beam guide 144, 219 density 24 Coarse aggregate 23 design stress block (BS 8110) 70, Collapse mechanism 133,293 94,96 Column interaction diagram DoE mix design method 54 biaxial bending 272 durability 39 uniaxial bending 254,266, 267, 499 failure criteria 40 Columns grades 406 axially loaded 68 lightweight 21 biaxial bending 267, 269, 271 mix design and statistics 50,54,61 braced 264 modulus of elasticity 38, 180 circular 287 properties 18, 24 computer-aided design (BS 8110) Road Note No.
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