ICOYC Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 January 2010 Welcome to the International Council of From the Editor Yacht Clubs In this edition you will find details of the upcoming Perth Forum and the A brief introduction by the rated as the ICOYC in Canada, New Zealand cruise which follows President, John Stork with a distinguished Board of it, as well as an article on the re- Directors, a President, four cent ICOYC cruise that took place This is our first ICOYC News- regional Vice Presidents, a in Canada. There are also articles Secretary and Treasurer – all on the Auckland Festival of Sail letter, available exclusively in and the Sunseeker Australia Cup, electronic form so that member contributing their time on a pro both of which involve member clubs clubs can extract elements for bono basis. It is growing stead- of the ICOYC. We have included their own publications. At pre- ily and we anticipate that there profiles of ICOYC clubs which will sent we envisage at least two will be over twenty members in be a regular feature of future news- editions a year, the next one 2010, all leading clubs in their letters. In this edition they are on countries or regions. the Royal Thames Yacht Club and carrying news of the ICOYC our newest member, St Francis Commodores’ Forum that will The main focus is on the an- Yacht Club in San Francisco. Fi- shortly take place in Perth, nally, there is a mini-biography of a Western Australia. We hope nual Commodores’ Forum and key individual in the council. you find it interesting and use- the contacts made there ex- ful. tend throughout the years. Hope you enjoy it – feedback can Those representing their clubs be sent to [email protected] along ICOYC Membership at the Forum and other gather- with any articles or items of news. ings have very similar back- grounds and are comfortable Best wishes Travelling around, I find that only come alive at weekends. the Council is not well known sharing their experience with Some focus on one-design others, often in confidence. Alison Boyd to the individual members of fleets, others on team and the ICOYC Clubs. Although match racing, and some have membership is of greatest There are issues that all major substantial powerboat fleets. value to those running the yacht clubs now face that are a However, all have opportuni- clubs, it also provides opportu- concern of the ICOYC. Exam- ties or questions that they can nities for all the club members. ples include the current eco- usefully discuss with their Examples are the cruises run nomic conditions. Then there is peers. by the local clubs (who know the increasing professionaliza- tion of yachting with big events Inside this issue: where to go!) in Canada and The next meetings New Zealand. All are welcome that would once have been run – you don’t need to be a flag by clubs now being taken over I find the ICOYC meetings officer to take part. by event management organi- immensely stimulating. Most of Fifth Commodores’ Forum 2 zations. We are also con- us have experience as Com- Also, although we do not have cerned about the loss of suc- modores and as sailors, so formal inter-club reciprocal cessful junior sailors, seduced when we meet we have much Forum Information 2 arrangements, any ICOYC club into Olympic campaigns or in common. I am looking for- member who is travelling professional sailing, never to ward to the next Forum, hosted be seen again in the clubs Bay of Islands Cruise 3 should find a great welcome in by the Royal Freshwater Bay another member club. We will where they started. Yacht Club in Perth. Then we Vancouver Cruise 3 all be happy to arrange it. join the Royal New Zealand Among the ICOYC clubs there Yacht Squadron to cruise in The Council are both extensive similarities the renowned Bay of Islands. It Auckland Festival of Sail 4 and significant differences. All will be a great opportunity to As its name implies, the the clubs are capable of run- Club Profile: StFYC 4 do so in the company of so ICOYC is essentially a Council. ning major events with strong many new friends. It provides opportunities for the race management teams; all Sunseeker Australia Cup 5 flag officers and the general are run through committees; all I’ve booked our flights – and managers of leading yacht have quality catering, and all hope to see you there… Club Profile: RTYC 6 clubs in the world to meet and are seeking more sponsorship! share their experience – so Some of the clubs own mari- Mini-biography 6 their clubs can provide the best possible services to their mem- nas, ‘outstations’, and even bers. boatyards to serve their mem- bers; others remain reliant on Starting in Hong Kong in 2006, subscriptions to survive. Some the Council is now incorpo- are in city centres with exten- John Stork sive mid-week activity; others Page 2 ICOYC Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 Fifth Commodores’ Forum, 10–13 March 2010 Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club first We are pleased to have secured a very partners have added greatly to the atmos- attended the Commodores’ Forum in 2006 generous accommodation package with the phere of the après-Forum activities. The when hosted by Royal Hong Kong Yacht Hyatt Regency Perth for visiting delegates. organizing committee will offer advice on a Club. The opportunities of such a gathering Details of the offer (and other Forum activi- rewarding and enriching partners’ pro- inspired the delegates who resolved to host ties) are available on the home page of the gramme for the advantage of those not a forum in the future. Club’s web site. The participating in the formal parts of the Fo- The Club became a benefits of delegates rum. Details will be announced in e- founding member of staying in a central loca- newsletter updates and posted to the the International Coun- tion are clear in terms of Club’s web site as well as being available cil of Yacht Clubs. the informal networking at registration. Following attendances that can occur before at the third and fourth and after the organized The International Council of Yacht Clubs Forums in Marseille aspects of the day’s and particularly the Commodores’ Forum and Durban respec- programme. Contacts, are about the business of yacht clubs. Our tively and with the reciprocity arrange- experience is that we all share common support of its General ments and friendships interests, concerns, problems, hopes and Committee, Royal have been forged during aspirations. Coming together to share our Freshwater Bay Yacht Club is proud to be the breakfast buffet at previous Forums. collective knowledge and experience is hosting the Fifth Commodores’ Forum in invaluable. I urge all Clubs that have re- Perth, Western Australia. The Club’s organizing committee headed ceived an invitation package to consider by Commodore Alan Fisher is busy formu- attending the Forum and joining the Perth, despite its reputation as the most lating the detail of the programme. The ICOYC. Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club isolated capital city on earth, is the perfect presentations include a mixture of subject and the State of Western Australia promise place to hold the Commodores’ Forum. experts and club case studies tied together a rewarding and unforgettable experience. There are six substantial yacht clubs with by interactive sessions at the conclusion of ourselves and our sister club, Royal Perth each topic. Tied into the programme are Andrew Stachewicz, RFBYC Yacht Club, as members of the ICOYC. planned social activities including a river www.rfbyc.asn.au Notwithstanding the Forum, whether you cruise towards the central business district are looking for adventure, somewhere to and casual dinner as well as a formal clos- relax or you want to get back to nature you ing event. Initial planning suggests this will don’t have to venture far from the heart of be a gala evening with Club members and Perth’s city to find a wide range of sights guests participating in order to have the and activities on hand. opportunity to meet our international and interstate visitors. Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club is situ- ated some 10 kilometres from the central The Club is honoured that His Excellency business district of Perth. Unlike previous Dr Ken Michael, AC, Governor of Western forums suitable accommodation is not Australia has invited Forum delegates to a within walking distance of the Club (nor any welcome reception at Government House. other club in Perth for that matter). Accord- Details and protocol instructions will be ingly, a transport plan will shuttle visiting advised at registration. delegates from their central city accommo- dation to the Club were the Forum will be Visiting delegates have often taken advan- held. tage of the travel opportunities associated with attendance at Forums. Spouses and Forum Information Based on the latest count some thirty yacht A summary of the proceedings will be pub- clubs are expected to take part in the Fifth lished in the next edition of this Newsletter ICOYC Commodores’ Forum, hosted by and fuller details will be in the more confi- the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, dential Members’ Section of the website – several sending substantial delegations. passwords are available to senior members of ICOYC clubs. The agenda for the two days of discussions will be on the icoyc.org website as soon as We show a picture of the flag-raising cere- it has been agreed. Other details, including mony at the Fourth Forum in Durban, which the accommodation offer from the Hyatt unusually took place in the rain.
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