g SgSgSgig Sg SS Sg Sg Sg Sg $S Sg Sg Sg tik SS Sg SS ME S««S ME ME tc ME ME MlME J® HE SSME ME « ME K * * * «f * » S» MARIO'S W & MOTOR FACTORS ////// MARY ST., DUNGARVAN HORNIBROOKS Phone 058/42417 LI3IVIOWE 0 • CAR PARTS • TRACTOR PARTS • TRUCK PARTS Dungarvan Header NUMBER PLATES—15 mins. and SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT FOR OIL FROM £6 GAL. S3 S3 Si'Si S3 S3 S3 S3 SJ » Si S3 Si S3 S3 No. 49. CirculatingVol. 2543 & 2544throughout. the County and City of Waterford, South Tipperary and South-East Cork FRIDAY, DEC 21 1QS7 A, I AM 1 1G8B REGISTERED AT THE GENERAL TOYOTA 85 & • J®? * ** * * * * * S3 Si:S3 MR ft** - Si Si Si Si S3 Si S3 S3 Si Si Si- Si Si' Si' S3 Si' S3 Si Si' Si Si Si Si' SrSi Si Si Si S3 Si PENSMAN TAKES YOU SS SS SS Sg Sg SS ME ME Sg IS Sg ME IS Sg Sg SS SS SS SS Sg SS If iS SS Sg WEDDING BELLS A GREEN CHRISTMAS Lions Club will, as usual, take According to weather fore- place at Clonea Strand on CHRISTMAS AND casters here and in the U.K. we Christmas Day at 12 o'clock are going to have a "green" (noon). Swimmers have been Christmas which means that busy in recent weeks appealing NEW YEAR the weather will continue to for sponsors and it is expected || Candelight. that as a result of their efforts A Silent Night. remain mild, moist and perhaps THE EDITOR AND STAFF WISH YOU windy over the festive season. a number of local charities will Falling snow. A HAPPY CHRISTMAS WITH JOY It is, of course, the antithesis of benefit. Across the hills AND PEACE IN YOUR HEART AND a "white" Christmas which As usual the swim will take "fe And vales—below. would bring frost, snow and icy place at the hotel end of the |f Berries red. IN YOUR HOME NOW AND IN temperatures in its train. But strand and we understand that p Of holly tree. THE COMING YEAR. anyway green it seems it will special parking arrangements || Carol singers— H Merrily be but with, perhaps a touch of have been made so as to avoid SONAS NA FEILE D'AR LBITHEOIR1 UILIG night frost. |f At doorways — gay the congestion and confusion Si Si Si Si Si Si Si' Si Si S? Si Si Si Si Si Si S3 Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si S i As l pen these lines we are in that occurred last year when if Decked with tinsel the winter solstice — Monday, cars coming from and going to £1 Holly spray. December 21—the shortest day Clonea got locked in a massive - Remembering friends. SgSgigSf 2g ME ME SS SS 5® SS SS Sg !.g ME Sg «g *g 8g Sg ME SS SgtSSSSS of the year. It is a dark, dull traffic snarl-up. And days we knew. and dreary day. But now that Remembering dreams the shortest day has p.issed we SILENT NIGHT IS A MORE We wished —came true. can soon be looking forward to SEASONAL THEME f"™ Children's laughter the daylight stretch, be it ever A BABE — so small. 5 DOOLINC so insignificant at the beginning. We had a few rather contro- H Who came to give This brings the hope of the versial items on our list for His love —to all. 5 new year and the rebirth of mention but u being that time BUTCHERS nature with the coming of of the year when goodwill to- — MAI 0-'HIGGINS Spring. However that is a little wards all is customary, we will "Cruaohan," way off as yet and much harsh put them to one side until later 26, Bigger Road. ! TALLOW 1 weather will still have to be on- Instead let us tell you the Dublin 12. Pictured at Clonea Hotel recently, Mr. William Drummy, 14 Byrneville, Dungarvan and Miss endured. story of "Silent Night" which is Carmel Crossan, Dunmore East, who were married in St. Mary's Church recently Fr. Cullinan Wishing everyone a very happy Although Christmas 1987 is surely a most seasonal 'theme C.C. officiated. " (Photo: David Stearn) now all but upon us, there dor thiis week. J Christmas and prosperous new year « seems to be little of the usual Franz Xavier Gruber who set i From; TOM, ANN AND JAMES spirit and- atmosphere of the I Fr. Josef Mohr's classic hymn festive season as yet evident. to music was born in Austria on Si S3 Si Si Si Si S3 Si -Si Si Si Si S5 Si Si Si Si S3 Si Si S3 S3 S3 SJ Perhaps it is because we now November 25. 1787, the third seem to have Christmas every son of a poor weaver. BARBECUE AT Public Toilets That Cost week-end of the year that the Fr. Mohr was born in Salz- traditional reaction is no longer burg on December 11, 1792 and At the December monthly possible at what was always a he was ordained on August 15, STRADBALLY THAT meeting of Waterford Co. Coun- very special time. But maybe it 1815. On December 24, f8I8, as cil held In Dungarvan, Cllr. £42,000 Each Sony * Mitsubishi * Panasonic will all come out in the last Fr. Mohr prepared the tiny final surge. church of St. Nicholas in "GOT OUT OF Oberndorf for Midnight Mass. Jackie Fahey, T.D. proposed a toilets are subjected throughout Sanyo * Pioneer * Technics These last couple of days motion calling on the Council the county. before the final close down will he discovered to his alarm that CO. COUNCIL to investigate i.hp possibility of Deputy Fahey's motion was' Bosch * JVC the church organ had broken | HAND' erecting public A P.O. tollots not put. to trie* meeting. be busy ones with an increase A barbecue which was h«-ld 3tfTL.tJ-.ir Uo most? tr* WPXtorrl. ' in the volume of road traffic It was then that he approached at Stradbaily Cove on August OVERDRAFT Gore? • orthy. WE STOCK THE BEST'. Kantor and the church organist 27 last was referred to at Dun- and we would appeal to garvan Circuit Court last, week In proposing the motion Gruber requesting him to set to Deputy Fahey said that he did You can buy the best from motorists and indeed to pedes- during the hearing of an appeal ACCOMMODATION so as he understood these TRAFFIC HAZARDS trians and' all other road users music the words of a hymn he by four young local men who LOilets to be more or less vandal were sentenced on charges aris- to display more care and con- had recently written. Overdraft accommodation of proof and they would be looked BEN O'NEILL ing from the occasion. £1.5 million for the quarter after by the company. sideration to ensure that the Gruber took up his old William Kett Jnr. c 19». Strad- ending March 31, 1988 was AT TALLOW HILL festive period is kept as acci ballymore. Stradbally, Anthony unanimously approved at, the Mr. John O'Flynn Co. Engin- 19 O'Connell Street, Dungarvan Italian guitar and gave to the eer agreed that these toilets dent free as possible. Organ (19), Rallybanogue Kil- December monthly meeting of world, perhaps, its most loved macthomas. David Corbetf, (17), Waterford Co. Council. were reputed to be vandal prool Cllr. W. McDonnell at the De- Telephone 058/41933 And with these few thoughts of all Christmas carols. Woodhouse, Stradbally and Pat- The proposal was made by but he pointed out that, they cember monthly meeting of we extend to all readers of this By 1831 it had been sung at rick Kiely (19), Brenan, Kil- Cllr. Paddy Cahill who said it cost £42,000 each to erect and Waterford Co. Council proposed YAMAHA AND CASIO KEYBOARDS an annual maintenance charge that the Council erect a more column our best wishes for a the Leipsig Trade Fair and by macthomas were each sen- was absolutely essential to have tenced to 3 months detention the required level of overdraft of £10 000 would also have to be prominent "Danger. Go Slow" • SONY MIDI SYSTEM including CD Player. peaceful and happy time during 1840 having come to the sign at, the. Lismore side of the in St. Patrick's Institution available to them ticking over. met. He added that in the Free CD of your choice. Save £130 — ONLY £399 Christmas 1987. Nollaig fe attention of the Director when they were convicted at Council's current estimates the dargerous bend, before coming to the top of Tallow Hill. shean is faoi mhaise dibh go General of Music in Saxony it Kilmacthomas District Court amount approved for public • MITSUBISHI MIDI SYSTEM, 50 watts per on October 30, on charges of toilets for the whole county leir. Cllr. McDonnell said that channel — ONLY £269 — save £130. had been published throughout causing malicious damage esti- was £31.000 which would not. there was need for such a sign Austria. mated at €368 to property even cover the cost, of one ol AND FOR THE NEW YEAR as three cars had crashed at • PANASONIC MIDI SYSTEM — £199 "Stille Nacht. Heilige Nacht" owned by Waterford Co. Coun- the toilets proposed in the that place in the past year. cil at Srradbally on the occa- motion. was first translated into English The Co Engineer, Mr. John • JVC, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Video Recorders As the old year will have sion. "DUNGARVAN O'Flynn, agreed to have a look in 1858 by Miss Emily Elliot The Co.
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