13540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 June 24, 2008 Mr. KANJORSKI. Yes, you have. As in achieving the outcome policymakers must tion or have recorded gospel music, includ- the title of the section indicates, the pursue in the financial services sector, name- ing Sam Cooke, Al Green, Elvis Presley, intent of this section is to promote ly, connecting households of modest means Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Whitney economic growth by encouraging small Houston, Little Richard, Ray Charles, Buddy with the soundest financial products and insti- Holly, Alan Jackson, Dolly Parton, Mariah business development in underserved tutions available to them. Carey, Bob Dylan, and Randy Travis; urban and rural communities. We want I urge my colleagues to support this bill. Whereas, regardless of their musical styles, to help businesses and business owners Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I those artists and so many more have turned that have a presence there, like a have no further requests for time, and to gospel music as the source and inspiration mom-and-pop operation with an Inter- I yield back the balance of my time. for their music, which has blurred the bound- net store. Moreover, we have taken The SPEAKER pro tempore. The aries between secular and gospel music; steps in the legislation to ensure that a question is on the motion offered by Whereas, beyond its contribution to the locally owned franchise that consists the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. musical tradition of the United States, gos- KANJORSKI) that the House suspend the pel music has provided a cultural and musi- only of local operations shall not be cal backdrop across all of mainstream treated as a business operating on a na- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 6312. The question was taken; and (two- media, from hit television series to major tionwide basis. Hollywood motion pictures, including Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Thank you for thirds being in the affirmative) the ‘‘American Idol’’, ‘‘Heroes’’, ‘‘Dancing with this clarification, Mr. KANJORSKI. I rules were suspended and the bill was the Stars’’, ‘‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’’, agree with your assessments. passed. ‘‘Sister Act’’, ‘‘The Preacher’s Wife’’, ‘‘Evan Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong A motion to reconsider was laid on Almighty’’, and more; support of H.R. 6312, The Credit Union, Bank, the table. Whereas gospel music has a huge audience f around the country and around the world, a and Thrift Regulatory Relief Act of 2008. I am testament to the universal appeal of a his- particularly pleased to speak in favor of this GOSPEL MUSIC HERITAGE MONTH torical American art form that both inspires legislation because I have always been a Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I move to and entertains across racial, ethnic, reli- strong supporter of credit unions. These insti- suspend the rules and agree to the con- gious, and geographic boundaries; and tutions have been effective in pursuit of their current resolution (H. Con. Res. 370) ex- Whereas September 2008 would be an appro- mission to serve people of modest means and priate month to designate as ‘‘Gospel Music pressing support for designation of Sep- Heritage Month’’: Now, therefore, be it underserved communities, both of which char- tember 2008 as ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage acterize much of my district. Regulatory im- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Month’’ and honoring gospel music for Senate concurring), That Congress supports provement in this industry is long overdue and its valuable and longstanding contribu- the designation of ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage I want to thank Mr. KANJORSKI and Mr. MOORE tions to the culture of the United Month’’ which would recognize the contribu- for their work on this bill. States. tions to the culture of the United States de- Credit union regulatory relief is especially The Clerk read the title of the con- rived from the rich heritage of gospel music urgent in light of the nation’s current financial current resolution. and gospel music artists. crisis. We are either at the brink of a reces- The text of the concurrent resolution The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- sion—or already in one—largely because of is as follows: ant to the rule, the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. CLAY) and the gentle- the crisis in the subprime mortgage market H. CON. RES. 370 that has led to a wave of foreclosures unlike woman from North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) Whereas gospel music is a beloved art form each will control 20 minutes. any since the Great Depression. In significant unique to the United States, spanning dec- part, this crisis resulted from certain financial ades, generations, and races; The Chair recognizes the gentleman institutions, many of them largely unregulated, Whereas gospel music is one of the corner- from Missouri. peddling dangerous mortgage loan products to stones of the musical tradition of the United GENERAL LEAVE borrowers who did not fully understand the States and has grown beyond its roots to Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- risk they were taking on. Meanwhile, the lend- achieve pop-culture and historical relevance; mous consent that all Members may ers themselves whisked their own risk to the Whereas gospel music has spread beyond have 5 legislative days in which to re- four corners of the earth via securitization and its geographic origins to touch audiences vise and extend their remarks. around the world; the secondary market. Much of the Financial Whereas the history of gospel music can be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Services Committee’s work in the past year traced to multiple and diverse influences and objection to the request of the gen- has involved working to enact legislation that foundations, including African-American tleman from Missouri? prevents this from ever happening again. spirituals that blended diverse elements There was no objection. Notably, credit unions did not help to create from African music and melodic influences Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- this mess. Indeed, analysis of 2006 home from Irish folk songs and hymns, and gospel self such time as I may consume. mortgage disclosure data reveals that credit music ultimately borrowed from uniquely Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the House unions were far less likely than other lenders American musical styles including ragtime, Committee on Oversight and Govern- jazz, and blues; ment Reform, I gladly join my col- to make subprime loans to low and moderate Whereas that tradition of diversity re- income households, especially minorities. mains today, as the influence of gospel music leagues in the consideration of H. Con. So credit unions were not part of the prob- can be found infused in all forms of secular Res. 370 which expresses support for the lem. But they can and must be part of the so- music, including rock and roll, country, soul, designation of September 2008 as ‘‘Gos- lution. If there is any lesson to be learned from rhythm and blues, and countless other pel Music Heritage Month’’ and honors this crisis, it is that low or moderate income styles; gospel music for its valuable and long- households and residents of underserved Whereas the legacy of gospel music in- standing contributions to America’s communities don’t just need access to any cludes some of the most memorable voices culture. credit, but rather access to sound and appro- and musical pioneers in the history of the H. Con. Res. 370 was introduced by United States, such as Thomas Dorsey, the gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. priate financial products. Credit unions stand Mahalia Jackson, James Vaughan, Roberta ready to provide such products to more people Martin, Virgil Stamps, Diana Washington, JACKSON-LEE) on June 10, 2008, and is and more communities, but need Congres- Stamps Quartet, The Highway QCs, The cosponsored by 53 House Members. The sional action to do so. Specifically, H.R. 6312 Statesmen, The Soul Stirrers, Point of bill before us was reported favorably would allow credit unions to extend their serv- Grace, Smokie Norful, Terry Woods, James from the Oversight Committee on June ices to areas with high unemployment rates Cleveland, Billy Ray Hearns, Rex Humbard, 12, 2008, by voice vote. and below median incomes that are generally Joe Ligon and The Mighty Clouds of Joy, Gospel music is a unique national art underserved by other depository institutions. Kirk Franklin, V. Michael McKay, Theola form that truly exemplifies the Amer- Booker, Yolanda Adams, Edwin and Walter ican ‘‘melting pot’’ concept. Its diverse Critically, it would also allow some people Hawkins, Sandi Patty, The Winans, Kathy who don’t belong to a local credit union none- Taylor, and Brenda Waters, Carl Preacher, influences include African-American theless to go to that credit union for short term Shirley Joiner of B, C & S; spirituals, traditional African music, loans, as an alternative to the exorbitant rates Whereas many of the biggest names in ragtime, jazz, and blues, as well as charged by payday lenders. This is progress music emerged from the gospel music tradi- Irish folk songs and hymns. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:19 Feb 02, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\H24JN8.004 H24JN8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 10 13541 While some originally deemed the fu- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance pel music, and I know that she will be sion of secular music with sacred of my time. discussed with great admiration. I lyrics, which characterizes gospel Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, at this time loved to hear her sing. music, to be unconventional, gospel I would like to recognize the sponsor of And yes, of course, one of our other music has quickly grown into an inte- the resolution, the gentlewoman from great and wonderful stars that we have gral part of American culture.
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