2021 Bin collection calendar East Kilbride, Cambuslang and Rutherglen: Households with four bins For accessible information on bins, recycling and uplifts, visit our website: www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/bins_and_recycling To find your bin collection days, search for your street on the web page for East Kilbride: www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/bins-east-kilbride or Cambuslang2021 Bin Collection2021 andBin Calendar Collection Rutherglen: Calendar www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/bins-cam-ruth East Kilbride,East Cambuslang Kilbride, Cambuslang and Rutherglen: and HouseholdsRutherglen: withHouseholds 4 bins with 4 bins January January February February March March April April M T WM TT FW ST SF S MS T WM TT FW ST SF S MS T WM TT FW ST SF S MS T WM TT FW S T S F S S 1 2 31 2 13 2 31 42 53 64 75 6 17 2 3 1 42 53 64 7 5 6 7 1 2 31 42 3 4 4 5 64 75 86 97 108 9 810 9 108 119 1210 1311 1412 13 814 9 108 119 1210 1311 1412 13 514 6 75 86 97 108 119 10 11 11 12 1311 1412 1513 1614 1715 16 1517 16 1715 1816 1917 2018 2119 20 1521 16 1715 1816 1917 2018 2119 20 1221 13 1412 1513 1614 1715 1816 17 18 18 19 2018 2119 2220 2321 2422 23 2224 23 2422 2523 2624 2725 2826 27 2228 23 2422 2523 2624 2725 2826 27 1928 20 2119 2220 2321 2422 2523 24 25 2021 Bin Collection2021 Bin Calendar Collection Calendar 2021 Bin Collection2021 Bin Calendar Collection Calendar 25 26 2725 2826 2927 3028 3129 30 31 29 30 3129 30 31 26 27 2826 2927 3028 29 30 East Kilbride,East Cambuslang Kilbride, Cambuslangand Rutherglen: and HouseholdsRutherglen: withHouseholds 4 bins with 4 bins East Kilbride,East Cambuslang Kilbride, Cambuslangand Rutherglen: and HouseholdsRutherglen: withHouseholds 4 bins with 4 bins January January February February March March April April January January February February March March April April MayM T MayWM TT FW ST SF S JuneMS T JuneWM TT FW ST SF S JulyMS T JulyWM TT FW ST SF S AugustMS T AugustWM TT FW ST SF S S M T WM TT FW ST SF S MS T WM TT FW ST SF S MS T WM TT FW ST SF S MS T WM TT FW ST SF S S M T WM TT 1FW 2ST 3S1F 2S M13S T2 W3M1 4TT2 5FW3 6S4T 7S5F 6S M17S 2T W3M1 4T2T 5F3W 6S4T 7S5F 6S M7S T WM 1TT 2FW 3S1T 4S2F 3S 4S 1 2 31 2 13 2 31 42 53 64 75 6 17 2 31 42 53 64 75 6 7 1 2 31 42 3 4 4 5 64 75 86 197 1028 19 8102 91 1028 11391 124102 135113 146124 135 8146 9 108 1119 12210 133111 144122 133 5144 6 75 86 97 108 1119 10 111 4 5 64 75 86 97 108 9 810 9 108 119 1210 1311 1412 13 814 9 108 119 1210 1311 1412 13 514 6 75 86 97 108 119 10 11 113 124 135113 146124 157135 168146 179157 168 157179 816 917715 1810816 1911917 20121810 21131911 2012 5152113 166 177515 188166 199177 1020188 1121199 1020 1222111 133 144122 155133 166144 177155 188166 177 188 11 12 1311 1412 1513 1614 1715 16 1517 16 1715 1816 1917 2018 2119 20 1521 16 1715 1816 1917 2018 2119 20 1221 13 1412 1513 1614 1715 1816 17 18 1810 1119 12201018 21131119 14221220 15231321 16241422 1523 14221624 1523 16241422 17251523 18261624 19271725 20281826 1927 12222028 1323 14241222 15251323 16261424 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2 3 1 42 3 December4 December 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 31 42 53 64 5 6 1 2 31 42 3 4 1 1 3M 4T 5WM3 6T4T 7FW5 8S6T 9S7F 8S 7M9S 8T 9W7M 10T8T 11F9W 1210ST 1311SF 12S 5M13S 6T 7W5M 8T6T 9F7W 10S8T 11S9F 10S 2M11S 3T 4W2M 5T3T 6F4W 7S5T 8S6F 7S 8S 3 4 53 64 75 86 97 8 79 8 97 108 119 1210 1311 12 513 6 75 86 97 108 119 10 211 3 42 53 64 75 86 7 8 10 11 12110 13211 143121 154132 165143 154 14165 15 1614 1715 18161 19217 203181 4192 122013 1324 143121 154132 165143 176154 187165 176 9187 10 1119 12102 133111 144122 155133 144 155 10 11 1210 1311 1412 1513 1614 15 1416 15 1614 1715 1816 1917 2018 19 1220 13 1412 1513 1614 1715 1816 17 918 10 119 1210 1311 1412 1513 14 15 176 187 198176 209187 2110198 2211209 23121021 1122 2142312 225 236214 247225 258236 269247 1027258 269 1982710 209 1021198 1122209 23122110 13242211 14252312 2413 1662514 177 188166 199177 1020188 1121199 12222010 2111 2212 17 18 1917 2018 2119 2220 2321 22 2123 22 2321 2422 2523 2624 2725 26 1927 20 2119 2220 2321 2422 2523 24 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BinST (non-recyclable Swaste)F S M Swaste)T WM TT FW ST SF S S 1 2 31 42 53 4 5 1 2 3 1 42 13 24 31 42 53 64 75 6 7 1 2 31 42 53 4 5 1 2 31 42 53 4 5 1 2 3 1 42 13 24 31 42 53 64 75 6 7 1 2 31 42 53 4 5 Grey Bin (glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, tins, cans) and Burgundy Bin (food and garden) 6 7 86 Grey97 Bin108 (glass119 bottles1210 and11 jars,412 plastic5 containers,64 75 tins,8 cans)6 9 and7 10Burgundy8 9 Bin810 (food9 and10 garden)8 119 1210 1311 1412 13 614 7 86 97 108 119 1210 11 12 6 7 86 97 108 119 1210 11 412 5 64 75 86 97 108 9 810 9 108 119 1210 1311 1412 13 614 7 86 97 108 119 1210 11 12 13 14 1513 1614 1715 1816 1917 18 1119 12 1311 1412 1513 1614 1715 16 1517 16 1715 1816 1917 2018 2119 20 1321 14 1513 1614 1715 1816 1917 18 19 13 14 1513 1614 1715 1816 1917 18 1119 12 1311 1412 1513 1614 1715 16 1517 Blue16 Bin1715 (paper18Blue16 and Bin19 17card) (paper2018 and and 21Burgundy19 card)20 and Bin13 21Burgundy (food14 and Bin 15garden)13 (food1614 and17 15garden)1816 1917 18 19 20 21 2220 2321 2422 2523 2624 25 1826 19 2018 2119 2220 2321 2422 23 2224 23 2422 2523 2624 2725 2826 27 2028 21 2220 2321 2422 2523 2624 25 26 20 21 2220 2321 2422 2523 2624 25 1826 19 2018 2119 2220 2321 2422 23 Please2224 23 note24Please 22we cannot2523 note2624 acceptwe cannot2725 plastic2826 accept bags27 plastic 20in28 any21 bags of the22 20in recycling any2321 of the2422 bins recycling2523 2624 bins25 26 27 28 2927 3028 29 30 25 26 2725 2826 2927 3028 3129 30 2931 30 29 30 27 28 2927 3028 3129 30 31 27 28 2927 3028 29 30 25 26 2725 2826 2927 3028 3129 30 2931 30 29 30 27 28 2927 3028 3129 30 31 If you need Ifthis you information need this information in another language in another or language format, phone or format, 0303 phone 123 1015 0303 or 123email 1015 [email protected] or email [email protected] Black/Green BinBlack/Green (non-recyclable Bin (non-recyclable waste) waste) ERC2021 ERC2021 Black/Green BinBlack/Green (non-recyclable Bin (non-recyclable waste) waste) Grey Bin (glassGrey bottles Bin (glass and jars, bottles plastic and containers, jars, plastic tins, containers, cans) and tins, Burgundy cans) and Bin Burgundy (food and Bin garden) (food and garden) Grey Bin (glassGrey bottles Bin (glass and jars, bottles plastic and containers, jars, plastic tins, containers, cans) and tins, Burgundy cans) and Bin Burgundy (food and Bin garden) (food and garden) Blue Bin (paperBlue and Bin card) (paper and and Burgundy card) and Bin Burgundy (food and Bin garden) (food and garden) Blue Bin (paperBlue and Bin card) (paper and and Burgundy card) and Bin Burgundy (food and Bin garden) (food and garden) Please notePlease we cannot note acceptwe cannot plastic accept bags plastic in any bags of the in recycling any of the bins recycling bins Please notePlease we cannot note acceptwe cannot plastic accept bags plastic in any bags of the in recycling any of the bins recycling bins If you need Ifthis you information need this information in another language in another or language format, phone or format, 0303 phone 123 1015 0303 or 123email 1015 [email protected] or email [email protected] If you need Ifthis you information need this information in another language in another or language format, phone or format, 0303 phone 123 1015 0303 or 123email 1015 [email protected] or email [email protected] ERC2021 ERC2021 ERC2021 ERC2021 2021 Bin Collection2021 Bin Calendar Collection Calendar 2021 Bin Collection2021 Bin Calendar Collection Calendar East
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