Mrs · ~Ii 11 iarn Ma r c hiqne 228 Washinglon s1 I Brighton M/\ 0213S · B·R·I·G·B·T· O·N CH-25 Published Weekly In Allston-Brighton Since 1884 Friday, January 30, 1~87 Vol. 102, No. 5 35 Cents Donlail. ori his cohorts, Wilson Boston School Committee member William Donlan of Allston-Brighton vot­ ed against Superintendent Laval .Wilson's controversial plan to merge Boston Technical High and Madison Park High and to,move Boston Latin Academy to the Boston Tech building. This week Donlan discussed this decision and his views on related issues I also thought that if the with Citizen Item report· first minority superinten· er Michaela Casey. dent we've ever had got Citizen Item; What were together with plaintiffs your reasons for voting and Judge Garrity and against Superintendent pleaded with Mayor Wilson's merger plan Flynn and Governor last week? Dukakis that they really According to city and Boston Edison officials, measures to correct corro­ Donlan: First, I thought could have established sion and water leaks on Washington Street are in their final stages. the move to Madison something for Latin Park would destroy Bos- Academy- give them a ton Tech. Boston Tech is building, rehab an old an exam school. Madison one, give them the old Park is a trade school . Boston State property Wash. St. fix-up I thought [the merger] that they wanted in the would eventually in- first place. I don't think crease the dropout rate a really sincere effort was at Tech. They took a poll, William Donlan made for that. Or build almost finished in fact, and many of the them one, because you'd students said they wollld not go to get 90 pt:rcent back from the state. By Esther Shein with plastic where corrosion has oc­ Madison Park if there was a move to And that would have solved the whole curred. merge the schools. We are spending problem. "It appears the end is in sight," an· John Sullivan, an engineer with two million dollars trying to decrease Citizen Item: Did other considera- nounced At-Large City Councilor BWSC, says that they have "replaced the dropout rate in this system, be- tions affect your opinion of the plan? Michael McCormack last week, refer­ all the defective service pipes that cause it's terrible. I thought this Donlan: A third reaaon I voted ring to the long·standing corrosion were leaking in December . We have [plan] would increase the dropout rate. against the plan was laat year when and water leak problems on Washing· restored the water system to the best It seemed foolish. Superintendent Wilson proposed his ton Street. of our ability." Citizen Item; How did the involve-· Boston Education Plan, one of the One year after he sponsored a meet­ Sullivan adds, however, that while ment of Latin Academy in the plan in- items was the student assignment ing on the road problem on Washing­ there is no guarantee the leaks won't fluence your decision? plan. Abigail Brown and I thought it ton Street, McCormack says Boston occur again, the chances are slim. Donlan: According to the Latin would be very logical to get that done Edison had rectified the situation by Al Bregnard, an engineer with Academy parents, many of the stu- first ... and then see where the emp- installing a drain cable in the MBTA Boston Edison, says they are current­ dents would not go to Tech, especial· ty spaces are and then possibly con- substation in nearby Oak Square. ly assessing 15 manholes on Washing­ ly the seventh and eighth grade boys sider consolidation. I don't think con- That move took-care of 85 percent of ton Street in order to come up with a and girls. They thought it would be a solidation should have been the first the problem, he says, and the balance route the 2,500 foot wire can take dangerous mission, especially when item. entails the city Water and Sewer away from the pipes which the cur- we're trying to get them off the yel- Also, last year the facilities and Commission replacing metal pipes continued on page 8 low buses onto regular MBTA buses. continued on page 8 ' Teachers· rebut study fi:ridings By Michaela Casey that they are achieving success in both areas. Despite recent task force findings The committees, two of sixteen criticizing math and writing instruc· commissioned last year by Superin­ tion in the Boston Public Schools, tendent Laval Wilson to study vari­ Allston-Brighton teachers maintain ous aspects of the schools, charged that math instruction is based too heavily on rote memorization and con­ sequently fails to prepare students for · a technology-oriented society, accord­ ing to a recent Boston Globe article. Task force participants also found that English teachers need more la thi8 Issue ... 4G pages training in the use of computers and other innovative writing techniques. Elementary level teachers, who New start for youths teach both math and English, contend -p.6- that they are attempting to give their students not only basic skills but also Jo-Ann Rogers and Bill Rudder teach English and math, respectively, at a positive attitude toward learning. the Taft Middle School in Brighton. "The key to learning anything is to A.·B health violations enjoy it," observes Nancy Sheehan, a feeling that [school work] is fun and goals can be accomplished by present­ fourth grade teacher at the Hamilton interesting and that they're capable ing problems to children as ''a puzzle -p.3- School. "At this level, the best thing of doing it." situation" and by " building on their we can do is to instill in children the Sheehan says that, in math, these continued on page 8 PAGE2 January 30, 1987 ~-I ~ 554 Officer claims assault by BC students A Brighton police sergeant was that Brennan, like the suspects arrest­ driver-side mirror, gas cap, and rear truders proceeded to ransack the reportedly assaulted last Tuesday at ed earlier that night, had a strong right panel with a hammer and flat­ apartment before fleeing. Police, who 12:30 a.m. by up to 13 allegedly smell of alcohol on his breath. He was tened the rear left tire. He reportedly could not interview the apartment drunken Boston College students charged with being a disorderly told police he damaged the vehicle be­ owner because of the severity of his when he got out of his car at a red person. cause it was parked in his parking injury and could not speak to the Rox­ light on Beacon Street after it had space. bury man because he only spoke been hit with several chunks of ice and Spanish, were not sure if anything snow balls. The officer, identifying Edward J. Hyland, 25, of Common­ had been taken. Police were called to himself and moving towards the Other arrests wealth A venue, was arrested last the scene by a neighbor who disco­ source of the ice fusillade, was hit in Saturday just after 9 p.m. outside vered the victims when she entered the side of the head with an ice chunk Police arrested two men in the St. Bunratty's on Harvard Street and the apartment to ask why the door reportedly thrown by BC student Elizabeth's Hospital emergency room. charged with being a disorderly per­ was left ajar. Whitney J . Smith, 19, of East Green last Monday night. They were son. Hyland, reportedly involved in a Bush, New York. The officer tried to responding to a complaint of two loud argument with an unknown arrest Smith, at which time Smith al­ 18-year-old East Newton men who white male, was allegedly holding his Two residents of a Commonwealth legedly punched the officer several reported being stabbed and beaten as hand in his jacket pocket as if he had A venue apartment building were times. While the lone officer alleged­ they hailed a taxi at the comer of a weapon and yelling obscenities. robbed outside their fifth-floor apart­ ly struggled with Smith he was set Market and Washington Streets at 1 Police on the scene placed him under ment by a 6'1" tall, thin black man upon by several other men armed with am. John McBride, 30, of Etna arrest, at which time he allegedly wearing a three-quarter-length khaki ski poles. He drew his revolver, forc­ Street, and Michael Esty (no further · shouted racial slurs at them. coat last Thursday near 2:30 p.m. The ing his attackers back, and reported­ information given), were arrested af­ man signed in with the security guard ly dragged Smith into a nearby ter entering the emergency room. A at the front desk under the name of Christy's Market. The officer, still witness to the crime reportedly iden- • " Michael Suchi" before boarding the holding Smith, instructed the store at­ tified McBride as the man who had elevator with his victims. When the tendant to call for assistance. While struck one of the victims over the Other Crimes two men got off the elevator the thief the officer was asking for help, four head with a beer bottle and Esty as followed them to their door. Wielding other BC students, John D. Danehy, the man who struck the other victim A 28-year-old Cambridge man was a knife, he forced them to give him 20, of Cummings Road, Joseph S. with his fists. One of the victims was attacked by three armed men-one $46 and both their watches. He went Hamed, 20, Walter S.
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