Concordia University For Your Information Volume 1, Number 8 - Ma~ch 6, 1975 Profits displace safety . Wailing for the whales Industrial safety standards, according to Fred The Greenpeace Whale Show comes to SGW this Knelman of Sir George's Centre for Friday•and Saturday (8 p.m. in +I-110). Interdisciplinary Studies, depend not on actual Organizers say that whale& play an important hazards faced by workers but on the degree to role in the ecosystem of the sea ; that most which industry feels it can take safety into account species of big whales are either extinct or close without cutting into profits .. to it, and that;some 40,000 of them will be killed , "Awareness among scientists of the hazards of this year to make·shoe polish, pet food and uranium mining, for example, and how to minimize cosmetics. them, dates back to the 1930's," he says. "But The show is led by Dr. Paul Spong, a that body of knowledge has been studiously researcher who has been observing t~e beasts for ignored." the past eight years off the coast of B.C. "A ten­ The professor recently testified to that effect year moratorium on the killing is a very real as an expert witness before an Ontario Royal possibility," he says. "Public pressure on the commission investigating the excessive disease rate governments of just a few countries, especially in the Elliot Lake uranium mines, owned by Rio Canada, will stop the slaughter." Algom and Denison Mines. So Spong will take the show from here to The Elliot Lake situation is as typical an example Iceland, the Scandinavian countries, West as any of prevailing attitudes, Knelman feels . Germany, London and perhaps Russia. It has In the early '70's, the Ontario Occupational already been to Japan and is now crossing Canada. Health and Safety Department conducted an Proceeds ($3 per head) will go towards the inpestigation of health conditions there. The Lake mines. According to him conditions are now voyage of Greenpeace V - a May sailing to the resulting Mueller Report revealed that death from "secure". North Pacific whale breeding grounds off the lung cancer was occurring at five times the Counters Knelman, "That's an outright lie. A Aleutians planned to interfere with Russ.ian and expected rate - "and it's probably worse than good number of independent scientists are saying-­ Japanese whaling operations. that," Knelman adds. ' the new standards will cause a doubling of the "On top of that, there are 140 cases of a new lung cancer rate. disease which hasn' t even been named yet. It ' " I have been paying special attention to the To market, to market seems to be unique to Elliot Lake. An no one is process by which standards are set," he contends. being compensated; the burden of proof in such "They are based exclusively on economic SGW marketing prof Y.H. Kirpalani is off in \ cases is on the victim rather than the perpetrator considerations." April to the American Marketing Association's of the hazards." He says that standqrds are as a rule far stricter . 58th international conference in Chicago, where The Ontario Mining Act places responsibility for in the United States, where there is less secrecy he may be the only representative from a health and safety in the mines not with the surrounding such matters. "There is more Canadian university. department of Health and_ Welfare but with the obligation for disclosure, more freedom of He' ll speak on "Opportunities and Problems in the Transfer of Marketing Skills and Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources. "This information in the States than in Capada." C: 0 doesn' t make sense,"' says Knelman. "There is an Knelman has worked for the past six months as Technologies between Countries". 0 C: an unpaid consultant for the Canadian branch of >. obvious built-in opposition between maximizing o:I production in the mines and implementing safety the United Steelworkers of America. It is in this -0 "'.., measures. capacity that he appeared before the Royal ' ::s Psychology preregistration !- "Wh.at happenea in this case is that the Minister Commission. >. .D of Mines, Leo Bernier, received the Muelfer How much faith does he place in Royal Because of the uncertain mail situation, preregistration material for Psychology students , }; Report and proceeded to sit on it for a year. During Commissions in general? .D 0 that year there were no physical changes made to "Th is is my first appearance before a won' t be mailed this year. Students involved in the program can pick up the 01) reduce incidents of disease. In fact the problem Commission. My understanding has always been ;g·= was compounded by the institution of a bonus system, that they are cosmetic, tokenistic bodies with package of preregistration material in the which encourages the workers to take short-cuts minimum impact,_ But the union assures me this Psychology office - l:1-1060- from March 10 to 19 . and pay less attention to safety." one will have more teeth to it. It seems to be ,-----------------------, .;:r: Knelman adds that the findings of the report exceptionally receptive. The case against the .;,: would probably still be unknown if not for th,e fact government is, after all, a strong one. There is a Jobs C"' that they were leaked to the press in 1972. feeling of cover-up, of conspiracy. It could I 0 SECRETARY (SY3 )- CONTINUING EDUCATION C: Forced into action, Bernier established new, potentially lead to a major upset within the Davis .2 more stringent standards of safety in the Elliot gover_nment." «i DUTIES: To act as secretary to the Co-ordinator E... of Teacher Training and Certification. T,he candidate .E: C: will have frequent_contacts with government -.., offidals, school boards, professors and students. -5 Other duties include involvement with off-campus 3 credit courses, registration, relief reception. Must C: 0 work one evening a week 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (time off for this overtime to be arranged). "' "'o:I c.. -0 QUALi FiCA TIONS : Shorthand, dictaphone, typing C: (at,least 55 w.p.m.) verbal fluency in French. The o:I "8 right applicant should possess initiative and be c.. capable of working with minimum supervision. ~ ....., > o:I Interested candidates are invited to submit ..c: applications in writing or by contaating the Personnel Officers as indicated below : u..>­ Lynne McMartin, 879-81 16 ... Michael Gluck , 879-4521 s.., I 01) o:I "'.., TWELVE LEFEBVRE'S: Thirty-two years old E Jean-Pierre Lefebvre has made twelve feature ..,o:I > films in Quebec during the past eleven years. The · o:I ..c: Conservatory of Cinematographic A rt is showing ::s 0 them all next Thursday through Sunday ax part of. >. i~s:~~glJing ·rcinema Quebecois" series. '- f ' • . To have a Loyola event' listed on this page phone Robin Palmer at 482-0320, ext. 438 by 4 p.m. Tuesddy. To have a Sir Georg4 event listed phone M aryse Perraud at 879-2823 by 4 p.m. Tuesday. • appen1og 1 '' / "l ' ( , I I I I IZZY'S /NSJbE LOW DVWN: " Every government is run by \ l· liars. Nothing they.say .should be believed," said I.F. Stone in.the days when tllere weren't many people around believing him. The journalists' journalist drops by Sir George next Thutsday with afresh batch of newsy nuggets. ' ' At Sir· George Campus Thursday 6 CONSERVATORY' OF CINEMATOGRAPHIC ART: Start ofJean-Pierre Lefebvre , .DAY STUDENT~' ASSOCIATION: Terr/ Mosher retrospective - "L' Homoman" ( I 96~) with (Aislin) at 3 p.m. in H-1 IO;free. Louis St-Pierre at 7 p.m.; "Patricia et Jean ,SCIENCE & HUMAN AFFAIRS,: Morre'! P . Baptiste" (1966) with Patricia Lacroix and Bachynski, RCA Laboratories, on "Canadian Jean-Baptiste at 9 p.m. in H-110; 75¢ each. ' Science Policy- Study & Debate or Action" at · HILLEL: F\lm "Israel Alone?" followed by 6:30 p.m. in H-920. discussion 2:145-4 p.m. in H-611 ;free. HILLEL: Fplafel Night 5:30-7 p.m. at 2130 'Bishop. · HILLEL: Noon concert with Gilles Losier on WEISSMAN GAL.LERY: Paintings by Leopold fiddle 12-2 p.m .' at 2130 Bishop;jree. DAY STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION: I.F. Stone, Drummond Science Bldg., 'Loyola Campus, 7 14 1 Plotek, through March I1 . ' journalist and political commentator, at 2 p.m. Sherbrooke St. W. RELIGION DEPT.: A discussion of graduate·and Concordia wide ih H-1 IO;free. BELMORE HOUSE : Lenten Serie's - "Witnesses· undergraduate p'rograms offereq l_-5, p.m. Gf\LLERIES: Undergraduate exhibition, th'rough of Light;; with homilistlKay Duffin CND, Loyola (coffe & doughnuts), 7-10 p.m . (wme & cheese) April I. Thursday 13 Campus Ministry at 11 :15 a.m. in the Loyola at 2050Mackay. BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Meeting at I p.m. in Chapel. H-769. Friday 7 1 Friday 14 Monday 10 I I WOMEN'S STUDIES: "Can there be a female CONSERVATORY OF CINEMATOGRAPHIC Friday 14 CONCORDI A VISITING LECTURERS SERI ES : Michelangelo?" - a panel discussion with Rita ART: "II ne faut pas mourir pour ca" (J.-P. ENGINEERIJ;-iG FACULTY C OUNCIL: Meeting' Dr. David Suzuki, host of C BC's1~eekly Science Briansky, Julia Hoerner, Inni Karine Melbye, Lefebvre, 1966) with Marcel Sabourin and at 2;30 p.m . in H-762. · ryt agazine and geneticist wUI be speaking on . Kim Scott and Susanne Swibold on their Monique Champagne at 7 p.m.; "Mon oeil" 1 " Genetics and the Destiny of Man" at 8:30 p.m . experience as artists - at 8:30 p.m. in H-937. (J .-P. Lefebvre, 1966-70) with Raoul Duguay in the F.C.
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