Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Cc. S />'f Professor Dr. Carl Ludwig Siegel geb. 31. Dezember 1896 gest. 4. April 1981 Gettingen Auf Wunsch des Verstorbenen hat die Beisetzung in aller Stille stattgefunden. 1m Namen der Freunde und Schuler: Theodor Schneider NEI' YORK TI~!ES. 15 April 1981 Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Prof. CarlL Siegel, 84; LeadingMathematician Prof. Carl LudWIg Siegel, one of this century's leading mathematicians. died April ~ in GOttingen, West Germany, at , the age of 84. He made fundamental dis- 1 covenes in the theory of numbers, the 1 theory of analytic functions and celestial , m~~. I Professor-Siegel ..... born in Berlin and . at the age of 2S was appointed to a !ull : professorship at Frankfurt Unive"'ity ~ he was a member of the faculty I from 1922 to 1937. He was then a profes50r at Glittinlen University until he left Ger­ many in 1940 to join the Institute for Ad- ! vanced Study in Princeton, N.J., where he remained as a member conducting his own research untl1l945. In 1941i he was appointed a faculty member of the institute and took part in ~ sdmlnistrative and policy-malting func­ tions. While there he also served as an ad.­ junct professor of mathematics at New York University. Professor Siegel remained with the in­ stitute until 1951, when the Government of West Germany invited him to accept a chair at the University of GOttlngen. He was professor emeritus ot mathematics there at his death. In 1978, Professor Siegel was one of nine leading research sclentists who shared the $500,000 Wolf PrIze, estal>­ lIshed in 1976 by the Israeli Parliament. Professor Siegel ..... cited for his work in the theocy of numbers, complex vari­ ables and celestial mechanics. He leaves no Immediatesunivors. I 3" 1lU7l: 1 Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. ".-0 to Ual n ber 22l1ll. 1960, alter CO!18UltaUOD .1 t.a n ftont~17 _ .U. Dr. Op~ told 1Ir. "orpa tbat. tile cnn\.-l..u to Pl"afumr Step1 t. ta.. a 7NI' 1960-1961 8boul4 be abarp4 to tile na,__tlca,= Stipead tuncl 1newad or • latloDal Sa1. OUDdaUOD t tor the aupport ot wo 1n cal,yea. Prot••ear S18 el latt the lnaUtata at aDd of a tint ta ot 18 Jear. '1'ba total paid to b1Ja wu 500. \I. If . Verna bIIo Co tol!fr. I'tlr-.. ft1aa lINiar.....t cc 1'1r. !'forgan iss ndenrood 2 00 1"1960 Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Dear Prot.. 01" s1.celt ThU 1a to cont1.nl our ~14 nt that 1OUJ' t1naDc1al nppoz t tor Ul1a Tear will der1: t a ennt to th. '. lnetitute t'rolII til. ational o18QDe Fo tion, tor • • port ot 1IQr in analT-1•. T1Ie J'oundation lIP c1a nt ot 1 contribution in publleat10 ot daDe dUl'inl TOur te ot 10, or a. a resUlt of work do tile. '1'haT ald be glad to ha ottprinta ot aueb ileationa. and we ratora that 1'011 s d to ia 0' rwood one COPT ot preprints. 8DI1 .ix copias ot 1" print J eo at e ~ t th_ to • FoundaUc • w1.ab. at bert 0 r Prc1!••1ICl11" Carl L. S1. 'ftla IJllltit.ute fbr .ldTaDcec1 Stu ('1$ - 6- cc: Mrs. Barnett cc: Beurling Borel G&l.el Morse ..........OppenheiJller selberg Weil Whitney Gllttillgen, May 3, 1960 Dear Montgomery: Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. I vas pleased to get your kind letter. In the meantime I have already written to Mrs. Barnett asking for the reserntion of an aparwent. I have a berth on the "1ll'ell8n" arriVing in Nev York on October 17, and I should be very gratefUl if the Institute station vagon could Met ae at the boat. Please convey to Veblen ~ cordial wishes for his recovery. I am looking forward to see you again in a fev a:>nt s, and I hope that it will be a pleasant tiJIle for all of us. Sincerely yours, /s/ Carl L. Siegel Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. ~!P~o~, AJk- '-1 ~ ~~ f- J- .J Jr1- ;;-- k.:-J.. w.tc- ~ v.+{ '..h &-"1"1' J dd...:~ 'r<-~ ~ ~ ~ +D -...oJ .:... ;A, f-.;t4 1--J ~'.A. ~ J." ~ -; ....;......1. ~~ ..:.. e-.e. J.J £. U. .........,(. J-l -RR. So J d.... ....., h-..r-' J...c.. hL.. J", <t.c~ .u...;, ~--::o .:. .~.J...A-.:........ J l......t. J-k...,l..... t'-<Wo~ .J..o fr-- o-A:.":,, +t....... .;JJt ~ -..-1 o~ J ~ ~./.o ~ ..:.., '. Ji.,.;..,~ ~..:....~ -. O~ ~ou.. .to 0 Je..;., ~ :f.r... .--t .J., $c..t ;-- ~ ) 4.4 .....,u -.. .u.... eAA.c- ~c:~ ~ J.--..-..l., ..:.. $,..;...-4.-.../ j_-.:., ......,« ~ ........ ~ ~L~~ p. s. ftr J -At )t..-. 8.............u. 1--' _.M.-.- ..w:A.o"./~ ~... ~~ ~~ ~':"'<.a c...-.e. h~ ..s. • ,A...-. ~ cc Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. ~_t.. 1 J • 3 - S VO,,,.l.lIplll. cc: A. Borel K. Glldel D. Montgomery M. Morse .,/R. Oppenheimer A. Selberg A. vleil H. Whitney O. Veblen TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH Apollo Pier Road, Bombay 1 February 15, 1960 Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. Dear colleagues Beurling, Borel, Glldel, Montgomery, Morse, Selberg, r/eil and Whitney: I was very pleased to receive your friendly letter and tbe nice gift which accompanied it. Certainly I should like very DDlch to visit you when I come next time to the United States. Perhaps I may add a few words explaining 1I\Y negative answer to the official invitation. I was frightened by the idea that 1I\Y stay at the Institute for a longer period of time would not be welcomed by the younger generation of mathematicians whose scientific taste and interest seems to be very different from 1I\Y own. It is quite possible that the abstract dreams of these people ultimately may lead again to fertile ground and to real progress. However, I feel unable to adapt 1I\Yself to this modern spirit, and I prefer to continue 1I\Y own work in the style of the 19th century. There is a second reason which I did not mention in 1I\Y letter to Dr. Oppenheimer. During the last years 1I\Y healtb has become very unstable and I was afraid that I should find great difficulties in trying once more for a year the uncomfortable life of an old bachelor in America which I know so well from long experience. Such difficulties might not arise during a shorter stay, but I did not feel free to propose another form of intitation. Thanking you for your kind intention, I remain Very sincerely yours, /s/ Carl Ludwig Siegel. \ TATA INSTITUTE OF FU DAME TAL RESEARCU ~~ National Centre afthe Government of India for Nuclear Science and !tlalhemalit:s Telep1llO!: 7."" Il: S T 8 APOLLO PIER ROAD. BOMBAY I Telt!phonr: !!: 5 5 5 2 1 ])~ g:>~ O~~__ : !Pk.~ -...-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~~ h 'r'- ..... Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby Whitek.IA-- and Leon Levy Archives~ Center, InstituteO~ for Advanced Study, Princeton,1 t;) NJ,• USA. 'B;/ h ~ ~ L--Icc.. ~ ~ .......... f-- ~~ ~, ~ ~ :F- .h, ,.... 1.: 0 • J ':"'4 .:,.,f) 0--< ../-... f:-~ ~Cl-...L 3.,.-e"1 J..........:... u.. '-:, y ~4 ...{ . If--/... ;}-<- ~ --.J.. .fo--.J/.... ~ .: •. ..:I-vL-., ~J.& ~ ~ ~ " J'A- J, .fL... '\.o.&o(.j., « c p-- Q."7 of.-- d-- f-e4-.4#I J __ 4 r-.- •• 1 ~ 5 -; J-L-;i, J C4;> ... ...-i- <:>..c.~ vi. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .-..~ rut''"'' . __ : ); cA J ~ J-~ ~ J.-4. -fL .-J..~ 4 ~.....4.:~ .f...o s Co: ",.. e.c.. .kJ J Je.c-t U-A­ } ~ J~ ~ C\ )--.J...- -4 ~ fI-A- J }f-.4l ~.-.. ....... "--..c~ As~~~~R ;yo . '}'-- 'r'" Co &.4...:. ,...,. • "'-0. e- f- r--,k...:.....,l ~___ Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA. 1-" Note to File November 17, 1959 Today Professor Weil informed me that, in a personal letter to him, Professor Siegel had said that he hoped to be able to come to the Institute next year if his health allowed. Professor Weil thought it unlikely that Siege! would make a formal answer to the invitation for some time. vh '. r File ce: J'!Mbers, 60-61, Siegel ~ r FacuJ.1ir, Siegel Bd o~ Truatees, pending Records of the Office of the Director: Faculty files: Box 26: Siegel, Carl, 1946-1981 From the Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA.
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