LEAGUE OE NATIONS, C. 427 .11.191.1930. XI. O.C. 23 (d) 19, Geneva, August 13th, 1930. ?RAEEIC IN OPIUM AND OTHER DANGEROUS DRUGS. Report by the Government of Greece for the year 1929 on the traffic in ooiurn and other dangerous drugs. NOTE BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL The Secretary-General has the honour to circulate the attached report for the information of the States Members and ncn-Members of the League, end the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and other Dangerous Drugs. its establishment un+_il the er3 of 1929 . With a view to applying the provisions of the Geneva Opium Convention, signed on February 19th, 19 25 and subsequently ratified by Law 4175 of June I7 th, 1929, the compstent departments of the Ministries ef Finance and Public Health considered it expedient to establish a Fa root ic Drugs Monopoly by conferring on the State the sole right to import and sell narcotic drugs and power to exercise supervision over; 1. The production of opium within the country, 2 , The transit trade in raw opium through the Free Zone of Salonika, 3» The consumption of narcotic drugs furnished by the Stats Monopoly to pharmacists and heads of clinics and hospitals, 4. The intensive campaign against the snuggling of drags. The Dec re e-Law of October 14th, 1925, ’’concerning the Monopoly in narcotic drugs’*, was promulgated in execution of the foregoing programme and came into force on September 1st, 19 25 „ Aft or this date, all imports of narcotic drags and their transit or transshipment at Greek ports were prohibited, The despatch of ns"1 -otics by parcel post or as "samples without value" from foreign countries to persons in Greece was also made illegal. The greatest vigilance is exercised in this respect ; any articles discovered arc d estroyed and criminal proceedings instituted vainst the consignees where the parcel is believed to have been despatched with their knowledge. -3 — The opium poppy (P^osvor somniferum) msy not bo gro'vn in Groses unloss c, permit is obtained from tho competent ophorr-.lt37, stating tho ores to bo cult ivetod in strommato. end the estimated output of opium. The amount of the opium crop must also bo declared to tho same authority and is kept under supervision until its export cbrocd, hitherto carried out via tho Free Zone- of Sa Ion ice.. Further, immediately after tho comin3 into force of tho Dscroe-Law concerning narcotic drugs, pharmacists were required to doclaro and register the quantities of drugs hold by them nnd wore then given a period of throe months within which to soli or export their stocks. On tho expiration of this period, narcotics remaining in their possession had to bo hended over to the Treasury through the ophorc.ltios, compensation being paid for the drugs at a rate determined by the Presidents of the Courts of first instance. At the same time, tho Stats Monopoly provided pharmacists with fresh stocks of narcotic drugs on tho basis of special permits issued by the Ministry of Public Health and indicating tho annual quantity of each drug which the pharmacist was entitled to obtain from the State Monopoly according to the grade in which his business had been classified by the Supreme Council for Public Health. Each pharmacist is given two books, in on : of which records are kept of each purchase of narcotic drugs from the Monopoly and in the other of drugs supplied by the pharmacist, those being given only on a medical proscription. Severe penalties are inflicted on persons who fail to observe these regulations. Stocks of narcotic drugs handed over, as described above by those in possession of them, to the Treasury remain under seal with the authorities pending a decision as to their disposal. The view generally taken is that those drugs should -A— "bn examined ond sorted o u t. Drugs vdics e 'rig in , quality or c om 'os it ion is doubtful oould bn destroyed ohile the ronr indcr would b' tran sfer rod to the Gentr- 1 Depot of the Monopoly, after being seed'".Hr olccd. roe-' could bo issued for UE Ac c e rd inc- to tho port icule.r 3 rece ivod, the QU ic drugs hande d over t0 the Tr■on sur y by tho op" llOTTS i 1 ) Co ce. le of *.... • •. 9,000 gr 021210 S . 2 ) Onium O Q 5 Q5 ^ 1 ” 3) 3.e It s n** .70 " 4) So Its of coca in e •.... .25,575 e Ç c » 5) Pontopen , 2,150 .08 " 5) Domenon . 1 0 1 _ IT 7) TTcr d n (Din cot vireorohin 0 ) ~\ 0 p A..03 " qs tt 8 ) Bionine (Ht 0 7 lmerphin 0 ) . 2,880 c ^ n 0 . 9 4 ” 1 0 ) P- ntopen (2 o solot ion) •• _l^ , _>Ol . R 0 ” u li) D^nonoii (2 'v so lut i e n ) .- • 330 1 ~r to ry 1 2 ) Pantopon (0 . 0 1 tobi t s . •. — ) t ~ b 1 "*t S t? 13) Domenon (0 . 0 1 too X "b £ •• •.2 5,7S0 14) - 'oroh ino* (tablets ) .... 7,300 n 15) Cocainc (tablets \ 520 11 15) Domotrine Tt 000 17) tt it 15) Pontopon S Xr-r* u. 35 bottl 2 3 19) 'or oh ine (ohi 0 1 s ) .... • •105,15 5 phials ?t R ? C I rt on ) Cocoine .... ~r> , It 2 1 ) 1? n r>- "u û "D 0 TÏ It .... 18,963 tt 2 ° ) Heroin (Diocetylm0rphin 0 ) ç P53 Sor \/ Dionine (Hthvlmor ohino) • 9,132 tt 84) Dor.io non 431 V 25) Domotrino 1, 561 tr -D— Out of these stocks the following quantities hare been destroyed in accordance with instructions from the Ministry of Finance and in the presence of a soecial Commission Ooca leaf ................. 1 , 0 0 0 grammes Op iu m ..................... 7,189 " 3 Salts of morphine ........ 9 27 " 4 Salts of cocaine ........ 186 5 Pantopon .................. 233 n 6 Domopon ................... 101 " 7 Heroin (Diacetylmorphine) 139 8 Dionine (Ethylmorphine) ... 642 " 9 1'Tarceine .................. TT 10 Pantopon ( solution) ... 560 ,r 11 ’antopon ( Sf: solution) 330 " IS Pantopon (Tablets) ...... 1 , 2 2 0 tablets 13 Domo'oon ;f ....... 180 14 Morphine 7,300 " 15 Cocaine 520 " 16 Domatrine 200 " 17 Heroin 30,000 " Panto non svrup 6 19) Morphine ................... 12,756 phials 20) Cocaine .................... 2 1 ) Pantopon ................... 2,352 Heroin ..................... 3, 793 Dionine .......... ......... 3, 694 24) Domopon .................... 431 25) Domatrine .................. 1,581 A further quantity of 2,980 grammes of hydrochloride of morphine has been used to make up phials for the require­ ments of the Monopoly, namely, 148,370 phials of 0 . 0 2 grammes each. - 6 - The following quantities r f seized drugs have been handed ever to the Central De_oot : 1) O p i u m ................................. 516,300 g rames. 2) Hydrochloride of morphine............. 700 n 3) Hydrochloride of cocaine.............. 25,065 " 4) Hthy Imorph ine.......................... 200 " 5) Morphine.............................. 8,610 phials 6 ) Cocaine................................ 1,150 ,T 7) Herein................................. 3,500 Thus, the quantity of narcotic drugs in hand cn December 31st, 1929, consisting of those delivered up at the tine of the coraing into force of the Monopoly, as well as those obtained by seizure and handed over to the Treasury’s Central Depot for narcotics, is as follows: 1) Csca leaf............................. 8,000 grammes 2) Opium................................. 609,707 " 3) Salts of morphine..................... 4,464 v 4) Salts of cocaine...................... 51,557 17 5) Pantopon.............................. 1,927 6} Domopon............................... 7) Heroin ( Di acetyl morphine )............ 1,796 8) Dionine ( Ethy Imorphine ).............. 2,438 9} Narceine.............................. 19 10) Pantopon ( 2'; solution)............... 11,770 11) Domopon ( Zp solution)................. 12) Pantopon (tablets 0.01).............. 15,137 tablets 13) Domopon (tablets 0.01)............... 26,600 14) Morphine ,T n ................... 15) Cocaine TT IT ...................... - 16) Domatrine !I TT ................ 44,800 17) H e m in (tablets 0.01)........... ...... 18) P ant op on sy rup........................ 29 bottles. 19) Morphine phials.................. 102,019 phials 20) Cocaine phials......................... 43,879 tT 21) Pantopon tT ......................... 16,611 23) Herein T1 ......................... 9,560 23) Dionine.................... 5,483 TT 24) Domopon................................ 25) Domatrine........ >.................... The Ministry of Finance obtains the narcotics required for the operations of the Monopoly by means cf purchases on favourable terns or, in the case of patent drugs, direct frovi the factories concerned. The first order was placed in the sunner of 1926 in view of the coning into force of the Monopoly, which, although effective fron September 1st, 1926, was not functio in g regular ly until January 1927. The following table shows the quantity, cost price and source of the drugs received during 192u and 1927 for the requirements of the Monopoly: Date of Description of I« arc otic Quantity Cost price Supplying arrival Drug. f x m October Cpiua powder, 10^- 175 kg. 13 , 125 -’r?. F.Eofnnn. 19 26 Hydro chi. of morphine 20 11 9,500 TT " La Roche ” *T cocaine 15 n 13,905 ,T n Basle " ,T narceine 7 lT 3,498 T; " ( Switzer- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ l-r-j-.C j . October Hydroc.hl. of morphine, 125,000 1926 phials 0.C2 gr. phials 3,875 "" TT Kydrochl. of cocaine, 25,COO phials of C.02 gr. phials 1,025 TT Tt ” , A _ tier Opium p owd e r, 10$ 100 kg. 7,500 Sw. fr. F. Hofmann Hydrochl. of morphine TT I- 20 n 9,500 n La Roche n ” oocaine 10 n 9,270 n TT Bas le Boche Pantopon powder 20 * 34,000 " TT ( Switzerland) pantopon,(phials 0.02 gr.) 120 , OOOphials 27, 000 1T It Sèer Bayer heroin powder 4 kg.
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