Have You Ever Seen an Angel? You could be surprised by where you'll find one. - By LOIS C ATHERMAN HEENEHAN, Adelphi ou might have seen an angel. They don't neces­ Unknown persons contributed their expertise, empathy sarily have wings. Halos may not be visible. No and encouragement to put it all together. And it Yflowing robes or cherubic smiles. Sometimes worked. Dr. Nielsen was brought out, received further they might even have devilish grins! But there are treatment and has written a book about her experience. angels among us ... often disguised as good friends, Hers was an exceptional example of real-life family members or maybe even complete strangers. angels doing their thing ... working together against They are the people - legions of them -who help nearly impossible odds for a friend's health, safety others ... the unsung heroes of our lives. and life. It is a remarkable story. But to some degree, They come in all sizes, colors, shapes and ages ... somewhere, similar stories happen every day. The just like real people, because they are real people. They degree of participation, the extent of the aid given, are nurses and other medical professionals, teachers, the appreciation expressed ... these things don't philanthropists, students, senior citizens and more. matter. What matters is the giving ... the fact that They are people who change other people's lives in people you know ... or don't know ... are able and extraordinary ways. Some of them are women. Some willing to help. of them are Kappas. Although we hear and read lurid stories of persons Dr. Jerri Nielsen, who discovered and treated her in distress being taken advantage of, we also learn of own breast cancer while marooned in Antarctica, had "angels" who stop to help at the scene of an automo­ a number of angels ... also referred to as "heroes." bile accident, when someone is being assaulted, in Technicians wired an innovative computer hook-up. times of floods, fires and storms. While this issue carries An electrician rigged a makeshift operating room. stories of "Kappa angels," there are many more stories Pilots, navigators and other air- out there that would also illustrate this theme. craft personnel volunteered This is our sisterhood. This is our focus and our to fly through virtually purpose. Mutual love and helpfulness, support and impossible conditions. bonds of friendship among Kappas are extended to others through philanthropic efforts and funds. Whether one Kappa hugs and mourns with another in times of tragedy or hundreds of Kappas work together to raise funds and donate to others in need or to support relief efforts during a nat­ ural catastrophe, there are angels among us. Remember the little angel pins so many people wore on their shoulders a few years ago? It always seemed a bit odd that the little symbol didn't include another symbol- a Kappa key! The next time you console a roommate who has just received terrible news or take a tasty dinner to a nursing home resi­ dent, look behind you. Are there a few feathers floating off in the breeze? The next time yo u make a decision based on positive ethical principles, sneak a peek upward and see if there is an extra bright golden glow. Angels are everywhere. You just have to see through their disguise. 1}----w CONTENTS TH E K EY OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMM A o SUMMER 2001 o VOLUM E 118, No.2 6 Angels Among Us - Bonds Between Us An ordinary Kappa gives an extraordinary gift. 10 Orphans Dance to the Beat of Their Homeland with Help from Kappas Ugandan children orphaned by AIDS share their heritage and heal their pain. 12 Helping Children Get Past the Hurt A child life specialist shows children that hospitals don't have to be scary. 14 Meet Cyclists from All Walks of Life Kappas tackle tough terrain and miles of pavement to help others and themselves get the most out of life. 17 A Legacy of Love Pediatric cancer research offers hope and honors a memory. 19 An American Guardian Angel As part of the U.S. National Security Council, a Kappa sister helps keep us safe. SPECIAL SECTION----------- 21 Membership Recruitment Guide 28 Membership Recruitment Directory DEPARTMENTS 2 President's Message 34 Kappas on Campus On the Cover The Key thanks CYNTH IA HAM IL, Texas 3 Fraternity News 40 Accent on Alumnae Christian, for the use of her angel painting. 10 Profiles 49 In Memoriam After an encounter with a real-life "angel" who forewarned her about a potentially 3 1 Foundation News 50 T h rough the Keyhole ... fatal accident, Cynthia has dedicated her Letters to th e Editor creative pursuits to expressions about angels. To Jearn more about Cynthia's work, visit www.cynthiahamil.com or call 858/453-8832 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. PIS time. crFE.,c:::....... ··Co=ll ege Fratern -ity National Panhell enic Editors Association Editors Conference THE KEY • Summer 200 1 • 1 o--.... The Key is the first college women's What a Great Time fraternity magazine, to Be a Kappa! published continuously since 1882. umnae often ask me, "What are Will Kappa become high tech? The the issues facing the Fraternity?" response is yes - and no. The use of our EDITORIAL BoARD While there are several and Web site (www.kappakappagamma.org) will become a valuable tool for our Fraternity Vice President they are varied, the impact of technology members. We will continue to make Peggy Hanna Hellwig is certainly at the forefront. Fraternity resources and report forms Tennessee Whether it strikes terror or brings a sense of excitement, technology and its available electronically. Even The Key Editorial Board Chairman exponential changes are here to stay. will have more and more information Marilyn Nichols Bullock These changes bring opportunities that available online. But never fear- our Kansas State will allow Kappa Kappa Gamma to wonderful, award-winning magazine, develop methods of communication published continuously since 1882, Editor that will keep pace with the programs will continue to be printed and mailed Jenny Struthers Hoover to you. Bowling Green and services our ever-increasing membership numbers require. The very nature of our organization Associate Editor It was only a few decades ago, in the is social. We are women drawn together Lois Catherman Heenehan 1970s and 1980s under the Fraternity's in a supportive environment of mutual Adelphi Executive Director, BETTY SANOR trust and respect, working together CAMERON, Ohio State, that the toward common goals. Connecting as Profiles Editor Fraternity pioneered into the world of friends is what drew us to Kappa in the Julie Kroon Alvarado computers. Membership records, once first place. Technology will offer us Arizona State kept by hand, were managed by a large many new avenues to communicate, connect and conduct Fraternity busi­ Alumna News Editor database stored on a computer. That ness, but the bonds of friendship will Nancy Voorhees Laitner system has served us well, but just as remain a constant amidst the flurry of Pu rdue key punch cards for entering data long since have been replaced by new tech­ technology. Interim Collegiate News Editor nology as fancy as hand-held devices Allison Greiner that respond to voice commands, our Ohio State database system now needs to be upgraded. Director of Communications What will be the benefits of improving Jenifer Johnson Peponis how we store and maintain Fraternity Ohio Wesleyan data? It will allow us to manage and maximize the flow of information for Graphic Designer the greatest efficiency throughout the Victoria McDonald, Q.V. Design organization. Kappa Kappa Gamma spans cities, states, mountains and The Key (ISSN 1063-4665) is pub­ oceans but with new technology, lished quarterly for $3.00 by Kappa Kappas will be able to connect without Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 530 E. Town St., Columbus, OH 43215. obstacle. With the ability to access data, Printed in the United States of order and print reports from any loca­ America, copyright Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity 2001. tion, electronically transfer funds for payment of fees and resources, and Preferred periodical postage paid Loyally, at Columbus, Ohio most importantly, communicate with POSTMASTER: sisters from near and far, Kappas will Send address changes to: connect on a new frontier. The Key ANN STAFFORD TRUESDELL P.O. Box 308 Columbus, OH 43216-0308 Ohio Wesleyan 2 • THE K EY • ummer 2001 g'"~EWS Mission Statement Changes Approved for 614/228-6515; or e-mail: kkghq@ of The Key kappa.org. or visit www.kappa.org for New Member Program an application. Due to feedback from undergraduate The Key of Kappa Kappa and alumna members, the New Member Celebrate the "Month Gamma links each mem- Task Force was appointed in January of the Scholar" ber with the Fraternity. 2001, to study and evaluate Kappa Kappa The mission ofThe Key is: Gamma's New Member Program. The The Academic Excellence Committee • to inform, inspire task force was comprised of six under- of the National Panhellenic Conference graduate members, three chapter advisers, encourages alumnae and collegiate and challenge Panhellenics to promote and celebrate the two Fraternity Officers and the Chapter • to sustain and nurture Month of the Scholar in October 2001. Administrative Assistant serving as membership loyalty and Chairman. Join other women's fraternities in recog- nizing the academic achievements of our interest The task force reaffirmed the intent, collegiate members and celebrate future rationale and direction of the New • to recognize individual, academic opportunities. Ideas include vis- Member Program. Kappa Kappa Gamma group and Fraternity iting a local high school to recognize stu- must continue to be a leader in the Greek accomplishment dents for academic excellence, reading to world encouraging academic excellence elementary school children, performing a • to provide a forum while combating hazing.
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