Congressman JOHN P. MURTHA, 12Th District, P.O

Congressman JOHN P. MURTHA, 12Th District, P.O

(Rev. 01-31-2003) _ It FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 05/12/2004 To: Pittsburgh Criminal Investigative Attn: VCMO~ ---, SSAI'---- __ From: Pittsburgh Squad 10/LHRA~ __ Contact: SA 11- -:-- ---' b2 Approved By: II- r b6 b7C Drafted By: I I Case ID #: 166C-PG-73141 (Pending) Title: I,--,,=====::--:=====--=-~I_CONGRESSMAN JOHN P. THA- - VICTIM; ITAR - MURDER FOR HI open case in above captioned matter. b6 Details: On 05/10/200 , b7C Conqressman John P. M 93. ~T'llEo~n~e~n~u~~e~r~~~~~~~~~~ ~~==:r;;~~~=~;:r~---...,. ,&-t--,;-f__1 te ep I W J.te rna -.tlad sen aI6rt;y~p~a:-:g::e~e;;m;a;J.;::':;"--;t~o1:r~_:~:-=-=-:_=-::_=-:'TP=ifl:-w.Bd:-~~===T-~ publically solicited for the murder of Congressman Mur a. A copy of the email was obtai:ed from I land dropped off at AUSAI Joffice. On 05/11/2004, writer spoke with AUSAI l who advised that he had read the email and would prosecute L _ federally for solicitation to commit murder l)ased llp0D t bP outcome of the investigation. Based on AUSAl_~ ~~_I prosecutive opinion it is requested that a case be opened and assigned to the writer in the above captioned matter. ++ b6 b7C /it~G -IG-- 731,--/1- / - ---- .-------- ------­ 03/22/05 ICMIPR01 14:10:49 • FD-192 Page 1 Title and Character of Case: MURTHA I JOHN I P Date Property Acquired: 1 SOurce frOID 1which Property Acquired: b2 b6 03/18/2005 b7C b7D Case Agent: Anticipated Disposition: 11.....-Acquired By: _ 1'---- ­ Description of Property: Date Entered 1D 1 6487 ONE ORIGINAL CD RECORDING OF CONSENSUAL MEETING BETWEEN ~J722705 I . Barcode: E1839957 Location: ELSUR 03/22/2005 ~:' ~;:'-r::> G~"__rOIMS_ .. ·'.C;~,__I '~E:':ED_ :I~".' _ ,.2 ,.1­ Case Number: 166C-PG-73141 - I u-I Owning Office: PITTSBURGH lA Envelope Cage ID: 166C~PG-7314l -.~ ~~- -- ---- --~ ---~~~~~~~; -~b~ -;;- ~~;~~;f- --- --- -- -- -,. f- ---- -,-- --- ,.---- ---­ --- - -- -- - - - -- -- - ------ -.- --.'- ---------- - --- - ---------------------- - -- - -- - ~ - -.- ---­ PG 2 ORIGINAL INTERVIEW NOTES REI I ~-~~---------;-~-;;~~i;i~-;~;~~~-~i~~-;;[~~========~J~M~S~;~~~;~T~~~-~iL=--i~~;~----~ ! !I FHOTMAIL. COM b 6 ! ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~=~=~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ -1- ---------- ~ ~] -----~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~b_7~~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PG 5 ORIGINAL INTERVIEW NOTES RE 11- _ -----------~-------------~-------------------------------------~------_._------~ ---~----------------~-------------------~-------------------------~------------ !. ------------------------------------~-------------------~---------------------- -------------------~-----------------------------_._---------------------~------ ----------------------------'------------------------- -----~-------------------- ---------~---~~----~--~~----_._~---------~-----------~--.------------~----------~ ---~-~---_._-~-------_.~-~----~----------------~-~-~-------_._-------~-----~--~----- --------,----------~~-~---'------~---~--------~--------~-----------~_._-~-_.~---~--- - -. - ~ - -' - :.. ~. - .- --- 7'"' ---- .;;.. - -' --- ~ --- ... - -.- -------- ~I- --------- -'- -- ~ ~ ---- .;;. --------- ~ -- ';"" -- ~ ---.---~--~-,--------~----------------------------------------------------------- -------~~------------~-------~-----------------------------------~------------- ----~--~--_._---~-~-~:..~~----~~~-----~-_.~-----~-~----~_._----------_._---_._-~_._--~- -----------------------------_._---.-----------------~-------------------~-~----~ -~--------'-~---------~--.-----~--------------------~--~-----~---_._---------~~---- .. 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From Fi"",1 ..r,--..&.... -,1 (N1IDKl ofC'o1lfzihuf.oJflnlmiiweo) .[urYElUf1t'/("b" C001J?»JI---------L (AddRss) ---I---------(cny-J-State-·~---------- By ..9;,-1 -----­ ~ b6 To BeRetumed 0 Yes No b7C ReceiptGivm 0 Yes < CYNo Grand 1uIyMaterial- Disseminate Only~antto Rnle 6 (e) Federal Rules ofCriminal Procedure o Yes Federal Taxpayer Infimnation (FI'l) o Yes Title: I I ODJJb12ES5Jv1AN jOI-lN P. l\Au/2..ntA - ",rcrLM ::r::TAf2.- - MIAi2..DE:i'. f'b£2- I+rl2.E'" Reference: _ (CollllllllllicalionEnclosiDgMalcrla1) Description: 0 Original notes re interviewof SU~{/e/t-t...M~g- ~6z ..;-. (' .J -....... FILE # /It~ G- - ~b- 77;;,)11 DATE~ I~ . _ FISUR AGENTS __ b6 ~ b7C LOG AGENT._5-A--;·I b7D TIME INITIALS OBSERVATIONS b6 -------t----------~------------------------b7C b7D '. I I LI _ FD-340b (Rev. 8-7-97) .' ~ . ,. , Universal Case File Number /~f:,C-~~~731t1/--- \ Field Office Acquiring Evidence _ " Serial # of Originating Document _ .. Date S- Fr0ru-----------...."",='--__ ... To Be Returned 0 Yes ~NO Receipt Given 0 Yes . 0 Grand.J~ry Material - Diss minate Only Pursuant to Rule 6 (e), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure DYes tNo Title: Reference:. .,....- _ I (Communication Enclosing Material) I f .. :. ) FBUDOJ -- b6 b7C --- --- L..-- --r---r ----r­ .--------'l---~.~-- 7----~--~ - 0-- ~------- - -- ~~.~-d~-~~.. ~- -.- _. _. .~~t-.:. .~-~-~ --.. _. C>~_~/~_ . __ ._~~, .._--- - '. .'- - ._- ---- -_._-- -- \-- - _._--- - ----------- -- -­ (2)~-~~F-~~~._P _un ... m _.-_. .. ~·ir~---- .----- -... ----.---. - --- --- . - --.- - ----- ---_._---- - - -- --- --_.... -- - ----- -- ._--_.--­ -._0 ~~p~~-~.~fr---~. -_.- --,. -- ----- -_. - -------- -.- '.- --- .. -~--_._----- -------- -­ -- ._<0 4:- ~_~~~/t52~-~-&=r=.~-~.-.- . -~~~Jh~:e-;::;;t~ --. - _. --~-~~~ .- .-- - - .- -_., .. ------ _ .. --_.- .- . -- ­ -- .. ~~ ~~~ey' -r-~- .. -. -- -. .-(!5~~-~~iiPt·~:-~~ .~... ..~--.;;- .. __ __ _ ~~~.-0-~.----r-.-~-,dn- . 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AgQnt)_----­ b6 b7C To Be Returned 0 Yes.-r:rNo Receipt Given 0 Yes 4fNO Grand.Jury Material- Disseminate Only Pursuant to Rule 6 (e), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure o Yes ~o Title: Reference:, _ (Communicatlpn Enclosing Material) Description: ~ 8rigiiiall'lotea Fe iAtePv'io'.... of 77,~-;f/....-....; . ~ /Yfpv ~ I...._-·-.r----­ u I ~~Crn-.- b6 b7C FBIICOJ -- FD·340 (Rev. 3·ll.()1) " , ---=/_t_'_C_-_~_c:._-_7~J/:....7'w/:....-",,-,;;:....t)I:....-_'-I~ Universal Case File Number _ Field Office Acquiring Evidence _...,... -f-! _ Serial # ofOrlginatiDg i)oCUJDent _ Date Received . <"/11/J Y From ---l.,.---------.l====;-------­I I or) 1-----b6 -----...,..--­ r----=========:z:::::~State) b 7 C To Be Returned 0 Yes £t No ReceiptGiYeJ;l 0 Yes ~ No Grand Jury Material· Disseminate Oidy Pursuantto Rule 6 (e) Federal Rules ofCriminal Proce~ o Yes 'tV No Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI) o Yes ~ No Title: Reference: __....,... --.__ (Communication Enclosing Material) ~ b6 Description: Original notes Ie interview of b7C _.I -----:!,_~I-- _ '­ ----~-----~--~---~----~---~--~~--~~~-~ .s/~J /.1>'/ , / b6 b7C ~ ~) :kA:X ~,~ ~ c:J)J},. .0, v (J . ----- -- - -~--~----~~ ~-~~~~_~ =_~+ ••• w •• = •• =~~~- b6 -----L..---.---------------,......7C td Cc. 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Case File Number _.L.I-=t.=':...::<:~-...:.~~k.....-.;;.......r.7~3~/~L/-:J_-..:.../_I1~"'_S _ Field Office Acquiring Evidence _ , Serial # of Orlginating Document _ ... ( Date Received sj 13/D)/ From _ b6 b7C Sy To Be Returned 0 Yes ~NO Receipt Given 0 Yes No Grand JuryMaterial- Disseniinate 0 y Pursuant to Rule 6(e) Federal Rules ofCrimiDal Procedure o Yes ~NO Federal Taxpayer Information (FrI) I' ) o Yes {NO Title: t::'" Reference: _ (Communica:tion Enclosing Material) e :J~:L" _....u1J( Orioina] notes r ;"fen,;_" o£ t I I I ~ I ------------------ I

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