Index Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome enzyme activities and, 336-339 (AIDS), 1-23 fatty acid synthesis and, 334-336 aspergillosis in, 16-18 ergosterol synthesis inhibition by, candidiasis in, 6-11 316-320 coccidioidomycosis in, 15--16 membrane and cell functions and 14 cryptococcosis in, 11-15 alpha-methylsterol effects, 326- histoplasmosis in, 15--16 329 host resistance in, 6 membrane lipid interactions of, 339- immunofluorescent staining for tissue 341 section in, 4-5 selective toxicity of, 325--326 Malassezia furfur in, 21 Antigen nocardiosis in, 18-20 of Aspergillus fumigatus, 198-199 pathologic diagnosis in, 3-4 advancing line immunoelectrophoresis Actinomyces, monoclonal antibodies in, for, 176 196 of Blastomyces dermatitidis, 199 Adriamycin, 133 of Candida albicans, 199-200 Adrucil, 133 of Coccidioides immitis, 200 Aerosporin, 114 of Cryptococcus neoformans, 200--201 Alkeran, 133 crossed immunoelectrophoresis for, Amantadine HCI, 140 174-175 Amikacin sulfate, 107 crossed-tandon immunoelectrophoresis Amikin,107 for, 176-178 Aminoglycoside, 106f, 107 of dermatophyte, 201 Aminosalicylic acid, 123-124 of Histoplasma capsulatum, 201-202 Amphotericin B, 127 methods for determining chemical na- Ancobon, 127-128 ture of, 180 Antifungal agents, systemic, 126f, 127- monitoring isolation of, 176-181 129 rocket immunoelectrophoresis for, 176 Antifungal azole derivatives, 313-351 of Sporothrix schenckii, 202 cytochrome P-450 interation with, of zygomycetes, 202 320--323 Antineoplastic agents, 131-135, 132f,134t ergosterol depletion effects on, 329- Antiparkinsonian drugs, 137-141, 138f 339 Antithyroid drugs, 143-145, 144f chitin synthesis and, 329-334 Antitussive drugs, 147-148 353 354 Index Aspergillosis, in acquired immunodefi­ molecular basis of dimorphism in, ciency syndrome, 16-18 266-268 Aspergillus fumigatus monoclonal antibodies in, 194 antifungal agents against, 318 mycelial growth by, 259-262 antigen of, 198-199 phenotypic capabilities of, 259-262 biotyping of, 166 phosphatase secretion by, 99-100 Azathioprine, 133 phospholipase secretion by, 100-101 Azole derivatives, 313-351 proteinase secretion by, 98-99 radioimmunoassay for, 100-101 Bacitracin, 114 toxins produced by, 94-98 Benzonatate, 148 various types of, 58 BiCNU, 133 virulence properties of, 91-101 Biotyping, 155--171 zinc effects on, 268-279 of Aspergillus fumigatus, 166 blastoconidia or mycelium formation of Candida albicans, 165 and, 271-272 of Crytococcus neoformans, 165 budding stage and, 268-271 chemical analysis in, 162 dimorphism of stationary phase cells chemical assimilation or resistance in, and, 275--276 162 macromolecular synthesis and, 272- choice of tests for, 156-157 274 of dermatophytes, 166 mycelium formation and, 276-277 enzyme activity and profiles in, 161-- protein synthesis and, 274-275 162 RNA synthesis and, 272-274 epidemiologic information from, 164- Candida albicans 166 antigen of, 199-200 fungal virulence and, 157-158 biotyping of, 165 of Histoplasma capsulatum, 166 hydrolytic enzymes of, 98-101 morphologic typing in, 160-161 natural killer cell and, 148-149 phage typing in, 158 phenotypic transitions in, pH in regu- serotyping in, 160 lation of, 262-265 sexual behavior typing in, 161 zinc effects on, 280-281 taxonomy in, 155--156 Candida albicans cell wall, 35--38 technical aspects of, 163-164 chitin in, 37 Blastomyces dermatitidis fractionation of, 35--36 antigen of, 199 glucan in, 36 monoclonal antibodies in, 193 mannan in, 36-37 Blenoxane, 133 protein in, 37 Bleomycin sulfate, 133 Candida endocarditis, 84-88 Bromocriptine mesylate, 141 clinical symptoms of, 85 Busulfan, 133 human vs animal, 88 in mice, 88 Candida species in rabbit 85--88 adherence of, 91-94 species of, 85 bud formation by, 259 Candida endophthalmitis, 89-90 endotoxin of, 96 Candida parapsilosis, in acquired immu­ hydrolytic enzymes of, 98-101 nodeficiency syndrome, 10 MI0 variant of, 277-279 Candida tropicalis, cell wall of, 38 clinical ramifications of, 279 Candidiasis phenotype and genotype of, 277- in acquired immunodeficiency syn­ 278 drome (AIDS), 6-11 Index 355 animal models of, 57-116 Coccidioidomycosis, in acquired immu­ in central nervous system, 90--91 nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), chronic mucocutaneous, 76--78 15--16 cutaneous, 59-62 Codeine sulfate, 148 clinical signs of, 59 Colistimethate sodium, 114 in guinea pig, 61-62 Colistin sulfate, 114 in humans, 59-60 Coly-Mycin M, 114 in rodent, 60--61 Coly-Mycin S, 114 esophageal, 66--67 Cosmegen, 133 gastrointestinal, 67-76 Cryptococci growth inhibition assay, in dogs, 69-70 141-144 incidence of, 67 morphology of effector cells in, 141- in infant mouse, 70--76 144 in rodents, 67-69 phenotype of effector cells in, 141 genital, 62-63 rat natural killer cells in, 144 intravenous inoculation of, 81-84 Cryptococcosis, in acquired immunodefi­ in mice, 82-84 ciency syndrome, 11-15 in rabbits, 82 Cryptococcus neoformans, 38-44 oropharyngeal, 63-66 antigen of, 200--201 clinical signs of, 63 biotyping of, 165 in infants and children, 63-64 capsular material of, 39-43 in rats and monkeys, 64-66 galactoxylomannan in, 43 peritoneal, 78-81 glycoproteins in, 40--42 in guinea pig, 80--81 polysaccharides in, 40 in mice, 81 purification of, 39-40 in rabbit, 78-80 cell wall of, 38-39 significant of, as human pathogen, 57- galactoxylomannan in, 186--192 58 13-C-NMR of, 189-192 Capastat sulfate, 124-125 amino acid content of, 189 Capreomycin sulfate, 124-125 chromatographic behavior of, 187- Carmustine, 133 188 CeeNu, 133 glucuronoxylomannan in, 181- Central nervous system, candidiasis of, 186 90--91 in vivo studies of NK activity in, 144- Cerebral candidiasis, 90--91 148 Cerubidine, 133 monoclonal antibodies in, 194 Chitin natural killer cell and, 136--140; see effect of azoles, 329-334 also Cryptococci growth inhibi­ in Candida albicans cell wall, 37 tion assay in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall,33 Cutaneous candidiasis, 59-62 Cholesterol, effect of azoles, 313-355 Cyclophosphamide, 133 Chlorambucil, 133 Cycloserine, 124 Chloramphenicol, 108f, 109 Cytarabine, 133 Chloromycetin, 109 Cytochrome oxidase, effect of azoles, Cleocin, 113 336--339 Clindamycin, 112f, 113 Cytochrome P-450, antifungal azole de­ Coccidioides immitis rivative interaction with, in acquired immunodeficiency syn­ 320--323 drome (AIDS), 15--16 Cytosar-U, 133 antigen of, 200 Cytoxan, 133 356 Index Dactinomycin, 133 Fluorouracil, 133 Daunorubicin HCI, 133 FUDR, 133 Dermatophyte, 208-234; see also indi- Fulvicin-V/F, 128 vidual types Fungizone, 127 anthropophilic, 211-221 Furacin, 111 antigen of, 201 Furadantin, 111 biology of, 208-211 Furazolidone, 111 biotyping of, 166 Furoxone, 111 geophilic, 225 zoophilic, 221-225 Galactoxylomannan, in Cryptococcus Dermatophyte antigen, 117-121 neofonnans, 186-192 biologic tests and, 119-120 Garamycin, 107 chemical content of, 120-121 Gastrointestinal candidiasis, 67-76 cross-reactivity of, 120 Genital candidiasis, 62-63 culture conditions for, 119 Gentamicin sulfate, 107 preparation of, 117-118 Glucan purification of, 119 in Candida albicans cell wall, 36 storage of, 121 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall, Dermatophytosis 28-29 cell-mediated immunity in, 121-131 Glucuronoxylomannan, in Cryptococcus chronic infection and, 123 neoformans, 181-186 localization of infection and, 123 Grifulvin-V, 128 sensitizing capacity and, 122-123 Griseofulvin, 128 skin test for, 122-124 dermatophytid eruption in, 124-126 Heterocyclic antifungals, 313-355 lymphocyte stimulation test in, 126- Hiprex, 116 127 Histoplasma capsulatum T-cell subsets in, 127-128 in acquired immunodeficiency syn- Dextromethorphan hydrobromide, drome (AIDS), 15--16 148 antigen of, 201-202 Dicodid, 148 biotyping of, 166 Dopar, 139 monoclonal antibodies in, 195-196 Doxorubicin HCI, 133 natural killer cell and, 148 Hydrea, 133 Emcyt, 133 Hydrocodone bitartrate, 148 Endocarditis, Candida, 84-88 Hydroxyurea, 133 Endophthalmitis, Candida, 89--90 Epidermophyton jloccosum, in tinea Imidazoles, 313-351 pedis, 227-228 Immunoelectrophoresis Ergosterol, effect of azoles, 313-355 advancing line, for antigen, 176 Esophageal candidiasis, 66-67 crossed, 174-175 Estramustine phosphate sodium, 133 crossed-tandem, 176-178 Ethambutol HCl, 120f, 121 rocket, 176 Ethionamide, 125 Immunofluorescent staining, for fungi identification, 4-5 Fatty acid synthesis, effect of azoles, Imuran, 133 334-336 INH, 119 Filobasidiella neoformans, 38 lodotope 1-131, 145 Floxuridine, 133 Isoniazid, 117-119, 118f Flucytosine, 127-128 Itraconazole, 313-351 Index 357 Kanamycin sulfate, 107 Yliconazole, 129, 313-355 Kantrex, 107 Microsporum audouinii, in tinea capitis, Ketaconazole, 128-129, 313-355 217-218 Killer yeasts, 286-311 Microsporum canis, 224-225 distribution of, 287 Microsporum ferrugineum, in tinea capi- Kluyveromyces lactis, 303-304 tis, 218 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 288--301 Microsporum gypseum, 225 Ustilago maydis, 301-303 Microsporum persicolor, 224 Kluyveromyces lactis, cell wall of, 43 Ylithracin, 133 Kluyveromyces lactis killer plasmids, Ylitomycin, 133 303-304 Ylonistat IV, 129 Ylonoclonal antibody in actinomycetes, 196 Langerhans cells, in dermatophytosis, 128-130 in Blastomyces dermatitidis, 193 Lanosterol, effect of azoles, 313-355 in Cryptococcus neoformans, 194 Larodopa, 139 in Candida species, 194 Leukeran, 133 in Histoplasma capsulatum, 195-196 Levodopa, 139-140 in Nocardia asteroides, 196 Levopropoxyphene, 148 Ylucocutaneous candidiasis, chronic, 76- Lincocin, 113 78 Lincomycin, 112f, 113 Ylustargen, 133 Ylutamycin, 133 Lipid, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall, 33
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