toS^vv TO BUY TOP MMNTFO 10ST&FOUND SERVICES • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, IN MEMORIAM FOR SALE HELP WANTED In loving memory of Doris Marie Ostman, Mrs. Anna Ostman and NEWTON APPLIANCE SERVICE WANTED—Housekeeper. Live in. FOR SALE: HOUSE—Three bed- FOR SALE— BRAKE SPECIAL; Chloe and Emory Anderson, who Formerly Austin Appliances. Light housekeeping. Full charge. Check brake system, Adjust rooms, IVt baths, living room, passed away fourteen years ago Same quality, same lines and One in family. Call 887-9666. dining area, kitchen, playroom, brakes. Only $1.19 (most cars). this week, 1951. same E-Z terms. Phone OR 8- 2-24ctfn STOUT'S TIRE & SERVICE. utility room, family room with 7269. tfn Sparta. 2-17tfnc fireplace. Has small orchard The years may wipe out many BOOKKEEPER—Male or female. and berry patch. One acre of REFRIGERATION & AIR CON-c Fulltime. Experience preferred, things. SHRIMP OR CHICKEN—Eat here land. Landscaped. Phone TU 7- But this they wipe out never; DITIONING— Engineering and but will train. Write stating age, 9607. 2-24c or take out. For fresh take-out service. All makes, all classes qualifications, etc. P.O. Box 128B The memory of those happy days. service Phone 887-9973. Mac's of installations. Workmanship Sparta, Michigan. 2-24c FOR SALE—Nice well-kept three When we were all together. Lunch and Recreation. tfnc guaranteed. FAIR-WAY SER- bedroom house in Sparta. Big VICE CO., 92 N. State St. Phone FARMER WANTED to sell Hy- lot, breezeway to garage, full —Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostman WINTER TUNE-UP SPECIAL — 887-9858 or 887-9887. 8-12tfnc brid Seed Corn for an established basement, gas heat. For appoint- and family. Only $6.66 (most U.S. cars), parts company. Good commissions. ment phone TU 7-9451. 3-10c 2-24c extra. Budget terms. STOUT'S Will get own corn at wholesale -o- —TREE WOHti.— TIRE & SERVICE. Sparta, tfnc EV MEMORIAM Removal — Trimming price. Give detailed description LARGE IMPROVED LOTS — 90" of farm. For further informa- x 152 ft. or larger, paving in- The flowers in the Memorial HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES — Very Reasonable Rates tion write to Larry Vincent, 3019 cluded on Anderson St. John E. Window are in loving memory of Any and all, large or small. Ser- Good References Woodruff, Lansing, Michigan. Snowden, exclusive agent. Ph. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Johnson. Mr. viced to your complete satisfac- JERRY'S TREE COMPANY 2-24 887-9917. tfnc Charles F. Wylie, and Mrs. Mar- tion. NEWTON APPLIANCE Phone S61-9512 - Comstock Park garet F. Wiltenburg. S-EIRVICE, Kent City. Phone: FREE ESTIMATES SALES AND SERVICE— Married — Hessel Funeral Home OR S-7269. tfn We Give Credit — Fully Insured man, 21 to 45, to service estab- o lished route in local area. 60 SO THEY FOR SALE—Used windows, vari- FRONT END ALIGNMENT—Only IN MEMORIAM stops daily. $2.45 per hour plus MANCIU- In loving memory of ous types and sizes. Ceramic $8.50 (most U.S. cars). Budget expenses guaranteed to start. our dear daughter Joyce (Black- kiln, good condition. Phone TU terms available. STOUT'S Tire TELL ME.. Call Fuller Brush Co., GL 9-8462 all) Manciu, who passed away 7-7711 after 4:00 p.m. 2-24p and Service, 11 South State St., Fr. Julius J. Amman of the Holy 3-3-c February 26, 1962, three years ago Sparta. Phone TU 8-8121. Family Church has been a patient at STRAWBERRY PLANTS— Certi- 2-24c St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Rap- today. fied virus-free and state inspect- ids. He expected to be able to re- FOR RENT As we loved her so we miss her, ed. All varieties available for SANITATION SERVICE — Septic turn to the rectory here onWednes- Tanks, dry wells cleaned and re- In our memories she is near. spring delivery. Also complete uay. paired. Collect calls accepted. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment Mr. and Mrs. Robert A pel and Loved, remembered, longed for line of fruit trees and ornaments. Phone 899-2324 or 899-2225. Van Two bedrooms. Gas heat. OuV children of Pleasant-st. have pur- always. ' Contact: Jerry Momber, Rt. 1, Dyke & Myers Sanitation Ser- side entrance. References re- chased the former John Miller pro- Bringing many a silent tear. Conklin, Phone 453-2512. 3-31c vice, Conklin, Mich. 6-27ct£n quired. OR 8-7175. 3-3c perty on River Street and are mov- ing diere this week. Bob is a pa- Sadly missed by ORNAMENTAL IRON — Railings, LEARN FROM A PROFESSION- trolman with the Sparta Police De- Dad and Mom columns: room dividers. Call: CARD OF THANKS partment. 2-24p AL—Jack DuRand, Teacher of: I want to thank you dear folks TU 7-5541. Freeman's Welding, Clarinet, Saxophone, Flute. Or- Mr. and Mrs. Don Jacobs will Sparta. 3-18ctfn in Kent City and Sparta for yo^ visit friends during a three-week March 23, 1901 — Opera gan, Piano. Music Degree. Thir- many expressions of love sent to star Madame Nellie Melba. ty years professional experience. trip to California. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS — All me. I do not feel worthy of them revealed her methods for Telephone 887-9772 or 454-3705. but do appreciate and receive a March 9 1822—The first makes for homes, farms, autos, 2-24 p t preparing a diet toast. The tractors, boats, and trailers. great blessing from them. patent for false teeth was idea caught on and the com- Heugel Sales and Service. 130 —Esther Blohm granted to Charles Graham ADJUST BRAKES— Only $1.19. 2-24-p mercial use of Melba Toast Cherry St., Sparta. Ph. TU 7- STOUT'S Tire & Service, 11 S. of New York Citv. soon followed. 7001. tfn State St., Sparta, Phone TU 8- 8121. 2-24c CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE- FRONT END ALIGN- We wish to express our sincere MENT —Only $8.50 (most U.S. and heartfelt thanks to our rela- We Quote the cars). Budget terms available. WANTED tives, neighbors and friends for STOUT'S TIRE & SERVICE, the expressions of sympathy and Sparta. 2-17tfnc WANTED—Ice Fishermen to reg- the beautiful floral tributes ten- ister for our FREE BLUE GILL dered us at the loss of our dear Following Prices Paid FOR SALE—New and used pumps. CONTEST. Nothing to buy; no wife, mother and grandmother. Deep or shallow well work. obligation. STOUT'S TIRE rt- Especially Rev. Louis Cobb for his Robert R. Wagner, Phone 675- SERVICE, 11 S. State St., Spar- words of comfort, the organist for at Our Sale Monday, 2842, Casnovia. 3-19tfnc ta. Sparta. tfn the consoling music, Mr. Elve for his songs, the Hessel Funeral Home FOR SALE—John Deere tractor for their deeds of kindness, the February 22, 1965 trailer manure spreader, one 6.70 BUY OR SELL bearers, and the ladies who served x 15 tire and wheel. Propane lunch. VEAL sold up to $33.50 per cwt. gas chick brooder. 500 chick size; —Milford Beduhn BUY OR SELL—Wheat, oats and chicken feeders, all sizes; also and family. BEEF STEERS & HEIFERS sold up to $31.50 per cwt. corn. Casnovia Milling Com- nests and automatic water's 2-24c BEEF BUULS sold up to $16.50 per cwt. pany. Phone OS 5-4481. tfn Phone 888-0128. 2-24c BEEF OOWS sold up to $15.60 per cwt. CARD OF THANKS FEEDER CATTLE sold $14.25 to $19.50 per cwt. FOR SALE—One used forced air I would like to thank my many HOGS sold up to $17.90 per cwt. oil furnace. Suitable for garage « PIPE THAWING • friends and neighbors for their SOWS sold up to $15.60 per cwt. or workshop, $45. One used gas pipe THAWING— Phone TU 7- get well messages and cards; also BOARS sold up to $15.00 per cwt. space heater with auto fan, $50. 5541 or TU 7-9307. Freeman's the members of Lamoreaux Bros. Phone TU 7-9763. 2-24c Welding. tfnc Post and Auxiliary 7579 V.F.W., FEEDER PIGS - sold $9.00 to $12.50 each for the beautiful plants sent me HENS sold up to $1.00 each FOR SALE— Horsetrailers. Phone during my recent stay in the hos- RABBITS sold up to $1.40 each Galesburg MO 5-4211 evenings WINTER IS HERE! Call us pital. HAY - .. sold 33c to 63c bale or weekends. 3-17c Wick if your water pipes freeze. —Bernice Krieg STRAW sold 22c to 35c bale TU 7-6781. 2-27c 2-24p 659 Head of Livestock -:- 26 Consignments of Poultry & Rabbits 6220 Bales of Hay and Straw The Sale has the largest number of buye™ paying the M FRUIT FARMERS highest nmrket prices for your livestock. Valuable Free Gift given away at 9:00 P.M. every Monday night. We carry a full line of fruit You must be present to win. March 4, 1917—At the fertilizers and fruit sprays. convening of Congress, Jean- RAVENNA LIVESTOCK SALES nette Rankin, representative from Montana, became the AUCTION HELD EVERY MONDAY AT 5:00 P.M.. RAVENNA, MICH. Amonium Nitrate, Chilian Nitrate, first woman to sit in either JF. PAUL. HERMAN, Mgr. Phone UL 3-2952 house. 20-0-20, etc. SKIBBE ORCHARD SPREADERS t FOR SALE OR RENT Orchard Spreading YOUR i Klein Fertilizers of Marne, Inc. SPARTA, MICH Barth Murrav 1174 COMSTOCK ST. MARNE, MICHIGAN Phone Sparta TU 7-0911 HOURS: Open 9 to 5 Monday thru Wed Phone 677-1213 nesday; 9 to 8 on Frida noon on Thnrtday und Saturday Kent City News MOecUurfnf onto you the testimony of Qod"—I Cor.
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