PROS. Will BE AT CAPES HAVE ALMOST Lands Latest Sporting News DISPLACED COATS IN ALL THE TIME PARISIENNES" FAVOR. NEVER OFFERED BEFORE FORT WILLIAM, May 7.—Writing from St. Paul, Minn., President Con­ BOUT 3,000 acres of rad of the Fort William pro. ball team, HEINIE WAGNER, VET RECRUIT TRIED TO BEAT BOB says that he v;iil be in Fort William A fertile farm lands situat­ May 9 at the latest. From then on he SHORTSTOP, MAY NEVER ed just south of Biwabik have just will make thh city his home. Mr. been placed on the market. OUT OF HIS JOB AT FIRST Conrad says that he intends going to PLAY BASEBALL AGAIN. Winnipeg for the opening serie; and A number of tracts, never offer­ ®>- It is to be doubted if there are any will take charge of the finances, leav • ed before are for sale at reason­ FARGO-MOORHEAD ing Business Manager Charles Kelly men playing baseball today who have Briere, ss able prices and terms. had a more varied experience, or who at St. Paul. He claims that the first RALPH DE PALMA WILL Schuler, 2b trip is the most expensive one of the No charge for showing lands. have a greater lore of baseball ance- Doyle, If dotes at the tip of their tongue, than TRY AGAIN IN 500 season for the locals &nd for that rea­ Buy from responsible land owners Unglaub, lb ' son only twelve, players will be taken has Col. Unglaub, the genial, crafty MILE AUTO CONTEST. Anderson, 3b who are interested in sesing you leader of the Graingrowers. to Winnipeg. The balance will be sent, Weidell, cf to Winona, where they will wait the make good. Perhaps it is because of the latter DeRose, rf arrival of the team there on May 9. fact that he is so popular with the The Virginia office of the Land Murphy, c "I have secured a new second base­ members of his team. These young Department of the Duluth & Iron Schmiler, Turner or McLaugh­ man, who should make us a good play­ fellows just breaking into the game, lin, p _ er," state§ Mr. Conrad. "I can assure Range Railroad Co. are located at and almost ripe for the big show, are SUPERIOR. you that when the season opens, our ,401 Chestnut street, over the hungry for stories of the majors and Persch, cf team should be in fine condition, and are always eager to hear of the colo­ Shanedling Clothing Store. McGee, 3b. will be right up at the top fighting all nel's experiences in his long service Glass, rf the time. We will be able to show the in the big leagues. Champene, lb Fort William fans some real baseball And Bob is always ready to accom­ Landry, If and make good every promise we have L. B. ARNOLD modate them when the day's work is" Dunn, 2b made by giving Fort William a first Land Commissioner done. He is a veritable vat of base­ CulHs, 88 division team and probably a pennant 110 Wolvin Bldg. • DULUTH ball anecdotes and all that is neces­ Beurund or Moore, c too." sary is to turn the tap, and out comes Rhodes, p In reference to the repairs to the a fresh and decidedly interesting tale MOOREHEAD, May 7.—While the diamond Mr. Conrad states that this of diamond romance, adventure, trag­ skies dripped yesterday and the Red work can be accomplished in a week. H. D. COLE edy or mayhaps comedy. And the river valley gumbo in the two local It will be necessary to raise the pitch­ Manager Virginia Office colonel is constantly adding to his baseball parks added to itself new ers' box eleven inches above the Box 414 Phor.e store. stickiness, local fans went about with home plate. Mr. Conrad will super­ long faces. One of his latest yarns concerns a vise the work upon his arrival. Heinie Wagner, famous shortstop of happening during the present spring Colonel Unglaub was feeling a lot the Boston Americans and conceded tc training season. There was a young better after Tuesday afternoon's have been one of the greatest fielders Fort William baseball grounds at the game has ever seen, may nevei fellow named Pugh, who was recom­ practice. His pitching staff showed :he Arena park, the future home of play again. The Dutchman's righl mended to the Fargo-Moorhead man­ more life than it has done at any time professional baseball team, is in the during the training season. In fact forearm has been crippled by rheuma MARTIN HAGAN agement by one of the officials of the naking. The grandstand which will be tism, and a youngster named Scott is they all were on their toes and show­ Painting Contractor league. It appears that this official •econd to none on the Northern league pastlming in the veteran's place. had a close personal friend in Des ed not only, smoke and curves, but nrcuifc, is moving along exceptionally plenty of ginger. Moine an dthe young ball player in veil considering the many inclement Favorites ot the Uods. Paris has gone mad over the cape. question was a friend of the Northern The whole team seemed to get into lays and by tonight the first half will Abyssinia is one of the countries to It is there seen in many fabrics suit­ which foreigners aiul their own people able for mild weather wear. It may league official's friend. Ralph de Palma will take another the spirit of the thing and they "talk­ be completed. Construction of the shot at the next Indianapolis 500 mile ed it up" and put as much zest and have given different names. "Abys­ be of the material of the gown, as in So on the recommendation of the ;tand should be finished Saturday. sinia" is derived from an Arabic word the case of the costume illustrated race. De Palma lost the second of this life into the practice as if they were league official, Bob consented to give series of contests in what will always \fter this work is completed the gang meaning mixture or confusion, in allu­ here, which is carried out in dark blue the youngster a tryout. be remembered as a tragic mishap already contending for the pennant. if carpenters will be turned loose on sion to the mixed character of the in serge. While the back of the cape is When the colonel arrived at Minne­ But a few miles from the finish, seem The fans were delighted with the ixing up the fence, which is in a di- habitants. They prefer to call them­ in loosely flowing lines, the front is fit ted to the figure. A turned over collar apolis, where there were forty-one ingly an easy winner with a big lead, showing the boys made in the game 'apidated condition at present. selves Ethiopians, and it certainly is a against Fargo college. Although the fine old name,which makes even Mene- of white accompanies the wrap. candidates for the team that has now his engine broke down, and victor; It is the aim of the directors of the faded from his grasp. field was sticky and heavy, every play ?ort William baseball and amusement lik's alleged descent from Solomon and been nicknamed the Graingrowers, he the Queen of Sheba seem a modern went off with a snap. :ompany to provide their players with JUST OO. found a most, unusual situation. Al­ detail, for the Ethiopians, according "Why do you write so many letters most every candidate, except the Colonel Unglaub loaned the college i diamond that will be as good if not to the Greeks, were the first inhabit­ to the newspapers, old man? Do you boys a couple of pitchers. Klontz letter than any other on the circuit. pitchers and catchers, appeared with WOODLANDS WILL ants of the earth, or. at any rate, the suppose anybody wants to see your Let Us Estimate two gloves. One was the usual big pitched six innings and he fanned In order to accomplish this feat it has first who worshiped the gods. Accord­ views in print'.'" first baseman's mit and the other was seven of the Graingrowers. The big >een found necessary to drain the ing to Homer, they were the favorites "Well, it's better than talking to Papc r Hanging the usual fielder's glove. Asked what heaver put the staff on the ball and mtire field. The city corporation is of the gods and the justest of all men. yourself."—.!ndge. MEET HIBBING -Loudon Chronicle. Decorating and positions they played the ambitiouf showed that he has the goods. ligging a sewer from the grounds to candidates almost invariably parried "I can't let a man go who fans seven he John street sewer. A three inch AFFLICTIONS. Kalsomining veeping tile sewer is being put under Food For Gossip. with the counter question: Where are DULUTH, May 7.—On next Sun- men in five innings," was the way "You missed the most eujoyable af­ Stars shine brightest in the dark­ you going to play ? If Colonel Ung lay, May 10, Athletic park will be the Bob Unglaub expressed his opinion of he entire diamond and outfield and Satisfactory Work at Reason* fair of the season—Mrs. Wombat's auc­ est night; grapes come not to the laub said first, then the candidate cene of the first baseball game of the the work Klontz was doing. his will connect with the city outlet. proof till they come to the press; able Prices tion." seemed to lose all interest in the big eason when the crack Hibbing team For the last, three innings Watkins These sewers and drains will assist spices smell best when bruised; ^ill open an engagement with the Du-- Materially in keeping the ground dry.
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